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STADIO SCHOOLOF EDUCATION ay [_pracros Teaching Practice Lesson Assessment Form PGCE SP and FET Teaching ard name | Naini Tsorera Student number 2221684 Date 26 frucr Name of school Ouesan Gers’ Hott Suncor Grade q Tick the relevant block below Subject aris Public, ~ | Private Content Area Funcnons Lesson topic Finginwe Gaumnoiy of Line | Duration | yo mv CAPS / curriculum Copy of page(s) Number of learners in class: page number(s) attached Yer No 20 Kindly ensure that you have ticked a level of competence for each of the twenty criteria outlined below. Use the accompanying lesson assessment rubric with descriptors of each achievement level (PRAC702) to guide your assessment. Please insert a percentage as an overall assessment mark at the end of this lesson assessment form which is in line with the allocated achievement levels. LESSON ASSESSMENT GRADING FOR ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS ‘Achievement Level % Highly competent 75 + Very competent 5-74 ‘Competent. 55 — 64 Developing competence 45 — 54 Not yet competent No assessment possible GENERAL COMMENTS: Good and capuotrt ancwerg a) queshous re wach sels of co-olclincrtca they Should use Garows on exeellut jewel “al andor wr Te owt — beng tewoylrt, Dae was good efficent + affective warkeg ~ howe work, Lovely cwrsolicechon and shar ab conn innstatos (eg use oP ed whon subshhaty ) Clas we involved ard eng in Le lesson de wroke way though. Cnt fae aro! great rep Won o) padionw EG ard die panier ily a, Some gla af on ona wee showin on te quaph re on using 2408 FO uncla duel ofon wll yo ange eB al. well pleuureol ara au legon af) wok whuch is notoriously crallenoyvg) fe Grol, 4 iaureu) % _powt iovavo-- exuphasce how hoy get x arol : wrcereape from tho ptrue, en (pg) (dore voy wal late mm _hesson dh Up to date Portfolio of Evidence available{ Yes) No (if No, -5%) Final mark: _40_/100% ‘ASSESSOR NAME: Spnuppa Lermp assessor sonaTune: Lp

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