Self Employed

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Being self-employed

Starting your own business is one of the most challenging things you can
do. It is the moment that will decide whether your future will be full of
fulfillment or not. You must consider the cons and pros to make sure you
know what you're getting yourself into. In my opinion, the most important
are the positive ones, which determine whether or not it is worth
considering this thought for the beginning.

To begin with, you have control over your own destiny. You decide what
you want, when you want and who is going to be next to you when you
reach the top. You choose your priorities and have the freedom of making
your own choices. if you are a free spirit, you might like this idea. Also,
success feels really good. If you work harder and keep pushing, you have
the potential to have incredible success. There is nobody stopping you
except yourself and nobody else to blame when things do not go the
planned way.

However, being self-employed also comes with several drawbacks. First of

all, you will be on your own. At work, you have a boss who is responsible
for your performance. He pushes you from behind and puts you to work.
Therefore, you have to think: if you are not encouraged, are you willing to
push yourself beyond your limits? Are you willing to document yourself and
manage the problems yourself? No one knows if you're doing it right. You
have to solve it yourself every day. Secondly, You’ll work harder. there is
always something you can do to make the business better. It will be both
physically and emotionally tiring, and a constant feeling of being
overwhelmed by a situation. Finally, you may not get paid for a while, as
there is no financial security when you have your own business. You need
to have some savings in order to be able to pay your bills at the very
beginning, before the business takes off.

In conclusion, this decision depends on the different character of each one,

together with the responsibilities that each one is ready to assume.

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