Reflection Essay 2

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Alvarez 1

Leslie Alvarez
Dr. Charity Nelson
ENGL 1302 101
17 October 2022
Reflection Essay 2

In 1302, I learned to read and differentiate the different points of view in various articles, and

how they share an already established opinion. Maybe you would be thinking, “Learn to read? In

college?” Indeed. It was necessary for me to read at least 10 articles to create my essay, but the

articles were not actually only 10, I needed to read much more. So, it was necessary for me to

know what information would be needed, to create a critical thinking, even if I will not be giving

my opinion in the essay. In addition, I learn to see how different authors use information from

other authors to support their points, but in a fluid way. I had to learn this for my essay,

connecting the authors in a way that made it seem like they were having a conversation. Finally,

I also learn how to cite correctly, using the “”, the name of authors, and pages numbers to evite

plagiarism. What I have learned will be useful for my future classes, such as my next writing

class, such as American Lit: Civil War Press, where I know that I will need to read, quote, and

create a rational thought. In addition to the fact that it will also be useful in History when making


I would be lying if I said that something I learned in this course would not help me in others. I

believe that English is still taught at the university or because he teaches us the correct way to

use language and writing in reports, essays, bibliographies. Which will be something that even if

we think we will not apply it in classes, we will apply it in our working life.

The creation of an annotated bibliography helped me in the way that in addition to correctly

citing an article, it showed me how I can synthesize the information to give a summary of an
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entire article, just by explaining the idea in general. I have been required to have an annotated

bibliography before during my history or UNIV classes, but I certainly didn't know how to

synthesize that information, now thanks to this course, I have learned how to make reading and

synthesizing easier.

One of my strengths, without a doubt, is that I am capable of synthesizing information easily.

Another strength is that I can break a theme in points and subpoints. However, I have noticed

that I still need to explain my ideas better, because for me make sense, but for other do not. In

addition to the fact that I don't start working until I feel the pressure that the date is approaching,

it caused me to have certain problems when reviewing my essays because I usually don't have all

the required information. I feel that this time I will receive the same comments as "The language

is somewhat appropriate", I think I lack for more professionalism.

Honestly, the most difficult for me was first to understand what I had to do; I didn’t understand

at first even with the help of the professor. A tutor explains me to I need to make my authors

talk, as if they were having a conversation where they can agree or create a debate. However, it

was still exhausting having to read all the articles, and reread them, in addition to taking care not

to commit plagiarism and to cite correctly. Finally, make the "conversations" of the authors look

coherent and fluid. I don't think I've ever spent so many hours in front of the computer just

writing and revising.

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