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Technical Proposal for Conducting U-Girls Project Mid-Term Evaluation

SUBMITTED TO: Cuso International Ethiopia

Telephone: +251-011 6 590698


BY: Maxbridge Education and Development S.C, Consultancy

Addis Ababa, Wello Sefer, Garad Building, 10th
Floor, e-mail:
Mobile 251-941-788- 888
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

November, 2022
Table of Contents
List of Tables i
1. Introduction 1
2. Scope of the Work 3
3. Objectives of the Assignment 4
4. Approach and Methodology 4
4.1. Population and Sample...........................................................................................................4
1.1.1. Data Collection Tool..........................................................................................................6
1.1.2. Data Collection Procedure..................................................................................................6
1.2. Data Quality and Analysis......................................................................................................7
1.3. Data Management and Ethical Consideration.............................................................................7
5. Organization and Staffing 7
6. Deliverables 8
7. Work Schedule (Action Plan) 8
11. Company Profile 3
12.1. Background and Key personnel.....................................................................................................3
12.2. Our Firm Experience.....................................................................................................................3
12.3. Work Experience.........................................................................................................................5
12.3.1. Consultancy............................................................................................................................5
12.3.2. Experience on Exposure Visit and Training.......................................................................6
12.3.3. Trainings.............................................................................................................................7
12. Testimony 11
13. Company License and Certificates 11

List of Tables

No table of figures entries found.

1. Introduction

Poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, encompassing inability to satisfy basic needs,

lack of control over resources, lack of education and poor health. Poverty can be intrinsically
alienating and distressing, and of particular concern are the direct and indirect effects of
poverty on the development and maintenance of emotional, behavioural and psychiatric
problems. The World Health Organization (1995) stated, ‘The world’s most ruthless killer
and the greatest cause of suffering on earth is extreme poverty.’ According World Bank
(2021) 2022 spring report 30.8 percent of Ethiopia’s population are living below
international poverty line ($1.9).

From various factors that cause poverty gender inequality is the major one. In international
rankings, such as the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report, the countries
where women have the fewest freedoms, including economic rights, are also shown to be the
poorest and most conflict ridden in the world. Consequently, Scott (2021) in A Briefer:
Gender Inequality Causes Poverty declared if we are to eliminate poverty in emerging
economies, we will have to resolve gender inequality first, with a focus on economic
inclusion. Women are barred from full economic participation by specifically gendered
systemic constrains that vary little from place to place. These barriers are long-standing and
structural. According to Scott (2021) the assumption that efforts to broadly stimulate growth
will automatically “lift all ships” is unjustified, in the face of these historical and persistent
barriers. Scott further argued the unlikely truth that equal economic treatment for women
would put a stop to some of the world’s costliest evils, while building prosperity for

An educated, healthy population is the most valuable resource a modern economy can have.
Retaining girls through secondary school was known to be a powerful economic boost for
poor nations. Educated females add to the quality of the labor supply, as well as its size,
which stimulates growth. As the World Bank Database for GDP at purchasing power parity
indicate the more economic freedom for women corresponds positively to national
competitiveness, a measure of a country’s readiness for growth. To substantiate, analysis
done by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, UNICEF, and several global
think tanks show gender equality positively influencing country wealth and overall well-
being, while also showing the negative influences of male economic monopoly. Thus,
including women equally in national economies spurred growth and that, without fair
inclusion of women, countries would stagnate. Cuso International is one of development
organization striving to reduce poverty through empowering women economically and

Because when girls and women receive education, they are more likely to be empowered.
Education has been linked to better outcomes in women’s lives like poverty
reduction, better health choices, higher levels of political participation and better working
opportunities. Women’s economic empowerment is central to achieving gender equality.
Without it, women would lack the financial independence to make their own choice and be
in a position of power. Achieving women’s empowerment could be a reality if society acts to
remove barriers to education and economic empowerment. It can be by encouraging women
to gain specific training and education to help them become the leaders of tomorrow.  

Women entrepreneurship development is the instrument of women empowerment.

Empowerment leads to self-fulfillment and women become aware of where they are going,
what their position is in the society, their status; existence and rights; and women are
becoming more empowered, personally and economically through business ownership
(Nimalathasan, Mohammed and Sadia, 2010). One of the most important instruments for
empowering women is to allow them dual access to and control over productive resources
such as land, capital, technology, credit as well as marketing outlets, information, education,
training etc. without any discrimination (GOB, 1994).

The inculcated entrepreneurial skills by individuals may not result in sustainable growth, if
not assisted with financial knowledge. Poh Ching Tan (2014) stated ‘the most basic skills to
equip women and even the men are imparting the skills of budgeting and financial planning
which is on how to manage their finance, to live within their means.’ Women require
financial literacy and skills to manage their personal and household finances as well as to
develop and manage entrepreneurial activities. Since women live longer than men, and have
shorter working lives in paid employment and lower average incomes from which to save for
old-age, they need to be sufficiently financially literate to manage the greater financial risks

that they face. They need to know what financial services and products are at their disposal
and which ones are appropriate to them for their economic empowerment.

Understanding this Cuso International are undertaking an integrated and holistic approach of
poverty reduction actions to girls and their families in Assossa since May 2020. The ongoing
project (U-GIRLS 2) planned to contribute in poverty reduction in two specific ways.
Firstly, it seeks to educate and empower girls to further their education. Secondly, the
program intends to provide sustainable economic growth to families of beneficiaries through
capacity building and access to employment resources through a need-based approach.

In addition, Maxbridge Education and Development S.C as an organization dedicated for the
overall human development through education and consultancy services aims to build a
better future for people. Thus, we are happy to express to our readiness to undertaking the
mid-term evaluation assignment of the project that aims at shaping the bedrock of the

2. Scope of the Work

Maxbridge Education and Development S.C is seeking to undertake U-Girls project mid-
term evaluation with experienced professionals in education and gender with strong belief
of community attachment.
In general, the scope of consists of evaluating the project relevance and strategic fit with the
Ethiopian Government’s objectives and national development frameworks, effectiveness of
the actions taken toward achieving the project outcomes, managing risk and other external
factors that affect the project implementation, effectiveness of project management and
governance structure worked strategically with all stakeholders to support the achievement
of project outcomes, evaluation of resource allocation to achieve the project outputs and
outcomes, and how well do the results to date contribute towards achieving the project’s
ultimate outcome. Specifically, it involves the following consecutive activities:
A. Developing technical and financial proposal
B. Conducting desk work:

1. To determine the project coherence with the Ethiopian Government’s objectives
and national development framework
2. To identify the expected goals of the project
3. To identify resources budgeted to the project and actual incurred
C. Collecting data for from the field
D. Submission of draft mid-term evaluation report
E. Deliver a final report

3. Objectives of the Assignment

The assignment to be undertaken by Maxbridge Education and Development S.C has an
ultimate goal of highlighting useful lessons and areas for improvement and provide strategic
direction and recommendation to guide the U-GIRLS 2 project in the successful delivery of
its outputs and attainment of outcomes by the end of the project’s lifetime (July 2025). To
this end, this evaluation will help the project team understand how and why the project has
attained or not attained the specific project outputs and outcomes. Taking into consideration
this our company will make effort to achieve the following specific objectives: -
 Increase community and family encouragement of girls’ enrollment in formal
education for girls aged 15 to 25;
 Improve academic performance, leadership abilities, and autonomy of targeted girls
aged 15 to 25; and
 Enhance regional, zonal and woreda-level governance, administration and delivery of
gender-equitable education for girls aged 15 to 25

4. Approach and Methodology

The consulting activities involves major tasks: (i) developing data collection instruments (ii)
conducting data collection, (iii) data analysis, and (iv) report writing. Preparation of data
collection instruments: Developing data collection instruments involves identifying project
stakeholders, allocated resources, project management and governance structure, project
targets with indicators and expected results. Taking into consideration the potential
beneficiaries of the project the data collection methodologies that will used are the one that
enhance participation, disability-inclusive and gender-responsive.
4.1. Population and Sample

The mid-term evaluation survey for the Cuso International Ethiopia is primarily designed
assess progress towards attaining the project outcomes as well as key implementation
strategies and make recommendations for improvement. It included quantitative data

collection (surveys), supplemented with qualitative monitoring (in-depth interviews and
focus group discussion) to allow for greater insight into issues such as targeting, utilization
and effectiveness. This can be achieved by taking a sample from the community members
and beneficiaries’ families, targeted girls aged 15 to 25, administrators and school teachers
whom the project targeted to access, of three districts and a city administration of BGR
namely Assosa City Administration, Bambasi, Menge, and Abrhamo. Thus, to determine the
sample size of each group of project beneficiaries Yemane’s (1967) sample size
determination formula will be used with the assumption of a 95% confidence level and p =
0.5 as follows:
1+ N∗e 2
Where, n – the sample size
N – the population size
e – acceptable sampling error


Qualitative data will be collected by a team of data collector, who are accustomed to the
environment and society’s culture, specifically hired for this exercise under the guidance of two
supervisors. These data include
 the targeting process,
 the role of government and community representatives,
 families’ initiative for girl’s enrollment in formal education,
 academic performance, leadership abilities, and autonomy of targeted girls 15 to 25; and
 quality of service delivery
Interviews will be conducted with a number of project stakeholders: key stakeholders of the
project at all levels during the design, fieldwork, validation and reporting stages, beneficiary
households and girls aged 15 to 25. In addition, a number of focus group discussions will be
conducted with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries.

Quantitative monitoring
The quantitative data will be collected from project staff relating to the household size, number
of girls aged 15-25 covered in project, hours and distance traveled to school, and resources
allocated and used in project.

Data Types and Collection

The objective for which a survey is required to be undertaken determines the types of data to
be collected. Based on this both primary and secondary data will be collected from
beneficiaries and stakeholders like girls aged 15-25, Cuso staffs, secondary school teachers,
mentors, government and community representatives who were involved in project

4.2. Data Collection Tool

To collect the necessary data from respondents’ tools listed below will be used:
 Questionnaires-– trained enumerator administered questionnaires will be employed by using
the KOBO toolbox to collect data relating to personal information, health status, cash
collection and utilization and complaint procedures awareness and usage from sampled
 Interview – an interview is meant to record and analyze people’s opinions, experience, beliefs
and ideas on relevant topics. It provides a chance for the respondents to present more detailed
information. Thus, data about targeting criteria, community’s satisfaction from the programme,
complaint making procedures and stakeholders participation better identified through semi
structured interview.
 Focus groups discussion- it is a method of collecting information by studying people’s
collective views, opinions, experiences and reactions, and also to understand the meanings
implied by them (Morgan,1998). It is more similar to a semi-structured interview, but the
objective is more than just collection of data from many respondents simultaneously.
 Document analysis-it a method of data collection which involves analysis of content from
written documents in order to make certain deductions based on the study parameters like the
targeting criteria used, list of beneficiaries, amount of cash distributed and compliant received
and responded to mention a few.

4.2.1. Data Collection Procedure

The data required to achieve the objective of the evaluation will be collected as shown in the
table below
Table 1 Data Collection Procedure
Data collection tools Data collector Supervisor Respondents
Questionnaires Trained collector Consultant Beneficiaries, community members, target
secondary school teachers, mentors and
Interview Consultant Consultant Project staff, staff from the BGR regional
education bureau and district level offices,
school principals and teachers
Focus group discussion Consultant Consultant Community members
Document analysis Consultant All U-GIRLS 2 project documents, BGR
regional Education Bureau and the
academic performance of the female

4.3. Data Quality and Analysis

Assuring the data quality is the necessary steps to secure the finding of the survey. The content of
the questionnaires, interview and focus groups discussion designed to collect reliable data that
yield rigorous and reproducible research results. It is not only the tools used that secure data
quality but also the dedication of enumerator involved in data collection. Thus, we assigned our
supervisors to monitor the data collection work by being there in Benishangul Region.

The quality of research is not only the outcome of data collection but also the method used to
analyze the obtained data. Thus, the KOBO toolbox we planned to use for the collection of data
also will be used to the analysis of the data along with other statistical software. The descriptive
data analysis approach using percentage and frequency that can be presented in table and chart
will be used.
4.4. Data Management and Ethical Consideration

The collection and management of these required data will be following all protocols of human
subjects and privacy rules and regulations in internationally proclaimed human right. Prior to
conducting interview enumerators obliged to make clear on the aims of the survey and assure the
confidentiality of the data that respondents provided because knowing that others know what you
are doing, and why, can be a useful way of instigating a sense of accountability that may itself

serve to reinforce ethical conduct among researchers. At the end of every data collection day the
enumerator expected to submit the filled questionnaires to supervisors and only the consultant and
CUSO INTERNATIONAL ETHIOPIA responsible teams can access the data. To keep the
privacy of the respondents the collected data set will be cleaned to remove information that
identifies respondents, such as name and ID number. Moreover, we will store such de-identified
information in a place that is secure and protected.

5. Organization and Staffing

Maxbridge Education and Development firm jointly with Merit Management Consultant have
organized our staff in a way that ensures timely coverage of the Cuso International Ethiopia
project evaluation assignment. Ato Hassen Teshome, the training and consultancy coordinator of
the Company, is responsible for the overall coordination of the assignment. Dr Amina
Menur CEO of Maxbridge has a plenty of experience in educational management. All of the team
members have more than ten years of experience.
Table 2. TEAM Composition and Task Assignments

Professional Staff

R. Position
Name of Staff Firm Area of Expertise Task Assigned
No. Assigned
1 Mr Hassen Maxbridge Principal Project Overall supervision of the
Teshome Education & Management & Coordinator work, preparation of materials,
Development Finance and Team Leader responsible for institutional
S.C Consultant arrangements with Client,
follow-up of the overall
activities of each team
2 Dr Amina Menur

3 Dr Muhammed
4 Dr Hussein J

6. Deliverables

The following should be delivered to the Cuso International and/or trainees
 Inception report
 Power point presentation
 Final report

7. Work Schedule (Action Plan)

Our firm plans to complete this project within required period with utmost quality and
entertaining comments from the selected and key stakeholders arranged by the client. The
start date will be negotiated with the client depending on the time this project may be
awarded to our firm. But tentative timeframe and work schedule is set hereunder.

Table 3: Time Frame and Work Schedule for Training

Activity /Deliverables Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

The signing of the contract and

submission of inception report
Power point presentation
Data Collection

Data Cleaning and Analysis

Draft Report Submission

Submission of the final Report

8. Company Profile
8.1. Background and Key personnel

Our Company, Maxbridge Education and Development S.C, is a corporate company

registered with the Trade Bureau of Addis Ababa City Administration and obtained the
Trading License for economic, development, business, and investment consultancy as well as
short term training. Maxbridge Education and Development S.C is also registered with the
Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority for VAT and TIN.

It is established with the objective and being capable of delivering consultancy services such
as baseline assessment, training impact assessment, developing manuals & guidelines,
designing organizational structures, operational & financial systems, conducting feasibility
studies, surveys & research, developing plans, monitoring, and evaluation mechanisms,
project ideas, identifying entrepreneurial areas & new methods of operations, conducting
training & other staff development activities and providing advisory services on tax
compliance, investment, internal audit, control, and accounting systems. Our main or focal
areas include strategic management, financial, marketing, procurement, operational, human
resource, management information system, project management as well as entrepreneurship.
8.2. Our Firm Experience

Our experts are psychology, finance, business administration and economics professionals.
They have ample experience in providing training on psychology, management and finance
areas and are exposed to the private sector, and public sector, as well as NGOs, and
Projects/Programs of IDA and UNDP. The following are a few of them assigned to this

Mr. Hassen Teshome, one of the founders and employees of Maxbridge, has his own
consultancy company called Merit. He has a number of experiences in consultancy, teaching
and accounting works. He was involved in all the consultancy assignments carried out by his
company from the preparation of technical proposals and designing of data collection tools to
the preparation of the final reports. To mention a few he has worked in the financial
management of World Bank Projects as he has worked in various IDA projects in various
positions ranging from Finance Officer to Individual Financial Management Consultant. He
has also served as a member of the procurement committee on the Bank Financed Project.
Furthermore, he has attended various training on financial management and World Bank
Procurement Procedures and has also delivered training to various participants.

8.3. Work Experience

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract:

A quick assessment of ACSI’s existing ETB 300,000
microfinance products and current practices,
challenges and opportunities for interset free
financing and saving products in the context of
window-bas delivery model of operational areas
Country: Ethiopia Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: Amhara Region, South 15 days
Wollo and Oromo Zones
Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Mercy corps 2 staff for 15 days
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by
Adiss Ababa your firm under the contract:
ETB 300,000
Start date (month/year): April 1, 2022 Completion No of professional staff-months provided by
date (month/year): April 15, 2022 associated Consultants:
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your
firm involved and functions performed
(indicate most significant profiles such as
Project DCuso International
Ethiopiactor/Coordinator, Team Leader):
Ato Hassen Teshome, Dr Abdu Seid
Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Preparation of the quick assessment report on ACSI's existing interest free saving, financing and
micro-insurance operations, challenges and opportunities.

12.3.1. Consultancy

8.3.1. Experience on Exposure Visit and Training

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract:

Best Board Experience Training and Exposure ETB 872,040
visist in Corporate governace
Country: Turkey Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: Istanbul 7 days
Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Enat Bank 6
Address:Adiss Ababa Approx. value of the services provided by your
firm under the contract:
ETB 872,040
Start date (month/year): May 16 ,2022 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): May 22,2022 associated Consultants:
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project DCuso
International Ethiopiactor/Coordinator, Team
Mr Suliman Aragaw, Dr Mohammed Ali, Dr
Vahit Ferhan, Dr Hussien Komurcgulu
Narrative description of Project:
Design training tools and conduct training on the concepts and applications of corporate Governance
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Preparation of training materials, distribution of such materials to participants, preparation of
presentation slides and case studies, conduct of training and group discussions,

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract:

Best Board Experience Training and Exposure ETB 1,000,000
visist on takaful
Country: Turkey Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: Istanbul 7 days
Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Enat Bank 8
Address:Adiss Ababa Approx. value of the services provided by your
firm under the contract:
ETB 1,000,000
Start date (month/year): August 6 ,2022 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): August 11,2022 associated Consultants:
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project DCuso
International Ethiopiactor/Coordinator, Team
Mr Suliman Aragaw , Dr Abdu Seid, Dr Vahit
Ferhan ,Dr Hussien Komurcgulu
Narrative description of Project:
Design training tools and conduct training on the concepts and applications of takaful
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Preparation of training materials, distribution of such materials to participants, preparation of
presentation slides and case studies, conduct of training and group discussions,

8.3.2. Trainings

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract:

Training on Fundamental principles and Basic ETB 80,000
operation skill in interest free banking
Country: Ethiopia Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: 3 days
Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Zemzem Bank 20 staffs
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
Addis Ababa firm under the contract:
ETB 80,000
Start date (month/year): May 11, 2022 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): May 13, 2022 associated Consultants:
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
DCuso International Ethiopiactor/Coordinator,
Team Leader):
Dr Hussien Jarso, Dr Abdu Seid, Dr Kamil
Abdu and Mr Usman
Narrative description of Project:
Design training tools and conduct training on the concepts and applications of IFB
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Preparation of training materials, distribution of such materials to participants, preparation of
presentation slides and case studies, conduct of training and group discussions

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract:

Training on operation skills and contemporary ETB 42,500
issues in interest free banking
Country: Ethiopia Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: 4 weekend days
Name of Client: Total No of trainees participated in the training
Privately Registered trainees was 17
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
Addis Ababa firm under the contract:
ETB 42,500

Start date (month/year): May 7,2022
Completion date (month/year): May 15, 2022
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of the senior professional staff of your
firm involved and functions performed
(indicate most significant profiles such as
Project DCuso International
Ethiopiactor/Coordinator, Team Leader):
Dr. Abdu Seid, Mr. Ibrahim Bushra, Dr. Kamil
Abdu and Dr. Hussien Jarso,
Narrative description of Project:
Design training tools and conduct training on the concepts and applications of IFB
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Preparation of training materials, distribution of such materials to participants, preparation of
presentation slides and case studies, conduct of training and group discussions

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract:

Training on Fundamental principles and Basic ETB 105,000
operation skills in interest free banking two times
Country: Ethiopia Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: 4 weekend days
Name of Client: Total No of trainees participated in the training
Privately Registered trainees were 42
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by
Addis Ababa your firm under the contract:
ETB 105,000
Start date (month/year): June 4 and June 25, 2022
Completion date (month/year): June 12 and July
3, 2022
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of the senior professional staff of your
firm involved and functions performed
(indicate most significant profiles such as
Project DCuso International
Ethiopiactor/Coordinator, Team Leader):
Dr. Hussien Jarso, Dr. Abdu Seid, and Mr.
Adem (Shari’a Advisory of ASCI)
Narrative description of Project:
Design training tools and conduct training on the concepts and applications of IFB
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Preparation of training materials, distribution of such materials to participants, preparation of
presentation slides and case studies, conduct of training and group discussions


Enat Bank

Mercy Corp

Zam Zam Bank

10.Company License and Certificates

A. Training License

B. Consultancy License

C. Tin Certificate


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