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Martinez 1

Yuritci Martinez

Dr. Sharity Nelson

ENGL 1302-101

28 October 2022

Covid-19 Vaccines effectiveness and safety toward the community

There have been more than 100 million cases of the Coronavirus illness (Covid-19 or

known as SARS CoV-2) and that have resulted in fatal situations millions of fatalities. To defend

against Covid-19, the government has approved five to eight immunizations. Determining the

best vaccination for various demographic groups is essential since several vaccines shown good

safety profiles and considerable effectiveness against Covid-19 in clinical studies. “The four

vaccines, Covid-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, Pfizer vaccine, Moderna vaccine,

AstraZeneca vaccine, and Sinovac vaccine, which have low safety risk and higher efficacies of

95%, 94%,70.4%, and 78%, respectively, were used in many countries because there is no

specific drug to treat Covid-19 virus worldwide” (Qamar et al. 355). The SARSCoV-2 was

prevented with the Covid-19 vaccine and booster shots, which have also been reducing


The researchers have shown that the more booster shots someone receives, the lower their

chance of being admitted. The Covid-19 vaccinations have shown that doing so will assist the

globe limit the spread of the virus and prevent further deaths from occurring globally.

“Vaccination is an effective way to fight against Covid-19, which can help reduce the rate of

serve illness and morality, to curb further spread of the disease, and potentially to achieve herd

immunity” (Tian et al. 4645). The Covid-19 vaccines must be mandatory because is an efficient
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method of preventing the disease, which can assist to lower the risk of serious sickness and

fatality, to stop the disease from spreading, and perhaps to create herd immunity.

Many people of all ages have been hospitalized in the Emergency Room and has caused

them health problems because of the Covid-19 virus. The Covid-19 vaccines have helped a lot of

people from not getting hospitalized or even causing death. Erazo et al. stated that “Our results

support the vaccinations’ ability to protect against the risk of hospitalization across all age

groups” (4). Therefore, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson) and boosters are among the

five anti-Covid-19 immunizations that have received official government approval. Each

vaccination has a unique set of responses and has help the people in different ways. Erazo et al.

recognize the fact that the Covid-19 vaccination is secure and has a history of lowering

hospitalizations, yet they all work well in lowering hospitalization rates, demonstrating their

effectiveness. The results "affirm the protection offered by the immunizations against the risks of

hospitalization in all age categories," (Erazo et al. 4). The second SARSCoV-2 was prevented

with the Covid-19 vaccine and booster shots, which have also been reducing hospitalizations.

The Covid-19 vaccination has been shown to protect against hospitalization, and studies have

shown that the more booster shots a person receives, the lower their chance of being admitted.

Due to a decrease in the number of persons who are infected with the virus, the Covid-19

vaccination has proven to be both safe and effective for all candidates. Veerle et al. believe that

Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective for individuals, but some vaccines can have greater

effectiveness than others. “For these vaccines, clinical trials have shown high vaccine efficacy

against symptomatic infection and under real-world circumstances, great vaccine efficacy has

been established” (Veerle et al. 1). The booster shot has proven that these vaccinations may

prevent people from getting the virus, which has been a huge assistance for everyone. “A lower
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risk of a breakthrough infection was associated to past Covid-19 infection, immunization history

and booster vaccination” (Veerle et al. 9). For individuals who had previously been infected and

those who had gotten a booster shot, the risk of a breakthrough infection was diminished

significantly. All vaccinations are safe and effective; like almost any medicine, they may have

modest side effects, but this is sign that the immunizations are influencing your body.

The Covid-19 immunizations have had a significant impact since they have prevented

people from needing hospitalization, re-infecting themselves with the virus, and maybe even

dying. Since many patients have reported that the Covid-19 immunizations have kept them

healthy, Chirico et al. believe that the vaccines are safe and effective. There are currently eight

vaccines against Covid-19 that have received emergency use authorization by the who that can

offer some protection to the world’s population during the Covid-19 pandemic (Chirico et al.

91). These vaccinations have showed significant efficiency against the virus and extremely high

levels of protection against illness, hospitalization, and morality/deaths (Chirico et al. 92). These

vaccinations demonstrated both a very high level of protection against sickness, hospitalization,

and mortality as well as great effectiveness against the infection. There are “three vaccines that

had higher efficacy against Covid-19 infection: Pfizer is 95% efficacy, Moderna is 94% and

Sputnik V is 92% effective” (Veerle et al. 92). Additionally, Moderna, Sputnik V, Janssen, and

Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines has reduced the risks of serve symptoms of Covid-19 vaccines;

has shown great effectiveness against infection and a very high protection from serve illness,

hospitalization, and deaths.

The Covid-19 virus has spread tremendously and has caused a lot of people to get

infected, but the vaccines has help restore all the people’s lives around the world. Therefore, it

has been established that these immunizations are both efficient and safe for everyone. Liu et al.
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evaluate the "Covid-19 vaccine's effectiveness and safety" in the real world. Vaccinations against

Covid-19 are safe and effective, according to Liu et al., and they will help avoid hospitalization,

infections, admission to the ICU or Emergency department, and mortalities. Worldwide,

coronavirus vaccines are extremely safe and have the potential to drastically reduce the number

of virus-related illnesses, infections, and fatalities” (1). The first dosage and the second dose

have demonstrated that they are highly helpful in treating individuals, preventing re-infection

The researchers found that while two doses of a vaccination might have moderate side effects,

they are more effective than other immunizations. They also discovered that those who are

completely immunized experience less infection or hospitalization. Every vaccination has been

shown to be both reliable and secure for everyone.

Chen et al., believes that the Covid-19 vaccinations are safe and could progressively

lower the number of infections, deaths, and the other Covid-19 related illnesses around the

world. Two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine had an effectiveness of 85% or higher (Chen et al. 9).

Although immunizations against strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus were less effective than the

initial strain, they were still more than 50% effective in those who had received all available

vaccinations (Chen et al. 9). The results of the study showed that while various immunization

types are usually safe and effective. These immunizations helped the virus spread less widely

and significantly reduced the number of mortalities among persons of all ages. These vaccines

can reduce deaths, severe cases, symptomatic cases, and infections from the Covid-19 virus.

Most of the vaccines showed a good safety profile and significant efficacy against Covid-

19. The researchers wanted to examine how efficacy each Covid-19 vaccine is and for every

vaccine they did trials to make sure they are safe. They examined first Moderna, AstraZeneca,

CoronaVac, Baharat, Sinopharm, Clover, Casino, CureVac, and ZyCov-D vaccines only. These
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vaccines tested to be more effective in preventing Covid-19 infection. Sinopharm and Sputnik

vaccines exhibited the highest safety profile and most effectives. Toubasi stated that “In the

elderly population it is important to balance between the safety and efficacy for each individual”

(259). The researchers revealed that Pfizer was the most effective toward the elderly population.

In this article, they stated that six vaccines are more effective than the other vaccines and has

shown great improvement around the world. The elderly has benefited the most from these

vaccines because they are the one that can get infected due to weakened immune systems. These

vaccines have demonstrated a substantial level protection against Covid-19 infection.

Numerous people have been afflicted by the Covid-19, who has spread quickly and

resulted in health issues or even death. The researchers wanted to examine four vaccines, which

are Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Sinovac. These four vaccines have lower risk and have

higher efficacy of 95%,44%,70% and 78%. Also, these vaccines are effective and save, but they

can show some adverse effects. Most of the adverse effect were caused by the second dose. The

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine are safe and effective for the people” (9). The government

banned the use of these vaccine because it was causing blood clots. The Sinopharm vaccine has

been approved as a 2-dose vaccine for prevention of Coronavirus and this vaccine has help

people from not getting infected. The Pfizer vaccines is the most popular and has a 95% efficacy

against the Covid-19 virus. The Sputnik V vaccine has efficacy of 91.6% and has help a lot of

people with lowering the side effects.

The Covid-19 vaccine is an efficient method of preventing the disease, which can assist

to lower the risk of serious sickness and fatality, to stop the disease from spreading, and perhaps

to create herd immunity. These vaccines have been widely used on the adult’s population and try

it with some younger generation. The Covid-19 vaccines has helped the children’s and
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adolescents to have less chance of getting infected or get another type of virus because the

vaccines are helping them to not get sick again. “According to a prior study, people who received

mRNA vaccinations in full or in part were protected against Covid-19 in 91% of cases and in

81% of cases, respectively” (Tian et al. 4652). The vaccines have been shown that are efficacy

and are safe for everyone. The researchers stated that all these vaccines are efficacy, but some of

the vaccines can have mild effects after getting vaccinated. The researchers stated that these

vaccines have help the world to reduce the disease and has made a change to world.

Worldwide, the Covid-19 sickness claimed many lives and infected many more. Many

people have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines. Covid-19 vaccines

are safe and effective for everyone. The Covid-19 vaccines were evaluated by different people to

make sure they are safe and effective for the community. The clinical trials used to assess and

approve Covid-19 vaccinations shown that the vaccine considerably lowers the risk of getting the


Even if you contract the virus, the Covid-19 vaccination may help prevent you from becoming

extremely unwell, according to what has been demonstrated concerning vaccines for other

illnesses. Getting vaccinated may help protect individuals close to you, especially those who are

more susceptible to Covid-19's severe disease. Regardless of whether people have favorable or

unfavorable experiences and perspectives, they should get vaccinated for the safe of everyone.

This study suggests that patients should receive Covid-19 vaccines to help prevent mortality or

other diseases, allowing them to lead normal lives without worrying about catching the disease

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Works Cited

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Tian, Fangyuan, et al. “Safety and Efficacy of Covid‐19 Vaccines in Children and Adolescents:

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Toubasi, Ahmad A., et al. “Efficacy and Safety of Covid‐19 Vaccines: A Network Meta‐

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