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Chapter 3
Guidelines in Writing the Required Parts, Chapters, and Sections of
the Research Paper, and the Flowchart to be Followed in
Conducting the Research

This chapter discusses the following:
1. Guidelines in writing the required parts, chapters, and sections of the research
2. The flowchart on how to carry out a research and how to conduct the research in
accordance with the requirements of the department.

Learning Outcome:
Students should know the following:
1. What to wrrte and how to write each required part, chapter, or section of
the research paper.
2. How to carry out a research.
3. How to conduct the research according to the requirements of the department.

Learning Assessment:
An identification type of test will be given.

3.1-. Guidelines in Writing the Required Parts, Chapters, and Sections

{Research TITie)

- The Research Title must be descriptive of the research undertaking and the anticipated
research outcome.
- It must be phrased in such a way that the reader will be able to deduce the real-world
problem being addressed by the research.
- It must be distinct and unique, to avoid plagiarism.
- Unnecessary and redundant words such as "A Research on ...", "A Study of ...", "A
Report on ...", "About the ...", etc. should be avoided.
- Examples of research titles in skeleton form:
For experimental type of research:
- The Effect of (a substance) on the (characteristic/property) of (another substance).
- Potential of (a material) as an Alternative (material) for
(particular process/ operation).
For developmental type of research:
- A (tool/equipment/material/software) for (a particular use).
- A (mathematical model) for (a particular use).
For survey type of research:
- The Extent of Pollution in (a particular location) Caused by (a particular
oil production).
- The Impact of (a particular drilling operation) on the (livelihood or other aspect of
life) of the People in (a particular location).

- This part must appear only in the Final Research Paper because this part must
contain descriptions of the research's result, finding, and conclusion.
- This part must contain brief descriptions of the following (all written in one paragraph in
not more than 300 words}:
1. The real-world problem addressed by the research.
2. The unique solution to the real-world problem
3. main Research Objective
4. main Research Problem
5. main Research Method
6. main Result and Finding
7. Conclusion.
- This part should not contain opinions or judgements about the result of the research.
- The sentences must be stated in the past tense.
- Keywords must be written below the abstract for online/electronic search purposes.
Write at least three of the keyv11ords found in the research title.


- This part must contain statements of gratitude and recognition for people and/or
organizations who have done one or more of the following for the completion of
the research undertaking:
1. Provided technical, financial, or other form of assistance .
2. Supplied special equipment, materials, etc.
3. Provided important ideas or suggestions.
4. Given moral and/or spiritual support.
- Statements must not be flattering.
- Statements must not suggest/indicate endorsement of the research.
- The sentences must be stated in the past tense.

Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

This section must contain descriptions or narrations of the following:
- The Real-world Problem that inspired the research undertaking.
- The reasons for selecting the research topic.
This section should serve as the overview of the study.

1.2 Review of Related Literature

- This section must begin with a brief narration of the following:
1. The kind of related literature that were being reviewed.
2. Where and how the related literature were obtained.
3. The sequencing of the topics in this section.

-- - -,
- This section must contain brief reviews of at least three subject matters or fields of
study that are related to the present research and have an influence or effect on it.

1.3 Review of Related Studies

- This section must begin with a brief narration of the following:
1. The kind of related studies that were being reviewed.
2. Where and how the related studies were obtained.
3. The sequencing of the topics in this section.
- This section must contain brief reviews of at least three related studies.
- This section must describe the differences and/or similarities of the present study
with other related studies in terms of the: real-world problem being addressed;
solution to the real-world problem; research problem tackled; research design,
method, and procedure; materials, equipment, and/or instrument used; result and
finding; conclusion; strength and weakness.

1.4 Concept of the Research

- This section must contain general descriptions of the following:
1. The idea of how the research is to be carried out.
2. The things that are needed for the research.
3. The utility of those things to the research.
4. How thos,e things are to be processed and deployed in order to create and come
up with something that will solve or answer the research problem.
- The description must be in such a way that it can serve as an overall guide in conducting
the research.

1.4.1 Research Paradigm

- This section must contain a graphical repres,entation of the concept of the research, drawn
in such a way as to aid in easy visualization of the concept. This graphical representation
is the Research Paradigm.
- The research paradigm must be made up of the graphical representation of:
1. The key elements or variables (the things needed) involved in the research.
2. How these key elements are processed and deployed.
3. The outcome or result of the processing which is the solution or answer to
the research problem.

1.4.2 Definition of Terms

- This section must contain the researcher/s' own description/definition of the
key elements/variables, process, and outcome that are mentioned in the
Research Paradigm.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

- This section must contain the researcher/s' statement of the presumed solution or
answer to the research problem.
- The presumed solution or answer to the research problem should be proven as correct
and valid through experimentation, testing, and calculations.
- Each research problem must have a corresponding research hypothesis as its
presumed solution or answer.
1.6 Scope and Delimrtations of the Study
- This section must delineate the coverage, boundaries, limitation, nature, and time frame
of the study.
- That is, this section must contain clear descriptions of the following when applicable:
the limits of the subject of investigation, the nature and number of respondents or
subjects involved, the place, the time period or school year covered, limitations on
instruments or research design and methodology, etc.
- The delimitation of the scope of the study must be well justified.

1. 7 Assumptions of the study

-This section must mention the occurrences that can affect the solution or answer to the
research problem.
- The assumptions of the occurrences must be based on the researcher/s' observations,
experiences, and intuitions.
- The assumptions must serve as a premise to the solution or answer to the
research problem that was hypothesized.

1.8 Significance of the Study

- This section must contain a narration and/or discussion of the importance, potential
contributions, and benefits of the research to any of the following when applicable:
the country; the national government's goals, plans, and policies; the region; the
immediate community; the sponsoring institution or agency; theory and practice; new
knowledge and; the proponent himself/herself and his/her profession.
- This should contain statements of the study's probable impact to the following when
applicable: education, science, technology, on-going researches, and the like ...

1.9 Objectives of the Study

- This section must contain statements of the things that needs to be carried out and
completed by the research in order to solve/answer the research problem.
- The objective must flow naturally from the problem statement, giving a specific, concrete,
and achievable targets.
- A good objective of the study must be SMART- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,
and Time-bound.

1.10 Statement of the Research Problem

- The Research Problem is the problem that is to be tackled or dealt with in the research by
designing a unique research method and procedure that will be performed in order to
create and produce the unique solution to the real-world problem being addressed by
the research. The unique research design and method is the solution to the Research
- The research problem must be important and significant enough so that its solution or
answer will not only provide a contribution to the store of knowledge of the field for
which the research was conducted but will also pay off the cost of conducting the
- The research problem must be one in which the proponent can adequately investigate
given his current level of research skill; available resources, time, and other constraints.
- The Research Problem may be stated in interrogative form or declarative form.

2.1 Materials, Equipment, and/or Instruments

- This section must contain detailed descriptions and/or technical specifications of the
materials, equipment, instruments, statistical methods, and mathematical methods to be
used in the research.

2.2 Research Design and Method

- This section must contain detailed descriptions of the following:
1. The research methodology followed.
2. The research design, method, and procedure for conducting the research which must
be clear and accurate so that any competent researcher can replicate or repeat
the research.
- For research methods that need to determine the size of the sample or the number of
units in a sample, the statistical formulas below can be used. Review your statistics
on how to use the formulas.
Formula for determining the sample size when estimating a population meanµ (Black,
2010 g,g_ 275}:

n = sample size
z = statistic derived from the standard normal distribution
rJ= population standard deviation
E = error of estimation
Formula for determining the sample size when estimating a population proportion p
(Black, 2010{lg 277}:
n = sample size
z = statistic derived from the standard normal distribution
p = population proportion
q = 1-p
E = error of estimation
- In gathering the units or items in a sample, any of the random sampling techniques listed
below can be used depending on your needs for representativeness, accuracy, error
size, convenience, and cost (Black, 2010 9& 241). Review your statistics on when
and how to use each technique.
1. Simple random sampling
2. Stratified random sampling
3. Systematic random sampling
4. Cluster or Area random sampling

4.2.1Researoh Process Flowchart

- This section must contain a diagrammatic and graphical depiction or portrayal of the whole
research process and procedure using the flowcharting symbols.
Chapter 5

- This chapter must contain the descriptions of the research' result, analysis, and
finding (whether favorable or unfavorable, positive or negative) and the summary of
the data gathered during experimentation, testing, and calculations. Summarization
of the data and its attendant analysis are done using statistical methods, charts, graphs,
tables, and other appropriate statistical tools. The descriptions should not contain
opinions or judgements about the result of the research but must contain only facts.

- In addition to the preceding descriptions and summary of data, this chapter must also
contain any of the following, depending on the resulting output of the research.
For the re-suiting output of:
- New or improved soft product-this chapter must also contain detailed description
of the product and the procedure on how it will be used or applied.

- New or improved tool or any physical device- this chapter must also contain detailed
2D and 30 drawings of the prototype of the device, with clear and precise
dimensions, descriptions, and technical specifications, and the procedure on how it
will be utilized and used.

- New or improved mathematical model - this chapter must also contain clear
and detailed description of the model and a process flowchart and procedure on
how it will be applied and used.

- New or improved process, system, or service - this chapter must also contain proce-
ss flowcharts and diagrams of the process, system, or service, with clear and
detailed descriptions, policies and procedure on how it will be implemented and

- Improved physical structure - this chapter must also contain detailed drawings and
floor plans of the physical structure, with clear and precise dimensions, descriptions,
and technical specifications.

Chapter 6

- This chapter must contain three sectionsnamely; Summary, Conclusion, and


- This section must contain brief statements of the following:
1. Real-wor'ld Problem being addressed
2. main Research Problem being tackled
3. main Research Objective
4. main Assumptions of the Study
5. Research Hypothesis
6. Research Procedure
7. main Result and Finding.

6.2 Conclusion
- This section must contain statements of conclusion regarding the research hypothesis
based on the Result and Finding.
- A conclusion may affirm or negate the research hypothesis.

6.3 Recommendation/s
- This section must contain the researcher/s' recommendation based on the Result and
Finding, suggesting how the result and finding might be utilized and applied to solve
or answer the research problem.
- The recommendation must be specific and feasible.
- This section may also include suggestions for further research.

- This part must contain the list of references or sources of information that were cited in
the paper. Examples of sources of information are books, journals, encyclopedia,
magazines, manuals, and websites.
- The format and style of the reference list must be in Harvard style and format.
- The list must be in alphabetical order.


- This part must contain the list of the highly technical terms (petroleum engineering
jargon) used in the body of the research paper with their corresponding dictionary
- This is dtfferent from the Definition of Terms in Chapter 3 in that what is defined there are
the terms of the key elements/variables mentioned in the Research Paradigm and the
definitions there are the researcher/s' own.

- This part must be where the following must be placed; supplementary tables or
charts, copies of forms and questionnaires, supporting doouments and pictures,
copies of articles and clippings of periodicals, supplementary computer print outs,
and other materials and supporting evidences that cannot be included in the main
body of the research paper because of their length and details.
- Other examples of materials that should be placed in this part are the following;
conversion tables, list of symbols used in the paper, interview guide, derivation of
formulas, acronyms, expanded treatment of engineering problem mentioned in
the body, descriptions of special facilities or resources, authorization letter of the
proponents, and research budget details.
3.2 Process Flowchart to be Followed in Conducting the Research


1 Find an important Real-world Problem in your field of study.

2 Do a background research to find out what has been done to solve il

Note and describe the thing/s that was/were done to solve it Write these descriptions later in the Review

The problem of designing the research prooedure that will be performed in order to create and produce
..--: the unique solution to the Rea

5 Frame & write your Research Title following the Guidelinein writing such_

write its statement Since this statement isyet to be proven as true and correct through experimenting, measuring, or calculating, this s

rm the research inorder to determine whether the unique solution that you have thought of can really solve the Real-wortd Problem. T

Write & prepare your Research Proposal following the Guidelines in writing such, the required Minim

Present & defend your Research Proposal to your research Examinersfor their approval, following

After getting your research Examiners' approval, accomplish

10 your Res 1 Professor's requirementsto get your grade inRes 01
Perform the research as designed. Gather & record all data, observations, result,and takepictu

Analyzetheresult& note down thefinding. The write-up should comprise your Result, Analysis

13 I Write the Conclusion to your hypothesis based on the result & finding. I
14 Write your Recommendation/s that will help inthe
application & utilization of your uniquesolution.
15 Write & prepare your Final Research Paper following the Guidelines in
Writing such, the required Minimum Contents, and therequired Format

16 Present & defend your Final Research Paper to your research Examinersfor
their approval, following the procedure describedin our Research

After getting your research Examiners' approval, acco plish your Res 2 Professor's requirements

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