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CONTACT NUMBER: 8876732066

TITLE: Mental Stress and Anxiety among medical Students of
Guwahati Medical College, Assam.

STUDY AREA: Guwahati Medical College, Assam.

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Medical Education is being perceived

as being stressful, and this high level of stress causes negative
effect on cognitive functioning and learning of students in a
medical school. The aim of this study is to determine the
prevalence of psychological stress among medical students and to
identify its symptoms and sources.

(a) The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of
psychological stress among medical students and to identify its

(b) To observe an association between the levels of stress and

their academic performance, including the sources of their stress.

(c) To evaluate possible stress coping mechanism.

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Student’s pursuing Medical

education has a lot of commitment in the course of study
throughout. It is a full time responsibility which includes
academic obligations, extensive working hours and duty which
includes patient care and practical work assistance,
extracurricular activities, internships and also social
interactions. Unfortunately, this training process is accompanied
by negative consequences such stress, anxiety, lack of sleep,
burnouts, deprived motivation, loneliness and overall a poor
mental health. According to studies, mental health deteriorates
once medical students start their study and doesn't improve
throughout. As a result, it is frequently noted that medical
students and resident doctors have higher rates of psychological
morbidity when compared to students in other fields. Stress
negatively impacts their Academic performance and also physical
and cognitive abilities such as memory disorders, blockage,
incapacity to make decisions. Similarly, high rates of depression,
anxiety, and stress can result in poor quality of life, drug abuse,
and suicides.

RATIONALE: Instances of psychological disorders like stress and

anxiety are more common in students studying medicine. More
than half of students experience anxiety, stress, and panic, and
the prevalence of these conditions is significantly higher in
medical students as compared to any other discipline. The strain
of passing exams, medical duty, the pressure of living up to
family expectations, the fear of entering the real world of
medicine, and unhappiness with the administration are among
the typical causes of high stress and anxiety. This kind of work
demands extreme concentration and proficiency. The mental
health of medical students, who will be the future life-savers,
must be improved urgently.

METHODOLOGY: A cross sectional study/ research will be

conducted at Guwahati Medical College, Assam. The methods of
the research will be qualitative in nature; the mode of data
collection will be based on primary sources, which will include
personal interviews and questionnaires, additionally secondary
sources such as articles, journals, newspapers and other relevant
academic researches.

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