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Original Articles

Auditory ERPs Reveal Brain Dysfunction

in Infants With Plagiocephaly
Polina Balan, PhD*
Elena Kushnerenko, MSc*
Pelle Sahlin, MD, PhD†
Minna Huotilainen, PhD*
Risto Näätänen, PhD*
Jyri Hukki, MD, PhD‡
Helsinki, Finland
Gothenburg, Sweden

It is suspected that the developmental delay in anterior and posterior plagiocephaly (unilateral co-
school-aged children diagnosed as infants suffer- ronal and lambdoid synostosis, respectively), and the
ing from plagiocephaly is caused by the modifica- deformational or positional forms of plagiocephaly
tion of the skull form. To detect possible cognitive where the sutures are patent.1 In synostotic plagio-
impairment in these children, we examined audi- cephaly, unilateral coronal craniosynostosis results
tory ERPs to tones in infant patients. The infants in more severe cranial distortion than that found
with plagiocephaly exhibited smaller amplitudes with unilateral lambdoid synostosis, since more
of the P150 and the N250 responses to tones than growth occurs at the coronal than at the lambdoid
healthy controls. Differences between the patients suture. In general, the severity of plagiocephaly de-
and control subjects indicate that already at this early pends on the developmental phase at which synos-
age the presence of the plagiocephalic skull signals tosis occurs, being more severe the earlier it occurs.
compromise of brain functioning. The present data Non-synostotic (deformational) form of plagioceph-
suggest that most of the plagiocephalic infants have aly, either anterior or posterior, can be caused by a
an elevated risk of auditory processing disorders. In number of factors in utero. Factors such as hypoto-
nia, fetal positioning, and prematurity can produce
the current study we demonstrated, for the first time,
asymmetric flattening of the occiput that becomes
that the central sound processing, as reflected by
favored by infants sleeping on their backs, exagger-
ERPs, is affected in children with plagiocephaly.
ating the plagiocephaly.2
The clinical and imaging features of true lamb-
Key Words: Plagiocephaly, event-related potentials doid synostosis versus those of deformational pla-
(ERPs), brain dysfunction, infants, central auditory giocephaly are inadequately described in the litera-
processing, P150, N250 ture and poorly understood. 3 The difficulty in
diagnosing posterior plagiocephaly is partly the
result of confusion in the medical literature con-

lagiocephaly is a descriptive term defined
by Virchow in 1851 that connotes an asym- cerning the true characteristics of the lambdoid
metrically oblique or twisted head. Plagio- synostosis. Posterior plagiocephaly in the absence
cephaly is etiologically and pathogenically of the usual characteristics of suture fusion in opera-
heterogeneous. Well-known types include synostotic tive and histopathological examination has been
called the “functional” lambdoid synostosis.4 The
findings in patients with functional lambdoid synos-
From the *Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Department of Psy- tosis were considered typical of lambdoid synosto-
chology, University of Helsinki, Finland; †Department of Plastic
Surgery, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden;
sis, although synostosis was not confirmed. Accord-

Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Centre, Department of Plas- ing to Huang and Posnick3,5, the features of posi-
tic Surgery, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Fin- tional plagiocephaly are clearly distinguishable
land. from those of lambdoid synostosis on physical ex-
Address correspondence to Dr Jyri Hukki, MD, PhD, Cleft Pal- amination. True lambdoid synostosis is actually
ate and Craniofacial Centre, Department of Plastic Surgery, Hel-
sinki University Hospital 00260, Helsinki, Finland; E-mail: quite rare, constituting only 3 to 5% of all cases of craniosynostosis.


Whether or not to perform surgical correction on non-invasively and safely recorded from infants
a child with anterior plagiocephaly seldom poses a starting from birth. The ERPs are extracted by aver-
problem especially in cases where true coronary aging the EEG across multiple presentations of the
synostosis is present. The resulting deformity is usu- stimuli. The ERP curve is composed of a number of
ally clearly visible and readily diagnosed, demand- peaks and troughs labeled according to their polarity
ing surgical correction on aesthetic basis alone. On and latency. In primary-school-aged children, the
the contrary, the diagnosis and treatment of posterior ERP consists of the P100-N250-N450 peaks.12 The
plagiocephaly is one of the most controversial as- maturation of the ERP components during the first
pects of craniofacial surgery. It is generally accepted year of life is characterized by the shortening of the
that most cases of posterior plagiocephaly occurring peak latencies and the increase of the amplitudes13
due to positional molding can usually be managed commonly related to advanced myelination, increase
nonsurgically by conservative positional measures or in synaptic density, efficacy, and synchronization.
by using a molding helmet.6,7 Some authors8 men- Our recent longitudinal study14 has shown that the
tion that physiotherapy in an early stage, directed precursors of all peaks observed at the age of 1 year
toward plagiocephaly and associated disorders, re- were identifiable already at birth and, by the age of 1
sults in a complete disappearance of symptoms in a year, attained the morphology (P150-N250-N450)
high percentage of the cases. that is seen during the next 10 years of life.
Due to the lack of aesthetic need, this type of Several recent studies indicate the possibility of
deformity may become neglected especially in cases predicting the developmental outcome on the basis
where the unilateral posterior flatness is relatively of the ERPs recorded at birth. Molfese 15 and
mild. The decision of surgical correction is usually Molfese16 reported that on the basis of the latencies
reserved for cases with true lambdoid synostosis or, and amplitudes of the neonatal N250 and N450
in the absence of obvious synostosis, for patients peaks, the verbal performance at 5 and 8 years of age
with the most severe form of posterior flatness. can be efficiently predicted. Furthermore, Deregnier
A few recent studies have pointed out a new et al.17 found a significant correlation of the slow
perspective on plagiocephaly. These studies ad- negative wave of the newborn ERP with the 1-year
dressed an increased rate of developmental delay in Mental Developmental Index. This wave was elicited
school-aged children presented as infants with de- in response to a stranger’s voice as compared with
formational plagiocephaly without obvious signs of the mother’s voice and was attenuated in the infants
delay at the time of the initial evaluation.9,10 Miller et of diabetic mothers who are at risk for fetal metabolic
al.9 mentioned that 25 out of 63 (40%) children with abnormalities that potentially damage the recogni-
persistent deformational plagiocephaly had received tion memory pathways. The difference in ERPs be-
special help in primary school including special edu- tween the healthy infants and those with oral clefts,
cation assistance, physical therapy, occupational another craniofacial dysmorphology, was demon-
therapy, and speech therapy. Only 7 of 91 siblings strated by Çeponiene et al.18,19 The amplitude of the
(8%), serving as controls, required similar assis- infantile P150/P350 was significantly larger in
tance.9 Another study10 showed that all 12 children healthy infants than in those with oral clefts at the
diagnosed as plagiocephalic had auditory processing newborn age. At the age of 6 months, the responses
and language disorders. Furthermore, some of these of the infants with cleft lip and palate showed an
children had attention deficit disorder or attention abnormal ERP waveform lacking the negative peaks
deficit with hyperactivity disorder. These results are (N250–N450).
at odds with those suggesting that no functional neu- In the present article, we will investigate the fea-
rological sequelae can occur subsequent to the skull sibility of the ERPs to measure aspects of brain func-
molding and that, consequently, early surgical inter- tioning in the plagiocephalic patients in determining
vention for patients with plagiocephaly is not neces- whether the infants with plagiocephaly differ from
sary or desirable.3,11 normally developing infants.
The use of electrophysiological measures, such
as event-related potentials (ERPs), has gained in- PATIENTS AND METHODS
creased popularity in predicting the developmental
outcome of infants. Event-related potentials are elic- ifteen infant plagiocephalic patients were in-
ited, among other things, by external stimuli and ap-
pear as small voltage changes in the ongoing electri-
F cluded in the study. Ten infants had deforma-
tional posterior plagiocephaly with open sutures,
cal brain activity (EEG). They provide a direct two had posterior plagiocephaly with lambdoid
measure of neural information processing and can be synostosis, and three had anterior plagiocephaly


with unilateral coronary synostosis as diagnosed at with 2 electrodes placed below and at the outer cor-
the Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Centre, De- ner of the right eye.
partment of Plastic Surgery, the Helsinki University The P150 and N250 amplitudes were automati-
Hospital. Infants were considered eligible if they had cally measured for each subject in a latency window
no other birth defects and no prenatal or perinatal from 50 to 250 ms, and from 200 to 300 ms, respec-
complications. None of the children were reported as tively. The peak amplitudes and latencies were com-
having any hearing problems. The control groups pared between the groups by using two-way
consisted of 15 sex- and age-matched healthy, typi- ANOVA (group [patients vs controls] X Electrode
cally developing infants and 4 groups of representa- [F3, F4, C3, and C4]. The source of the significant
tive infants at the age of 6, 9, 12, and 14–16 months ANOVA effects was clarified using LSD (least sig-
(10 in each group). nificant difference) post-hoc tests.
At the time of recording, the mean age of the
patients was 11.1 ± 3.1 (SD) months (range 6 to 17), RESULTS
and that of the controls 10.5 ± 3.4 (SD) months (range n both patients and controls, in agreement with the
6 to 16). Ten patients were males, which is consistent
with population rates for infants with plagiocephaly.1
I earlier studies12–22 the ERP waveforms consisted
of the main P150 and N250 peaks (Fig. 1).
A written consent was obtained from the par- The peak amplitude of the P150 was signifi-
ents before the study, which was accepted by the cantly larger in controls as compared with that of the
Helsinki University Hospital Ethical Committee. patients (F(1, 28) = 11.67, P < 0.002; grand-average
peak amplitudes 7.15 and 3.01 ␮V at C3, and 7.90 and
Stimuli and Procedure 2.98 ␮V at C4, for controls and patients, respectively).
During the experiment, the child was lying on Similarly, the peak amplitude of the N250 was
his/her parent’s lap or sitting in a car seat between significantly larger in controls than in patients (F(1,
two loudspeakers, located at a distance of 50 cm from 28) = 11.92, P < 0.002; grand-average peak ampli-
both sides of the head, through which the stimuli tudes –5.11 and –1.91 ␮V at C3, and –5.24 and –1.01
were stereophonically presented. ␮V at C4, for controls and patients, respectively).
The continuous EEG was recorded (bandpass The electrode effect was significant for the N250
0.1–30 Hz, sampling rate 250 Hz) using NeuroScan peak in patients, being significantly smaller at the C4
3.0 software. Single-use electrodes were attached to than C3 electrode (F(3,42)=3.43, P < 0.02).
the F3 (frontal left) and F4 (frontal right) and C3–C4
(central left-right, respectively) scalp sites, and to
mastoids, according to the International 10–20 sys-
tem. All experiments lasted for about one hour and
were completely painless.
Event-related potentials were recorded to 200-
ms spectrally rich tones composed of 3 lowest par-
tials of the 500-Hz fundamental frequency. Stimuli
were presented in blocks of 400 events, with a stimu-
lus-onset-asynchrony (SOA) of 800 ms.

Data Analysis
During the recordings, scalp electrodes were referred
to the right mastoid. to avoid a hemispheric bias, the
data were off-line re-referenced to the average of the
right and left mastoid recordings. The data were ep-
oched into 900-ms stimulus-onset-locked intervals
off-line which included a 100-ms pre-stimulus. Ep-
ochs were digitally filtered (bandpass 1.0–15 Hz) and
baseline corrected with respect to the mean of 100-ms
pre-stimulus voltage. The first 4 epochs of each
block, as well as the trials with the EEG or EOG Fig 1 Typical auditory ERPs of plagiocephalic (solid line)
voltage exceeding 150 ␮V in any channel, were omit- and control (dashed line) children of 6 to 16 months of age.
ted from averaging. Eye movements were monitored The P150 and N250 deflections are visible.


The P150 and the N250 peak latencies did not

differ significantly between the groups (grand-
average peak latencies at C4: 139 and 157 ms for the
P150 and the 260 and 254 ms in the controls and
patients, respectively).
It was observed that the individual ERPs of all
patients did not exhibit the decreased peak ampli-
tudes (Fig. 2 and 3). The P150 amplitude was smaller
than the mean control value (± SD ) in 7 (Fig. 2) while
the N250 amplitude was decreased in 8 out of 15
patients (Fig. 3). Furthermore, the P150 amplitude of
one additional patient and the N250 amplitude of 4
additional patients were situated on the lowest bor-
der of the control range (Fig. 2 and 3). As a result, Fig 3 Individual plagiocephalies versus healthy controls
only 3 patients (all with deformational posterior pla- (N250 amplitude at C4). The amplitudes (± SD) of the tone-
giocephaly) had both P150 and N250 in the normal elicited N250 deflection at the C4 electrode of the control
range. group are shown in black. The individual amplitude val-
ues of plagiocephalic patients are shown by the squares,
circles, and triangles.
eformational posterior plagiocephaly has in-
D creased dramatically since the 1992 recommen-
dation of the American Academy of Pediatrics to
aly, has unfavorable effects on the developing brain
or not. According to literature9,10, it is suspected but
not clearly verified if the developmental delay in
avoid the prone infant sleep position which had been school-aged children presented as infants with de-
linked to sudden infant death syndrome, and to re- formational plagiocephaly is related to the modifica-
place it with supine and side sleeping positions.23,24 tion of the skull form. A very recent study of Panchal
Another factor having an impact to the incidence of et al.26 showed that before any intervention, children
posterior plagiocephaly is the increased awareness of with plagiocephaly without synostosis demonstrated
the medical community of the importance of the delays in cognitive and psychomotor development.
early referral of infants with skull deformities for These authors demonstrated that in patients with de-
evaluation in the craniofacial units.25 formational plagiocephaly, both psychomotor (PDI)
At present, there remains a controversy whether and mental developmental indexes (MDI) of the Bay-
plagiocephaly, especially deformational plagioceph- ley Scales of Infant Development were significantly
different from the normal curve distribution. With
regard to the PDI scores, 8 of the 42 patients had a
mild delay and 6 had a significant delay; while ac-
cording to the MDI scale, 3 patients had a mild delay
and 4 had a significant delay.
In order to detect early objective evidence of
possible cognitive impairment related to plagioceph-
aly, we examined auditory ERPs to tones in diag-
nosed infant patients and healthy controls. The ERP
waveform consisted of two prominent deflections,
the P150 and N250, in all patients and controls, in-
dependent of age.
In this study, the infants with any type of pla-
giocephaly differed from the controls with respect to
the P150 and N250 amplitudes: they were dramati-
cally smaller than those in controls. The differences
Fig 2 Individual plagiocephalies versus healthy controls
between the patients and control subjects indicate
(P150 amplitude at C3). The amplitudes (± SD) of the tone-
elicited P150 deflection at the C3 electrode of the control that already at this early age, infants with asymmet-
group are shown in black. The individual amplitude val- ric skull form, resulting either from positional mold-
ues of plagiocephalic patients are shown by the squares, ing or from true synostosis, experience compromised
circles, and triangles. functioning of the brain.


The low amplitudes of the ERPs in children with all children diagnosed as plagiocephalic are at a
plagiocephaly suggest depressed cortical sound pro- greater risk of auditory processing disorders than
cessing by them. The decreased amplitudes might non-affected infants. Continued post-intervention as-
indicate an auditory processing dysfunction, as a sessments are needed to determine whether the ob-
possible result of the delayed or disturbed matura- served developmental delays can be ameliorated
tion of the auditory pathways. with treatment.
In 9–15 years old language-impaired children,
the amplitudes of the P2 and N2 peaks (correspond- CONCLUSION
ing to the P150 and N250, respectively, of the current
he present study demonstrated, for the first time,
study) were shown to be lower as compared with
those of controls.27 Korpilahti and Lang22 obtained T that sound processing at the cortical level, as re-
flected by ERPs, is affected in many of the children
similar results, with the N250 peak amplitude being
smaller in dysphasic 8–13 year-old children than in with plagiocephaly. The presence or absence of
healthy controls. lambdoid synostosis in children with posterior pla-
Interestingly, the present N250 amplitude was giocephaly does not seem to play a major role as far
significantly smaller in patients at C4 (right central) as the brain dysfunction is concerned. Although our
than at C3 (left central), which may be related to the results need the behavioral counterpart, nonetheless
fact that the majority of the infants (8 out of 10) have they strongly suggest that auditory ERPs can be used
right posterior plagiocephaly. However, the P150 in detecting cortical dysfunction in plagiocephalic
amplitude was about the same for each hemisphere. children and in distinguishing these children from
Thus, we can suggest that the N250 smaller ampli- those with normal-working brains. According to the
tude over right central area might reflect underlying current study, infants with plagiocephaly may com-
brain dysfunction in addition to that imposed by prise a high-risk group for developmental difficulties
skull/bone deformation. presenting as subtle problems of cerebral dysfunc-
As far as posterior plagiocephaly is concerned tion during the school-age years. There is an urgent
our data suggest that the major impact on the brain need for further research on the long-term develop-
function does not depend on the presence of the true mental problems in infants with deformational pla-
lambdoid synostosis. The incidence of the true lamb- giocephaly.
doid synostosis is low when compared with that of
the positional type of plagiocephaly. Nevertheless, it REFERENCES
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