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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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Sourdough production: fermentation strategies,

microbial ecology, and use of non-flour ingredients

Luc De Vuyst, Andrea Comasio & Simon Van Kerrebroeck

To cite this article: Luc De Vuyst, Andrea Comasio & Simon Van Kerrebroeck (2021): Sourdough
production: fermentation strategies, microbial ecology, and use of non-flour ingredients, Critical
Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2021.1976100

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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition


Sourdough production: fermentation strategies, microbial ecology, and use

of non-flour ingredients
Luc De Vuyst , Andrea Comasio and Simon Van Kerrebroeck
Research Group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO), Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences, Vrije
Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium

Sourdough production is an ancient method to ferment flour from cereals for the manufacturing KEYWORDS
of baked goods. This review deals with the state-of-the-art of current fermentation strategies for Acetic acid bacteria;
sourdough production and the microbial ecology of mature sourdoughs, with a particular focus bread;
on the use of non-flour ingredients. Flour fermentation processes for sourdough production are lactic acid bacteria;
typically carried out by heterogeneous communities of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. Acetic acid sourdough;
bacteria may also occur, although their presence and role in sourdough production can be criticized. yeasts
Based on the inoculum used, sourdough productions can be distinguished in fermentation processes
using backslopping procedures, originating from a spontaneously fermented flour-water mixture
(Type 1), starter culture-initiated fermentation processes (Type 2), and starter culture-initiated
fermentation processes that are followed by backslopping (Type 3). In traditional recipes for the
initiation and/or propagation of Type 1 sourdough productions, non-flour ingredients are often
added to the flour-water mixture. These ingredients may be the source of an additional microbial
inoculum and/or serve as (co-)substrates for fermentation. An example of the former is the addition
of yoghurt; an example of the latter is the use of fruit juices. The survival of microorganisms
transferred from the ingredients to the fermenting flour-water mixture depends on the
competitiveness toward particular strains of the microbial species present under the harsh conditions
of the sourdough ecosystem. Their survival and growth is also determined by the presence of the
appropriate substrates, whether or not carried over by the ingredients added.

Introduction Ages and later on baker’s yeast starting in the 19th century)
was used for leavening. For sourdough production, a mixture
Fermentation of food raw materials is an old biotechnological of cereal flour(s) (fractions) and water is prepared that is
process that is applied to prolong the shelf-life of agricultural either fermented spontaneously and further subjected to a
and animal husbandry products (Leroy and De Vuyst 2004; backslopping process in the case of traditional sourdoughs,
Bourdichon et al. 2012; Wolfe and Dutton 2015; Tamang, or fermented in a single step for a couple of hours to several
Watanabe, and Holzapfel 2016; Marco et al. 2017, 2021; Rezac days in the case of industrial sourdoughs (De Vuyst, Van
et al. 2018). Diverse nutrients of these raw materials are used Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). The sourdoughs obtained are
as substrates by bacteria and fungi and, hence, these micro- used as functional bread dough ingredients for the production
organisms convert these raw materials into fermented food of leavened breads or to substitute baker’s yeast to produce
products with desirable, organoleptic, and durable properties. traditional sourdough breads. Nowadays, the use of sour-
Agricultural raw materials that are frequently used for fer- doughs as source of flavor, nutritional, and health-promoting
mented food productions are cereals, in particular in the case compounds for breadmaking is increasingly popular (Poutanen,
of beer, yeast-leavened bread, and sourdough productions. Flander, and Katina 2009; Gobbetti et al. 2014, 2019; Poutanen,
The preparation of bread based on sourdough is a typical Sozer, and Della Valle 2014; Rizzello et al. 2019).
example of an old and traditional fermentation process This review deals with the state-of-the-art of current
(Cappelle et al. 2013; Gobbetti et al. 2019). In fact, it was fermentation strategies for sourdough production, seen from
the first way of producing bread through natural leavening, the point of view of both the bakery industry and the
dating back thousands of years, making use of endogenous non-bakery food fermentation industry in general, and the
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and/or yeasts unconsciously, as microbial ecology of mature sourdoughs, with a particular
these microorganisms are present on the raw materials, until focus on the use of non-flour ingredients.
commercial yeast (first brewer’s yeast starting in the Middle

CONTACT Luc De Vuyst

*These authors contributed equally to this study.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (,
which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.

Flours used for sourdough production and more α-amylase and less β-amylase, requesting appro-
priate acidifying processing through fermentation to avoid
Mainly flour made from kernels of cereals belonging to the too much starch hydrolysis (Deleu et al. 2020). Further,
Poaceae is used for sourdough production. In particular, fermentation of a rye flour-water mixture increases the sol-
flour from soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and/or hard ubility of the pentosans. Together with their sensitivity to
wheat (Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum Desf.) is oxidative gelatinization in an acidic environment, the arab-
used. A dry milling process on the wheat kernels yields the inoxylan properties (water-binding and gas-holding capacity)
flour, the baking quality of which is determined by the are responsible for the actual texture of rye doughs.
gluten network that is formed during dough preparation. Other cereal flours used for sourdough production are,
However, the baking quality of cereal flour is influenced by for instance, barley (Zannini et al. 2009; Mariotti et al. 2014;
several factors. Harth, Van Kerrebroeck, and De Vuyst 2016; Sadeghi et al.
Wheat flour is mainly composed of carbohydrates, in 2016; Bartkiene et al. 2017; Pejcz et al. 2017; Montemurro
particular starch (70–75 %, m/m), next to free saccharides et al. 2019; Palla et al. 2020), millet (Vogelmann et al. 2009;
(1–2 %), and crude fiber (2–3 %) (Koehler and Wieser Coda, Rizzello, and Gobbetti 2010; Akinola and Osundahunsi
2013). The starch absorbs water, is incorporated into the 2017; Adisa et al. 2019; Nami et al. 2019), oat (Hüttner, Dal
gas-holding gluten network of the dough, whose viscosity Bello, and Arendt 2010; Bartkiene et al. 2017; Lu et al. 2019;
it contributes to, and serves as primary energy source (after Hajinia, Sadeghi, and Mahoonak 2021), sorghum (Gassem
enzymatic hydrolysis) for fermentation by yeasts. The dietary 1999; Galle et al. 2010, 2011; Svensson et al. 2010;
fiber mainly consists of fructans (1–2 %) and arabinoxylan Sekwati-Monang, Valcheva, and Gänzle 2012), and einkorn
pentosans (1.5–2.5 %). Fructans contribute to the yeast activ- (Çakır, Muhammet, and Durak 2020). Although the flour
ity and are mainly of nutritional importance. Arabinoxylans is usually of cereal origin, also flours from pseudocereals
contribute to the dough texture by enhancing the viscoelas- (e.g., amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa), legumes (e.g.,
ticity of the dough through water absorption and better gas beans, chickpeas, lentils, and lupine), and alternative seeds
retention of the dough. The latter is of utmost importance, (e.g., acorn, chestnut, chia, flaxseed, hempseed, and sun-
as LAB metabolism (proteolytic and oxidoreductase activi- flower) are used (Vogelmann et al. 2009; Coda, Rizzello,
ties) may partially destroy the gluten network during fer- and Gobbetti 2010; Bartkiene et al. 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016;
mentation. Further, wheat flour contains proteins (8–15 %), Moroni et al. 2012; Aponte et al. 2013, 2014; Torino et al.
in particular gliadins and glutenins, that provide the dough 2013; Rizzello et al. 2014, 2015; Curiel et al. 2015; Fritsch
with the actual viscoelasticity and gas retention capacity et al. 2016; Coda et al. 2017b; Rinaldi et al. 2017; Sáez et
through water-binding and the formation of disulfide bridges al. 2017, 2018; Nionelli et al. 2018; Montemurro et al. 2019;
via thiol/disulfide exchange reactions in the glutenin mac- Venturi et al. 2019; Franco et al. 2020; Galli et al. 2020;
ropolymer of the gluten network during the mixing and Gunduz et al. 2020; Maidana et al. 2020; Nissen, Bordoni,
kneading steps of the dough preparation. LAB acidification and Gianotti 2020; Purabdolah et al. 2020). All these studies
of the dough enables an increased bread loaf volume and on alternative cereal flours refer mainly to laboratory-made
crumb softness, thanks to a higher solubility of the gluten sourdoughs that are initiated with the flour and sterile water
in an acidic environment, because of a positive net charge and that may or may not relate or lead to bakery practice.
of these proteins, as well as a delayed staling due to starch These flours have not only different compositions but also
retrogradation, because of the promotion of the swelling of often contain specific compounds, such as more β-glucans
the starch granules. Besides the storage proteins mentioned in barley and oat flours and higher concentrations of phe-
above, several enzymes are present in wheat flour, such as nolic compounds in sorghum and millet flours (Svensson
α-amylase and β-amylase, proteases and oxidizing enzymes et al. 2010; Sekwati-Monang, Valcheva, and Gänzle 2012;
(lipoxygenase, hydroperoxide lyase, and polyphenol oxidase), Koehler and Wieser 2013). Moreover, certain compounds,
which influence the baking quality of the flour too. In addi- such as phenolics, tannins, and certain enzymes in oat and
tion, lipids (1–2 %) are present in wheat flour. In particular, buckwheat flours may display antimicrobial activity (De
the starch non-associated glycolipids have a positive influ- Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). It is interesting
ence on the baking quality of the flour by enhancing the to note that artisan and industrial fermentation processes
knead ability and gas retention capacity of the dough, pro- of barley, maize, millet, oat, sorghum, and pulses flours are
longing the oven spring, increasing the bread volume and widely used for the production of cereal gruels, porridges,
crumb resilience, and retarding the starch retrogradation of and beverages; although the technological aim of these fer-
the bread crumb. Finally, wheat flour contains several other mentation processes is very different from sourdoughs (used
compounds, such as phenolics, minerals, and vitamins, that for baking), the microbial ecology is often very comparable
contribute to the organoleptic and/or nutritional quality to flour-water fermentations for sourdough productions
of bread. (Gänzle and Zheng 2019).
Compared to wheat flour, flour from rye (Secale cereale
L.) contains lower amounts of starch (on average 65 %),
more fiber, in particular more arabinoxylan pentosans (6–8
%), approximately the same amount of proteins (on average Flour fermentation for sourdough production
12 %) but less appropriate gluten proteins (secalins and Natural (spontaneous) flour fermentation is carried out by
secalinins) for the dough texture (no real gluten network), a specific microbial consortium that consists of mainly wild
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 3

LAB (in particular belonging to the family Lactobacillaceae) consistency} and limited mixing. Alternatively, the introduc-
and wild yeasts (De Vuyst et al. 2009, 2014, 2016; Gobbetti tion of oxygen during mixing may cause stress as well, as
et al. 2014, 2016, 2019; Minervini et al. 2014; Gänzle and the oxygen tolerance of LAB in sourdoughs is rather low
Ripari 2016; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; (Gänzle and Zheng 2019). The LAB counts [typically 108
Settanni 2017; Van Kerrebroeck, Maes, and De Vuyst 2017). colony-forming units (CFU) per gram or higher] are at least
Here, the term wild refers to strains coming from the direct a factor ten higher than the yeast counts (typically 10 7
environment. Typical microorganisms that occur mainly in CFU/g or lower). A pH value of 4.0 has been shown to be
natural (traditional) sourdoughs are Fructilactobacillus san- the borderline pH concerning prevalence of certain
franciscensis (previously known as Lactobacillus sanfrancis- sourdough-specific LAB species, such as Frul. sanfranciscen-
censis; Zheng et al. 2020) as LAB species and Kazachstania sis (Van Kerrebroeck, Maes, and De Vuyst 2017).
humilis (previously known as Candida humilis; Jacques et Backslopped spontaneous sourdough productions starting
al. 2016) as yeast species (De Vuyst and Neysens 2005; from scratch go through a three-step fermentation cascade
Corsetti and Settanni 2007; De Vuyst et al. 2009, 2014, 2016; with respect to the growth of the bacterial communities in
De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Van Kerrebroeck, the flour-water mixture, in particular LAB (Corsetti et al.
Maes, and De Vuyst 2017). The LAB are responsible for the 2007; Van der Meulen et al. 2007; De Vuyst et al. 2009,
acidification of the flour-water mixture by the production 2014; Ercolini et al. 2013; Minervini et al. 2014; De Vuyst,
of lactic acid and/or acetic acid as well as for flavor for- Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Oshiro, Zendo, and
mation (mainly the acidic flavor), whereas the yeasts are Nakayama 2021). The microbial load of the flour [< 4 to
responsible for extended flavor formation [in particular 7 log (CFU/g)] and its nutrient availability, as well as the
ascribed to higher alcohols (a key compound is physicochemical parameters of the flour-water mixture, such
3-methyl-1-butanol) and esters (a key compound is ethyl as temperature, DY, pH, total titratable acidity and oxygen
acetate)] and leavening by the production of carbon dioxide tension, and the fermentation time, determine the start and
(De Vuyst et al. 2009, 2014, 2016; Birch, Petersen, and course of the microbiology of a backslopping process for
Hansen 2014; Gänzle 2015; Pico, Bernal, and Gómez 2015; sourdough production (Corsetti 2013; De Vuyst, Van
De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Pétel, Onno, Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Minervini et al. 2018; Oshiro
and Prost 2017). Other microorganisms such as acetic acid et al. 2020). Hence, fermentation of the flour-water mixture
bacteria (AAB) can occur too; however, they do not belong starts with autochthonous, sourdough nonspecific bacteria,
to the core microbiota of sourdoughs (Minervini et al. such as proteobacteria, staphylococci and diverse LAB spe-
2012a; Zhang and He 2013; Lhomme et al. 2015; Li, Li, and cies, belonging to the enterococci, lactococci, and strepto-
Bian 2016; Liu et al. 2016; Ripari, Gänzle, et al. 2016; De cocci. This is followed by the growth of autochthonous LAB
Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Comasio et al. species, belonging to various species of the Lactobacillaceae
2019; Comasio et al. 2020a). Moreover, it can be questioned (encompassing Lactobacillus, various genera related to
if the presence of AAB is desirable during flour fermenta- Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, and Weissella; Zheng
tion. Their oxygen requirement cannot be fulfilled through et al. 2020). All these microorganisms cause a fast acidifi-
aeration, as this would enhance mold growth and flour cation of the flour-water mixture. This is finally followed
compound oxidation as well. Further, their oxidation of by the growth (or stabilization) of mainly sourdough-specific
ethanol and lactic acid would increase the flavor-impacting LAB species that prevail in the mature sourdoughs [such
concentrations of acetic acid and acetoin to a too great as Levilactobacillus brevis (previously known as Lactobacillus
extent and hence result in variations in volatile organic brevis), Limosilactobacillus fermentum (previously known as
compound compositions. Finally, they may have a retarded Lactobacillus fermentum), Companilactobacillus paralimenta-
impact on the dough rise. rius (previously known as Lactobacillus paralimentarius),
The ecosystem of a sourdough represents a stressful envi- Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (previously known as
ronment for residing microorganisms, and hence it allows Lactobacillus plantarum), Frul. sanfranciscensis, and
growth through adaptation of a specific microbiota express- Pediococcus pentosaceus] (Van der Meulen et al. 2007;
ing the necessary physiological and stress responses for Vrancken et al. 2010, 2011; Weckx et al. 2010a, 2010b;
metabolic activities and survival (De Vuyst et al. 2009, 2014, Weckx et al. 2011; Minervini et al. 2012a; Harth, Van
2016; Vogelmann and Hertel 2011; Minervini et al. 2014; Kerrebroeck, and De Vuyst 2016; Harth, Van Kerrebroeck,
Gobbetti et al. 2016; Van Kerrebroeck et al. 2016; De Vuyst, and Vuyst 2018; Oshiro et al. 2019). Although mainly
Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Van Kerrebroeck, Maes, Saccharomyces cerevisiae grows during backslopped sour-
and De Vuyst 2017; Oshiro, Zendo, and Nakayama 2021). dough productions (Gatto and Torriani 2004; Ercolini et al.
This is ascribed to the variable carbohydrate and other 2013; Zhang et al. 2015; Harth, Van Kerrebroeck, and De
nutrient concentrations that occur during backslopping and/ Vuyst 2016), probably because of its natural occurrence in
or as a function of fermentation time, in particular the the flour and/or environmental contamination with baker’s
concentration of maltose, the acidic stress due to an envi- yeast (Succi et al. 2003; Vrancken et al. 2010; Minervini et
ronmental pH of around 4.0 and even lower caused by the al. 2012a; Minervini et al. 2015; Lahue et al. 2020; Bigey et
LAB acidification, and the variable and limited oxygen con- al. 2021), the yeast communities may vary as a function of
centration due to the high viscosity {depending on the processing conditions and time too (Meroth, Hammes, and
dough yield [DY or (dough mass/flour mass) x 100], which Hertel 2003; Harth, Van Kerrebroeck, and De Vuyst 2016).
reflects the flour to water ratio and thus the sourdough For instance, backslopped wheat sourdoughs produced in

the laboratory (high temperature, high DY) often carry increasing the bread volume, next to a decreased firmness
Candida glabrata and Wickerhamomyces anomalus (Vrancken because of their water-binding capacity. Thanks to these
et al. 2010). Backslopped rye-based laboratory sourdoughs oligosaccharides, the improved shelf-life of the baked goods
can harbor different combinations of C. glabrata, Kazachstania can be ascribed to a slower evaporation of the bound water
unispora, Pichia kudriavzevii, and S. cerevisiae (Bessmeltseva and reduced staling. Shelf-life improvement is of course also
et al. 2014). Finally, during backslopped barley sourdough ascribed to the (modest) acidification of the flour-water
productions carried out in the laboratory, both under bakery mixture and the production of dedicated organic acids and
(low DY) and industrial (high DY) conditions, only S. cer- peptides as antifungal and anti-rope compounds. Oxidation
evisiae has been retrieved (Harth, Van Kerrebroeck, and De of fatty acids present in the flour, catalyzed by lipoxygenase
Vuyst 2016). Backslopped oat and buckwheat laboratory and hydroperoxide lyase, causes the production of volatile
sourdoughs lack yeasts, probably due to growth inhibition aldehydes, such as 4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal and (E)-2-nonenal,
by endogenous antifungal compounds (Vogelmann et al. that influence the bread flavor (Czerny and Schieberle 2002;
2009; Moroni et al. 2010; Sørensen et al. 2010; Moroni, Birch, Petersen, and Hansen 2014; Gänzle 2014; Pétel, Onno,
Arendt, and Dal Bello 2011). Unless for the preparation of and Prost 2017).
new sourdough starter cultures, these spontaneous sour- Fermentation of a rye flour-water mixture for sourdough
dough productions (with or without backslopping) are rel- production causes a desirable inhibition of the α-amylase
evant mainly for laboratory model studies, and for many of that is present abundantly in rye flour by limiting too exten-
the cereal fermentation processes that produce gruels, por- sive starch degradation, good hydration of the arabinoxylans
ridges, or beverages (Gänzle and Zheng 2019). In bakery yielding an airier and stronger dough (creating a
practice, sourdough productions are almost always controlled pseudo-gluten network), and converting undesirable volatile
by backslopping, by the use of sourdough starter cultures, organic compounds (Kirchhoff and Schieberle 2002; Brandt
or by the addition of ingredients that shortcuts the typical 2007; Cappelle et al. 2013; Koehler and Wieser 2013; Deleu
succession of the microbiota in backslopped sourdough pro- et al. 2020).
ductions (Gänzle and Ripari 2016; Gänzle and Zheng 2019). The technological and health-promoting properties of
During fermentation of the flour-water mixture, endog- sourdoughs have been reviewed before extensively (Arendt,
enous flour enzymes are active (Brandt and Gänzle 2006; Ryan, and Dal Bello 2007; Corsetti and Settanni 2007;
Gänzle 2014). The starch is degraded by the amylases, releas- Poutanen, Flander, and Katina 2009; Corsetti 2013; Galle
ing maltodextrins and maltose. Endogenous flour proteases 2013; Katina and Poutanen 2013; Gänzle 2014; Gobbetti et
are responsible for the primary proteolysis of the flour pro- al. 2014, 2019; Gänzle and Ripari 2016; Nionelli and Rizzello
teins, which depolymerize the gluten network and elaborate 2016; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Koistinen
oligopeptides and free amino acids (Gänzle, Loponen, and et al. 2018; Loponen and Gänzle 2018; Menezes et al. 2018;
Gobbetti 2008). They optimally act at pH 4.2–5.5 and low Sahin et al. 2019a; Fernández-Peláez, Paesani, and
redox potential, which is reached during flour fermentation Gómez 2020).
as a result of the LAB acidification and carbon dioxide
production, respectively. The LAB ferment free maltose and
monosaccharides to lactic acid and/or acetic acid (Gänzle, Classification of sourdough production processes
Vermeulen, and Vogel 2007; Gänzle and Gobbetti 2013).
Sourdough production processes can be classified according
Further, the LAB cause a secondary proteolysis, during
to the inoculum used to initiate the fermentation of the
which intracellular peptidases with an optimal activity
flour-water mixture, to make them comparable with fer-
around pH 6.0–8.0 hydrolyze the oligopeptides taken up
mentation processes carried out in the non-bakery food
and contribute to an accumulation of amino acids in the
fermentation industry, or based on the process technology
sourdough matrix as a result of a release of excess amino
applied, a traditional classification approach (De Vuyst, Van
acids from the cells (Di Cagno et al. 2002; Rollán et al.
Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). These classifications are inde-
2005; Gänzle, Loponen, and Gobbetti 2008). These amino
pendent of their geographical origin (De Vuyst et al. 2014;
acids not only enrich sourdoughs nutritionally but also are
Van Kerrebroeck, Maes, and De Vuyst 2017; Landis et
the precursors for further enzymatic conversions into
al. 2021).
flavor-active volatile organic compounds (aldehydes, alcohols,
carboxylic acids, and/or esters) by LAB and/or yeasts
(Gänzle, Vermeulen, and Vogel 2007; Gänzle and Gobbetti Inoculum-based classification
2013; Guerzoni et al. 2013). This has an impact on the
dough rheology and aroma and taste of the bread. Further, According to their inoculum, three types of sourdough pro-
glutathione reductase activity by LAB reduces the disulfide duction processes (Types 1, 2, and 3) can be distinguished,
bonds of the gluten network, which further weakens the which influence the microbiology of the mature sourdoughs
gluten network, thereby accumulating thiol compounds that (Figure 1; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017).
further lower the redox potential of the sourdough matrix. Type 1 sourdough production processes represent fermen-
In contrast, arabinoxylans exposed to the acidic environment tations of the flour-water mixture through traditional daily
of the sourdough matrix and the production of oligosac- backslopping to keep the sourdough LAB and yeasts met-
charides (kestose, nystose, and kestopentaose) by LAB abolically active (De Vuyst et al. 2014; De Vuyst, Van
enhance the gas-holding capacity of the dough, hence Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). Backslopping is based on
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 5

Figure 1. Various types of sourdough production processes based on the way of inoculation of the flour-water mixture (based on De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck,
and Leroy 2017).

several refreshment steps of a part of the preceding sour- maintained in artisan bakeries and on household level to
dough with a fresh flour-water mixture, in the very first produce traditional breads. Further, artisan bakery practices
step starting from the mother sourdough kept. However, often encompass tight and efficient control of the fermen-
backslopping can also refer to refreshment of a leftover tation conditions (storage and environmental temperature,
portion of sourdough for the next breadmaking (Urien et length of the fermentation period between refreshments,
al. 2019). Sometimes a resting time is applied, for instance refreshment ratio, and number of refreshments) and thus
refrigerated storage of the sourdough for several days or the fermentation microbiota, so that a vast majority of bak-
weeks, to allow for less frequent backslopping and/or have eries possesses sourdoughs characterized by the presence of
the microbial composition under control (Venturi, Guerrini, Frul. sanfranciscensis and K. humilis as LAB and yeast spe-
and Vincenzini 2012). Type 1 sourdoughs, which are live cies, respectively (Gänzle and Zheng 2019). Indeed, these
sourdoughs with leavening capacity, are generally made and sourdough-specific microorganisms require well-controlled

production and maintenance conditions (Venturi, Guerrini, represent traditional sourdoughs that are daily backslopped
and Vincenzini 2012; Van Kerrebroeck et al. 2018b). Other at room temperature (20–30 °C) and low DY (< 200), with
microorganisms involved are, for instance, Coml. paralimen- a short to moderate fermentation time (6–24 h) to reach a
tarius, Levl. brevis, and Lacp. plantarum (Gänzle and Zheng pH of about 4.0. The maintenance of such original mother
2019). In contrast, household sourdoughs can be subjected doughs for years has built up a rich collection of bakery
to less strict conditions for fermentation and maintenance, sourdoughs of Type I. Some of them are preserved in the
causing their fermentation microbiota more dependent on sourdough library of Puratos (
the local environmental conditions, production practices, tion/Center-for-Bread-Flavor/Sourdough-library/). Typical
and ingredients (Landis et al. 2021). Type 2 sourdough examples are traditional sourdoughs, such as San Francisco
production processes represent prolonged fermentations of sourdough and various Italian sourdoughs, which are often
the flour-water mixture that are initiated through the addi- legally protected as protected designation of origin (PDO)
tion of a common starter culture that targets specific prop- or protected geographic indication (PGI) (e.g., Pane di
erties in the end-products, such as acidification and flavor Altamura PDO and Pane di Matera PGI; Vernocchi et al.
formation. Type 2 sourdoughs are industrial products. The 2004; Ricciardi et al. 2005; Zotta et al. 2008; Minervini et
sourdoughs thus obtained are commercialized as semi-liquid, al. 2012b). They frequently harbor Frul. sanfranciscensis,
heat-treated, spray-dried, drum-dried, or freeze-dried prepa- Lacp. plantarum, Levl. brevis, Companilactobacillus (previ-
rations, to be used as flavor or technological ingredients ously known as Lactobacillus) species (e.g., Coml. crustorum,
(dough acidifier or improver, bread shelf-life improver) in Coml. mindensis, Coml. nantensis, and Coml. paralimentar-
(industrial) bakeries. Only in the case of semi-liquid sour- ius), leuconostocs, and weissellas (Van Kerrebroeck, Maes,
doughs, the microorganisms are generally still metabolically and De Vuyst 2017; Gänzle and Zheng 2019). Type II sour-
active. Type 2 sourdoughs are obtained through dough production processes represent acid-tolerant starter
temperature-controlled fermentation of the flour-water mix- culture-initiated and thus accelerated, one-step fermentations
ture with specific strains of acid-tolerant LAB species [e.g., carried out at controlled temperatures above ambient tem-
Lactobacillus amylovorus, Levl. brevis, Liml. fermentum, Lacp. perature (30–37 °C), which enhance acidification and/or
plantarum, Limosilactobacillus reuteri (previously known as target other sourdough-specific traits, and at high DY (>
Lactobacillus reuteri), and Furfurilactobacillus rossiae (pre- 200), which enables a simple handling of the sourdoughs
viously known as Lactobacillus rossiae)], causing a fast acid- (for instance mixing and pumping). These processes last
ification or the expression of desirable organoleptic one to three days, thereby often achieving pH values lower
properties. Finally, Type 3 sourdough production processes than 4.0. These sourdoughs are available in liquid or pasty
represent starter culture-initiated fermentations of the form or as stiff or crumbly products; dried powders obtained
flour-water mixture (as in Type 2) followed by daily back- through gentle drying processes (spray, fluidized bed, or
slopping (as in Type 1). The latter practice will determine freeze-drying), which keeps the microorganisms alive, are
which microorganisms end up in the mature sourdoughs, available too. They frequently harbor species of
which depends on the competitiveness of the strain(s) pres- Limosilactobacillus (previously known as Lactobacillus; e.g.,
ent in the common starter culture used for inoculation of Liml. pontis, Liml. fermentum, Liml. reuteri, Liml. frumenti,
the initial flour-water mixture (Siragusa et al. 2009; Minervini and Liml. panis) and Lactobacillus (e.g., Lb. amylovorus, Lb.
et al. 2010; Moroni et al. 2010; Lin and Gänzle 2014; Coda acidophilus, and Lb. crispatus) (Van Kerrebroeck, Maes, and
et al. 2018). Type 3 sourdough production processes are De Vuyst 2017; Gänzle and Zheng 2019). Finally, Type III
thus a combination of Type 1 and Type 2 sourdough pro- sourdough production processes yield sourdoughs (produced
duction processes and are applied by some bakeries, both as in Type II) that are dried by means of a spray or drum
artisan and industrial ones. drier after the fermentation process. These ready-to-use
sourdoughs are not metabolically active, which differentiates
them from the Type II sourdoughs. Type II and Type III
Process technology-based classification sourdoughs are used as acidifying or flavor carriers in bread
doughs by bakeries, both artisan and industrial ones. They
According to their process technology, four types of sour- require the addition of baker’s yeast for leavening during
dough production processes (Types 0, I, II, and III) can be dough preparation, because yeasts are either inactivated
distinguished (Figure 2; Corsetti 2013; De Vuyst, Van through fast and extensive acidification (Type II) or dry
Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). Type 0 sourdough production processing (Type III).
processes represent sponge doughs or pre-doughs, during
which fermentation of the flour-water mixture is allowed
for a limited time, so that the LAB species, which are nat-
Starter cultures
urally present in the flour and as contaminants of the baker’s
yeast preparation, can grow (Reale et al. 2013). Although Concerning starter cultures used in Type II and Type III
the yeasts grow faster than the LAB, the LAB species cause sourdough production processes, distinction can be made
a limited acidification and flavor formation. Typical Type 0 between a common defined starter culture as it is used in
sourdough products are French baguettes, Italian ciabattas, the non-bakery food fermentation industry (cf. Type 2 sour-
and American crackers. They are often not considered as dough production processes) or a traditional sourdough
sourdough products. Type I sourdough production processes starter culture. Common defined starter cultures enable the
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 7

inoculation of (a) pure culture(s) of carefully selected strains by backslopping are available (Brandt 2014, 2019). The only
of LAB species, whether or not combined with strains of difference between the last type of starter cultures and a
yeast species, in defined ratios. These starter cultures are backslopped sourdough (cf. Type 1/I) is that the backslop-
commercially available as frozen and freeze-dried monocul- ping is done by two different companies, namely the
tures or freeze-dried blended cultures. Also refrigerated or culture-supplying company and the bakery, respectively.
freeze-dried common defined starter cultures that are pro- When no yeast is co-cultivated, sometimes baker’s yeast is
duced in cereal substrates as well as refrigerated, undefined added to the sourdough matrix at the end of the sourdough
starter cultures that the starter culture suppliers maintain production process.

Figure 2. Various types of sourdough production processes based on their process technology applied (based on De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017).

Traditional sourdough starter cultures (cf. Type 1/I) rep- acid-tolerant (De Vuyst et al. 2016; Lahue et al. 2020).
resent stable microbial consortia (alive and active) under Thanks to its maltose-negative fermentation behavior and
the form of a liquid/pasty batter or a stiff/crumbly dough, acid-tolerant (no effect on growth between pH 3.5 and 7.0)
depending on the DY (ratio of water to flour in the sour- and relatively thermotolerant (up to 36 °C) properties, K.
dough starter), maintained through backslopping. They are humilis does not compete with the maltose-positive
derived from an original sourdough starter that was the sourdough-specific LAB species, such as Frul. sanfranciscen-
result of a spontaneously fermented flour-water mixture that sis, during sourdough production (Gänzle, Ehrmann, and
became stabilized upon backslopping and, hence, may be Hammes 1998; Brandt, Hammes, and Gänzle 2004). In con-
many years old. As long as the sourdough starter culture trast, a trophic relationship occurs between K. humilis and
is regularly refreshed by the periodic addition of flour and Frul. sanfranciscensis, making it a typical sourdough yeast
water, it will remain metabolically active. The regularity of species in Type 1/I sourdough production processes (Stolz
the refreshments is mainly determined by the acid tolerance et al. 1993; Corsetti and Settanni 2007; Huys, Daniel, and
of the microorganisms involved (Gänzle and Zheng 2019). De Vuyst 2013; De Vuyst et al. 2016; Van Kerrebroeck,
It can be questioned if the addition of manure, fruits, Maes, and De Vuyst 2017). However, this mutual relationship
etc., either at the initiation of the sourdough build-up or seems to be strain-dependent for both species (Carbonetto
upon refreshment, can be considered as a type of starter et al. 2020; Rogalski, Ehrmann, and Vogel 2020). The nutri-
culture; yet, these materials carry microorganisms that start tional relationship further encompasses the provision of
and/or contribute to the fermentation of the flour-water fructose (from glucofructans through invertase activity),
mixture (cf. Section on Sourdough Productions with Added amino acids (complementing auxotrophies of Frul. sanfran-
Non-flour Ingredients). ciscensis), and vitamins by K. humilis to Frul. sanfranciscensis
(Vogel et al. 2011; Vogel 2015). In addition, K. humilis
causes oxidative stress through thiol oxidation that is with-
Sourdough microorganisms stood by Frul. sanfranciscensis via its redox homeostasis
(e.g., glutathione reductase activity, NADH oxidase activity).
The microbial species diversity of sourdoughs, in particular
Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis causes acidic stress
the phylogenetic diversity, is limited. It concerns yeasts
through the production of lactic acid and acetic acid that
(Ascomycota), LAB (Firmicutes, mainly Lactobacillaceae),
is withstood by K. humilis through its acetic acid tolerance
and sometimes AAB (α-proteobacteria).
(Brandt, Hammes, and Gänzle 2004). However, it is not
excluded that other more complex interactions occur,
encompassing both mutualistic and antagonistic interactions
(Carbonetto et al. 2020; Rogalski, Ehrmann, and Vogel 2020).
Yeasts are unicellular fungi that are mainly facultatively Sourdough yeasts ferment the flour saccharides (malt-
aerobic and reproduce either asexually (mainly budding) or, os e, sucros e, g lucos e, and f r uc tos e) v ia the
under starvation conditions, sexually (spore formation) Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway into pyruvate,
(Neiman 2005; Kurtzman, Fell, and Boekhout 2011). They thereby generating both ATP and reducing power
play an important role in fermented food production by (NADH + H+), and further convert pyruvate into ethanol
causing desirable transformations of appropriate food raw and carbon dioxide (alcoholic fermentation), thereby
materials (e.g., bread, beer, and wine productions). regenerating the cofactor NAD+ consumed in the upper
Alternatively, they are responsible for the spoilage of differ- part of the EMP pathway (Figure 3; De Vuyst et al. 2016;
ent foods. Sourdoughs mainly contain yeasts that belong to De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). The forma-
the Ascomycota, being fermentative, acid-tolerant, and tion of glycerol from dihydroxy acetone phosphate gen-
adapted to the sourdough ecosystem (Huys, Daniel, and De erated by the EMP pathway as well as the formation of
Vuyst 2013; De Vuyst et al. 2016). succinic acid through the reductive tricarboxylic acid
Examples of sourdough yeasts, in decreasing order of (TCA) cycle further contribute to redox balancing (NAD+
relative abundance in 394 backslopped sourdoughs exam- regeneration). In particular, the formation of carbon diox-
ined, are S. cerevisiae (68 % of the sourdoughs), K. humilis ide is important during dough fermentation and, hence,
(20 %), W. anomalus (6 %), Torulaspora delbrueckii (6 %), for the production of bread, although ethanol (that evap-
Pi. kudriavzevii (6 %), and C. glabrata (4 %) (Van orates during the baking process), glycerol (produced as
Kerrebroeck, Maes, and De Vuyst 2017). The number of osmoprotectant and improving carbon dioxide retention),
different yeast species isolated from a single sourdough is and succinic acid (causing a pH decrease) contribute to
in general equal or lower than the number of LAB species the formation of the gluten network and the rheological
(De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Van properties of the dough too (Jayaram et al. 2014a, 2014b;
Kerrebroeck, Maes, and De Vuyst 2017). Also, one or two Aslankoohi et al. 2015; Rezaei, Verstrepen, and Courtin
yeast species are often inhabiting a single bakery sourdough, 2015; Rezaei et al. 2016; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and
among which S. cerevisiae and K. humilis occur most fre- Leroy 2017).
quently (De Vuyst et al. 2009, 2014, 2016; De Vuyst, Van Further, the yeasts contribute to the bread flavor by pro-
Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Van Kerrebroeck, Maes, and ducing different flavor-active metabolites, in particular
De Vuyst 2017). Saccharomyces cerevisiae represents common higher alcohols from amino acids, such as 3-methyl-1-butanol
baker’s yeast that is maltose-positive and relatively (important contributor to the bread crumb flavor) from
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 9

Figure 3. Overview of the metabolism of yeasts in a sourdough matrix. Only the uptake of appropriate substrates and the most relevant pathways are repre-
sented. EMP, Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway; PPP, pentose phosphate pathway; TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle (from De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy
2017, adapted version).

L-leucine, either anabolically (side-product of amino acid to produce mannitol (for NAD+ regeneration) and acetic
biosynthesis) or catabolically (amino acid conversion via the acid (instead of ethanol production for NAD+ regeneration,
Ehrlich pathway) (Hazelwood et al. 2008; Birch et al. 2013; thereby enabling extra ATP formation). This particularly
Birch, Petersen, and Hansen 2014; Pico, Bernal, and Gómez takes place during Type 1/I sourdough productions (De
2015; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Pétel, Vuyst et al. 2016; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and
Onno, and Prost 2017). Esters as condensation products of Leroy 2017).
ethanol and fatty acids (ethyl esters) or higher alcohols and
acetate (acetate esters) contribute mainly fruity and floral
notes to the bread flavor. Also the production of diacetyl
Lactic acid bacteria
(butter aroma), produced either via pyruvate metabolism
during fermentation or by Strecker degradation during bak- LAB are Gram-positive, catalase-negative, non-sporulating,
ing, contributes to the crumb flavor. The inclusion of air anaerobic (aerotolerant) bacteria that belong to the Firmicutes
during the mixing and kneading steps of dough preparation (Axelsson 2004; Holzapfel and Wood 2014). They occur in
enhances the production of the yeast metabolites thanks to various niches, ranging from (fermented) food products,
a better growth of the yeasts aerobically. Moreover, in the plant materials, and insects to the human body. As they are
absence of yeasts, air inclusion is adverse, as oxygen is then fermentative, redox balancing is accomplished by the pro-
used by the flour lipoxygenase that oxidizes the flour lipids duction of lactic acid from pyruvate, produced via the EMP
to aldehydes that are undesirable in bread doughs. Further, pathway from flour saccharides, to generate both ATP and
yeasts produce acetic acid and succinic acid that not only reducing power in the case of homofermentative LAB spe-
slightly acidify the dough and contribute to the dough tex- cies, or by the production of lactic acid and ethanol or
ture but also affect the dough and bread flavor. Finally, the acetic acid (produced from pyruvate and acetyl-phosphate,
yeasts degrade the flour fructans and contribute to acetic respectively) and carbon dioxide, produced via the phos-
acid formation and flavor indirectly, namely by elaborating phogluconate pathway from flour saccharides, to generate
fructose that can be used by heterofermentative LAB species both ATP and reducing power in the case of heterofermen-
as alternative external electron acceptor (instead of pyruvate) tative LAB species (Figure 4). They play an important role

Figure 4. Overview of the metabolism of heterofermentative LAB species in a sourdough matrix. Only the uptake of appropriate substrates and the most
relevant pathways are represented (from De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017, adapted version).

in the production of many fermented foods and beverages sanfranciscensis (Gänzle and Zheng 2019; Zheng et al. 2020).
(e.g., fermented dairy, meat, cereal, and vegetable products). Thus, it is not always clear how a matrix specificity can be
Sourdoughs mainly contain heterofermentative LAB species explained genomically. This homofermentative,
belonging to the Lactobacillaceae that are particularly maltose-negative LAB species often occurs together with
adapted to the sourdough ecosystem (De Vuyst and Neysens Frul. sanfranciscensis and, in contrast with the latter, fer-
2005; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Van ments fructose (De Vuyst et al. 2002; Gänzle and Zheng
Kerrebroeck, Maes, and De Vuyst 2017). According to their 2019). Hence, its co-occurrence behavior and broader sac-
lifestyles, distinction can be made between insect-adapted charide metabolism spectrum may require a larger genome.
Frul. sanfranciscensis, typical for Type I sourdoughs (often Adaptations of heterofermentative LAB species, such as
associated with Companilactobacillus species), vertrebate Frul. sanfranciscensis, Liml. fermentum, and Levl. brevis to
host-adapted Lactobacillus and Limosilactobacillus species, the sourdough ecosystem encompass several physiological
typical for Type II sourdoughs, and environmental or traits, depending on the environmental conditions (Figure
nomadic Liml. fermentum, Lacp. plantarum, and Levl. brevis, 4; Gänzle 2015; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017;
typical for laboratory sourdoughs, Type 0 sourdoughs, and Gänzle and Zheng 2019). In the first place, there is the
sourdoughs made from flours other than those of wheat or preferred fermentation of maltose by means of a constitu-
rye (Gänzle and Zheng 2019). tively expressed, energy-efficient maltose phosphorylase.
Examples of heterofermentative sourdough LAB species, Maltose fermentation is not subject to glucose repression
in decreasing order of relative abundance in 527 backslopped and does not interfere with yeast growth, thanks to the
sourdoughs examined, are Frul. sanfranciscensis (47 %), Levl. mutual relationship between the maltose
brevis (17 %), and Liml. fermentum (12 %) (Van Kerrebroeck, phosphorylase-positive heterofermentative LAB species (e.g.,
Maes, and De Vuyst 2017). Further, homofermentative LAB Frul. sanfranciscensis, Liml. fermentum, and Liml. reuteri)
species occur, such as Lacp. plantarum (43 %), P. pentosaceus and the maltose-negative yeasts (in particular K. humilis)
(14 %), and Coml. paralimentarius (13 %). Heterofermentative in the sourdough matrix. Further, the use of alternative
leuconostocs and weissellas are usually present in sour- external electron acceptors, such as fructose (continuously
doughs with high pH (> 4.0) and fermented at low tem- elaborated by yeast activity) that is then reduced to mannitol
perature (< 30 °C) and low DY (< 200). In general, less than to recuperate NAD+, allows to improve the strains’ compet-
three different LAB species inhabit a single bakery sour- itiveness (thanks to extra ATP formation) and to enhance
dough. The LAB species Frul. sanfranciscensis, with its small the production of acetic acid by circumventing ethanol for-
genome of 1.3 Mbp and, hence, a restricted metabolism, is mation and activating the acetate kinase branch of the pyru-
typically associated with the sourdough ecosystem (Vogel et vate metabolism. This is also the case for the use of fructose
al. 2011; Zheng et al. 2015; Gänzle and Zheng 2019). 6-phosphate that is reduced to erythritol, the use of oxalo-
Similarly, Coml. (par)alimentarius is rarely found in other acetic acid that is converted into malate, which can be
ecosystems than sourdough, albeit that this LAB species further converted into fumarate that is in turn reduced to
harbors a genome twice as large (2.55 Mbp) as that of Frul. succinate (via the reductive TCA cycle), the use of oxygen
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 11

gas that is reduced to hydrogen peroxide (by pyruvate oxi- (heterofermentative LAB species) cause the acidic taste of
dase activity), the use of (lipid oxidation-derived) aldehydes sourdough-based breads. The ratio of lactic acid to acetic
that are converted into alcohols (by alcohol dehydrogenases), acid is a determining factor for the acidic taste of sour-
and the use of glutathione disulfide (oxidized glutathione doughs, often represented as the fermentation quotient (pref-
of the gluten network) that is reduced to glutathione (by erably around 3.0–5.0 moles of lactic acid per mole of acetic
glutathione reductase). All these activities are LAB species- acid), as both lactic acid (delivering a fresh and soft acidity)
and/or strain-dependent (Gänzle, Vermeulen, and Vogel and acetic acid (delivering a sharp and strong vinegar-like
2007; Gänzle and Gobbetti 2013; Gänzle 2015; Gänzle and acidity) reduce the pH, but only acetic acid is volatile and
Zheng 2019). hence contributes to the aroma. Second, pyruvate metabo-
Further, there is the ability by LAB species to ferment lism by homofermentative Lactobacillaceae allows the for-
both hexoses and pentoses (via xylulose 5-phosphate) mation of, for instance, diacetyl and acetoin (buttery notes).
present in the flour through the phosphogluconate path- Diacetyl can be further converted into pyrazines through
way, for instance by Coml. paralimentarius and Lacp. plan- Maillard reactions during the bread baking process. Third,
tarum. The use of sucrose by means of an energy-efficient the accumulation of amino acids, as a result of peptide
sucrose phosphorylase by, for instance, Liml. reuteri is hydrolysis, may result in, for instance, an umami taste (accu-
also advantageous. Alternatively, dedicated strains of Frul. mulation of glutamate). In addition, ornithine (elaborated
sanfranciscensis use sucrose by extracellular levansucrase via the ADI pathway) can react with the carbonyl compound
activity, thereby elaborating free glucose; however, glucose 2-oxopropanal (methylglyoxal) during Maillard reactions
(as energy source) and fructose (as alternative external taking place during the bread baking process, forming
electron acceptor) are mostly provided through yeast 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline that is responsible for the bread crust
invertase activity, as the growth of Frul. sanfranciscensis aroma (Moskowitz et al. 2012; Gänzle 2014; Pico, Bernal,
is commonly associated with that of yeasts and sometimes and Gómez 2015; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy
sucrose-metabolizing LAB species that carry out extracel- 2017). Moreover, as sourdough decreases the pH of the
lular levansucrase activity (Gänzle and Zheng 2019). Also, bread dough, Amadori rearrangements are favored during
sucrose can be converted into dough texture-contributing Maillard reactions and, hence, the generation of various
homooligosaccharides by glucan- and fructansucrase or Maillard compounds, such as furans, pyrazines, pyrroles,
levansucrase activities by Limosilactobacillus species as well pyrrolines, and sulfuric compounds, takes place during the
as leuconostocs and weissellas. Furthermore, acid-tolerant baking process (Cho and Peterson 2010; Pico, Bernal, and
Limosilactobacillus species execute amino acid conversions Gómez 2015). Finally, the formation of taste-active peptides
that enable a protection toward acidic stress. The arginine through proteolysis, such as glutathione and some γ-glutamyl
deiminase (ADI) pathway converts arginine into ornithine, dipeptides and tripeptides, cause a kokumi taste (Zhao and
thereby releasing ammonia that slightly increases the pH Gänzle 2016; Zhao, Schieber, and Gänzle 2016). Also the
(acidic stress response) and allows extra ATP formation, phenolic acids and flavonoids present in the flour may be
which further enhances the strains’ competitiveness (Figure converted into diverse aroma precursors by strain-specific
4; Gänzle and Gobbetti 2013; Gänzle 2015; De Vuyst, Van phenolic acid decarboxylases and cinnamic acid reductases,
Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). Further, deamidation of for instance in the case of Lacp. plantarum, albeit that sim-
glutamine (glutaminase activity) and glutamate (glutamate ilar activity by other LAB species and/or yeasts cannot be
dehydrogenase activity) consumes protons and releases excluded (Czerny and Schieberle 2002; Gänzle 2014; De
ammonia, whereas decarboxylation of dedicated amino Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017; Ripari, Yunpeng,
acids also consumes protons and may produce biogenic and Gänzle 2019; Boudaoud et al. 2021).
amines (Bartkiene et al. 2011, 2014; Diana, Rafecas, and
Quílez 2014). Both metabolic activities again allow to
increase the intracellular pH. This is also the case for the
Acetic acid bacteria
decarboxylation of glutamate through glutamate decarbox-
ylase activity that yields γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an A second group of bacteria that sometimes occurs in sour-
anti-hypertensive and thus health-promoting compound. doughs are AAB (De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy
Cystathionine conversion and glutathione reduction are 2017). AAB are Gram-negative, catalase-negative,
dedicated responses of LAB species toward acidic and oxidase-positive, non-sporulating, aerobic bacteria that
oxidative stresses, respectively. However, glutaminase, glu- belong to the α-proteobacteria (Matsushita et al. 2016; De
tamate decarboxylase, and ADI pathway activity are absent Roos and De Vuyst 2018). They mainly occur in ethanol-
in Frul. sanfranciscensis, which makes this species sensitive and carbohydrate-rich niches, such as flowers and fruits.
to low pH and thus highly dependent on regular sour- Examples of AAB that have been found in sourdoughs
dough refreshments (Vogel et al. 2011; Zheng et al. 2015; are Acetobacter and/or Gluconobacter species (not specified
Gänzle and Zheng 2019; Rogalski, Ehrmann, and in Scheirlinck et al. 2008; Vogelmann et al. 2009; and Zhang
Vogel 2021). and He 2013), Acetobacter cerevisiae (Li, Li, and Bian 2016;
Further, LAB are responsible for the formation of certain Ripari, Gänzle, et al. 2016; Comasio et al. 2020a), Acetobacter
flavor compounds (Gänzle 2014, 2015; De Vuyst, Van fabarum (Comasio et al. 2020a), Acetobacter indonesiensis
Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). First, lactic acid (homo- and (Comasio et al. 2019), species of the Acetobacter lovaniensis
heterofermentative LAB species) and acetic acid group (Landis et al. 2021), species of the Acetobacter

Figure 5. Overview of the metabolism of acetic acid bacteria (AAB; based on Acetobacter sp. and Gluconobacter sp.) of potential importance in a sourdough
matrix. Only the uptake of appropriate substrates and the most relevant pathways are represented (based on Matsushita et al. 2016). Dashed lines represent
multiple metabolic reactions. The dotted line represents a non-enzymatic reaction. EMP, Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway; PPP, pentose phosphate pathway;
TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle.

malorum group (Landis et al. 2021), Acetobacter orleanensis (Hermann, Petermeier, and Vogel 2015; Ua-Arak, Jakob,
(Minervini et al. 2012a; Li, Li, and Bian 2016), Acetobacter and Vogel 2016, 2017). However, in all these cases, a con-
oryzifermentans (Comasio et al. 2020a), Acetobacter pasteur- tinuous agitation was applied to provide oxygen for the
ianus (Lhomme et al. 2015; Comasio et al. 2020a; Landis AAB growth. Also, AAB may contribute to the coloration
et al. 2021), Acetobacter senegalensis (Comasio et al. 2020a), of the bread crumb, likely by the production of dihydroxy
Acetobacter sicerae (Comasio et al. 2020a), Acetobacter trop- acetone, hence enabling to produce brown wheat breads
icalis (Li, Li, and Bian 2016), Gluconobacter cerinus (Ripari, (Comasio et al. 2020b).
Gänzle, et al. 2016), species of the Gluconobacter frateurii
group (Landis et al. 2021), Komagataeibacter sucrofermentans
(Comasio et al. 2020a), and Komagataeibacter xylinus Selection of functional starter cultures for
(Comasio et al. 2020a).
sourdough productions
AAB produce acetic acid from ethanol and/or gluconic
acid from glucose by partial oxidation of these substrates As mentioned above, starter cultures composed of defined
in the cells’ periplasm, using dedicated cofactor-depending strains can be used in Type 2, Type 3, and Type II/III sour-
dehydrogenases that are embedded in the cytoplasmic mem- dough production processes. Most of these commercial
brane at the periplasmic site (Figure 5; Matsushita et al. starter cultures in use have been selected based on their
2016). The acetic acid produced may contribute to the growth and acidification capacity; some of them are pro-
acidic taste of sourdough breads. Also, the aroma formation moted because of their contribution to organoleptic proper-
potential (e.g., acetoin and diacetyl) of starter culture-initiated ties, either flavor generation or texture improvement (Decock
sourdough productions with A. cerevisiae, Gluconobacter and Cappelle 2005; Brandt 2007, 2014; De Vuyst et al. 2009,
albidus, and Kozakia baliensis has been tested (Ripari, 2014; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). Nowadays,
Cecchi, et al. 2016; Ua-Arak, Jakob, and Vogel 2017). much attention is paid to extra functional properties of both
Further, AAB are able to produce fructans, which may LAB and yeast strains, for instance shelf-life extension and
contribute to the texture of sourdough breads, which has health promotion; even AAB strains have been considered
been tested through starter culture-initiated sourdough pro- as candidate members for the development of functional
ductions, in the presence of sucrose or sugarcane molasses, starter cultures for sourdough production (De Vuyst et al.
with G. albidus, K. baliensis, and Neoasaia chiangmaiensis 2016; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017).
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 13

Microbial performance of a starter culture is of course et al. 2018). Yeast species belonging to the genera
a first criterion that has been examined thoroughly (Meroth Brettanomyces/Dekkera, Kazachstania, Kluyveromyces,
et al. 2003; Siragusa et al. 2009; Vogelmann et al. 2009; Lachancea, Meyerozyma, Pichia, Saccharomyces, Torulaspora,
Moroni et al. 2010; Banu, Vasilean, and Aprodu 2011; Ravyts and Wickerhamomyces have been tested. Further, it is pos-
and De Vuyst 2011; Banu and Aprodu 2012; Capuani et al. sible to produce Panettone by means of a co-culture of Liml.
2014; Nionelli et al. 2014; Picozzi et al. 2016; Harth, Van fermentum and W. anomalus strains (Stefanello et al. 2019).
Kerrebroeck, and Vuyst 2018; Van Kerrebroeck et al. 2018a; Finally, if sourdoughs are used as leavening agent, carbon
Francesca et al. 2019; Galli et al. 2019; Gaglio et al. 2020; dioxide production by the fermentation microbiota is the
Gunduz et al. 2020; Montemurro et al. 2020; Teleky et al. determining selection criterion (Guerzoni et al. 2013; Gänzle
2020). With regard to functional properties of LAB, it and Zheng 2019; Carbonetto et al. 2020; Palla et al. 2020;
mainly concerns flavor formation (Meignen et al. 2001; Bigey et al. 2021). In general, yeasts have a greater leavening
Katina, Poutanen, and Autio 2004; Paramithiotis et al. 2005; capacity than heterofermentative LAB species. Further, func-
Katina et al. 2006; Settanni et al. 2013; Prückler et al. 2015; tional yeast starter cultures may contribute to nutritional
Alfonzo et al. 2016; Corona et al. 2016; Ripari, Cecchi, et (e.g., production of vitamins) and functional traits (e.g.,
al. 2016; Van Kerrebroeck et al. 2016, 2018a, 2018b; D. Xu phytase activity to degrade phytate and anti-oxidant activity
et al. 2019; Comasio et al. 2020b; Liu et al. 2020), texture by elaborating phenolic compounds) as well (Palla et al.
improvement (Katina et al. 2006, 2009; Robert et al. 2006; 2020). Interestingly, sourdough strains of S. cerevisiae are
Coda et al. 2010; Galle et al. 2010, 2011; Palomba et al. better adapted to the sourdough environment thanks to an
2012; Bartkiene et al. 2013, 2016, 2017; Tamani, Goh, and increased growth on maltose (Bigey et al. 2021).
Brennan 2013; Pontonio et al. 2015; Chen, Levy, and Gänzle
2016; Kajala et al. 2016; Mamhoud et al. 2016, Y. Xu et al.
2017, 2019; D. Xu et al. 2018; Chen et al. 2018, Coda et
Sourdough productions with added non-flour
al. 2018; Nionelli et al. 2018; Bockwoldt et al. 2020; Comasio
et al. 2020b; Galli et al. 2020; Ispirli et al. 2020; Olojede,
Sanni, and Banwo 2020; Sun et al. 2020), antimicrobial Since ancient times, many non-flour ingredients have been
activity (Leroy et al. 2007; Choi et al. 2012; Axel et al. 2015; used to produce doughs for baked goods. Already the
Axel et al. 2016a, 2016b; Belz et al. 2019; Sadeghi et al. Egyptians used beer foam (unconsciously as a source of
2019; Bartkiene et al. 2020; Sun et al. 2020; Jin et al. 2021), yeasts) to leaven their doughs to make their breads soft and
and health promotion (Rizzello et al. 2008; Rizzello et al. light (Cappelle et al. 2013). A document of Pliny the Elder
2016; Banu, Vasilean, and Aprodu 2010; Coda, Rizzello, and (Historia Naturalis) from the first century A.D. refers to the
Gobbetti 2010; Bartkiene et al. 2011; Coda et al. 2012; use of grapes for bread production.
Rizzello et al. 2012a; Rizzello et al. 2012b; Wolter et al. Nowadays, as in the past, when started from scratch,
2014; Pallin et al. 2016; Picozzi et al. 2016; Rizzello, sourdough production processes of Type 1/I are usually
Montemurro, and Gobbetti 2016; Ruiz Rodríguez et al. initiated with the spontaneous fermentation of a cereal
2016a, 2016b; Coda et al. 2017a; Rizzello et al. 2017a; flour-water mixture, whether or not supplemented with
Rizzello et al. 2017b; Galli et al. 2018, 2020; Sahin et al. non-flour ingredients, which is then followed by a
2019b, 2019c; Venturi et al. 2019; Fraberger et al. 2020; long-lasting backslopping process. Indeed, these backslopping
Gaglio et al. 2020; Hajinia, Sadeghi, and Mahoonak 2021; steps are often carried out until the baker passes the sour-
Luti et al. 2020; Pontonio et al. 2020; Purabdolah et al. dough on to the next owner of the bakery, who then
2020; Sun et al. 2020). refreshes the sourdough through backslopping until it is
In the case of AAB strains, it concerns flavor formation passed on again. Some sourdoughs have a documented age
(Ripari, Cecchi, et al. 2016; Ua-Arak, Jakob, and Vogel 2017; of more than 100 years of backslopping, representing >
Van Kerrebroeck et al. 2018a, 2018b), texture improvement 100,000 propagation steps (Gänzle and Ripari 2016; Gänzle
(Hermann, Petermeier, and Vogel 2015; Ua-Arak, Jakob, and and Zheng 2019). The one and only spontaneous step that
Vogel 2016, 2017), and color improvement (Comasio et may or may not have been used to start the backslopping
al. 2020b). cycle is insignificant in this respect, as long as the mature
Also Zymomonas mobilis has been used during flour sourdough is robust enough to withstand new refreshments,
fermentation for sourdough production (in co-culture with either to maintain the sourdough or to switch to other flour
Frul. sanfranciscensis) and for dough making, thanks to its and/or non-flour ingredients, DYs, etc. (Di Cagno et al.
leavening capacity through alcoholic fermentation (Musatti 2014; Lhomme et al. 2014; Comasio, Van Kerrebroeck, and
et al. 2015, 2016, 2018). It turned out that Z. mobilis could De Vuyst 2021). Yet, ingredients, environmental conditions,
be used to substitute S. cerevisiae for the production of fermentation strategies, sourdough maintenance practices,
baked goods. and (multi)species interactions can impact the taxonomic
The application of non-conventional yeasts as to their structure of the microbial communities involved (Van
capacity to dough leavening, metabolism of fermentable Kerrebroeck, Maes, and De Vuyst 2017; Landis et al. 2021).
oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols To improve the nutritional value of the breads produced,
(FODMAPs), and flavor formation during bread making is wholemeal flours or bran fractions are sometimes used
of increasing interest (Aslankoohi et al. 2016; De Vuyst et (Rizzello et al. 2012b; Caputo, Visconti, and De Angelis
al. 2016; Struyf et al. 2017, 2018; Zhou et al. 2017; Fraberger 2015; Coda, Katina, and Rizzello 2015; Clément et al. 2018;

De Angelis et al. 2019). However, other, non-flour ingredi- sourdough productions carried out in the laboratory (using
ents daily used in the kitchen can be added to the flour-water either strains or mature sourdoughs; Table 3) or making
mixture as well, such as fruits, herbs, honey, milk, salt, use of simulation media (Gobbetti, Corsetti, and Rossi 1995;
sugar, and yoghurt (Table 1). Some of these ingredients may Neysens, Messens, and De Vuyst 2003; Vermeulen, Gänzle,
be the source of certain microorganisms and, hence, serve and Vogel 2006). The starter culture strain used can either
as an additional microbial inoculum, whereas other ingre- consume or convert these chemical compounds. Alternatively,
dients may be the source of substrates and/or co-substrates its growth can be activated by these chemical compounds.
for microbial fermentation and conversion and, thus, acti- In all these cases, a desirable effect on the mature sour-
vating or selecting microorganisms that are naturally present, doughs can be generated. Typical examples, whether or not
either in the flour or in the ingredients (Table 2). in the research phase, are the addition of salt (NaCl), car-
Consequently, applying an appropriate functional starter bohydrates (fructose, sucrose, pentoses, and pentosans),
culture and/or dedicated ingredients in Type 2/II sourdough amino acids (arginine and glutamate), and other organic
production processes may have an influence on not only acids (citrate) (Table 3). The concomitant starter culture
the microbial composition but also the organoleptic prop- strains used belong to certain LAB, yeast, and even AAB
erties of a sourdough, in particular its aroma and taste species.
profiles (Minervini et al. 2012b; Minervini et al. 2014, 2016).
The effect of certain compounds on the flavor of sour-
doughs is directly linked with the strains’ metabolism or Salt
as a result of subprocesses taking place during flour fer- Salt is a common ingredient used in the production of
mentation (e.g., cell lysis). Concerning the former, lactic bread. For instance, the production of Pugliese sourdough
acid (soft acidity) and acetic acid (sharp acidity) as bread includes the addition of salt to the flour-water mixture
end-metabolites of carbohydrate breakdown contribute to at each refreshment step of the sourdough prior to bread-
the acidic taste of sourdoughs, whereas the volatile acetic making (Ottogalli, Galli, and Foschino 1996). Salt evidently
acid further contributes to their aroma (Corsetti 2013; contributes to the salty taste of bread. Also, salt has a direct
Gänzle 2014; Pico, Bernal, and Gómez 2015; De Vuyst, Van effect on the microbial ecosystem of a sourdough matrix,
Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). Similarly, the accumulation as too high concentrations of salt inhibit the growth of
of certain amino acids, such as glutamate (e.g., by Liml. many microorganisms. In contrast, the growth of certain
reuteri as a response to acidic stress through glutaminase LAB species is often favored in the presence of salt, a com-
activity on glutamine, an amino acid that is liberated at mon practice for the use of salt to control food fermentation
high concentrations through wheat flour proteolysis), and processes involving LAB, whereas that of, for instance,
taste-active peptides (e.g., glutathione accumulation and enterobacteria is inhibited (Wouters et al. 2013). As an
glutamyl dipeptide formation by Liml. reuteri, because of example, it has been shown that the maximal specific growth
the high abundance of oxidized glutathione and glutamate, rate and cell yield of Lb. amylovorus DCE 471 increases
isoleucine and leucine in the flour, respectively) contribute with increasing salt concentrations (up to a concentration
to the umami taste and kokumi taste, respectively (Thiele, of 0.5 % NaCl) in a wheat sourdough simulation medium
Gänzle, and Vogel 2002; Vermeulen, Gänzle, and Vogel (Neysens, Messens, and De Vuyst 2003). Similarly, LAB are
2007; Gänzle 2014; Pico, Bernal, and Gómez 2015; Zhao stimulated in a wheat sourdough initiated with a ripe rye
et al. 2015; Zhao and Gänzle 2016; Cavallo et al. 2017). sourdough by low salt concentrations (up to 0.7 % NaCl),
The release of amino acids and other compounds (e.g., whereas higher concentrations negatively affect LAB and,
minerals and vitamins) can also be the result of expulsion to a lesser extent, yeast growth (Simonson, Salovaara, and
or cell lysis. For instance, amino acid expulsion by LAB Korhola 2003). Alternatively, high salt concentrations (up
follows the enhanced proteolysis by the flour proteases as to 4.0 %) activate the ADI pathway of the heterofermentative
a result of acidification and peptidase activity (Di Cagno Liml. fermentum IMDO 130101 strain (Vrancken et al.
et al. 2002; Rollán et al. 2005; Gänzle, Vermeulen, and 2009a; Verce, De Vuyst, and Weckx 2020). Yeasts generally
Vogel 2007; Gänzle, Loponen, and Gobbetti 2008; Gänzle tolerate low water activity values or increased osmotic pres-
et al. 2009; Gobbetti et al. 2014). Yeast cell lysis can sustain sure better than LAB species and, hence, display a higher
LAB growth and enhance sourdough flavor thanks to the tolerance toward salt (Minervini et al. 2015; De Vuyst et
release of amino acids, peptides, and vitamins (Gobbetti al. 2016). It may explain the better fitness of W. anomalus
1998). Moreover, lysed yeast cells excrete ornithine and compared to S. cerevisiae in spontaneous backslopped lab-
glutathione, influencing the bread taste and aroma (Vrancken oratory sourdoughs (Vrancken et al. 2010; Daniel et al. 2011;
et al. 2011; Yan et al. 2018). Landis et al. 2021). Also, K. humilis is not inhibited by the
addition of 4.0 % salt, whereas Frul. sanfranciscensis does
not tolerate high salt concentrations, which has been demon-
Sourdough productions with the addition of pure strated in a rye sourdough fermented with Frul. sanfrancis-
chemical compounds censis LTH 2581 and K. humilis LTH H198 (Brandt, Hammes,
and Gänzle 2004). Finally, salt impacts the properties of the
A first type of ingredients that can be added to the bread dough, through its impact on the positively charged
flour-water mixtures are pure chemical compounds, which gluten proteins to form a stronger dough, and bread (Miller
has been studied mainly during starter culture-initiated and Hoseney 2008).
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 15

Table 1. Non-exhaustive overview of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB), acetic acid bacteria (AAB), and yeast species diversity of backslopped sourdough productions
(Type I), spontaneously initiated with flour and non-flour ingredients (and propagation in the case of NaCl addition). The data represent the last sampling point
of each backslopping process. The microorganisms were identified culture-independently (CI) and/or culture-dependently [molecular approach (CD) or pheno-
typical approach (CD*)].
Species diversity
AAB (A., Acetobacter; G., Gluconobacter);
LAB (Coml., Companilactobacillus; E.,
Enterococcus; Frul., Fructilactobacillus; Furl.,
Furfurilactobacillus; Lacc., Lacticaseibacillus;
Lacp., Lactiplantibacillus; Lc., Lactococcus;
Latl., Latilactobacillus; Leuc., Leuconostoc;
Levl., Levilactobacillus; Liml.,
Limosilactobacillus; P., Pediococcus; W.,
Ingredient Weissella);
(number of Dough Fermentation Fermentation Yeasts (K., Kazachstania; Pi., Pichia; S.,
sourdoughs if > yield temperature time Type of Saccharomyces; T., Torulaspora; Y.,
1) Cereal flour (DY) (°C) (h) producer Yarrowia). Reference
Apple Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), Latl. graminis (CD), Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
Latl. sakei (CD) (2016)
AAB: A. cerevisiae (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Apple Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Lactiplantibacillus species (CD) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
AAB: A. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD), S. unisporus
(now K. unispora; CD)
Apple Wheat 150 29 4-4-16 Laboratory LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD), Latl. sakei (CD), Gordún et al.
P. pentosaceus (CD) (2015)
Yeasts: Saccharomyces group
Apple flowers Wheat 200 20–25 48 Laboratory LAB: Lactiplantibacillus species (CD, CI), Furl. Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
rossiae (CD, CI) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CI)
Apple flowers Wheat 200 30 24 Laboratory LAB: Lactiplantibacillus species (CD), Furl. Ripari, Cecchi, et al.
rossiae (CD) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Apple pulp Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Lactiplantibacillus species (CD), Latl. Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
sakei (CD), P. pentosaceus (CD) (2016)
AAB: A. cerevisiae (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Baker’s yeast Durum wheat 160 30 5 Laboratory LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), Latl. curvatus (CD), Minervini et al.
Liml. fermentum (CD), Lacp. plantarum (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Basil (2) Wheat na RT 24 Household Yeasts: P. membranifaciens (CD), S. Paramithiotis et al.
cerevisiae (CD) (2000)
Basil Wheat na RT 24 Household Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD), Y. lipolytica (CD) Paramithiotis et al.
Basil (2) Wheat na RT 24 Bakery Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) Paramithiotis et al.
Basil Wheat na RT na Household LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD), P. pentosaceus Paramithiotis,
(CD) Tsiasiotou, and
Yeasts: T. delbrueckii (CD), S. cerevisiae Drosinos (2010)
Basil (7) Wheat na RT na Household LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD) Paramithiotis,
Yeasts: T. delbrueckii (CD) Tsiasiotou, and
Drosinos (2010)
Basil (2) Wheat na RT na Household LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD), P. pentosaceus Paramithiotis,
(CD) Tsiasiotou, and
Yeasts: T. delbrueckii (CD) Drosinos (2010)
Blueberries Wheat na 25 6 Laboratory LAB: Leuc. mesenteroides group (CD*) Vilanova et al.
Cow manure Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Lacp. plantarum, Frul. sanfranciscensis Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
(CD) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Crystal pear Wheat 200 RT 24 Laboratory LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), Lacp. plantarum (CD), Yu et al. (2018)
Furl. rossiae (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Dry apricot Wheat na 25 6 Laboratory LAB: Leuc. mesenteroides group (CD*) Vilanova et al.
Fruits Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), Lactiplantibacillus Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
species (CD), Furl. rossiae (CD), Leuc. (2016)
holzapfelii (CD), Leuc.
pseudomesenteroides (CD), Leuc. kimchii
(CD), W. cibaria (CD)
AAB: A. cerevisiae (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)


Table 1. (Continued ).
Species diversity
AAB (A., Acetobacter; G., Gluconobacter);
LAB (Coml., Companilactobacillus; E.,
Enterococcus; Frul., Fructilactobacillus; Furl.,
Furfurilactobacillus; Lacc., Lacticaseibacillus;
Lacp., Lactiplantibacillus; Lc., Lactococcus;
Latl., Latilactobacillus; Leuc., Leuconostoc;
Levl., Levilactobacillus; Liml.,
Limosilactobacillus; P., Pediococcus; W.,
Ingredient Weissella);
(number of Dough Fermentation Fermentation Yeasts (K., Kazachstania; Pi., Pichia; S.,
sourdoughs if > Cereal yield temperature time Type of Saccharomyces; T., Torulaspora; Y.,
1) flour (DY) (°C) (h) producer Yarrowia). Reference
Grape juice or Durum wheat na na 24 Bakery LAB: Lacp. pentosus (CD) Randazzo et al.
honey (2) (2005)
Grape juice or Durum wheat na na 24 Bakery LAB: Lacc. casei (CD), Coml. kimchii (CD), Randazzo et al.
honey Lacp. pentosus (CD) (2005)
Grape juice or Durum wheat na na 24 Bakery LAB: Lacp. pentosus (CD), Frul. Randazzo et al.
honey (3) sanfranciscensis (CD) (2005)
Grape juice or Durum wheat na na 24 Bakery LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD) Randazzo et al.
honey (2005)
Grape juice or Durum wheat na na 24 Bakery LAB: Coml. kimchii (CD), Lacp. pentosus Randazzo et al.
honey (CD), Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD) (2005)
Grape juice or Durum wheat na na 24 Bakery LAB: Lacc. casei (CD), Lacp. plantarum (CD) Randazzo et al.
honey (2005)
Grape must Durum wheat 160 30 5 Laboratory LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD), Leuc. Minervini et al.
mesenteroides (CD) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Grapes Wheat 150 29 4-4-16 Laboratory LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD), Latl. sakei (CD), Gordún et al.
P. pentosaceus (CD) (2015)
Yeasts: Saccharomyces group
Grapes Wheat + rye 167 5–25 24 Laboratory LAB: Lacc. casei/rhamnosus/paracasei (CD) Aplevicz et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2014b)
Hawthorn Wheat 200 20–25 48 Laboratory LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD, CI) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
berries Yeasts: unidentified species (CI) (2016)
Honey Durum wheat 160 30 5 Laboratory LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD) Minervini et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
Honey Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Lactiplantibacillus species (CD), P. Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
pentosaceus (CD), W. cibaria (CD) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD), W. anomalus
Honey Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Latl. graminis (CD), P. pentosaceus (CD) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
Honey Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), P. pentosaceus (CD) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
Honey Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Latl. graminis (CD), P. pentosaceus (CD) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD), S. barnettii (2016)
(now K. barnettii) (CD)
Honey Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD), Leuc. Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
holzapfelii (CD), Leuc. mesenteroides (2016)
(CD), Leuc. kimchii (CD), W. confusa (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Macerated pears Durum wheat 160 30 5 Laboratory LAB: Lacp. pentosus (CD), Lacp. plantarum Minervini et al.
(CD) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Mother of Wheat 200 20–25 48 Laboratory LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD, CI) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
vinegar Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CI) (2016)
Mother of Wheat 200 30 24 Laboratory LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD) Ripari, Cecchi, et al.
vinegar Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
Myrtle berries Wheat 200 20–25 48 Laboratory LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD, CI) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CI) (2016)
Myrtle berries Wheat 200 30 24 Laboratory LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD) Ripari, Cecchi, et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
NaCl Durum wheat 150 25 13 Bakery LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD), Latl. sakei (CD), Minervini et al.
Leuc. citreum (CD) (2012a)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CI)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 25 6 Bakery LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD) Minervini et al.
Yeasts: K. humilis/barnettii (CI) (2012a)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 25 10 Bakery LAB: W. cibaria (CD), W. confusa (CD) Minervini et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2012b)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 25 6 Bakery LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD), Leuc. Minervini et al.
citreum (CD) (2012b)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 17

Table 1. (Continued ).
Species diversity
AAB (A., Acetobacter; G., Gluconobacter);
LAB (Coml., Companilactobacillus; E.,
Enterococcus; Frul., Fructilactobacillus; Furl.,
Furfurilactobacillus; Lacc., Lacticaseibacillus;
Lacp., Lactiplantibacillus; Lc., Lactococcus;
Latl., Latilactobacillus; Leuc., Leuconostoc;
Levl., Levilactobacillus; Liml.,
Limosilactobacillus; P., Pediococcus; W.,
Ingredient Weissella);
(number of Dough Fermentation Fermentation Yeasts (K., Kazachstania; Pi., Pichia; S.,
sourdoughs if > Cereal yield temperature time Type of Saccharomyces; T., Torulaspora; Y.,
1) flour (DY) (°C) (h) producer Yarrowia). Reference
NaCl Durum wheat 160 25 6 Bakery LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD), Lacp. Minervini et al.
plantarum (CD), Leuc. citreum (CD) (2012b)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
NaCl Wheat + durum 160 25 6 Bakery Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) Minervini et al.
wheat (2012b)
NaCl Wheat 160 22 6 Bakery LAB: Latl. sakei (CD), Frul. sanfranciscensis Minervini et al.
(CD), Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. (2012b)
mesenteroides (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
NaCl Wheat 160 22 10 Bakery LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD) Minervini et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2012b)
NaCl Wheat 160 22 12 Bakery LAB: Coml. paralimentarius (CD), Lacp. Minervini et al.
plantarum (CD) (2012b)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
NaCl Wheat 160 23 6 Bakery LAB: Lacc. casei (CD), Lacp. plantarum (CD), Minervini et al.
Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD), P. inopinatus (2012b)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 26 4 Bakery LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD), Frul. Minervini et al.
sanfranciscensis (CD) (2012b)
Yeasts: K. humilis (CD)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 22 11 Bakery LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), Lacp. plantarum (CD), Minervini et al.
Furl. rossiae (CD), Frul. sanfranciscensis (2012b)
(CD), P. argentinicus (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 27 11 Bakery LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), Lacp. plantarum (CD), Minervini et al.
Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD), Lc. lactis (2012b)
subsp. lactis (CD), Leuc. mesenteroides
subsp. mesenteroides (CD), P.
pentosaceus (CD), W. paramesenteroides
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 26 10 Bakery LAB: Coml. paralimentarius (CD), Levl. Minervini et al.
spicheri (CD) (2012b)
Yeasts: K. barnettii (CD), K. exigua (CD)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 25 11 Bakery LAB: Levl. namurensis (CD), Coml. Minervini et al.
paralimentarius (CD), Lacp. plantarum (2012b)
(CD), Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
NaCl Durum wheat 160 22 5 Bakery LAB: E. durans (CD), Frul. sanfranciscensis Minervini et al.
(CD) (2012b)
Yeasts: K. humilis (CD)
NaCl + baker’s Wheat 160 30 6 Bakery LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD), P. pentosaceus Minervini et al.
yeast (CD) (2012b)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
NaCl + baker’s Wheat 160 27 18 Bakery LAB: Coml. paralimentarius (CD), Lacp. Minervini et al.
yeast plantarum (CD), Leuc. mesenteroides (2012b)
subsp. mesenteroides (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Navel orange Wheat 200 RT 24 Laboratory LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), Lacp. plantarum (CD), Yu et al. (2018)
Furl. rossiae (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Pomegranate Wheat 200 20–25 48 Laboratory LAB: Lactiplantibacillus species (CD, CI), Frul. Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
sanfranciscensis (CI) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CI)
Pomegranate Wheat 200 30 24 Laboratory LAB: Lactiplantibacillus species (CD) Ripari, Cecchi, et al.
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
Rye cider Wheat na 25 6 Laboratory LAB: Leuc. mesenteroides group (CD*) Vilanova et al.
Speedwell Wheat 200 20–25 48 Laboratory LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD, CI) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
flowers AAB: G. cerinus (CD, CI) (2016)

Table 1. (Continued ).
Species diversity
AAB (A., Acetobacter; G., Gluconobacter);
LAB (Coml., Companilactobacillus; E.,
Enterococcus; Frul., Fructilactobacillus; Furl.,
Furfurilactobacillus; Lacc., Lacticaseibacillus;
Lacp., Lactiplantibacillus; Lc., Lactococcus;
Latl., Latilactobacillus; Leuc., Leuconostoc;
Levl., Levilactobacillus; Liml.,
Limosilactobacillus; P., Pediococcus; W.,
Ingredient Weissella);
(number of Dough Fermentation Fermentation Yeasts (K., Kazachstania; Pi., Pichia; S.,
sourdoughs if > Cereal yield temperature time Type of Saccharomyces; T., Torulaspora; Y.,
1) flour (DY) (°C) (h) producer Yarrowia). Reference
Speedwell Wheat 200 30 24 Laboratory LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD) Ripari, Cecchi, et al.
flowers Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
Vinegar Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Lactiplantibacillus species (CD), Furl. Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
rossiae (CD), Leuc. mesenteroides (CD) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Water from Durum wheat 160 30 5 Laboratory LAB: Lacp. plantarum (CD) Minervini et al.
macerate Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
White cider Wheat na 25 6 Laboratory LAB: Leuc. mesenteroides group (CD*) Vilanova et al.
White mustard Wheat 200 20–25 48 Laboratory LAB: Latl. graminis (CD, CI) Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
flowers Yeasts: unidentified species (CI) (2016)
White mustard Wheat 200 30 24 Laboratory LAB: Latl. graminis (CD) Ripari, Cecchi, et al.
flowers Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD) (2016)
Yoghurt Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Leuc. holzapfelii (CD), Leuc. Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
mesenteroides (CD), P. pentosaceus (CD), (2016)
W. cibaria (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Yoghurt Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Frul. sanfranciscensis (CD), Leuc. Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
holzapfelii (CD), W. cibaria (CD) (2016)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Yoghurt Wheat na na na Bakery LAB: Lacc. paracasei (CD), Lactiplantibacillus Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
species (CD), Furl. rossiae (CD), Leuc. (2016)
holzapfelii (CD), Leuc. mesenteroides
(CD), P. pentosaceus (CD)
Yeasts: S. cerevisiae (CD)
Yoghurt Wheat 150 29 4-4-16 Laboratory LAB: Levl. brevis (CD), Lacp. plantarum (CD), Gordún et al.
Latl. sakei (CD), P. pentosaceus (CD), W. (2015)
cibaria (CD)
Yeasts: Saccharomyces group
na, not available; RT, room temperature.

Table 2. Non-exhaustive overview of laboratory sourdough productions (Type 2) initiated with a lactic acid bacterial starter culture to study the effects of the
addition of non-flour ingredients.
Dough Fermentation Fermentation
yield temperature time
Ingredient Starter culture Cereal flour (DY) (°C) (h) Effect Reference
Apple juice Companilactobacillus Wheat 200 30 72 or 10 days of Enhanced production of Comasio, Van
crustorum LMG 24 h lactic acid Kerrebroeck,
23699 backslopping Increased lactic acid and De Vuyst
bacterial population (2021)
Honey Pediococcus Wheat + rye 200 32 19 Influence on bread dough Nutter et al.
pentosaceus CRL development (only Liml. (2017)
922 and fermentum)
fermentum CRL
Lemon juice Coml. crustorum LMG Wheat 200 30 72 or 10 days of Enhanced production of Comasio, Van
23699 24 h acetic acid, lactic acid, Kerrebroeck,
backslopping acetoin, and diacetyl and De Vuyst
Milk whey Lactobacillus Wheat or 200 30 24 More exopolysaccharides Galle et al. (2011)
buchneri FUA 3154 sorghum
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 19

Table 3. Non-exhaustive overview of laboratory sourdough productions (Type 2) initiated with a lactic acid bacterial and/or yeast starter culture or a mature
sourdough to study the effects of the addition of pure chemical compounds.
Dough Fermentation Fermentation
Cereal yield temperature time
Compound Starter culture flour (DY) (°C) (h) Effect Reference
Arginine Furfurilactobacillus Wheat 160 30 6 More ornithine De Angelis et al.
rossiae CB1 and 7 and 12 Increased growth (2002)
(originally rate and enhanced
identified as tolerance to acidic
Fructilactobacillus stress
sanfranciscensis Improved cell
CB1) survival during
Citrate Companilactobacillus Wheat 200–400 30 72 More lactic acid, Van Kerrebroeck
crustorum LMG acetoin, and et al. (2018a,
23699 diacetyl 2018b);
Comasio et
al. (2019)
Citrate Furl. rossiae CB1 Wheat 148 28 8 Increased growth rate Gobbetti and
More lactic acid Corsetti
and acetic acid 1996)
quotient (ratio of
lactic acid to
acetic acid)
Less ethanol
Fructose Furl. rossiae CB1 Wheat 148 28 8 Higher TTA Gobbetti,
More acetic acid Corsetti, and
Reduced Rossi (1995)
Fructose Levilactobacillus Wheat 180–320 25–40 20 More acetic acid Röcken, Rick,
brevis 25a Reduced and
fermentation Reinkemeier
quotient (1992)
α-Ketoglutaric acid Frul. sanfranciscensis Wheat 200 30–37 48 More lactic acid and Zhang and
DSM 20451 acetic acid Gänzle
Limosilactobacillus More (2010)
reuteri LTH 2584 2-hydroxyglutarate
NaCl Frul. sanfranciscensis Rye 200 28 24 Inhibited growth of Brandt,
LTH 2581 and Frul. Hammes,
Kazachstania sanfranciscensis and Gänzle
humilis LTH H198 and less lactic (2004)
acid with high
NaCl Rye sourdough Wheat 220 28 24 Enhanced LAB Simonson,
growth with low Salovaara,
NaCl and Korhola
concentrations (2003)
Inhibited growth
of yeasts and LAB
with high NaCl
Pentosans and Lactobacillus hilgardii Wheat 135–220 30 24 More acetic acid Gobbetti et al.
endo-xylanase S32 Increased (1999)
acidification rate
and TTA
Pentosans and Lactiplantibacillus Wheat 170 30 8 More acetic acid Gobbetti et al.
α-L- plantarum 20B Increased (2000)
arabinofuranosidase acidification rate
and TTA
Sucrose Frul. sanfranciscensis Wheat-rye 200 30 24 More OS, acetate, Korakli et al.
LTH 2590 and mannitol (2001)
Sucrose Lactobacillaceae spp. Wheat 200 30–37 24 More OS Tieking et al.
TTA, total titratable acidity; LAB, lactic acid bacteria; OS, oligosaccharides.

Fructose as alternative external electron acceptor by heterofermen-

The addition of fructose to the flour-water mixture allows tative LAB species, thereby producing mannitol (Figure 4;
the production of higher concentrations of acetic acid (and Röcken, Rick, and Reinkemeier 1992; De Vuyst et al. 2002).
lower concentrations of ethanol), as fructose can be used This has been shown during co-metabolism of maltose and

Figure 6.  Co-metabolism of citrate or malate and maltose in lactic acid bacteria (LAB): citrate metabolism starts with its conversion into acetate and oxaloac-
etate by a citrate lyase; oxaloacetate can be further converted into succinate (common route for heterofermentative LAB species) via the reductive branch of
the tricarboxylic acid cycle or to pyruvate by an oxaloacetate decarboxylase; pyruvate can be further converted into lactic acid or α-acetolactate with a lactate
dehydrogenase or an α-acetolactate synthase (releasing carbon dioxide), respectively, the latter being converted into acetoin enzymatically (acetolactate decar-
boxylase) or diacetyl non-enzymatically (oxidative decarboxylation; dashed arrow). Malate can be converted into lactate by a malolactic enzyme (releasing
carbon dioxide). The most relevant intermediates and end-products (shown in bold) as well as the use and regeneration of the cofactor NAD+ are represented
(based on Gänzle 2015).

fructose in heterofermentative LAB species (Gobbetti, Arginine

Corsetti, and Rossi 1995; Stolz, Böcker, et al. 1995; Stolz, The addition of arginine to the flour-water mixture allows
Vogel, et al. 1995). Acidity due to the presence of acetic the production of ornithine via the ADI pathway in mainly
acid contributes to the aroma and taste of sourdough breads. heterofermentative LAB species (Figure 4; Gänzle and
Gobbetti 2013; De Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017;
Weckx, Van Kerrebroeck, and De Vuyst 2019). In particular,
Sucrose this pathway enhances the acidic stress response (through
The addition of sucrose that activates levansucrase activity ammonia production) and the strains’ competitiveness
for oligosaccharide production (Figure 4), thereby accumu- (through extra ATP formation) in species of Limosilactobacillus
lating glucose, also supports acetate formation by hetero- (not in Frul. sanfranciscensis). Ornithine is a precursor for
fermentative LAB species, such as in the case of Frul. the production of the crust aroma compound
sanfranciscensis (Korakli et al. 2001; Tieking et al. 2003; 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline that is formed through Maillard reaction
Tieking and Gänzle 2005; Korakli and Vogel 2006; Galle et during the baking process (Schieberle 1990; Grosch and
al. 2010). However, high acetic acid concentrations accom- Schieberle 1997; Thiele, Gänzle, and Vogel 2002; Fernández
panied with oligosaccharide production may have an adverse and Zúñiga 2006; Pacyński, Zawirska-Wojtasiak, and
effect on the bread texture (Kaditzky et al. 2008). Mildner-Szkudlarz 2015). The ADI pathway in heterofer-
mentative LAB species has been studied in detail for several
strains, among which Liml. fermentum IMDO 130101, for
Pentoses and pentosans which it turned out that the environmental pH determines
The addition of pentoses also allows the enhancement of the release of citrulline, an intermediate of the ADI pathway,
the production of acetic acid. For instance, the and ornithine, the end-product of the ADI pathway
co-fermentation of arabinose, xylose, or ribose and maltose (Vrancken et al. 2009a, 2009b). Addition of a small con-
by appropriate strains of LAB species makes this possible centration of arginine (6 mM) to the flour-water mixture
(Gobbetti et al. 1999, 2000). Therefore, arabinoxylans (as enhances the growth and survival of a strain of Furl. rossiae
source of arabinose that is present in branches on the xylan (described as Frul. sanfranciscensis CB1 in the original
backbone chain) may be added to the wheat flour-water paper), which produces more ornithine compared to a fer-
mixture (as the arabinoxylan concentration is low in wheat mentation without added arginine (De Angelis et al. 2002).
flour) together with α-L-arabinofuranosidase, an enzyme An increased roasty note has been found with the addition
that is capable to elaborate arabinose from the xylan back- of Liml. pontis DSM 8475 to a wheat flour-water mixture,
bone chain and that is rarely produced by LAB species which is ascribed to ornithine production (Thiele, Gänzle,
(Michlmayr et al. 2013; Linares-Pastén et al. 2017). and Vogel 2002).
Heterofermentative LAB species can prefer arabinose in the
presence of maltose. Arabinose enables a higher specific
growth rate and cell yield, thereby causing a faster acidifi- Glutamate
cation of the sourdough matrix and an enhanced production Doughs chemically acidified with glutamate (47 mmol/kg)
of acetic acid. This can be ascribed to the higher production significantly change the taste of breads. Moreover, during
of ATP (Figure 4; Gänzle 2015). starter culture-initiated fermentations of flour with high
proteolytic activity (obtained through fungal protease
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 21

addition), higher concentrations of glutamate are produced microbial communities already present in the raw materials,
(via deamination of glutamine) in a strain-dependent man- such as the flour and water used.
ner, enhancing the acid tolerance of the LAB and improving The most abundant LAB species encountered in sour-
the taste of the breads produced thereof (Vermeulen, Gänzle, doughs supplemented with non-flour ingredients do not
and Vogel 2007). Heterofermentative LAB species, such as differ from common sourdoughs, as inventoried before (De
Frul. sanfranciscensis and Liml. reuteri, can impact the pro- Vuyst, Van Kerrebroeck, and Leroy 2017). In decreasing
duction of aroma compounds through their transamination order of relative abundance through the examination of 83
pathway (Vermeulen, Gänzle, and Vogel 2006; Zhang and sourdoughs (Table 1), these are Lacp. plantarum (31 sour-
Gänzle 2010). For instance, the co-fermentation of maltose doughs) and other Lactiplantibacillus species (formerly
as energy source and α-ketoglutarate as electron acceptor known as the Lb. plantarum group) (19 sourdoughs), Frul.
instead of amino group acceptor leads to the production of sanfranciscensis (38 sourdoughs), P. pentosaceus (15 sour-
2-hydroxyglutarate instead of an α-keto acid and glutamate, doughs), and Levl. brevis (10 sourdoughs). Saccharomyces
the latter being favored in the presence of an amino group cerevisiae is the main yeast species found (50 sourdoughs),
donor (e.g., phenylalanine) and citrate. Also, it enables a followed by T. delbrueckii (10 sourdoughs), K. humilis (3
faster growth of the appropriate strains as well as the pro- sourdoughs), Kazachstania barnettii (3 sourdoughs), and
duction of more acetic acid at the cost of ethanol. Pichia membranifaciens (2 sourdoughs). AAB species can
particularly occur when fruits or flowers are added to the
flour-water mixture (Ripari, Gänzle, et al. 2016) or when
Citrate AAB-carrying beers, such as lambic beer, are used (Comasio
The addition of citrate in the presence of a citrate-positive et al. 2020a). Some sourdoughs harbor species that are not
LAB strain, for instance the homofermentative Coml. crus- frequently detected, such as the LAB species Pediococcus
torum LMG 23699, enables the production of not only acetic inopinatus and Pediococcus argentinicus in wheat and durum
acid and lactic acid, but also acetoin and diacetyl (Figures sourdoughs from an Italian artisan bakery, respectively
4 and 6; Van Kerrebroeck et al. 2018a, 2018b; Comasio et (Minervini et al. 2012b). Yet, P. argentinicus was originally
al. 2019; Comasio, Van Kerrebroeck, and De Vuyst 2021). isolated from fermented wheat flour (De Bruyne et al. 2008).
In particular, diacetyl, which is responsible for a buttery Further, Leuconostoc kimchii has been found in Italian bak-
aroma, may have interesting applications in bread products, ery wheat sourdoughs, obtained through flour fermentation
at least when it can be produced in concentrations that are in the presence of fruits or honey (Ripari, Gänzle, et al.
higher than those present naturally and above the flavor 2016). Concerning AAB, G. cerinus has been found in Italian
threshold. The low concentrations of diacetyl commonly laboratory sourdoughs, obtained through flour fermentation
present in breads are possibly due to its further conversion in the presence of flowers (Ripari, Gänzle, et al. 2016).
into 2,3-butanediol by common baker’s yeast, the latter com- Finally, the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica occurs in Greek house-
pound having a higher flavor threshold (Birch, Petersen, hold wheat sourdoughs obtained through flour fermentation
and Hansen 2013; Ripari, Cecchi, et al. 2016). Co-fermentation in the presence of basil (Paramithiotis et al. 2000).
of maltose and citrate by the heterofermentative Furl. rossiae
CB1 (described as citrate-negative Frul. sanfranciscensis CB1
in the original paper), which is actually a strain uncapable Fruits
to use citrate as the sole energy source, leads to a faster Fruits are often used in sourdough preparations. It concerns,
growth, increased concentrations of lactic acid (via a pyru- for instance, apples, apricots, berries, grapes, oranges, pears,
vate surplus from citrate, indicating co-fermentation) and and pomegranates (Randazzo et al. 2005; Aplevicz et al.
particularly acetic acid (made possible through the enhanced 2014a, 2014b; Gordún et al. 2015; Vilanova et al. 2015;
NAD+ recuperation via the production of extra lactic acid) Minervini et al. 2016; Ripari, Cecchi, et al. 2016; Ripari,
compared to maltose solely (Gobbetti and Corsetti 1996). Gänzle, et al. 2016; Yu et al. 2018). There is a possibility
that these fruits determine the microorganisms thriving in
Sourdough productions with the addition of daily the sourdoughs, either accidentally (cross-contamination) or
non-flour ingredients consciously (addition). For instance, retrieval of the yeast
species Metschnikowia pulcherrima from sweet baked prod-
In traditional bakery recipes, non-flour ingredients, such as ucts of an Italian artisan bakery has been connected with
butter, eggs and raisins, are often added to the dough to the presence of fruits in that bakery (Palomba et al. 2011).
enrich the baked goods organoleptically, for instance in the Similarly, Frul. sanfranciscensis can be linked with flowers
production of Italian sweet baked goods and biscuits such and insects, which may contaminate the bakery environment
as Panettone and Lagaccio, respectively (Venturi, Guerrini, (Wong, Ng, and Douglas 2011; Ripari, Gänzle, et al. 2016;
and Vincenzini 2012). Alternatively, extra ingredients can Gänzle and Zheng 2019).
be used to initiate and/or propagate sourdoughs. Non-flour The addition of oranges or pears to wheat flour-water
ingredients often added to flour-water mixtures for the pro- mixtures leads to a different LAB consortium (Levl. brevis,
duction of dedicated sourdoughs are alcoholic beverages, Lacp. plantarum, and Furl. rossiae, albeit in different pro-
bakers’ yeast, flowers, fruits, herbs, honey, milk, salt, vinegar, portions) after fermentation than that of the use of wheat
and yoghurt (Table 1). Besides serving as inoculum of cer- flour only [Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Latilactobacillus cur-
tain microorganisms, they may stimulate or hamper certain vatus (previously known as Lactobacillus curvatus), and P.

pentosaceus] for sourdough production (Yu et al. 2018). glucose to glucono-δ-lactone and hydrogen peroxide, which
Although several yeasts may be present through the addition in turn oxidizes free thiol groups of the gluten proteins,
of fruits at the start of the flour fermentation processes, thereby forming disulfide bridges. Consequently, the addition
yeasts belonging to the Saccharomyces group are often most of honey may enforce the gluten network of sourdough.
competitive (Gordún et al. 2015). In particular, S. cerevisiae However, the addition of honey retards the acidification of
mostly thrives in the presence of fruits and flowers; other the sourdough matrix by the homofermentative P. pentosa-
yeasts, such as T. delbrueckii and Kazachstania spp., often ceus through reduction of the activity of the endogenous
occur in the presence of herbs or honey. In addition, fruits proteases, which influences the gluten network too. Yet, the
cause a low initial pH and enable a faster acidification of final pH is too low for glucose oxidase activity and, hence,
the flour-water mixture, which not only steers the growth the addition of honey has no impact on the gluten network
of certain LAB and yeast species but also controls the with this LAB species. In contrast, in the presence of the
growth of undesirable microorganisms (Gordún et al. 2015; heterofermentative Liml. fermentum, a milder acidification
Minervini et al. 2016; Yu et al. 2018). Furthermore, the of the sourdough matrix occurs, which does not affect glu-
addition of fruits enhances the concentrations of certain cose oxidase activity, thereby minimizing the effect of glu-
amino acids and thus the aroma formation during flour tathione reduction and, hence, forming a stronger gluten
fermentation, which is particularly pronounced in the con- network.
comitant breads produced (Minervini et al. 2016; Yu et al.
2018). This is the result of not only bacterial metabolic Milk and yoghurt
activity (influenced by the fruits and pH, for instance In traditional sourdoughs from the western region in Inner
enhanced production of ornithine and GABA) but also Mongolia (China), sourdoughs produced in the presence of
higher activity of the endogenous flour enzymes. milk contain Leuconostoc citreum that is naturally present
in the milk, next to Lacp. plantarum (Zhang et al. 2011).
Fermented dairy products are a source of dedicated LAB
Fruit juices species, for instance the homofermentative Lactobacillus del-
The addition of lemon juice (as a source of citrate) and brueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus of
apple juice (as a source of malate) to a wheat flour-water yoghurt. The addition of yoghurt to a flour-water mixture
mixture, fermented with the citrate- and malate-positive increases the LAB counts, which are thus much higher than
Coml. crustorum LMG 23699, enables this starter culture the yeast counts, at the start of a sourdough production
strain to prevail and co-ferment the extra carbon sources process. However, upon backslopping, the yeast counts
during both Type 2 and Type 3 sourdough production pro- increase and P. pentosaceus and S. cerevisiae become prev-
cesses; yeast growth is favored by apple juice but retarded alent in a fermenting flour-water mixture inoculated with
by lemon juice (Comasio, Van Kerrebroeck, and De Vuyst yoghurt, indicating that the yoghurt LAB species are not
2021). The Type 3 fermentation strategy requires, however, appropriate to adapt to and survive in the sourdough envi-
the addition of juice at each backslopping step. Lemon juice ronment (Gordún et al. 2015).
enables citrate conversion and thus the production of lactic
acid, acetic acid, and the buttery flavor compounds acetoin
and diacetyl. Apple juice enables malolactate fermentation Alcoholic beverages
and thus an enhanced production of lactic acid. These inno- Alternative ingredients used in the production of
vative sourdoughs lead to the production of baked goods region-specific sourdoughs are, for instance, beer. Birote
with different flavor characteristics. sourdough is produced based on eggs, lemons, and beer
and is used for the production of Pan de Birote, a French
baguette-like baked product in Mexico (Puratos 2018).
Honey In Greece, a small amount of ouzo (a strong
Honey is a carbohydrate-rich product and hence may influ- anise-flavoured distilled spirit produced from pomace) is
ence the growth of microorganisms naturally present in a sometimes added to a mixture of crushed chickpeas, basil
flour-water mixture to which it is added (Table 1; Randazzo leaves, and pelargonium, which is fermented overnight and
et al. 2005; Minervini et al. 2016; Ripari, Gänzle, et al. 2016) used in the production of wheat sourdoughs (De Vuyst et
as well as after the addition of a starter culture (Table 2; al. 2002).
Nutter et al. 2017). Indeed, the high concentrations of glu- Also white and rye ciders have been used as alcoholic
cose (used as energy source) and fructose (used as energy non-flour ingredient (Vilanova et al. 2015). It has turned
source or alternative external electron acceptor) present in out that the sourdoughs made with white cider have more
honey accelerate the growth and cell yield of strains of the Leuc. mesenteroides than those made with rye cider.
LAB species added, both homofermentative ones (such as Finally, lambic beer (a beer obtained through spontaneous
P. pentosaceus) and heterofermentative ones (such as Liml. fermentation by means of yeasts, LAB, and AAB; Bogaerts,
fermentum), during a Type 2 sourdough production process De Roos, and De Vuyst 2021) has been used to produce
(Nutter et al. 2017). In contrast, the antimicrobial com- sourdough. It turned out that the sourdoughs carry yeast
pounds present in honey inhibit the growth of yeasts that species such as Dekkera anomala and P. membranifaciens as
are naturally present in the flour (Minervini et al. 2016). well as Acetobacter species, reflecting the lambic beer eco-
Further, honey contains glucose oxidase, which oxidizes system and brewery environment (Comasio et al. 2020a).
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 23

Conclusions Scientiarum-Technology 36 (4):713–9. doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.

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