Gareth Malone Explains Why Joining A Virtual Choir Could Help You

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25/05/2020 Gareth Malone explains why joining a virtual choir could help you


Gareth Malone explains why joining a virtual choir could help

Plus, a round up of all the best online choirs you can sing along with.

BY ELLA DOVE 19/05/2020


Admit it, singing at the top of your lungs feels good. Whether it’s in the shower, along to the radio or around the
house to banish housework boredom, regardless of singing ability, letting rip with the tunes is a release.

And the wellbeing benets of singing are proven. Jacques Launay, Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental
Psychology, University of Oxford explains that “people feel more positive after actively singing than they do after… 1/12
25/05/2020 Gareth Malone explains why joining a virtual choir could help you

passively listening to music or after chatting about positive life events.”

Would you like to learn an instrument?

Yes, definitely. Not for me.

“This improved mood probably in part comes directly from the release of positive neurochemicals such as
endorphins, dopamine and serotonin,” he explained. “It is also likely to be inuenced by changes in our sense of
social closeness with others.”

Social closeness is something we are all craving right now. But while distance separates us, music continues to
unite us – because virtual choirs are on the rise.

We spoke to much loved- TV choirmaster, Gareth Malone to nd out about his new initiative, the Great British
Home Chorus - daily YouTube videos streamed live for anyone to take part in - to bring music from his home to

Hi, Gareth! When did you rst have the idea for the Great British Home Chorus?

“Two weeks before lockdown hit the UK, I was lming with the BBC in Germany, and I found myself in this really
intense situation, being in a country which was further ahead with the coronavirus crisis than us. Suddenly,
borders started shutting – and we had to abandon lming, coming home in a panic.

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At that point, I started thinking- what was I going to do if all my work gets cancelled? Like everyone else, I’d be
stuck at home. That’s when it hit me – I should start an online choir. I spoke to record label Decca who were
keen to get involved, and it spiralled from there!”

How does it work?

“Every weekday at 5.30, I go live on YouTube and host a singing session for half an hour – warm ups, songs, you
name it. People can sign up, get their sheet music online and then they use the backing tracks rehearse with me.
The rst one we did was shown on The One Show.”

“On Wednesdays, a special guest joins us. We’ve had all kinds of people, from director of Hamilton in the West
End, Richard Beadle to Sharon Horgan and Kristen Scott Thomas.”

Has the success of the idea surprised you?… 2/12
25/05/2020 Gareth Malone explains why joining a virtual choir could help you

“Denitely. The rst two weeks of lockdown were just unbelievably busy. We had 140,000 people sign up straight
away, and I was doing ve rehearsals a week, getting anywhere from 20,000 to 40,000 people singing every day.
It’s probably even more than that because people are doing it with their households, partners and families. It’s

What’s it like leading a virtual choir?

“I must admit, it was very strange to begin with. I’ve had to learn how to become a YouTuber! I stream the
sessions from my garden studio, a private space where there had never been cameras before - and suddenly it
felt like the whole world was watching me.

I was there doing what felt like a one-sided choir rehearsal, where I say: “Okay, now sing this” and I just have to
trust that people are singing along. But then you get the videos back, people sending me clips of themselves
singing along with all their sheet music printed out, and it’s so lovely to see that. You think 'Ah, good, people are
actually doing it.'”


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So, why join a virtual choir?

“Because even though you might be on your own, you don't feel like you're on your own. Being involved in a
collective endeavour creates a sense of community that really helps when it comes to loneliness and mental
health.”… 3/12
25/05/2020 Gareth Malone explains why joining a virtual choir could help you

Why is singing so important in these uncertain times?

“For me, there are two reasons. Taking part in a virtual choir like this gives a sense of regularity and structure
which I think is so vital – like many people, I really need shape to my day.

The second reason is quite simple: Singing makes you feel good. For that short period of time, you’re distracted. I
always feel so much better after the rehearsals.”

What if it’s out of my comfort zone?

“The great thing about a virtual choir is that no-one can hear you! The sound delay online means that currently,
there’s no way everyone can sing in time together, which is very frustrating but perhaps an advantage for the less
condent singers. It means everyone can give it a go.

What’s more, there is no pressure to record and submit a video of yourself singing. You can just do it for the joy -
and actually what I've realised is that the pleasure is much more important than the product. It’s all about having
a go, and having fun."

Gareth's Great British Home Chorus journey is set to become a BBC TV series, coming soon.

Keep calm and carry on singing

If Gareth has convinced you to give singing a try, why not nd out more about his Great British Home Chorus?

There are also numerous other virtual choirs out there – guaranteed to boost your mood and spark that vital
sense of community. Here are some of our favourites...

25/05/2020 Gareth Malone explains why joining a virtual choir could help you
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Sing from your sofa

Set up by vocal leader and musician James Sills as a response to isolation and coronavirus, The Sofa Singers
encourages you to “sing as though no-one is listening – because they won’t be!” While lack of Zoom synchronicity
means you can’t hear your fellow singers belting out the tunes, you can see their faces and feel the power of
community through the screen.

After each session, there’s a virtual tea break where you can chat, followed by open oor slots where brave
individuals can share a song, poem or story. Sessions are completely free, and open to anyone. So sing up, and

Synchronised singing
Eric Whitacre’s virtual choir brings together singers from around the world and their love of music through
technology. Singers record and upload their videos, which are then synchronised and combined into one single
performance to create the Virtual Choir. The latest venture, Virtual Choir 6, “Sing Gently”, is a piece written by
Eric especially for these challenging times.

Community choir – with a virtual twist

Inspired by the Italians singing loud and proud from their balconies, Lifefullness Live is a community building
singalong, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5pm. Sign up and be put onto a video singalong, with people
in your area – giving the chance for community bonding and singing all at once!

Rock out in your living room

Every day at 3pm, turn your house into a party as Rock Choir, the UK’s biggest contemporary choir brings you its
feel-good live singalong. Streamed through Facebook, Keep Britain Singing is open to everyone. Log on, sing
along, and you’ll be feeling better in no time.

Jump around
Want to feel good and get t? Then danceSing is for you. “The choir that keeps you t” is run by Former Scottish
National Ballet dancer, Natalie Garry. Her new initiative, danceSing On Demand is an online service that brings
singing and dance classes to the living rooms of members all over the world – the best of both worlds!

Sing out strong

Sing out Strong is the UK’s rst “family” of wellbeing choirs and social-singing groups. Since these groups are
currently unable to meet in person, you’ve guessed it, they’ve gone virtual! Sign up to the Sing from Home portal
to t singing around your schedule, from warm up videos to try any time to singalongs, to top tips to develop
your natural singing voice.

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