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Final Feedback

Manchanda, Anika

Here is your performance in this Module

Gather Input from the Source

Reading Comprehension
It was a good idea to ask Isaac about algorithm bias. This explains why there
is an issue with Regency III at Eidos, even though Isaac maintains that there is
nothing wrong with the algorithm itself.

Algorithm bias means that something is causing the algorithm to be biased.

Algorithms cannot be biased naturally, so that means there must be
something impacting the program. In this context it could be one of two
things: either the algorithm is broken or the data used to build it is faulty.

Gathering Information
Your request for information was incredibly thorough, including questions
regarding the situation around Eidos and Regency III, ascertaining if the
program is accurate, and inquiring into the training data used to build it.
Great work!

Gather Input from the Client

Gathering Information
Your request for information was very thorough, including questions
regarding the situation around Eidos and Regency III, ascertaining if the
program is accurate, and inquiring into the training data used to build it.
Great work!
Mechanics Practice

Excellent work. Redundancy reduces the effectiveness of communication, so

you want to be concise and economical with your words to get your point

Civic Responsibility

Well done. The key issue that is repeated is "civic responsibility", which was
clearly corrected in your rewrite.

Mechanics Practice


Short sentences have a place in writing as do long, compound ones. The key is
to vary the length and makeup of your sentences to make your message
more readable.

Knowledge Check-in

Parts of Speech

Conjunctions can be broken down into three categories: coordinating,

correlative, and subordinating. Great work on getting all of these!
Analytical Situation Report Grade: 78%

Instructor Notes:


78 Weightage 25.0%
The report is coherent but there may be a number of instances where the
organization and flow of ideas or the inclusion of examples needs

78 Weightage 50.0%
Provides a good analysis but further explanation and clarification may be
needed. Includes examples but in some instances, the selection and/or
explanation of examples may need improvement. There is some analytical


76 Weightage 25.0%
Language use is generally effective but there may be some minor issues in
sentence structure and/or punctuation.

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