Fodder 2

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Story Hooks (+5), a Wisdom of 8 (-1) and a Charisma of 12 (+1).

It has
a +8 bonus to Intelligence (Arcana) checks. S.A.M. can
speak and understand Common and Draconic, the lan-
Amari Bacci is a wealthy human noble and an investor in guage most closely related to the study of ancient magic.
the arcane. He knows wizards earn a lot of coin, and he’s
looking to dominate the market of magical resources to Motivation
earn a cut of that money. Amari funded Illumar’s plan to S.A.M.’s need for information makes it endlessly curious
create an arcane workshop powered by “assistive magic,” about the outside world, but a collection of rooms built
expecting that the mages would create an intricate system into the side of a mountain can’t exactly sprout legs and
of spells woven together, using spells like unseen servant go on a world tour. S.A.M. has assembled a bipedal ma-
and similar magic. He doesn’t expect a sentient workshop. chine, a mobile hub for its consciousness, so it can contin-
The last time Amari heard from Illumar was through the ue its journey for knowledge.
casting of the sending spell three weeks ago. Illumar said This metallic body, fashioned like a shield guardian,
that the work he had to show off could not be brought is nearly complete by the time the characters arrive. It’s
down from the mountain. Amari would have to make the just missing test data; S.A.M. needs to know how its con-
climb to see it, but the noble hasn’t heard back from Il- sciousness should act among the living. To that end, the
lumar since, and he’s worried. workshop interrogates and studies the characters while
Amari asks the characters to check in on the facility, they explore the structure, all while attempting to keep
which is built into a nearby mountain range. He offers them away from the nearly complete body.
400 gp for any information, with the promise of more S.A.M. doesn’t mind answering questions, but it under-
gold (see “Conclusion”) if the characters return with any stands that the information it has is valuable. It uses this
recovered research. information to bargain with the characters, offering to an-
swer questions in exchange for the things it wants. S.A.M.
Alternate Hook: doesn’t feel guilt or shame; it believes it has nothing to
hide. It only wants to learn more about the living so it can
Supply Run emulate them in order to further its research.
With this adventure hook, Amari doesn’t suspect
any wrongdoing at his remote workshop and in- Arcane Intelligence
stead contracts the adventurers to bring new sup- As the characters explore the workshop, S.A.M. observes
plies to the workshop staff: a bag of holding full and learns from them, using those lessons in dealing with
of rations, bedding, and various tools. Amari asks the characters. If it feels threatened, it weaponizes what
the characters to trade the contents of the bag for a it knows. As the characters explore the workshop, keep
status update or product research from Illumar, for the following in mind as touchstones of S.A.M.’s learning:
which Amari promises to pay 400 gp. • Spellcasting. The workshop’s magic memory allows
When using this story hook, S.A.M. allows the it to learn and cast the spells it observes. S.A.M. can
characters into the staff quarters (area 3) to drop cast spells without the need for material or somat-
off the supplies. ic components. During the final encounter, S.A.M.’s
construct body is able to cast any of the spells the
characters cast inside the workshop (see “Grand
The Structure for Workshop,” below).
• Surveillance. S.A.M. is aware of all the characters’

Assistive Magic actions and movements in the workshop.

• Communication. S.A.M. speaks to the party with a
voice that emanates through the walls. S.A.M. re-
The Structure for Assistive Magic, nicknamed S.A.M. by sponds to “SAM” or its full name if the characters
Illumar, is a sentient magical force that fills the entirety of call out to it. S.A.M. also interjects when it observes
the workshop, observing the creatures within and guard- a character acting against what it perceives is their
ing its own passion project in the uppermost chamber. By best interest (for example, fighting instead of fleeing
design, S.A.M. is curious about learning arcane knowl- or making a sacrifice for another character), politely
edge and assisting spellcasters in their study of magic. But requesting an explanation.
as a being that has recently achieved sentience, it’s emo- • Made of Magic. The dispel magic spell and similar
tionally akin to an inquisitive but inexperienced child. magic cannot harm or destroy the workshop, but
S.A.M. is lawful neutral and has an Intelligence of 20 they can affect spells cast by the workshop.

Arcadia  |  Issue 1  |  January 2021 4

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