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Name Estela, Paul Henry K. Date Oct.

8, 2022,
Group BSN-2N-C Name of Liany Melchor

The Negative Impact of Excessive Screen Time on

I. TITLE Language Development in Children Under 6-Years-Old:
An Integrative Review with Screen Time Reduction Toolkit
and Presentation for Outpatient Pediatric and Family
Health Providers
AUTHOR Cristina Kuta
YEAR OF 2017


The study focuses mainly on the increasing amount of young children under 6 years
old being influenced by recreational screen time on gadgets such as playing games
either mobile, television, or computers. It also considers how they use such devices
more often for recreational use. This relates to the increased risk of negative
language development without the proper use of effective media use.


Discuss the key areas/core competencies the journal affects and how it contributes
to improving the nursing profession/ practice.

Discuss concisely and briefly. SUPPORT WITH OTHER LITERATURE (Journals, Research)

A. To Nursing Practice

Discuss the key areas/core competencies the journal affects and how it
contributes to improving the nursing profession/ practice.

Discuss concisely and briefly. SUPPORT WITH OTHER LITERATURE (Journals,


B. To Nursing Education

Salient points on the KSA that the journal discusses and its relevance to the
curriculum, to your client, to health care professional especially the nurses and to
you as a student nurse.

Discuss concisely and briefly. SUPPORT WITH OTHER LITERATURE (Journals,


C. To Nursing Research
Explore the scope and limitation of the journal and give some recommendation
as to contribute to nursing knowledge and research. Which particular key points
of the journal can be explored as an avenue to Research?

Discuss concisely and briefly. SUPPORT WITH OTHER LITERATURE (Journals,



Do you AGREE or DISAGREE? (Could also Partially agree, Strongly agree, Strongly
disagree) And give points or reason on your answer.

Write your personal insights straight to the point and concisely.

(if computerized output)

Margins – 1 inch on all sides
Long Coupon Bond (11.5 by 13 inches)
Single Page Only
Century Gothic 10.5
(could be handwritten and/or place in their lesson plan)
Attach Journal

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