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1. Who is the Father of Modern Criminology?

a. Emile Durkheim
b. Charles Goring
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. Robert King Merton
(NOTE: incase the choices has two similar answer which is the correct answer always choose the first
one ) example: a. Cesare Lombroso b. Charles Goring c. Cesare Lombroso d. Robert King Merton
Letter A is the correct answer.

2. This theory states that criminals are a lower form of life, nearer to their apelike ancestors than
non-criminals in traits and dispositions.
a. Insane criminals
b. Criminaloids
c. Born criminal
d. Moral anomalies

3. Jeremy Bentham’s philosophy of social control is based on the idea that an act is not to be judged by
an irrational system of absolutes but by a supposedly verifiable principle which is the greatest
happiness for the greatest number of people. This philosophy is referred to as?
a. Determinism
b. Retribution
c. Utilitarianism
d. Just desert

4. Cesare Lombroso was criticized for his methodology and his attention to the biological characteristics
of offenders, but he was still considered as the Father of Modern Criminology. Why did Lombroso earn
this title?
a. Because he was the leader of the positive school
b. Because he conceptualized the idea of atavist man
c. Because of his emphasis on the need to study offenders scientifically
d. Because he disregarded the classical school of criminology

5. Who was Lombroso’s co-founder of Italian or Positivist School? (THE HOLY THREE)
a. Ferri
b. Ferri and Garofalo c. Garofalo
d. None of these

6. One of the circumstances that people used as a defense in the course of insanity. The Juvenile Justice
and Welfare Act also exempts children (15) years old or younger from criminal liability. The rationale
behind these circumstances can be traced back during the 18th century. Which school of thought
conceptualized this?
a. Classical
b. Neo-classical
c. Italian/ Positivist
d. Contemporary

7. Which among the statements below does NOT explain the concept of classical theory?
a. Human beings are fundamentally rational.
b. Human behavior is the result of freewill.
c. Criminals can be treated and rehabilitated.(NOT INCLUDED)
d. Pain and pleasure are two central determinants of human behavior.(UTTILITARIANISM)

8. In the theory of evolution, he claimed that humans, like other animals, are parasites. Man is an
organism having animalistic behavior.
a. Adolphe Quetelet
b. Charles Darwin
c. William Sheldon
d. Robert Ezra Park

9. The study of the shape of the skull and bumps of the head to determine whether these physical
attributes were linked to criminal behavior.
a. Phrenology
b. Physiognomy(FACE)
d. Positivism

10. According to the classical theory, a person’s choice of criminal solutions may be controlled by his or
her fear of punishment. Therefore, it argued that the more__, __and__the punishment, the greater will be
its deterrent effect.
a. severe, swift and harsh
b. severe, swift and certain
c. harsh, severe, legal
d. severe, swift and uncertain

11. Many people don’t believe that crime can be eliminated. Some sectors are even saying that the
presence of laws contribute to the rise of criminality. This premise is actually in consonance with the
principle that there would be no crime if there would be no law that punishes the same. This principle
referred to as?
a. Deterrence
b. Social contract
c. Criminology
d. Logomacy
12. The facial features of criminals as determinants of whether the shape of ears, nose and eyes and the
distance between them were associated with antisocial behavior was a concern of some studies. This
field is also known as?

a. Phrenology
b. Craniology
c. Criminal anthropology
d. Physiognomy

13. Who developed the theory of Born Criminal?

a. Park and Burgess
b. Cloward and Ohlin
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. Hirschi and Gottfredson

14. Which of the following are the stages of the commission of crime?
a. Attempted
b. Frustrated
c. Consummated
d. All of these
1, ATTEMPTED- execution are started,but not all action is present
2. FRUSTRATED-all acts of execution are present but crime is not achieved,
3,CONSUMATED- -all acts of execution are present and result is achieved.

15. What is the rule in criminal law about doubts?

a. Proven doubts should be resolved in favor of the defendant.
b. All doubts should be resolved in favor of the accused.
c. Verified doubts shall be resolved in favor of the accused.
d. Doubts duly annotated is resolved in favor of the accused.

16. He formulated the concept of Utilitarianism?

a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Raffaele Garofalo
c. Cesare Beccaria
d. Enrico Ferri
17. The Father of Psychoanalysis.
a. Walter Miller
b. Hans Von Hentig
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Cesare Lombroso

18. Which of the following is an exempting circumstance?

a. An act done under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear.
b. An act done in obedience to an order by superior for a lawful purpose.
c. Having acted upon an impulse so powerful as to have naturally produced passion and
d. An act done in the fulfilment of a duty or in the lawful exercise of a right or office.



19. It is an authority conferred by law to act in certain conditions or situations in accordance with an
agency or an official agency owns considered judgment and conscience is termed as:
a. Instinct
b. Decision
c. Judgment
d. Discretion

20. It is also termed as pain-pleasure principle.

a. Hedonism
b. Utilitarianism
c. Atavism
d. Positivism

21. How do criminologists view crime?

d. All of these

22. Can you consider a victim a criminal?

a. Yes
b. I think so
c. No
d. Sometimes
23. This characteristic of criminal law is enounced in Article 366 of the Revised Penal Code; crimes are
punished under the laws, in force at the time of their commission.
a. Prospective
d. Preferential

24. A person should not be held morally responsible because he did not choose to commit crime but
rather were driven only by social, economic and political conditions in life. This has been claimed by
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Cesare Beccaria
b. Raffaele Garofalo

25. It is the important section of the research study where its coverage of the study are, the subjects, the
instruments, issues and duration of the study:
a. Significance of the study
b. Theoretical framework
c. Conceptual framework
d. Scope and limitations

26. It is a section in Chapter 1 of a research paper which is also called as the importance of the study.
a. Scope and limitations
b. Significance of the study
c. Assumption of the study
d. Theoretical framework

27. It is a symbolic construction which uses abstract concepts, facts or laws, variables and their relations
that explains and predicts how an observed phenomenon exists and operates is:
a. Conceptual framework
b. Null hypothesis
c. Alternative hypothesis
d. Theoretical framework

28. It presumed as true statements of facts related to the study:

a. Assumption
b. Conceptual
c. Hypothesis
d. Operational
29. What refers to a statement expressed clearly and vividly in an interrogative or question form?
a. Research objectives
b. Theoretical framework
c. Conceptual framework
d. Research problem

30. It is an affirmation of an existence of phenomena.

a. Null hypothesis
b. Alternative hypothesis
c. Theoretical framework
d. Conceptual framework

31. It is a statement of purpose for which the study is to be conducted.

a. Research objectives
b. Conceptual definition
c. Research problem
d. Operational definition

32. It is the denial of an existence of trait, quality, characteristics, relationship or difference of an effect.
a. Alternative hypothesis
b. Theoretical framework
c. Conceptual framework
d. Null hypothesis

33. It refers to an intelligent guess that is formulated and temporarily adapted to explain the observed
factscovered by the study.
a. Assumption
b. Conceptual framework
c. Hypothesis(GUESS)
d. Theoretical framework

34. Characteristics of a researcher wherein he is always doubtful as to the veracity of the results.
a. Healthy criticism
b. Intellectual curiosity
c. Intellectual honesty
d. Prudence

35. One of the qualities of a good researcher is that he keeps on inventing unique, new, and original
a. Resourceful
b. Scientific
c. Creative
d. Efficient
36. The type of research that is also called pure research.
a. Action research
b. Action research
c. Applied research

37. Characteristics of research that starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
a. Cyclical
b. Methodical
c. Analytical
d. Logical

38. Newton’s law of motion is an example of:

a. Action research
b. Applied research
c. Basic research
d. Field research

39. One of the qualities of a good researcher is that he is always precise in conducting his research.
Hence, he is:
a. Economical
b. Efficient
c. Resourceful
d. Scientific

40. What components of the research process provide the foundation of the study?
a. Research design
b. Hypothesis
c. Conceptual framework
d. Assumption

41. A data of the uniform crime reporting program which shows the number of the offenses per specific
portion of the population, such as the number of violent index offenses per 100,000 individuals.
a. Crime rate
b. Crime volume
c. Crime trends
d. Crime ratio

42. The law that exempts registered criminologists from taking any other entrance or qualifying
government or civil service examinations and shall be considered civil service eligibles:
a. R.A. 8551
b. R.A. 11131- (NEW LAW-2018)
c. R.A. 6975
d. R.A. 7160
43. The English word of criminology was coined by:
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Raffaele Garofalo
c. Paul Topinard
d. Edwin Sutherland Donald Cressey

44. The word criminology, originated in a Latin word “crimen” and “logia”. The word “logia”
a. To commit crime
b. To study
c. To commit an act
d. To write

45. He is known to be the Father of Modern Criminology.

b. Cesare Beccaria
c. Enrico Ferri
d. Raffaele Garofalo

46. Who studied the remains of executed individuals who had been convicted of crimes?
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Cesare Beccaria
c. Enrico Ferri
d. Raffaele Garofalo

47. This theory states that criminals are a lower form of life, nearer to their apelike ancestors than
non-criminal in traits and disposition.
a. Born Criminal
b. Atavism
c. Classical theory
d. Positivist theory

48. It describes the physical features of creatures at an earlier stage of development.

a. Born Criminal
b. Atavism
c. Classical theory
d. Positivist theory

49. The Holy Three of Criminology are:

a. Cesare Lombroso, Enrico Ferri and Raffaele Garofalo
b. Cesare Beccaria, Enrico Ferri, Raffaele Garofalo
c. Jeremy Bentham, Cesare Lombroso, Cesare Beccaria
d. None of the above
50. He traced the roots of criminal behavior which is not in physical features but to their psychological
equivalents, which he called “moral anomalies.”
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Cesare Beccaria
c. Enrico Ferri
d. Raffaele Garofalo

51. He attacked the classical doctrine on freewill, and argued that criminals should not be held morally
responsible for their crimes, because they did not choose to commit crimes rather, were driven to
commit crimes due to economic, social and political factors
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Cesare Beccaria
c. Enrico Ferri
d. Raffaele Garofalo

52. Criminology is derived from the ___ root word “Crimen” which means offense.
a. Latin
b. Spanish
c. Greek
d. French

53. He is considered as the Founder of Criminal Anthropology.

a. Cesare Beccaria
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. Raffaele Garofalo

54. It refers to a body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon.

a. Sociology
b. Crime
c. Criminology
d. Society

55. Which of the following statements correctly described “moral responsibility?”

a. Criminals are a lower form of life, nearer to their apelike ancestors.
b. People are driven to commit crimes due to economic, social and political factors.
c. People have the freewill to choose between right and wrong.
d. None of the above
56. Who said that criminology is the body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon, it
includes within its three (3) scopes: the making of laws, the breaking of laws and the reaction of society
towards the breaking of laws.
a. Donald Cressey /
b. Edwin Sutherland /
c. Both A and C
d. Raffaele Garofalo

57. The word Criminology is derived from Latin root word “Crimen” which means:
a. Offense
b. Violation
c. Crime
d. Felony

58. “Criminologia” is an Italian word of Criminology advocated by:

a. Paul Topinard
b. Cesare Beccaria
c. Jeremy Bentham
d. Raffaele Garofalo

59. Criminologie is a French word of Criminology introduced by:

a. Paul Topinard
b. Cesare Beccaria
c. Jeremy Bentham
d. Raffaele Garofalo

60. What division of Criminology which involved scientific analysis of the conditions under which criminal
law influences society?
a. Sociology of Law
b. Criminalistics
c. Criminal Etiology
d. Penology

61. It is concerned with control of crime by repressing criminal activities through the fear of punishment.
a. Sociology of Law
b. Criminalistics
c. Criminal Etiology
d. Penology

62. It is the number of inhabitants(NO. OF MEMBER IN HE COMMUNITY) in a given area.

a. Community
b. Society
c. Crime volume
d. Population inhabitants(NO. OF MEMBER IN HE COMMUNITY
63. An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which a
punishment is imposed upon conviction.(GENERAL DEFINITION OF CRIME )
a. Felony
b. Crime
c. Misdemeanor
d. Delinquency

64. The process of gathering data of information to solve a particular or specific problem in a scientific
a. Survey
b. Scientific method
c. Research
d. Census

65. A type of crime mapping that allows the crime analyst to display several values within a particular
variable at the same time.
a. Graduated mapping
b. Single-symbol maps
c. Chart mapping
d. Density mapping

66. It is established in every police station for monthly and annual reports on case handled and persons
arrested by the police station to include cases reported.
a. Uniform Crime Reporting
b. Crime Mapping
c. Crime Spot Map
d. Traffic Spot Map

67. This crime mapping is used to identify immediate patterns for crimes such as residential and
commercial burglary.
a. Tactical crime analysis
b. Strategic crime analysis
c. Single-symbol maps
d. Administrative crime analysis

68. This kind of map posts the motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents which occur in the said area.
a. Uniform Crime Reporting
b. Crime mapping
c. Crime Spot Map
d. Traffic Spot Map
69. It is the process of using a geographic information system to conduct spatial analysis of crime
and other police-related issues.
a. Uniform Crime Reporting
b. Crime mapping
c. Crime Spot Map
d. Traffic Spot Map

70. Pedro after committing crime strongly denied his involvement or his incapacity to do an act. Under
the elements of crime, Pedro is trying to:
a. Remove knowledge as element of crime
b. Deny his intent in committing crime
c. Explain that he was just pushed by his needs
d. All of the above

71. Which of the following correctly shows the criminal formula?

a. C = T + R c. C = T + S
b. R = C + T d. R = T + S

72. Actus me invito factus non est meus actus literally means what?
a. The act done by me against my will is not my act.
b. The act is not committed if the mind of the person performing to act; complained of be
c. The greatest possible wrong is the abuse of right.
d. The damage has been done.

73. The Forensic Psychologist who formulated the criminal formula is:
a. Sigmund Freud
b. David Abrahamsen
c. Cyril Burt
d. Cesare Lombroso

74. Who provided the formula on criminal behavior?

a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Enrico Ferri
c. David Abrahamsen
d. Raffaele Garofalo
75. Of the following statements, which of these is more susceptible to commit crime?
a. Pedro who was left alone in the room of his friend with valuable items surrounding him.
b. Maria who is walking alone in a dark place.
c. Juan who was tempted to steal the watch of his friend but was not given a chance.
d. Anna who is wearing a luxurious watch and necklace.

76. Resistance to temptation can be associated with:

a. Control
b. Act
c. Situation
d. Opportunity

77. Criminologists state that crime is directly proportional to subject criminal tendencies plus his total
environmental situation and immensely to subjects
a. Response
b. Mentality
c. Resistance
d. Health

78. Intent in the commission of crime can be defined as:

a. A person with a guilty mind.
b. A person with irresistible control.
c. A person with full understanding of his act.
d. All of the above

79. When can you say that a crime has been committed?
a. When there is a law punishing it.
b. When it has been reported.
c. When there is a criminal.
d. All of these

80. Juan committed a crime with his full volition and knowing what will be the result of his act. What
element of crime has shown in this case? HE IS AWARE 0F HIS ACTION TOWARD COMMITING A
a. Opportunity
b. Resistance
c. Temptation
d. Knowledge

81. Ana who voluntarily committed a crime and with full comprehension of the consequences of his act.
What element of crime is obviously present?
a. Opportunity
b. Temptation
c. Resistance d. Knowledge
82. John after committing crime strongly denied his involvement or his incapacity to do an act. Under
the elements of crime, John is trying to:
a. Remove knowledge as element of crime
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
b. Deny his intent in committing crime
c. Explain that he was just pushed by his needs
d. All of the above

83. In criminal formula, criminal tendency is the same with:

a. Desire
b. Control
c. Opportunity
d. Act

84. Under the criminal formula, the act that was done by the person in committing crime can be
manifested by:
a. Full understanding of his act
b. Behavior displayed by the person
c. The intent of committing crime
d. All of the above

85. According to the criminal formula, Resistance to temptation (self -control) can be influenced by:
a. Value system
b. Atavism
c. Criminality
d. School

86. Under the criminal formula, resistance to temptation is also known as:
a. Desire
b. Opportunity
c. Intent
d. Control

87. Accused was a houseboy in a house where only a spinster resides. It is customary for the spinster
to sleep nude because her room was warm. It was also the habit of the houseboy that whenever
she enters her room, the houseboy would follow and peek into the keyhole. Finally, when the
houseboy could no longer resist the urge, he climbed into the ceiling, went inside the room of his
master, placed himself on top of her and abused her, not knowing that she was already dead five
minutes earlier. Is an impossible crime committed?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I think so
d. Sometimes
88. Juan after planning to commit crime, failed to execute his act due to the presence of the Police, under
the criminal formula, what was eliminated is the:
a. Desire
b. Control
c. Intent
d. Opportunity

89. Due to irresistible force, Pedro was forced to commit crime. The element of crime that was
This document is the property of eliminated is:
a. Criminal behavior
b. Intent
c. Freedom
d. Knowledge

90. Basing on the criminal formula, crime is committed when there is great:
a. Stress
b. Frustration
c. Motivation
d. Desire

91. BS CRIM is a _______ course.

a. 3-year
b. 4-year
c. 5-year
d. All of the above

92. It refers to the set of training on how to act in accordance with the rules.
a. Trainingb. Discipline

c. Ethics
d. Values

93. This act is also known as “The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018”.
a. PD No. 6506
b. RA 11131
c. RA No. 5606
d. RA 31011
94. Of the following statement, criminology as dynamic can be described as:
a. It is concomitant with the advancement of other sciences that have been applied in
b. Law is applied to all who sojourns in our country.
c. Natural sciences may be applied in the study of the causes of crime.
d. Crime is a creation of the society and that it exists in a society.

95. The following are the aims in the study of criminology EXCEPT:
a. To understand crimes and criminals
b. To prevent the occurrence of crime
c. Reaction towards the breaking of laws
d. None of the above

96. The definition of crime is controlled by wealth, power, and position and not by moral consensus or
the fear of social disruption.
a. Consensus view
b. Conflict view
c. Interactionist view
d. All of these

97. Moral entrepreneurs define crime and criminal labels are life-transforming events.

a. Consensus view
b. Conflict view
c. Interactionist view
d. All of these

98. A felony is ____ when the offender commences the commission of a felony directly by overt acts,
and does not perform all the acts of execution which should produce the felony by reason of some
cause or accident other than his own spontaneous desistance.
a. consummated
b. frustrated
c. attempted
d. complete

99. Crimes are outlawed behaviors because society defines them that way and not because they are
inherently evil or immoral acts.
a. Consensus view b. Conflict view
c. Interactionist view d. All of these

100. It is based on perceived links between the nature of a crime and the personality or physical
appearance of the offender.
a. Criminal Anthropology b. Criminal Psychiatry
c. Physiognomy d. PhrenologY
1. It is the redress that the state takes against an offending member of society that usually involves
pain and suffering.
a. Punishment
b. Retribution
c. Banishment
d. Penalty

2. It is defined as the suffering inflicted by the state against an offending member for the transgression
of law.
a. Punishment
b. Retribution
c. Banishment
d. Penalty

3. What prison is located in Abuyog, Leyte?

a. New Bilibid Prison
b. Leyte Regional Prison
c. CIW
d. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm

4. What prison is situated in Zamboanga?

a. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
b. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
c. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
d. New Bilibid Prison

5. It is the study and practice of a system of management of jails or prisons and other institutions
concerned with the custody, treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
a. Penal Management
b. Corrections
c. Correctional Administration
d. None of these

6. It is the important section of the study where it includes the coverage of the study: the subjects, the
instruments, issues and duration of the study.
a. Significance of the study
b. Theoretical framework
c. Conceptual framework
d. Scope and limitations
9. What prison is situated in Mandaluyong City?
a. New Bilibid Prison
b. Leyte Regional Prison
c. Correctional Institution for Women
d. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm

10. A fired at B and B was hit on the shoulder. But B's wound was not mortal. What A then did was to
approach B, and told B, ―Now you are dead, I will kill you. But A took pity and kept the revolver
and left. What crime has been committed?
a. Physical injury
b. Theft
c. Arson
d. Attempted homicide

11. The study of the shape of the skull and bumps of the head to determine whether these physical
attributes were linked to criminal behavior.
a. Phrenology
b. Physiognomy- FACE
c. Atavism–It describes the physical features of creatures at an earlier stage of development.
d. Positivism

12. It is presumed as true statements of facts related to the study.

a. Assumption
b. Conceptual
c. Hypothesis
d. Operational

17. Those crimes committed by ordinary professional criminals to maintain their livelihood.
a. Blue collar crimes
b. White collar crimes-Those committed by persons of respectability
c. Situational crimes-committed only when given the situation is conducive to its
d. Static crimes-only one place.

18. Criminologists state that crime is directly proportional to subject criminal tendencies plus his total
environmental situation and immensely to subjects.
a. Response
b. Mentality
c. Resistance
d. Health
20. It refers to any person who has been found to have committed a wrongful act in the course of
standard judicial process.
a. Criminal
b. Suspect
c. Accused
d. Victim

21. Those who acted in consonance with deliberate thinking.

a. Chronic criminals
b. Neurotic criminals
c. Rational criminals
d. Habitual criminals

22. It refers to an intelligent guess that is formulated and temporarily adapted to explain the observed
covered by the study.
a. Assumption
b. Conceptual framework
c. Hypothesis
d. Theoretical framework

24. Those who commit criminal acts as a result of unanticipated circumstances.

a. Situational criminals
b. Professional criminals
c. Organized criminals
d. Accidental criminals

25. Are those whose actions arise from intrapsychic conflict between the social and anti-socio component
of his personality?
a. Neurotic criminals
b. Ordinary criminals
c. Active criminals
d. Socialized Delinquents

27. The type of research that is also called as pure research is:
a. Action research
b. Action research
c. Applied research
d. Basic research
28. Those that have the lowest form of criminal career where they engage only in conventional crimes.
a. Ordinary criminals
b. Professional criminals
c. Organized criminals
d. Accidental criminals

29. Those that violate the law because of the impulse of the moment, fit of passion or anger or spell of
extreme jealousy.
a. Accidental criminals
b. Acute criminals
c. Passive inadequate criminals
d. Active aggressive criminals

32. X is being hired by Y to burn the house of Z. X is an example of:

(the scenario result to distruction of property)
a. Accidental criminal
b. Acute criminal
c. Passive inadequate criminal
d. Active aggressive criminal

33. A person whose guilt is considered on reasonable ground to be of practical possibility.

a. Suspect
b. Victim
c. Criminal
d. Accused

35. Components of the research process that provides the foundation of the study.
a. Research design
b. Hypothesis
c. Conceptual framework
d. Assumption

36. He is a person who has been formally charged by the prosecutor with a crime within the jurisdiction of
the court.
a. Suspect
b. Victim-
d. Accused
40. An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which a
punishment is imposed upon conviction.
a. Felony
b. Crime
c. Misdemeanor
d. Delinquency

41. The process of gathering data of information to solve a particular or specific problem in a scientific
a. Survey
b. Scientific method
c. Research
d. Census

42. The oldest penal facility, founded in ___, is situated in Zamboanga City, the San Ramon Prison and
Penal Farm.
a. 1832
b. 1861
c. 1896
d. 1835

43. Leyte Regional Prison is a Martial Law baby, established on January 16, 1973 by virtue of
Presidential _______.
a. Proclamation No. 1101
b. Proclamation No. 1081
c. Proclamation No. 1201
d. Proclamation No. 1071

44. Prison that was used as a concentration camp among American Prisoners of war.
a. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
b. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
c. Davao Penal Colony
d. New Bilibid Prison

46. It is a statement that explains the relationship between abstract concepts in a meaningful way.
a. Theory
b. Idea
c. Variables
d. Statement
47. Pedro after committing crime strongly denied his involvement or his incapacity to do an act. Under
the elements of crime, Pedro is trying to:
a. remove knowledge as element of crime
b. deny his intent in committing crime
c. explain that he was just pushed by his needs
d. All of the above

48. A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general
principles independent of the thing to be explained. It derived from the Greek word “theōria” which
means “contemplation or speculation.
a. Theory
b. Idea
c. Social theory
d. Statement

49. It is a set of logically related explanatory hypotheses that are consistent with a body of empirical
facts and may suggest more empirical relationships.
a. Theory
b. Idea
c. Construct
d. Statement

50. Stage of theory development which attempts to explain what is happening.

a. Speculative
b. Descriptive
c. Constructive
d. All of these

53. Actus me invito factus non est meus actus literally means what?
a. The act done by me against my will is not my act.
b. The act is not committed if the mind of the person performing the act; complained of being
c. The greatest possible wrong is the abuse of right.
d. The damage has been done.

54. The Forensic Psychologist who formulated the criminal formula is:

a. Sigmund Freud
b. David Abrahamsen
c. Cyril Burt
d. Cesare Lombroso
57. Resistance to temptation can be associated with:
a. Control
b. Act
c. Situation
d. Opportunity

61. Juan committed a crime with his full volition and knowing what will be the result of his act can be
considered as what element of crime?
a. Opportunity
b. Resistance
c. Temptation
d. Knowledge

62. Pedro who voluntarily committed a crime and with full comprehension of the consequences of his act.
What element of crime is obviously present?
a. Opportunity
b. Temptation
c. Resistance
d. Knowledge

63. It is defined as the systematic set of interrelated statements or principles that explain aspects of
social life.
a. Theory
b. Idea
c. Social theory
d. Statement

64. In criminal formula, criminal tendency is the same with:

a. Desire
b. Control
c. Opportunity
d. Act

65. Under the criminal formula, the act that was done by the person in committing crime can be
a. Full understanding of his act
b. Behavior displayed by the person
c. The intent of committing crime
66. According to the criminal formula, Resistance to temptation (self -control) can be influenced by:
a. Value system
b. Atavism
c. Criminality
d. School

67. Under the criminal formula, resistance to temptation is also known as:
a. Desire
b. Opportunity
c. Intent
d. Control

68. Accused was a houseboy in a house where only a spinster resides. It is customary for the spinster
to sleep nude because her room was warm. It was also the habit of the houseboy that whenever
she enters her room, the houseboy would follow and peek into the keyhole. Finally, when the
houseboy could no longer resist the urge, he climbed into the ceiling, went inside the room of his
master, placed himself on top of her and abused her, not knowing that she was already dead five
minutes earlier. Is an impossible crime committed?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I think so
d. Sometimes

69. Juan after planning to commit crime, failed to execute his act due to the presence of the police, under
the criminal formula, what was eliminated is the:
a. Desire
b. Control
c. Intent
d. Opportunity

70. Due to irresistible force, Pedro was forced to commit crime. The element of crime that was eliminated
a. Criminal behavior
b. Intent
d. Knowledge

71. Basing on the criminal formula, crime is committed when there is great:
a. Stress
b. Frustration
c. Motivation
76. It is an act which would be an offense against a person or property were it not for the inherent
impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual
a. Impossible crime
b. Formal crime
c. Material crime
d. Crime

77. Impossible crime is applicable to crimes against person and the other one is:
a. Crime against property
b. Crime against chastity
c. Crime against public order
d. Crime against liberty

78. A felony is ____ when the offender performs all the acts of execution which would produce the
felony as a consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of causes
independent of the will of the perpetrator.
a. consummated
b. frustrated
c. attempted
d. complete

79. The law defines crime, agreement exists on outlawed behavior, and law applied to all citizens
a. Consensus view- a crime is not a crime unless it is prohibited by the criminal law.
b. Conflict view
c. Interactionist view
d. All of these

81. The definition of crime is controlled by wealth, power, and position and not by moral consensus or
the fear of social disruption.
a. Consensus view
b. Conflict view- The law is a tool of the ruling class, the law is used to control the lower class, and crime
ispolitically defined.
c. Interactionist view
d. All of these

82. Moral entrepreneurs define crime and criminal labels are life-transforming events.
a. Consensus view
b. Conflict view
c. Interactionist view-rimes are outlawed behaviors because society defines them that way and not
because they are
inherently evil or immoral acts.
d. All of these

86. A felony is _____ when all the elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment are
a. consummated
b. frustrated
c. attempted
d. complete

87. It involves the assessment and treatment of mentally abnormal offenders.

a. Criminal Anthropology
b. Criminal Psychiatry
c. Physiognomy
d. Phrenology

88. It is a branch of the field of psychology which focuses on criminals.

a. Criminal Anthropology
b. Criminal Psychiatry
c. Physiognomy
d. Criminal Psychology

89. It is based upon the ideas that the assessment of the person’s outer appearance, primarily the
face, may give insights into one’s character or personality.
a. Criminal Anthropology
b. Criminal Psychiatry
c. Physiognomy
d. Criminal Psychology

90. A theory which determines character, personality, traits and criminality on the basis of the shape of
the head.
a. Phrenology
b. Criminal Psychiatry
c. Physiognomy
d. Criminal Psychology
92. Criminal behavior is correlated to climate, humidity, wind velocity, atmosphere pressure, rainfall,
nature of soil and other geographical factors.
a. Phrenology
b. Criminal Psychiatry
c. Physiognomy
d. Criminal Geography
93. A punishment for some violation of conduct which involves the infliction of pain on or harm to the
a. Penalty
b. Banishment
c. Punishment
d. Corporal punishment

94. The branch of criminology concerned with prison management and prison rehabilitation.
a. Penology
b. Corrections
c. Sociology
d. Anthropology

95. The authoritative imposition of something negative or unpleasant on a person in response to

behavior deemed wrong by law.
a. Punishment
b. Retribution
c. Banishment
d. Penalty

96. It refers to the manner or practice of managing or controlling places of confinement as jails or
a. Penal Management
b. Corrections
c. Correctional Administration
d. None of these

97. Prison that is located in Muntinlupa City.

a. New Bilibid Prison
b. Leyte Regional Prison
c. CIW
d. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm

98. He was the sociologist who coined the term penology which means punishment for criminals.
a. Edwin Sutherland
b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Francis Lieber
d. Cesare Beccaria
99. It is a branch of the Criminal Justice System concerned with the custody, supervision and
rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
a. Penal Management
b. Corrections
c. Correctional Administration
d. None of these

100. The branch of criminology concerned with prison management and prison rehabilitation.

a. Penology
b. Corrections
c. Sociology
d. Anthropology

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