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§ Leading a life in knowledge

 High aspirations in knowledge

Islam encourages a seeker to have high aspirations,
however they are also recommended to beware of mixing
high aspirations with pride. High aspiration is the
adornment of the inheritors of the prophets, and pride is
the sickness of those who are sick with the sickness if the
wretched tyrants.

 Emigrating for the sake of seeking knowledge

A seeker must travel/emigrate to other places with the
intention of searching for a teacher and acquiring
knowledge from them since these scholars, who are
traveled to possess knowledge and experience through
traveling that can rarely be found in the depth of books.

 Debating without argumentation

A seeker must not get tangled into disputes or arguments.
As for debating for the truth, it is a favorable affair since in
this debate, truth and correctness is lifted upon falsehood
and incorrectness. And as for disputes in conversation and
debated, there is argumentation, showing off, disturbance,
pride, struggle to be victorious, enmity and concordance
with foolish people. So seeker’s are asked to stay away
from these and will be safe from falling into that which is

 Honesty and truthfulness

A seeker is encouraged to be honest and Truthful to
knowledge. If the seeker is unaware of a certain
knowledge, he should say so and not deny the truth for
holding on to mere pride. The seeker should be Truthful
because if he is not, he will be stripped of three things :
trust, acceptance from other people, being disbelieve even
if you are Truthful.

 Preserving your capital

A seeker must preserve his time through serious exertion,
adherence to study, occupied by a scholar and occupying
himself by reading important books, memorizing,
researching, and contemplating especially during the
prime of his youth and the early years of his life instead of
unnecessary idle play or idle talk.

 Relaxing your body

Ali ibn Abu Talib said, “Relax these hearts, and seek for
them subtle wisdoms, for they become bored just as their
bodies become bored “. This is why a seeker is encouraged
to sometimes have a break from studies to relax the body,
mind and heart.

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