Chapter 2 Medical Ethics

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1. Beneficence- To act in the best interest of the patient

LEARNING OBJECTIVES  The practitioner should act in "the best interest" of the
patient - the procedure be provided with the intent of
 Define Medical Ethics doing good to the patient.
 Know the Principles of Medical Ethics  Patient's welfare is the first consideration.
 Differentiate the types of ethical problems
 Understand Ethical Codes 2. Non-maleficence- Do no harm
 Define and classify Medical Negligence  "Above all, DO NO HARM."
 Explain the importance of Medical Ethics  Make sure that the procedure does not harm the patient
or others in society. When interventions undertaken by
ETHICS can be defined as, physicians create a positive outcome while also
 the thoughts, judgments, and actions on issues that have potentially doing harm it is known as the "double effect"
implications of moral right and wrong. 3. Autonomy- The patient right to refuse or choose
 comes from the Greek word "Ethike" which means habit, (consent)
action, character.  Patient has freedom of thought, intention, and action
when making decisions.
MEDICAL ETHICS  Includes the need to tell the truth (veracity) and to be
 branch of ethics that deals with moral issues in medical faithful to one's commitments (fidelity).
practice.  For a patient to make a fully informed decision, they must
 focuses primarily on issues arising out of the practice of understand all risks and benefits of the procedure and
medicine the likelihood of success.

The conventional laws, customs of courtesy, and the code of
conduct governing the relationship of the physician with his
professional colleagues.
4. Justice- Who gets what treatment on the merit of illness ETHICAL CODES
 Fair and equal distribution of scarce health resources,  Hippocratic Code- 5th Century BC. One of the earliest
and the decision of who gets what treatment. document in medical ethics. Traditionally all doctors
 The burdens and benefits of new or experimental recite this oath at swearing in. It is considered sacred for
treatments must be distributed equally among all groups its religious foundation and sanctity.
in society.
 Nuremberg Code- 1948
5. Dignity- Patient and doctor both have the right to dignity - voluntary informed consent
- likelihood of some good resulting
6. Truthfulness/ Honesty- The patient deserve to know the - based on prior research (animal models)
whole truth about the illness and treatment - avoidance of physical or psychological injury or
TYPES OF ETHICAL PROBLEMS -benefits should outweight risks
 Ethical Dilemmas -proper experience of researcher
 Locus of Authority - right to withdraw consent
 Ethical Distress -research must stop if harm is resulting
 Dilemmas of justice (no specific mention of children, unconscious people, or
others who may not be competent to give consent)
 Gather relevant information
 Identifying the type of ethical problems
 Determining the ethics approach to use  Declaration of Geneva
 Exploring the practical alternatives - adopted at Medical World Association General
 Completing the action assembly on 1948
- amended in 1968, 1984, 1944, 2005, and 2006
- Declaration of Physicians’ declaration to the
humanitarian goals of medicine
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
 It can be either Legal or Ethical.
 Helsinki Declaration- 1964
- set of ethical principles regarding human LEGALLY WRONG
experimentation developed by the World Medical  when the standard standard of medical medical care
Association. given to patient is considered to be of inadequate. The
- Undergone 6 revisions since then. Last was 2008. negligence could
- More specifically addressed clinical research, be civil and criminal depending upon severity.
reflecting changes in medical practice from the
term “Human experimentation” used in the ETHICALLY WRONG
Nuremberg code.  when the professional behavior falls below which is
- the well being of a human subject should take expected from a doctor i.e. professional misconduct of
precedence over the interest of science and society infamous conduct.
-consent should be in writing
- use caution if the participant is in dependent CRITERIA TO PROVE NEGLIGENCE
relationship with the researcher  Direct Causation
-limit use of placebo  Duty of Care
-participants benefits from research  Dereliction of Duty
 Causation of Damage
 International code of medical ethics- 2006
- given by World Medical Association IMPORTANCE OF MEDICAL ETHICS
-the code applies both in peace and war
- it codifies the duties of physician in general, duties The study of ethics prepares medical professionals to
to patients and colleagues. recognize difficult situations and to deal with them in a
rational and principled manner.
 “Defined as lack of exercising reasonable care and skill by Ethics is also important in physicians' interactions with
physicians physicians for treatment treatment of a society and their colleagues and for the conduct of medical
patient patient leading to endangering his health and life” research.
Ethical principles such as respect fo persons, Provided, That the patient will not be subjected to any procedure without
his written informed consent, except in the following cases:
informed consent and confidentiality are basic
a) in emergency cases when the patient is at imminent risk of physical injury
to the physician-patient relationship. or decline of death if treatment is withheld or postponed. In such cases, the
physician can perform any diagnostic or treatment procedure as good
PATIENT RIGHTS AND HEALTHCARE COMPLIANCE practice of medicine dictates without such consent;
b) when the health of the population is dependent on the adoption of a
mass health program to control epidemic;
The Rights of the Patients c) when the law makes it compulsory for everyone to submit procedure;
d) when the patient is either a minor or legally incompetent, in which case.
1. Right to Appropriate Medical Care and Humane Third-party consent is required;
e) when disclosure of material information to the patient will jeopardize the
success of treatment, in which case, third-party disclosure and consent shall
Every person has a right to health and medical care corresponding to
be in order;
their state of health, without discrimination and within the limits of the
f) When the patient waives his right in writing.
resources, workforce, and competence available for health and medical care
at the appropriate time. The patient has the right to appropriate health and
Informed consent shall be obtained from a patient concerned if he is
medical care of good quality. In the course of such, his human dignity,
of legal age and sound mind. If the patient is incapable of giving consent,
convictions, integrity, individual needs, and culture shall be respected. If any
third-party consent is required. The following persons, in the order of
person cannot immediately be given medically necessary treatment, he
priority stated hereunder, may provide support:
shall, depending on his state of health, either be directed to wait for care or
be referred or sent for treatment elsewhere, where the appropriate care
i. spouse;
can be provided. If the patient has to wait for care, he shall be informed of
ii. son or daughter of legal age;
the reason for the delay. Patients in an emergency shall be extended
iii. either parent;
immediate medical care and treatment without any deposit, pledge,
iv. brother or sister of legal age, or
mortgage, or any form of advance payment for treatment.
v. Guardian

2. Right to Informed Consent If a patient is a minor, consent shall be obtained from his parents or
The patient has a right to a clear, truthful, and substantial legal guardian. If next of kin, parents, or legal guardians refuse to give
explanation, in a manner and language understandable to the patient, of all support to a medical or surgical procedure necessary to save the life or limb
proposed procedures, whether diagnostic, preventive, curative, of a minor or a patient incapable of providing consent, courts, upon the
rehabilitative, or therapeutic, wherein the person who will perform the said petition of the physician or any person interested in the welfare of the
procedure shall provide his name and credentials to the patient, possibilities patient, in a summary proceeding, may issue an order giving consent.
of any risk of mortality or severe side effects, problems related to
recuperation, and probability of success and reasonable risks involved:
3. Right to Privacy and Confidentiality 4. Right to Information
The patient’s privacy must be assured at all stages of his treatment. In the course of their treatment and hospital care, the patient or
The patient has the right to be free from unnecessary public exposure, their legal guardian has a right to be informed of the result of the evaluation
except in the following cases: of the nature and extent of their disease, any other additional or further
a) when his mental or physical condition is in controversy and the contemplated medical treatment on surgical procedure or procedures,
appropriate court, in its discretion, orders him to submit to a physical or including any other different medicines to be administered and their generic
psychological examination by a physician; counterpart including the possible complications and other pertinent facts,
b) when public health and safety so demand; and statistics or studies, regarding their illness, any change in the plan of care
c) when the patient waives this right in writing. before the change is made, the person's participation in the program of care
and necessary changes before its implementation, the extent to which
The patient has the right to demand that all information, payment may be expected from Philhealth or any payor and any charges for
communication, and records about his care be treated as confidential. Any which the patient may be liable, the disciplines of health care practitioners
health care provider or practitioner involved in the treatment of a patient who will furnish the care and the frequency of services that are proposed to
and all those who have legitimate access to the patient's record is not be provided.
authorized to divulge any information to a third party who has no concern
with the care and welfare of the The patient or his legal guardian has the right to examine and be
patient without consent, except: given an itemized hospital bill and medical services rendered in the facility
a) when such disclosure will benefit public health and safety; or by their physician and other health care providers, regardless of the
b) when it is in the interest of justice and on the order of a competent court; manner and source of payment. He is entitled to a thorough explanation of
and the such bill. The patient or their legal guardian has the right to be informed
c) when the patients waive, or the confidential nature of such information is by the physician or their
needed for continued medical treatment or advancement of medical science delegate of their continuing health care requirements following discharge,
subject to de-identification of the patient and shared medical confidentiality including instructions about home medications, diet, physical activity, and all
for those who have access to the information. other pertinent information to promote health and well-being.
At the end of their confinement, the patient is entitled to a brief,
Informing the spouse or the family to the first degree of the patient's written summary of the course of their illness, which shall include at least
medical condition may be allowed, Provided that the patient of legal age the history, physical examination, diagnosis, medications, surgical
shall have the right to choose whom to inform. If the patient is not of legal procedure, ancillary and laboratory procedures, and the plan of further
age or mentally incapacitated, such information shall be given to the treatment, and which shall be provided by the attending physician. They are
parents, legal guardian, or his next of kin. likewise entitled to the explanation of, and to view, the contents of the
medical record of their confinement confinement but with the presence of
their attending physician or in the absence of the attending physician, the
hospital's representative. Notwithstanding that they may not be able to
settle his accounts because of financial incapacity, they are entitled to
reproduction, at their expense, the pertinent part or parts of the medical
record, the purpose or purposes of which he shall indicate in their written 8. Right to Medical Records
request for reproduction. The patient shall likewise be entitled to a medical The patient is entitled to a summary of his medical history and
certificate, free of charge, concerning their previous confinement. condition. He has the right to view the contents of his medical records,
except psychiatric notes and other incriminatory information obtained from
5. The Right to Choose Health Care Provider and Facility third parties, with the attending physician explaining the contents. At his
The patient is free to choose the health care provider to serve him as expense and upon discharge of the patient, he may get a reproduction of
well as the facility except when he is under the care of a service facility or the same record from the health care institution whether or not he has fully
when public health and safety so demands or when the patient expressly settled his financial obligation with the physician or institution concerned.
waives this right in writing.
The patient has the right to discuss his condition with a consultant The health care institution shall safeguard the confidentiality of the
specialist at the patient's request and expense. If appropriate, he also has medical records and ensure the integrity and authenticity of the medical
the right to seek a second opinion and subsequent opinions from another records. It shall keep the same within a reasonable time, as determined by
health care provider/practitioner. the Department of Health. The health care institution shall issue a medical
certificate to the patient upon request. Any other document the patient may
6. Right to Self-Determination require for insurance claims shall be available within forty-five (45) days
The patient has the right to avail themself of any recommended from the request.
diagnostic and treatment procedures. Any person of legal age and sound
mind may make an advance written directive for physicians to administer 9. Right to Leave
terminal care when they suffer from the terminal phase of a terminal illness: The patient has the right to leave the hospital or any other health
Provided that. care institution regardless of his physical condition: Provided that,
a) he is informed of the medical consequences of his choice; a) they are informed of the medical consequences of their decision
b) he releases those involved in his care from any obligation relative to the b) they release those involved in their care from any obligation relative to
consequences of his decision; the consequences of his decision;
c) his decision will not prejudice public health and safety. c) their decision will not prejudice public health and safety.

7. Right to Religious Belief No patient shall be detained against their will in any health care
The patient has the right to refuse medical treatment or procedures institution solely because he fails to settle his financial obligations fully.
which may be contrary to his religious beliefs, subject to the limitations However, they shall only be allowed to leave the hospital provided
described in the preceding subsection: Provided that parents shall not appropriate arrangements have been made to pay the unpaid bills. Further,
impose such a right upon their children who have not reached the legal age the patients’ unpaid bills shall be considered a loss of income by the hospital
in a life-threatening situation as determined by the attending physician or and health care provider/practitioner. They shall be deducted from gross
the medical director of the facility. income as income loss only in that particular year.
10. Right to Refuse Participation in Medical Research shall be posted on a bulletin board in a health care institution.
The patient has the right to be advised if the health care provider
plans to involve him in medical research, including but not limited to human It shall be the duty of health care institutions to inform of their rights
experimentation which may be performed only with the written informed and the institution's rules and regulations that apply to the patient’s conduct
consent of the patient: Provided, That an institutional review board or while in the care of a such institution.
ethical review board by the guidelines set in the Declaration of Helsinki be
established for research involving human experimentation: Provided, HEALTHCARE COMPLIANCE: TRAINING, REGULATION, AND
further, that the Department of Health shall safeguard the continuing RESOURCES
training and education of future health care provider/practitioner to ensure
the development of the health care delivery in the country: Provided,
What is the purpose of healthcare compliance?
furthermore, That the patient involved in the human experimentation shall
be made aware of the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki and its
Compliance programs promote organizational adherence to applicable
respective guidelines.
federal and state law and private payer healthcare requirements. An
effective compliance program can help protect practices against fraud,
11. Right to Correspondence and to Receive Visitors abuse, waste, and other potential liability areas. The importance of
The patient has the right to communicate with relatives and other compliance in healthcare. A compliance program in healthcare is essential
persons and to receive visitors subject to reasonable limits prescribed by the for many reasons. For starters, the stakes are high. Healthcare compliance is
rules and regulations of the health care institution. meant to help prevent fraud or abuse of patients. Healthcare compliance
and regulations also protect patient privacy and safety and encourage
12. Right to Express Grievances healthcare professionals to provide high-quality care to all patients. It
The patient has the right to express complaints and grievances about also dictates how to bill patients properly. Not only do compliance program
the care and services received without fear of discrimination or reprisal and regulations protect people, but they also protect valuable information.
to know about the disposition of such complaints. Such a system shall allow Compliance with health information technology laws and regulations can
all parties concerned to settle all grievances amicably. help protect against potential data breaches or cybersecurity threats.
Adhering to the federally instated laws and regulations allows a healthcare
13. Right to be Informed of His Rights and Obligations as a organization to protect its patients and become a credible organization.
Every person has the right to be informed of his rights and
obligations as a patient. The Department of Health, in coordination with
Everyone in a healthcare organization must adhere to the healthcare
health care providers, professional and civic groups, the media, health
regulations established by the government. It’s the responsibility of every
insurance corporations, people's organizations, and local government
professional to make sure they are acting ethically and per all laws. Many
organizations, shall launch and sustain a nationwide information and
healthcare organizations have a compliance officer, or a similar role, to help
education campaign to make known to people their rights as patients, as
ensure the facility is compliant.
declared in this Act. Such rights and obligations of patients
Having someone in a designated role can help make it easier for a facility to HOW TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE IN HEALTHCARE SETTINGS
coordinate or communicate with government agencies or third-party To adhere to healthcare compliance requirements, you should have a
organizations that maintain healthcare compliance standards. compliance plan in place — a plan that includes clear directives and policies,
a designated compliance person, and training and audits. Anyone pursuing a
Department of Health (DOH): job or completing an education in healthcare should be exposed to relevant
A government agency focused on improving every Filipino's health, safety, standards, regulations, and compliance guidelines. However, the exact role
and well-being. It is responsible for ensuring access to essential public health (for instance, clinical versus clerical) may dictate additional or more
services for Filipinos through providing quality health care and regulating specialized training in compliance.
health goods and service providers.
The Department of Health (DOH) is mandated to be the overall technical • Develop clear policies
authority on health. The primary mandate of DOH is to provide national Healthcare organizations need clear policies for every component of
policy direction and develop national plans, technical standards, and compliance and a fully developed organizational compliance plan. Create
guidelines on health. policies that adhere to each law and regulation. This will promote
consistency in production and high-quality service among your providers
Food and Drug Administration (FDA): and healthcare staff. Ensure all policies and requirements are incorporated
An entity that regulates the information that must be included and disclosed in onboarding and accessible by every employee.
on prescription drugs. The FDA also approves or disapproves of prescription
drugs used in healthcare. • Designate a compliance officer
These entities can provide resources and guidance on any healthcare A compliance officer helps standardize and enforce all healthcare
compliance issues you might encounter. regulation requirements and laws at an organization. Compliance officers
should also know how to identify risks and find remedies. Additionally, they
THE CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE ensure that all healthcare systems are sufficiently updated to protect patient
In healthcare, the consequences of non-compliance are severe and may records and private information. Compliance officers should be fully
result in legal actions. The products are so major because of noncompliance educated in healthcare compliance and understand how each law impacts
risks to patient safety and privacy. day-to-day tasks. This education generally involves, at minimum, a
If a healthcare organization is non-compliant, it will face fines and legal bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration. However, some positions
charges, not to mention a damaged reputation. Patients seek a high quality may benefit from a more profound education by completing a master's
of care; if they are in the market for a new healthcare provider, they are degree in healthcare administration.
more likely to choose one who hasn’t been involved in a lawsuit or
complaint. • Train employees
All healthcare employees undergo compliance training when onboarded
and then regularly after that. While your compliance officer is responsible
for standardizing compliance policies and identifying risks for the
organization, all healthcare employees should be trained in compliance.
Employees who have undergone training are better able to understand
compliance risks. When employees have a clear understanding of the
regulations, they can work with compliance officers or other organizational
leaders to ensure the safety of patients and sensitive information.

• Conduct compliance audits

Your compliance officer conducts regular healthcare compliance audits.
Compliance audits can help you identify potential hazards or risks before
they become a bigger problem. An audit evaluates the strengths and
weaknesses of your compliance policies and procedures. The evaluation
helps identify areas for improvement and where noncompliance might pose
a risk. A compliance officer then makes changes accordingly.

• Deal with noncompliance immediately

An organization must have policies in place to mitigate noncompliance
issues. A compliance officer makes sure the policies tell employees how to
report issues so that when one comes up, it’s addressed immediately. Issues
of noncompliance can be an opportunity to educate employees. A
compliance officer can show them that proactively responding to
noncompliance will help the organization prevent future incidents and
improve overall compliance.

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