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By David Kosorok

t's normal to be nervous the first time It seems hard at first, but you soon gain
you sit in front of a computer. You commit confidence at the controls. Before you know it,
the same mistakes all beginners make, you're flying down the road (or through the
and you also worry about committing fatal document) at 60 miles per hour!
error. Your palms perspire when you reach for
the keyboard. You're convinced you'll never get To gain that kind of confidence, you first need
it right. to learn some basic "do's" and "don'ts". Here is
Learning to operate a personal computer or PC a list of the top 10 things every computer user
is little like driving a car. should know.

YOUR WORK FREQUENTLY. Make it a practice to
save your document whenever you have typed
enough information that you couldn't confidentially
duplicate. For example, the night before the term
ended, I was typing a paper "The Political Shakespeare", on my PC when my roommate bounced off
the keyboard and my paper vanished. I vowed to never again type more than a few lines without
saving. As my father-in-law says, "Never risk something you can't afford to lose.

BACK UP YOUR WORK. Never trust your hard disk to CD means change directory
My uncle was typing his always be there for you. and RD means remove
family history in carefully Make it a weekly important. directory. Using descriptive
annotated chapters. After ORGANIZE YOUR HARD names when creating
278 pages he was almost DISK. Computer files can directories (such as
finished. As he was saving become very cluttered. MEMOS and DOCS) can
the last chapter to his hard Organizing your files in prove to be very helpful in
drive, a message appeared directories can remind you organizing your hard disk.
on the screen: FATAL DISK where certain files are Devote some time to these
ERROR IN DRIVE C. He located. To do this, you humble commands and
paled and sank back on his need to be familiar with the sooner or later, you'll be
chair. Backing up your data following DOS commands. thankful that you did.
leaves nothing to change. MD means make directory,

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