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These means to move & change direction quickly

Agility Speed Coordination Reaction Time
BMI stands for?
Body Muscle Index Body Mass Indicator
Building Muscles Index Body Mass Index
What is referred to as the ability of your body systems to
work together efficiently, to allow you to be healthy and
perform activities of daily living?
Cardio-vascular Endurance Muscular strength
Muscular Endurance Physical Fitness
What does muscular Strength mean?
To exert maximum speed
to move joints with wide range of motion
To exert maximum force repeatedly
to release maximum force quickly
What is an example of a physical fitness activity that will
measure your flexibility?
Juggling Sit & Reach
Stick-drop Test 40-Meter Sprint
*Which of the following components promote total health &
prevent the beginning of diseases and problems associated
with physical fitness?
Body Composition Physical Fitness
Health – related Fitness Skill – Related Fitness
*Which refers to the ability to quickly responds to stimulus?
Fitness Reaction time Flexibility Speed
*Which of the following is the correct formula for BMI?
weight [¿ kilograms]
Height [ ¿ meters ] 2
weight [¿ kilograms]
Height [ ¿ inches ] 2
weight[¿ pounds] weight [¿ kilograms]
Height [ ¿ meters ] 2 Height [ ¿ feet ] 2

*For you to beat your opponent in a badminton match, a

smash is the most effective shot to get a score or point. What
Skill-related component you need to develop?
Balance Reaction Time Power Speed
*How does Physical Activity affect your fitness?
It helps manage your problems
Improve your ability to do everyday activities
Increase the risk of diseases
Weakens your bones and muscles

What Skill-Related component can you recommend to

improve stability even then moving?
Speed Balance
Muscular Strength Coordination
How would you improve your Body Composition?
Eating too quickly Skipping Meals
Drinking your Calories prepare and follow Meal Plan
Which is NOT a Health-Related Component?
Muscular Endurance Coordination
Cardio-Vascular Endurance Flexibility
*Health-related components focus on factors that promote
optimum health and prevent the onset of diseases while Skill-
Related components enhances one’s performance in
Academics Athletics Sports both b& c
*Tanya wants to improve her cardio-vascular endurance.
What is the best exercise or physical activity for her?
Stretching Jogging Boxing Weight Lifting

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