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I. Give five ways how European Enlightenment impacted the Filipino life.

5 x 2
1. Society became anti divine right, favored the separation of church and state, and the
proliferation of social classes.
2. The rights for women.
3. Growth of Literacy and Reading. The age for the printing press.
4. Promotes progress, secularization and individualism.
5. Growth of commercial agriculture resulted in the appearance of a new class.
II. From Earliest to Recent: Indicate both the year/s it happened and the specific
historical event. 
Example: Date: 1756; Event: Start of the Seven Years War of Britain, France and Spain
A. The World (excluding the Philippines) Before Rizal (from the start of colonization
in 1565 up to 1860) 10 events ( 10 pts) 
1. Date: 1588; Event: Britain defeats the ships of the Spanish Armada and becomes
ruler of the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Date: 1633; Event: The reigning Moghul emperor in India begins to build the Taj
Mahal, an architectural wonder of the world.
3. Date: 1643–1715; Event: Louis XIV, the Sun King, rules as the last absolute monarch
in France. He builds the elaborate Palais de Versailles in ornate baroque style. The
agricultural peasant class in France suffers great poverty.
4. Date: 1689; Event: After the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688, English Parliament
passes the Declaration of Rights, making Parliament stronger and protecting the rights
of the people.
5. Date: 1717; Event: Moghul Empire in India allows the British East India Company to
trade in India without paying duties. Company increases its power and control until it
virtually rules India by 1757.
6. Date: 1776; Event: The United States colonies compose the Declaration of
Independence from Britain; the American Revolution, war between U.S. and England,
lasts until 1783.
7. Date: 1789; Event: French Revolution begins (“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”), bringing
absolute monarchy, feudalism, and the power of the aristocracy to an end in France.
Ruling monarchs and many aristocrats are guillotined.
8. Date: 1800s; Event: Russian empire under the czars extends from the Baltic Sea to
Alaska and south into central Asia. Russia remains a mostly agricultural and feudal
empire; it develops decorative arts and craftsmanship.
9. Date: 1807; Event: Britain abolishes the slave trade. U.S. follows in 1808, but slavery
is not made illegal in all states of the U.S. until 1865.
10. Date: 1858; Event: British Crown takes control of India from the British East India
Company and makes India a British colony in 1862.
B. The Philippines (only) Before Rizal (from the start of colonization in 1565 up to
1860) 10 events (10 pts)
1. Date: 1565; Event: Arrival of the Augustinians
2. Date: 1569; Event: King Philip II of Spain, through a royal decree, creates Cebu as
the country's first Spanish province; he also appoints Miguel Lopez de Legazpi as
governor and captain general of the territory.
3. Date: 1572: Legazpi dies and Guido de Lavezaris succeeds him as Governor-
General (1572–1575)
4. Date: 1593; Event: Dominicans pioneer printing in the Philippines by producing
through the old technique of xylography. This technique produced the Doctrina
Christiana en Lengua Española y Tagala and the Doctrina Christiana en Lengua y Letra
China, the first books in the Philippines
5. Date: 1611; Event: Act of Foundation for the establishment of the University of Santo
Tomas, then known as the Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario (later
renamed the Colegio de Santo Tomas), signed. The Document of Foundation was
signed by Fr. Baltasar Fort, O.P., Provincial of the Dominican Province of the Holy
Rosary, Fr. Francisco Minayo, O.P., Prior of the Santo Domingo Convent, and Fr.
Bernardo de Santa Catalina, O.P., Commissary-General of the Holy Office of the
Philippines. Notary Juan Illian witnessed the signing of the act of foundation.
6. Date: 1680; Event: University of Santo Tomas placed under Royal Patronage by King
Charles II of Spain.
7. Date: 1734; Event: The Faculties of Civil Law and Canon Law of the University of
Santo Tomas established by virtue of a royal cedula of Charles II of Spain.
8. Date: 1783; Event: Bishop Mateo Joaquin de Arevalo of Cebu establishes the
Colegio-Seminario de San Carlos (later renamed as the University of San Carlos) from
the old building of the defunct Colegio de San Ildefonso, which was closed down in
1769 after the suppression of the Jesuits.
9. Date: 1812; Event: The first Philippine delegates to the Spanish Cortes, Pedro Perez
de Tagle and Jose Manuel Coretto take their oath of office in Madrid, Spain.
10. Date: 1841; Event: Samar province (later Western Samar) is declared independent,
separating from the provinces of Leyte and Cebu, through a decree issued by Queen
Isabela III of Spain.

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