Sample Proposal 3

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August, 2021
Table of Contents




List of Tables...............................................................................................................................v

List of

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1

1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study........................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Statement.................................................................................................................2

1.3 Objectives of the Study..........................................................................................................2

1.3.1 Main Objective....................................................................................................................2

1.3.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................3

1.4 Scope of the Study.................................................................................................................3

1.4.1 Geographical Scope............................................................................................................3

1.4.2 Time Scope.........................................................................................................................3

1.4.3 Content Scope.....................................................................................................................3

1.5 Significance of the Study.......................................................................................................3

1.5.1 To the Researcher................................................................................................................4

1.5.2 To the Community..............................................................................................................4

1.5.3 To other Researchers...........................................................................................................4

1.5.4 To the University................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5

LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5

2.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................5

2.1 Review of Related Systems....................................................................................................5

2.1.1 Online Student Attendance System.....................................................................................5

2.1.2 Student Attendance Management System...........................................................................6

2.1.3 Student Information and Management System...................................................................7

2.1.4 Online Student Attendance and Information Management System....................................7

2.2 Comparison of the Reviewed Systems against the Proposed System....................................8

2.3 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................10

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................10

3.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................10

3.1 Methodology........................................................................................................................10

3.2 Explanation of the Each Phase.............................................................................................12

3.2.1 Requirements Gathering and Analysis..............................................................................12 Questionnaire.................................................................................................................12 Interview........................................................................................................................12 Sample Size Determination............................................................................................13 Sampling Technique......................................................................................................13 Data Analysis.................................................................................................................13

3.2.2 Quick Design.....................................................................................................................14

3.2.3 Build Prototype.................................................................................................................14

3.2.4 User Evaluation.................................................................................................................14

3.2.5 Refining Prototype............................................................................................................15

3.2.6 Engineer Product...............................................................................................................15

3.3 Ethical Considerations.........................................................................................................15

3.4 Anticipated Challenges........................................................................................................15



APPENDIX I. FINANCIAL BUDGET.....................................................................................17

APPENDIX II. TIME BUDGET...............................................................................................18

APPENDIX III. QUESTIONNAIRE.........................................................................................19

APPENDIX IV. INTERVIEW GUIDE.....................................................................................21


1.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher will explain the background of the study, problem statement,
objectives of the study, scope of the study and significance of the study.

According to Armstrong (2017), online student attendance management system is an automated

web application that allows students to record attendance management system. The online
student attendance management system deals with the efficient management of student
attendance. The online student attendance management system eliminates the user of papers to
record and store student attendance information (Fagbola, 2018).

1.1 Background of the Study

According to Vastenburg (2017), online student attendance management system is a web based
system that helps universities to store and manage student attendance history. Much as the online
student attendance management system is of key benefits, some universities have continued to
relay on the traditional methods of recording students’ attendance using papers. The traditional
system of managing student attendance using paper based system is still mostly used in Ugandan
universities and the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara is no exception.

Internationally for example in India, student attendance is computer based whereby students’
attendance profile is stored in the computer (Priyanka, 2016).

Regionally for example in Kenya, most universities manage student attendance using
computerised tools (Kanyere, 2016).

Nationally that is in Uganda, few universities manage student attendance using computerised
tools. The few universities that manage student attendance using computerised tools are also not
very effective and usability (NCHE, 2018).

At the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara, student attendance and management is completely
paper based whereby every lecture students have to sign in the book provided by the lecturer by
filling in their names, registration number, course, telephone and signature.

1.2 Problem Statement

Student attendance and management at the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara has continued to
become a bigger challenge to both the university, lecturers and students. The paper based system
currently used is very costly in terms of buying books, time consuming since lecturers have to
wait for all students to sign in the book at the end of the lecture, unreliable in that any student
can sign for any other student who is absent which undermines the principles of the university of
student attendance rules and procedures. The paper based system is also prone to other problems
like books getting torn, lost, misplaced, or hidden by some malicious intruders which causes loss
of student attendance records and information.

Therefore, it is from this point of view that the researcher gets the motivation of developing an
online student attendance management system that will solve the above challenges and problems.
The proposed online student attendance management system will solve the challenge of too
much cost by implementing a database that will store all the information in one place which is
slightly cheaper than the cost of buying books, the challenge of time consuming buying allowing
students to enter their registration number in the system and their attendance is captured in a
shortest time, the challenge of unreliability by ensuring that every student first logs in to the
system to be able to record their attendance using a unique number assigned to each student, and
the challenge of books getting torn, lost, misplaced or hiding them will be solved by
implementing a database that will store information in one place which will not physically
accessed by any one and also using secure login credentials.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study will be divided into two that is main objective and specific

1.3.1 Main Objective

To digitize students’ attendance management.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. To review related literature so as to generate requirements for the proposed online student
attendance management system.
2. To design and develop the proposed online student attendance management system.
3. To test and validate the developed online student attendance management system.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study will be divided into three that is geographical scope, time scope and
content scope.

1.4.1 Geographical Scope

Online student attendance management system will be conducted at the University of Saint
Joseph Mbarara. The University of Saint Joseph Mbarara is located in Mbarara municipality. The
University of Saint Joseph Mbarara borders Holy Innocents Children’s Hospital in the South, St.
Hellen’s Primary School in the West, St. Josephs Vocational School in the East and Mbarara
Archdiocese in the North.

1.4.2 Time Scope

This study will take a period of four (4) months that is from June to September 2021. The
researcher will use this time to carry out data collection, data analysis and system development.

1.4.3 Content Scope

This study will focus on developing an online student attendance management system that will
help students to record their lecture attendance online.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Significance of the study will be broken into four that is to the researcher, to the community, to
other researchers and to the university (organisation).

1.5.1 To the Researcher

1. This study will allow the researcher to partially fulfill the requirements for the award of
Diploma in Computer Science of University of Saint Joseph Mbarara.
2. This study will help the researcher to gain communication skills through data collection.
3. This study will help the researcher to acquire systems development skills.
4. This study could create an employment opportunity if the system is bought by the

1.5.2 To the Community

1. This study will help to save the turnaround time that has been consumed by the paper
based system to record student attendance.
2. This study could help create employment opportunities to system developers that may be
involved in systems maintenance.
3. This study will help to relieve lectures from being over worked.
4. This study will to relieve university employees responsible for student attendance

1.5.3 To other Researchers

1. This study will help to provide literature review to other researchers interested in the
same field.
2. This study will help other researchers to get future recommendations for improvement of
student attendance management system.

1.5.4 To the University

1. This study will help to reduce costs that have been incurred by the university to buy
2. This study will help to safely and securely store student attendance information for future
3. This study will eliminate the use of books to record student attendance hence improving
the security of the student attendance information.
4. This study will help to easily and electronically archive student attendance information.




2.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher will review related systems to gather all the information required
to develop the proposed system, tabulate a comparison of the reviewed systems with the
proposed system and a summary of missing gaps in the reviewed systems.

2.1 Review of Related Systems

In this section, the researcher analyses the reviewed systems as presented below.

2.1.1 Online Student Attendance System

According to Roudier (2017), online student attendance system is an online system that helps the
university to record, process, retrieve and store student attendance records. The online student
attendance system was developed to solve the problem of recording student attendance on papers
which was very costly, time consuming and unreliable. The university developed an online
student attendance system that captures student attendance information every lecture by using
student registration details. The main objective of the online student attendance system was to
improve student attendance information management. The online student attendance system was
developed using the waterfall model as the systems development methodology. The online
student attendance system was able to allow the university to record and retrieve student
attendance information which reduced the costs that were previously incurred in the paper based
system, saved the turnaround time that was previously wasted in the paper based system. The
online student attendance system also helped to eliminate the challenge of papers getting torn,
lost, torn, and misplacement. However, the online student attendance system was able to achieve
its main objective, it has some challenges for example, it has unfriendly user interface, it does
not allow the student to view his or her attendance history and it is also takes too much time to
generate the requested output.

Therefore, the proposed online student attendance management system will have the same
feature like this reviewed system which include allowing the university to capture and store
student attendance information, reduce the costs currently being incurred in the current paper
based system, save the turnaround time wasted in the paper based system but also solve the
challenges it has. For example the proposed online student attendance management system will
develop a nice, interactive, and user friendly interface, allow each student to view his or her own
attendance history and reduce the time taken to generate reports.

2.1.2 Student Attendance Management System

The student attendance management system is a computerised system that helps to store student
attendance information (Srinivasu, 2017). The student attendance management system was
developed to address the challenge of easily searching specific student attendance history and to
easily generate student attendance reports. With these challenges, the university developed a
student attendance management system that would help to solve the problem of failure to search
for a specific student attendance record and easily generate student attendance reports. The main
objective of the student attendance management system was to enhance student attendance
information and management. Throughout the development of the student attendance
management system, the researcher used agile systems development life cycle. The system
attendance management system was able to record student attendance information, search
student specific attendance information and generate student attendance reports. The system was
able to record student attendance information using the student’s registration number but did not
solve the problem of data redundancy.

Therefore, the proposed online student attendance management system will implement the same
features of easily searching for specific student attendance information and easily generate
student attendance reports but also solve the problem of data redundancy by efficiently
implementing database relationships using the relational database model hence registering the
student once assigning the faculty, department and course hence using the same information
alongside the student attendance and information management thus solving the problem of data

2.1.3 Student Information and Management System

According to Geeta et al (2017), student information and management system is a system that
helps students to record the student information every lecture. The student information and
management system was developed to help the university eliminate the use of paper based
system to record student attendance information. The main objective of the student information
and management system was to improve student attendance information and management.
Throughout the development of the student information and management system, the researcher
used prototyping methodology as the guiding steps in the systems development methodology.
The student information and management system was able to record, process, store and retrieve
student attendance information easily and faster. The student information and management
system did not address the challenge of impersonation where any student can record attendance
for any other student using their password and username.

Therefore, the proposed online student attendance management system will have the same
features like recording, processing, storing and retrieving student attendance information easily
and faster. The proposed online student attendance and management system will solve the
problem of impersonation by using a unique one time password (OTP) that will be sent to each
student by short message service (SMS) for verification upon recording student attendance for

2.1.4 Online Student Attendance and Information Management System

Online student attendance and information management system is an online system that helps the
university to record and monitor student attendance over the internet (Fagbola, 2018). The online
student attendance and information management system was developed to eliminate the use of
the paper based system to record and manage student attendance information electronically. The
online student attendance and information management system used the student registration
number to record student attendance. The main objective of the online student attendance
management was to improve student attendance information using an online system. Throughout
the systems development life cycle, the researcher used incremental prototyping methodology as
the system development guiding steps and questionnaire method as the data collection tool. The

system allows the lecturer to enroll each student who has attended into the system at the start and
end of every lecture.

The lecturer logs in to the system and enters the date and start time of the lecture selecting the
students present, and at the end of the lecture he or she again enters the stop time for the lecture
and selects the students present and submits the student attendance and exists. This system is
very time consuming and can easily be compromised by the lecturer not enrolling some students
present and enrolling students absent and does not allow generating of student attendance

Therefore, the proposed online student attendance management system will allow each student to
record their attendance by activating attend button when the authenticated and authorised student
logs in to the system hence solving the problem of consuming too much time and being
compromised by the lecturer. The system will also be able to generate student attendance reports.

2.2 Comparison of the Reviewed Systems against the Proposed System

In this section, the researcher will compare the characteristics of the reviewed systems with the
proposed system.

Characteristics 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Proposed System

Web based Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Friendly user interface No No Yes Yes Yes

Timely reports generation No Yes Yes No Yes

Information sharing No No Yes No Yes

Easy information search No No Yes Yes Yes

Data integrity No Yes No No Yes

Information security No No No No Yes

Impersonation No No No No No

Sending verification SMS No No No No Yes

Secure login No No Yes Yes Yes

Student attendance history No No No No Yes

Data redundancy No No No No Yes

Table 2. 1 Showing comparison between reviewed systems and the proposed system

2.3 Conclusion

The reviewed systems have some loopholes like not able to generate student attendance reports,
student attendance impersonation, not allowing each student to view his or her attendance
history, data redundancy, taking too much time to process and generate the requested output,
unfriendly user interface, not able to verify student login.

However, the researcher is convinced that the proposed system will address these challenges by
implementing a nice, interactive and user friendly interface, generate student attendance reports,
allow each student to view his or own attendance history, eliminate data redundancy, take too
little time to process and generate the requested output and as well as implement a secure login
using OTP via SMS.



3.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher will explain the methodology that will be used, data collection
tools and techniques, sample size, data analysis, ethical issues and anticipated limitations of this

3.1 Methodology

According to Boston and Addison (1994), methodology is a codified set of practices

accompanied by training materials, formal educational programs, worksheets and the
diagramming tools that may be repeatedly carried out to produce software. Methodology
includes methods, procedures, tools and techniques used to collect and analyse information. In
this study, the researcher will use prototyping methodology for the system development as the
guiding blocks in designing and development of the proposed online student attendance
management system. Prototyping methodology is a software development process which allows
developers to create portions of the solution to demonstrate functionality and make needed
refinements before developing the final solution. With the prototyping methodology, the
researcher will be able to come up with various prototypes that will be used to evaluate and
validate the components before developing the final system. This will be achieved through the
different phases of prototyping methodology as will be described later in the next sections.
Prototyping methodology is used when the business requirements are likely to change as the
project proceeds and or when the project manager or project sponsor have little ideas of what
final system is to be built will look like. The analysis, design, and implementation phases are
performed concurrently and this results into various prototypes that will be reviewed by the
project sponsor and project manager throughout this project’s execution phases. The cycle is
repeated continually based on the sponsor’s comments and suggestions until the prototypes
successfully meet the user requirements. The last prototype will then be called the system.
Prototyping methodology needs only initial basic analysis and design phases. However, as the
result, important system functions may not be recognized until somewhere in the middle of the

project’s timeline. Thus there is a possibility to alter the initial design decision and start all over
again from the beginning.
Therefore, this prototyping methodology will be preferred by the researcher because of the
following benefits (Kothari, 2016).
1. Quicker user feedback is available leading to better solutions of the system to be
2. Prototyping methodology delivers the system quickly to users.
3. Prototyping methodology focuses on increased user involvement during development and
before system implementation which increases user acceptance of the system.
4. The working model of the system is displayed in time hence the users get a better
understanding of the system being developed.

Figure 3. 1 Showing prototyping methodology

3.2 Explanation of the Each Phase

In this section, the researcher will discuss each phase detailing what will be done, how it will be
done and why it will be done so as to meet the user requirements.
3.2.1 Requirements Gathering and Analysis

During the requirements gathering and analysis phase, the researcher will conduct various
studies and analysis so as to come up with a successful project. It is in this phase that the
researcher will carry out data collection, data analysis, target population and sample size
determination. Questionnaire

The researcher will use the questionnaire method as the fundamental data collection tool to
collect data about students’ and lecturers’ opinions about requirements regarding the proposed
system as well as the existing system. The questionnaires will be given to students and lectures
which will be collected back in a period of two weeks. Data that will be collected using
questionnaires will be compiled and analysed so as to generate user requirements and opinions.
The researcher will use questionnaire method because it is cheap and reliable to collect data from
scattered sources like students and lecturers. Interview

The researcher will conduct an interview with the quality assurance office so as to examine the
requirements for the proposed online student attendance management system. During the
interview, advantages and disadvantages of the current system will be thoroughly collected and
analysed so that the benefits are incorporated in the proposed online student attendance
management system and the current challenges be completely eliminated in the proposed system.
This interview method will be used to gather information about user’s requirements regarding
the proposed online student attendance management system. Interviews will be done orally and
will use open ended questions where the interviewee will respond appropriately. The interview
method will be used because it is cheap to use especially in areas that need more detailed
technical information that may not easily be achieved using other methods like questionnaire. At
the end of the interview, the researcher expects to collect information about the current systems

used, challenges faced and requirements of the proposed online student attendance management
system. Sample Size Determination

This study will be conducted at the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara. During sample size
determination, the researcher will use Solvin’s formula. This method will be used because it is
easy to determine the average number of respondents from the total population.

Solvin’s formula = N/1+n(e2)

N = Total population
n = Sample size
e = Degree of freedom

Quality assurance office 3 N/1+n(e2) 2

Students 600 N/1+n(e2) 315

Lecturers 13 N/1+n(e2) 7

Total 516 324

Table 3. 1 Showing sample size determination Sampling Technique

During this study, the researcher will use mixed method research technique that is quantitative
and qualitative techniques. Mixed method technique will be used because the study involves
responses that will be analysed used qualitative technique and quantitative technique. For
example data collected using questionnaires will be quantitative whereas data collected using
interviews will be qualitative. Data Analysis

During data analysis phase, the researcher will use different tools to analyse the collected data.
Data collected using interviews will be analysed using text descriptions whereas data collected
using questionnaires will be analysed using statistical methods using Microsoft Excel.

3.2.2 Quick Design

During quick design phase, all requirements will be analysed thoroughly. For each requirement,
a set of design components will be produced as a result of interviews and prototype efforts. This
will focus on producing an efficient online student attendance management system that will be
user oriented. During this phase, the researcher will design data input forms, tables, database,
and user interfaces using Sublime Text and MySQL Workbench.

3.2.3 Build Prototype

During this phase, information analysed from quick design will be modified to form the first
prototype which will represent the working model of the required proposed system. The
researcher will use various programming and scripting languages to develop the online student
attendance management system. The researcher will develop the prototypes using Cascading
Style Sheet (CSS) for styling the user interfaces, hypertext pre-processor (PHP) for data
validation, processing and submitting user input data to the database, hypertext mark-up
language (HTML) to design user data input forms and tables, JavaScript (JS) to provide a more
interactive and secure system, MySQLi to create a database connection, inserting, modifying,
and retrieving information to and from the database. The researcher will use these various
programming and scripting languages because they are open source to download and use and the
researcher has enough knowledge to use these tools.

3.2.4 User Evaluation

During this phase, the researcher will produce the developed prototype to the users for evaluation
and analysis. All the suggestions from the users will be effected in the next prototype. It is in this
phase that testing will also be carried out. The researcher will use unit testing on individual units
of source codes. The objective of unit testing will be to isolate each part of the system and to
evaluate that each single unit is correct and valid in terms of efficiency, requirements, secure and
functionality. Unit testing will be aimed at finding out if the system is able to allow students to

capture student attendance online, not able to capture attendance for absent students, user
friendly interface, accessibility, dependability, and ensuring that only authorised users have
access to the online student attendance management system.

3.2.5 Refining Prototype

During this phase, the researcher will incorporate the comments, ideas, suggestions and
recommendations from users as discussed in the user evaluation phase. After the comments,
suggestions, ideas, and recommendations from the user have been refined and incorporated, the
prototype is again evaluated and this process will be repeated until all user requirements are
achieved. After all the requirements are achieved, integration testing will be carried out which
will involve combining several units and then testing if all the units work together as a complete
system. This will aim at finding out if the various prototypes have achieved the main goal if
combined as a single system.
3.2.6 Engineer Product

After all the phases have been conducted thoroughly and users have accepted the system, the
researcher will implement the system to ensure that it meets user requirements. This will be done
by hosting the system on the server and performing various system hosting configurations. The
final system will be evaluated thoroughly followed by routine maintenance on regular basis to
prevent possible failures and minimizing downtime errors.

3.3 Ethical Considerations

1. The researcher will seek clearance from the university research department to carry out
data collection.
2. The researcher will first seek consent from the respondent(s) before carrying out data
collection from them.
3. The researcher will ensure that respondents’ responses are treated with utmost integrity
and confidentiality and make ensure that their responses are not disclosed to any third

3.4 Anticipated Challenges

1. During this study, the researcher may encounter bias from respondents declining to fill
out the questionnaires.
2. During this study, the researcher may fail to access respondents in case they are in areas
that are inaccessible.
3. During this study, the researcher may fail to obtain sufficient data from respondents.


1. Armstrong L N (2017). Acceptability of online systems notifications in schools and

universities. International Journal of Human Computer Studies pp. 814-826.
2. Boston and Addison (1994). Research Methodology and Techniques. 2nd Edn. Prentice
3. Fagbola M (2018). A Conceptual Model for online automated attendance system.
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), vol. 63-No. 8.
4. Geeta et al (2017). Web Based Student Information Management System. International
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. Vol. 2.
5. Kanyere Nelson (2016). Mobile Ubiquitous Employee Attendance Monitoring System.
International Conference on Education Technology and Computer. Vol 3. pp. 23-47.
6. Kothari R (2016). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age
7. National Council for Higher Education NCHE (2018). Technical report on institutions of
higher learning and use of Information and Communication Technology. pp. 45-63.
8. Priyanka Chopra (2016). Educational data mining and its role in educational field.
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT), vol.
9. Roudier M (2017). Design and implementation of Student Attendance Management
system based on MVC. IEEE Prentice Hall.
10. Srinivasu J (2017). Management Information Systems to help managers for providing
decision making in an organization. International Journal of Reviews in Computing,
ISBN: 2076-3328.
11. Vastenburg K (2017). Automation of Attendance Systems. Computer Science and
Information Technology. Spring Conference. ISBN: 978-0-7695- 3653-8.



No. Item Quantity Rate (Ugx) Amount (Ugx)

1. Printing 40 pages 500/= 20,000/=

4. Data bundles 10 times 5,000/= 50,000/=

5. Stationary Ream 20,000/= 20,000/=

7. Airtime 20 times 2,000/= 40,000/=

8. Binding 2 Books 10,000/= 20,000/=

11. Total Cost 150,000/=

Table 1 Showing Financial Budget




1. Data collection and analysis

2. Chapter one

3. Chapter one corrections

4. Proposal writing

5. Proposal corrections

6. System development

7. System testing

8. System implementation

Table 2 Showing Time Budget


I am carrying out a research study under the research topic “ONLINE STUDENT
ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” to automate student attendance management.
You have been selected as one of the respondents to help me successfully conduct this study.
Your information will be treated with integrity and privacy and will not be misused in any way.




a). Male

b). Female

How is student attendance conducted at the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara?

(a). Paper based

(b). Computer based

What are the advantages of the system you have selected in 3 above?

(a). Secure

(b). Fast

(c). Cheap

What are the challenges faced in the system you have selected in 3 above?

(a). Inconsistent

(b). Insecure

(c). Information alteration

Do you think the proposed online student attendance management system will help to solve the
challenges you have selected in 3 above?

(a). Strongly agree

(b). Agree

(c). Disagree

(d). Strongly disagree

Mention any feature that you would incorporated in the proposed system?






I am carrying out a research study under the research topic “ONLINE STUDENT
ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” to automate student attendance management.
You have been selected as one of the respondents to help me successfully conduct this study.

1. How is student attendance conducted at the University of Saint Joseph Mbarara?

2. What are the advantages of the system you use?
3. What are the challenges faced in the system you use?
4. Do you think the proposed online student attendance management system will help to
solve these challenges?
5. If this proposed system is what developed, what would you wish not to miss in the
6. Conclusion.


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