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Mother's + Algebra Algebra Type -II[Class Sheet] 1 if 2V3x° ~3NBy° = (VBx— Vx) (ax? + By then the value of A? + B?= C? is: ait Wx 3N3y + Cxy, V2x~ 3x} (Ax? + By? + Cxy) t,qat+ Be amt? (aya (87 (C19 (0) 10 If27x*~ Gay! = (Ax + By)(Cx?~ Dy? + 12xy), then the value of 44 + B+ 3C+ 2D is: =f 27 - Gay" = (Ax + By)(Cx*~ Dy? + 12xy) 8, 4A+B+3C+2D 714M #? [CGL Mains 2020] (as (5)3 ()-3 (D)-4 If 53x? +2N3y* =(Ax+V2y) (Bx# + 2" + Cxy), then the value of (A? + BY —C?) is : “aie 5V5x" + 2V2y" = (Ax+ V2y) (Bx? + 2y? + xy), a (A? + BY C4) a TET? (ays (B)20 (c)30 (0)40 If(2x~Sy)*~ (2x + Sy) =y [Ax* + By4], then what is the value of (24 - B)? nf (2x Sy)?~ (2x + 5y) B) rT a fare ? [Ax + By?]@, aA (a)25 (8/40 (is (o)10 Ifx® ~ 512y°= (x? + Ay?)(x" - Bry? + Cy"), then what is the value of (A+B -C) ? safe x° — 512° = (x? + Ay?\(x! ~ Bey? + Cy’) 8 (A+ B-) arama fea (a) -80 (B)-72 (€)72 (D)48 If 27(x +y} = 8(x-y)’ = (x + Sy)(Ax? + By? + Cxy) , then what is the value of (A +B -C)? “Af 27 (x ty)’ B(x yp! = (x + Sy|(Ax? + By? + Cxy) a+ B-C) wan aa aia [CGL Mains 2019] (ayaa (B18 (13 (D) 16 (x+y) +8 (x-y)'= Gx Ay) Ox? + Buy +Cy9) then the value of A+B+Cis ae (x + y)! +8 (xy) = Ox + Ay) (xe Bry + CyB 8. a. 12. WA+B+C a AF aa BtTag! (ayo @)4 (2 (D)3 If (SV5x° — 3V3y") = ( /Sx - /By) = (Ax? + By? + Cxy) then what is the value of (3A~B~ Vi5C}? naft (5v5x° — 3V3y") = [5x - VBy] = (ax? + By? + Cxy) €, # (3A-B~ VI5C) arama at) (ay 12 es ()-3 (D)-5 Ifx ty +2= 19, xyz= 216 and xy +yz+2x= 114, then the value of x + y? + z+ xyzis afex+y+2= 19, xyz= 216 sity +yz+ax= 114 th ety tet gz nm mst (a) 1441 (8) 361 (c) 1225, (57 Ifat b+c= 1, ab+ bet ca ~-22 and abe then what is the value of a? +b? + © ? aftatb+e=1,ab+ be+ca=-22 ain abe =-40% @ a+b’ + ea ar aa - [CGL Mains 2020] (ayo7 (B)-83 ()-81 (D)27 Ifx=32.5, y= 34.6 and z= 30.9, then the value ofxtty'+ 2 0.98K, where K is equal to: nafe x = 52.5, y= 34.6 itz = 30.9%, wax ty>+ 2! ~ Sxya WAM 0.98K th K wr aM Prt Te? -40, (a) 1033 (8/933 (€) 1026 (ojo21 The value of =——— 2-58) (2.47)" 25.3% 25.3 624.9 is 5 « 10%, where the value of K is. (2.53)°+ (2.47) 25.3% 25.3-624.91+24.7x24.7 108 tat Kaa a i (ay-2 (1 (B)-1 (D)2 (MATHS (SSC, CDS, Railway) & fee ear age Carer" MATHS With PAWAN RAO” aah werentga erat aie ou Mother's * Algebra 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. lix+y+2=17,xyz= l7Landxy+yz+2x= 111, then the value of afexty+2=17,xyz= 171 sitxy+ye+ex=111 tat (ay er y2) wast? (a) -64 (B)0 (4 (D)-4 Iixtyt2= 13,24 y+ 33andx + y+ = 847, then the value of {yz is aitct yt a= 13,84 yf t= 133 ae + yt = 847 tt ga waa ae as 7 o-9 ()-6 Ifx+y+7=10, xy + yz+7x=25 and xy7= 100, then what is the value of (+ y3+22)? afext y+ z= 10, xy +y2-+2x= 25 ait xy2= 100% (e+ y+ 2) ara Rn? (aya30 (e540 (C350 (D)570 Ifxty+2= 1,xy +yz +ax=-26 and x’ + yea = 151, then what will be the value of xyz? aie ifx+y+2= 1, xy + yz tax =~ 26 SEX? + y? $289 151 8, dhxye 7a a? (ayaa (B)-30 (-18 (D)32 Ifx= 5.51, y = 5.52 and z= 5.57, then what is the value of x’ + y! + 2! - 3xyz? af x=5.51,y=5.52aK2= 5.57 bate ty +e = Sxye AT wa TPA (A) 5.146 (B) 51.46 (0) 0.05146 (D)0.5146 Ifa= 500, b 504, then the value ofa’ +b? +c a=500,b 04 &, aa’ + bet c= abe #1 AF arr 3fina | (a) 15060 (B) 12048 (©) 18072 (D) 17040 (0.321)° +(0.456)° -(0.777)° The value of “0.9 x (0.107)(0.76)(0.777) a. 22. 23. BU aa fy? (a)60 (B)-6 (-3 (D) 30 Iatb+e= 19, ab+be+ca’ the value ofa’ +b’ + afatb+e=19, ab+be+ca= 120%, ta’ +b? +6 —Sabe #14 amt fe (ay 18 (8) 23 (31 (D)19 Ifa b+e=7 and a°+ b'+ © Sabe= 175, then what isthe value of (ab + be + ca)? afta th +c=7 shea +b°+ © -Babe + be + ca) 30 sta aia) 75%, a (ab (A)7 (Bs (oe (yo Ifxtytz= 11x? +y?+22= 133 andx! +" +2 = 881, then the value of {97 is: Fx +y+2=11,x*+y! +2? = 133 sex! tye +2! = 881 fF fiyz we (aye (3/6 (-8 Os Ifa+b+c#9, ab + be + ca= 26, a’ +b’ 1, b +c) = 72 and c’ + a’ = 35, then what is the value of abc? afea+b+e=9, abt be +c: 16, a? + b’= 91, b® +0 272MM +a) = 35 8, Habe HA TTE? (yas (@)24 (36 (a2 pi+q'+r'—Spqr=4.Ifa=q+r, b=r+pande = p +g, then What is the value of a? + B+ — Sabo? pit +P-Spqr= 4b iaa= qtr, b=r+ pat c= pt qt, Ma’ + bi +c? 3abe WAM TE? (ad (Bs (C)2 (12 Ifx° y+ 2°= 3(1 + xyz), P=y+2-x, Qe 2tx- yand R=x+y~z, then what is the value of P! +Q+R™ 3POR? afex! ty! +2'= 3(1 tayz), Pay tz-x,Qeztx -yTaR=x+y-2¥,8P+Q'+R-oPORRAR amt? ‘ao @s © ws ind the factor of + 2-2 Wit Competitive Exams & Pdf Notes sitt Previous Years % Questions sisanis wi farper et wart cfs Haren MATHS With PAWAN RAO" 2B} Join eaten an agg Mother's + Algebra 27. 28. 29. 30. a1. 32. (ayx+ ()x+ (D) None of these Ifat+b+c=4, then a’ +b? +3- 12c? + 48¢-64 is equivalent to aft at b+ c= 4 tha’ + bt +c! 120? + 480 — ogra aim atfeTE (A) 3abe (B) Sabe- 12ab (C) Sabe + 12ab (D) abe+ 12ab Ifatb+e=6,a?+b'+c!= 14 andat+bi+ c= 36 then find the value of abe: atatbt+e=6,atbi+ct= 14 sia tb +e 6 tt abe FAM aM Fife (aya (6 9 (p12 Simplify /ea *irm, fllijii4 oe 4'4'4 VET rari ry 33'44°5°5 (34° 4'5°5'3) 124 aor (a) 1%o 8) *%o sy 41 (2) °%o *%o Ifx = 332, y= 333, 2= 335 then find the value of xyz: aR X= 332, y= 333, 2= 335 Bat xt tyhte— Sxyz ara aa fa (a) 3000 (8) 9000 (©) 7000 {D) 8000 Ifa= 25, b= 15, ¢=-10 then find the value of abi 4c!—Sabe (a-b)' +(b-c) +(c-a) * aft a = 25, b= 15, ¢ = -10 ¢ 7 att bt+ct~dabe ; (a-by +(b-o +(e-ay ITA (ay30 (B)-15 (¢)-30 (p15 Itx= (b—e)(a—d), y= (e—al(b— a), 2 4) then find the value of x? + y* +z af x = (b-c)(a—d), y= (¢— a)(b-d), z= (a—b\le -@ tie y+ 2 ra mie fA) xyz {B) 2xyz 34, 37. 38. 39. axe WD) -oNyz 2 4(2—x)3 (v= 2)(e-%) is equivalent to (x-y)*+(y-2)* +(e-x)* 4(x-y)(y-aj(z-x) 3 1 > By c) 2 (D)0 (OF © Ifx.x'.x°= 1, then a’ + b? + c? is equivalent to afin’ = 18a’ +b? + oar ae aif (ag (B) abe (atb+e (D)3abe ab et Ifa+bte=0,then [> + 22+ op is equiva- ent to: ata+bt+e=08 aH aire (a3 @e (99 (Dyabe If, v and w are real numbers such that u ~ av! 27w! = 18uvw then whieh of the following is correct? aft u,v shew areafine sted ya war fru - Bvt — 27W? = 1Suvw a Frees Ha asa ate? (Ayu-v+w=0 (B) u=-v=-w (C)u-2v= 3w (D) u+2v =-3w Itx +y +2= 28 then find the value of (—X}°+ (S-Y)' +3(S-X\(S-Y/Z. afex ty +2= 28 th [S-X)!+ (SY) + 3S -XIS -Y\Z ara eT eT? (aya (B)-2 (2 oy Uf gay! eho then find the value offs +y=2) + 27xyz=? AEE 3h yy? a2) BAA (ty —2P + 27eye BART en? (ayo et (-1 (0)27 fat bY ct = 0, then a’ ~ b’ ~ c* = Satbict is equivalent to: (MATHS (SSC, CDS, Railway) & fee ear age Carer" MATHS With PAWAN RAO” aah werentga erat aie Mother's + Algebra a1. 42. 38 DO aT (Ay 1 (B)2 (cjo {D)-1 (1.7) + (3.9)' - (5.6) is equivalent to (1.7) + (8.9) (5.6)* 8M firsts were ? (ayo. (B)-111.384 (C)-92.384 (D)-134.384 Ifa+b+c= 8 then find the value of (a— 4)° + (b = 3) + (c- 1)'- 3fa-4)(b - 3)(c - 1) afeat b+e= 88, at (a- 4+ (b- 3p + (e- 1)?- 3(a- 4)(b—3)(e— 1) HAM TET? (ay2 (B)4 (ot (D0 Ifa, b, c are non zero real number and a+b +e =0,a'+be= 5 and b? + ac = c* + ab =—I'then: Sa-b-e find the value of abe afta, b, ¢ Yann arate om Hi sta + b Hem Opa bee +be= 5tMb?+ac=c+ab=-1 eat a a etm? (aye {B) 1 (3 {D)2 “i Competitive Exams & Pdf Notes aft Previous Years & Questions sroais wt regret + | art fiom tat MATHS With PAWAN RAO" 2a Join Bora aT > Moth 's* Algebra Solution 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. x ~ Jy) (Ax? + By? + ( 2a - 3y3y° Cxy) (Bx)? (dy)? = (3x— 4y)[9x? + 16y? + 12xy] Comparing with (Ax + By|[Cx?- Dy? + 12xy] A=3,B=-4, C=9, D=-16 4A+B+3C+2D=12-4+427-32= 5+25-10 = 20 (2) (a-b)= (a+b) bi—3a%b + Sbia —(@ + b+ 3a’ + bia) 2b? Garb = -2b(b? + 3a") = (2x ~ Sy)? (2 + Sy)? -2(5y) (25y? + 3 4x?) yC-250y? - 120%) = y(-120x? - 2509") Comparing it with y(Ax'+ By’) > A= -120 B ==250 3 2A-B = 2¢-120)+250 240 +250 = 10 (A) x ~ S12y° = (x? + Ay?) [x'— Bry" + ey) So find=A+B-C LHS, x°— 51.2y° = [x= (By [ox — (8)x?y2 + By] LHS = RHS with compare A=-8, B=-8,C=64 Now, A+B+C= -8 64 = -80 D) Bx+y)P-[26-y)P= (x +5y) [Ax + By? + Cry] be 2(x- YI] «19 ty +O y+ 60 Ay2= Byy + xt 6y4] => [x +5y] « [19x + 7y'# 10 xy] = [a+ Sy] x [AX + By?+Cxy] A=19,B=7,C=10 (A+B -C)=(19+7-10)=16 ZT. (A) (sty)? + 86-9) = (BxtAy](3x*Baytcy?) (sty) + [26-y)) = (Bx ~y) [xt +? + Oxy +4 (xtty* 2xy}-2(x*-y4}] = (@x-y)(3x2+7y Oxy) ‘by comparing 8. (C) 9, (C) xt+y*+24=361-2% 114 = 361-228 = 133 XO ty? 4224 xyz= {xy + 2)[x? + y? + 2° - (xy + yz + 2x)] + 4xyz 19[133 - (114)] +4 * 216 361 + 864 1225 10.(B) a? +b* +c 3abe= (a+ b+ o}[(a+b+e)?—3lab +be + cal] &+bP+e'+ 120 a@tbte 1[1 +66] = = 67-120= 1L(A) x+y? +29 xyz ty+glix-y)?+ yz? + (@-3}] . i x 984.41 + 13.69 + 2.56] 0.98K 1033 12a) a? + b—(a+ bila? +b — ab) (2.53 + 2.47)[ (2.53)? +(2.47)?- 6.2491] = T00|(2.53)? 6.2491 (2.47)" (MATHS (SSC, CDS, Railway) & fee ear age Carer" MATHS With PAWAN RAO” aah werentga erat aie o Mother's + Algebra 13, D) xty+z=17 xyz= 171 ay tyztex= tll ty te -dxyza(aty +2) [Oty +2?-3 Oy tyz+2x)] = 17 (289 - 333) 17 (48) “748 Rye oye ot -4 V4, D) Sty! 2-dnyz= (x+y +2) (FEE Ay 2-7) (a yeaiant yee ezQytyztay 169 133 +2 (xy + yz #2x)= 169 xytyzt x= 18 Not yet 2'— Sxyz= (x ty +2) Doty! + Zoey ye+2)] B47 - 3yyz= 13 [133-18] 847 - 1495 =3 xyz, Bxyz bet y tape + +2? #2 Gy + yx 2x) 100= 28+ y+ +2 (25) 100 ~ 50 = 50 Sty te Sxyze (xt yt2) (2+ y+ 22 xy —ye- 2x) Sox + y + 2'= 300 +250 = 550 16. (A) As we know, (xy +2 e x! ty? 2? + xy tyz+ 2x) 1 = x+y? +224 2(-26) 3 xtylte = 53 Also, Sty tg Sxys= (xty tg) (ety? +2 —xy ~ye~ 2x) 151 - Sxyz-= (1) (53 +26) = Sxyz = 151-79 3xyz = 72 = xyz = 24 52, 2= 5.57 1 WHY + -Sxyzs ZK +Y +2) [(-V) + (9-2) +(ex)'] 1 3 16.6 [0.0001 + 0.0025 + 0.0036} 0.0062 x16.2 2 0.05146 (a+b+e) 18.(C) a° +b’ +c - Sab I [aby + (b- of + (ca) here, a= 500, b (500 + 502 +504) 150 = 4 + 16] > = 753 « 24= 18072 02, ¢ = 504 6 [24] (0.821) + (0.456)° -(0.777)' 0.9 x(0.107)(0.76)(0.777) 10 x((0.21)' + (0.456)' -(0.77)" ] © “3x0.3x10(0.107)(0.76)(0.777) _ 10[(0.321)' +(0.456)° + (-0.777)' ] 3 x(0.321)(0.76)(0.7) 19.(B) _ 2x 10{(0.521)" + (0.456) +(0.777)] ~ 7 (82x 0.76)(0.321)(0.777) 2x 10/ (0.321) + (0.456)° +(-0.777)) * (0.456)(0.321)(0.777) Now, 0.321 + 0.456 -0.777=0 If atb+e=0 a+b? +e = Babe =2 10 x 3(0.321)(0.456)(0.77) (0:321x0.456 0.777) =-60 20. (Dj a+ b+e= 19, ab+ be+ca= 120 tha’ +b’ +e! Sab (at b+ 0}? a +b? +e! + 2/120] wets Now, a’ +b’ += 121 abe = (a + b + ¢) [(a? + b? + Wit Competitive Exams & Pdf Notes sitt Previous Years % Questions sisanis wi farper et wart cfs Haren MATHS With PAWAN RAO" 2B} Join eaten an agg Mother's + Algebra © (ab + be + cal] =19* [121-120]= 19 21. (B) atbte=7 ab +b? +c -3abe = (atbte)[attb?te*{ab+betcal] or = (atbte)[(atbtc)-Slab+betea)] 1757 [49 -3(ab+betca)] 49-25 ab+ be + ca= rye} (x rr 22. (A) (xy tyz+ xz) = 121-133, u Sttytt a! Sxyze (xy +a)[x? ty? + 2—xy =y2~ 2x] 881 - 3xyz= 11[133 +6] 381 - 1529 Huu e+ be e= 9 = 9°-2 x 26 = 29 2(a’ + b' +c!) = 91 +72 + 35 = 198 a+b? +.e'—3abe =(atb +0) [a +b? + c2- (ab + be + cal] 99 - Babe = 9 [29 - 26] 27 abe = 24 24. (B) p'+q'+r-Spqr=4 a=qtr b=r+pc Let a& then pr4 @ thena=Ob=p c=p on putting in ath +e =0+P +P from ea. (i) =44+4=8 wityetz)=3(1+xyz) pryt2-x, a=2+x-y, z=xty-z Find = p'+ a? +r'- 3pqr We put value in equation y=2-0 We find vaiue of x Pax, qx, rex 23. (B) Sabe 0 pta+r3pqr SO +x! + x1- 3x (x)x 3+ 3x) be 33 343% (MATHS (SSC, CDS, Railway) & fee ear age Carer" MATHS With PAWAN RAO” aah werentga erat aie i? | 12

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