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December, 2022
The Pandemic Panacea: No Vaccine No work No School Policy
Francine Erika E. Alcosero
Vaccines are the key for us to achieve our freedom. Since the COVID-19 virus started, we are deprived of the freedom to go to

school and our workplaces. There have been several changes that happened, and we people are not used to it. However, the scientist does

their jobs they find and make a cure for this virus. And a year after, they developed various sorts of vaccines that could protect us from the

virus. These vaccines could be the step for us to be back at the normal life that we used to be. For example, going to school, seeing your

teachers and classmates, or going to your workplace without restriction. As a result, I agree on “Implementing No vaccine No work and No

School policy”. Because this regulation may help us keep safe from the virus and will be the solution to control or end this pandemic.

Some people are still against the vaccine because of the allegations that they believe where the vaccines are dangerous to

people, that sometimes it can result in death. Their belief is wrong because they let their minds to be poisoned, leading them to believe

things that were not true. Vaccines have been thoroughly studied and confirmed to be safe for humans. However, there will be a side effects

and it is normal. According to the World Health Organization 9 (2021), having a slight side effect from vaccines is normal; it is normal that

our body will react when we take the vaccine because our immune system is telling our body to react in a particular way. Always remember,

vaccines were made to protect us from the virus not to harm us.

The effectiveness of the vaccines to people and our safety from the virus. According to the World Health Organization (2021),

COVID-19 vaccines have proven to be safe, effective, and life-saving. And these vaccines lowered the risk of people getting sick or getting

infected. It is also added to contribute to the control of the pandemic. And it assures the safety of the people. Since vaccines are approved

by the World Health organization (WHO) and it went through randomized clinical trials to test their quality, safety and efficacy. Vaccines are

important tools that will protect us, save lives and reduce wide-scale social disruption.

Vaccines will ensure the safety of the individuals in the Philippines, particularly workers and students. Health Undersecretary

Maria Rosario Vergeire (2021) stated, DepEd and DOH both agreed that vaccinations should be there to ensure the safety of the children.

COVID-19 is extremely dangerous to everyone and students cannot be simply admitted to school without being vaccinated, as this has a

major impact on the worsening of COVID positives. The same goes for teachers, before they go to school and interact with the students,

they must be vaccinated for everyone's safety. Therefore, they should implement the No vaccines No work No school policy for the peace

and safety of everyone.

Vaccines are extremely beneficial to everyone, it is a way where we can go back to our normal life and we can finally attain our

freedom, where we can do whatever we want. Since the COVID-19 started, our life gradually change. Vaccines on the other hand, were

developed and will serve as a tool from getting back to our normal lives. Where we can go to school, interact with our teachers and

classmates. As well as the people who has job, they can finally focused to their works. Since they are now allowed to report to their

workplace every day.

In conclusion, we should implement the “No vaccine No work No school policy” for the safety of everyone and which will be the

solution to stop or end this pandemic. Vaccines are a tool or a step toward returning to a more normal way of life. Also, it is a way where we

can attain our freedom, we can go to school and work freely, without the fear of getting infected because we are already protected by the

vaccine. Therefore, people should get vaccinated in order for us to be safe, free, and far from the harm of the virus. Get vaccinated and let

us end this pandemic for good.


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