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``for the purpose of cultivating and improving the arts of

even by those unaccustomed to the fort, may be avoided,

courts exclusively, except that concurrent original jurisdiction

in the Hypotyposes of Sextus Empiricus. For admitting that

ALENCON, a town of north-western France, capital of the

the rugged range of the Tchika, or Khimara mountains, which

the general view or as showing any tendencies of an original

andalusite. Cordierite-bearing rocks occur near Ellon, at the

to perfumery, though it formerly occupied no inconsiderable

aesthetic activity and play, he seeks to make it the starting-point

remarked, as illustrative of the flexibility of the system,

for the world. In opposing Napoleon, ``the oppressor of

(*) Calculated from a single analysis only.

hands of so competent and influential an English layman. In

made. In 1854 a Californian company began importing ice from

Toblach Pass (Bruneck to Lienz), railway over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,967

science and letters. The college buildings are large and

the initial of mille, 1000, aud the side strokes of ch

xii. 8, xiii. 3); but it is chiefly noted for its capture

chiefs the protection they demanded. The Cameroon chiefs

on Montgomery in order to attack Sherman in flank and rear.

terms of nominal dependence on the empire), and the title

ACENAPHTHENE, C12H10, a hydrocarbon isolated from

it, but hit a satyr asleep in the brake. The satyr pursued

alumina from the natural ores, and finally elaborated a

investigation, is that of reconstructing the modes of

to recover, and was made a major-general in 1814. At

subjects. Of the extant fragments (Muller, Fragmenta

to assume that the two ingredients we see are pure silver

AMULET (Late Lat. amuletum, origin unknown; falsely

granted, when the freezing-point curve gives no indication of

his other writings we find many valuable suggestions on the same

ways, even in prose. Thus in prose we speak of ``near and

the gigantic volcano of Sangay; but it soon reaches the

down. But the tendency was towards ``Independency,'' and

to Wadai; and from Assiut on the Nile through the Great Oasis

which, as its form (^) shows, and as the ancient grammarians

a piling-up of anything; technically, in law, the continuous

Greece. When Paris (Alexander), son of Priam, had carried

the Deccan and Rajmahal traps, and as pebbles in the detritus

Robertson, Hist. of the Christian Church (1858-1873); Edmond

the design of a noble building with the originality of genius.

Sabina. He had taken part in the double election of 1130,

the greater refinement of these senses and also the more

parlement of Metz, was a man of singular ability and breadth

has never competed for a money prize or staked bet, or with

which reference has already been made. Its extension to new and

d'Acunha's fleet, in 1506. It was then a mere dependency of

The Echinades islands, off the S.W. coast, are gradually

decline in the value of grain in the autumn of 1894, when

we cannot say; but the probability is that they too came from

to Eugene Bignon (1812-1858), the actor and playwright.

Hulagu, the Mongol chief, burned Bagdad (Feb. 28th, 1258).

heat for some hours in order to settle out the ferric oxide which

cavalry. Pompey exacted from them a nominal submission,

(ed. 1893, London), ch. vi.; B. V. Head, Historia Numorum

It is true that one season of the series, that of 1887, was

Tauern Pass, north of the Drave Valley and south of the Pinzgau

7th of May 1906, received the power to elect a delegate to

daughter of Alexander II., emperor of Russia, was celebrated

agrees (pp. 191 fl.) that the best test is ihe etymology

diffused with miraculous rapidity from the parent foundation

Epigraphik, ii. pp. 125 ff. (1906). The earliest tradition

the place of Aegean civilization in the history of Hellenic

M. Chapel.

27th of October 1439 at Langendorf, and was buried at

was building Bagdad (145--140) Abu Hanifa was one of the

4th, as Pemberton surrendered at Vicksburg, Lee drew off his

The chief natural compounds of aluminium are four in number:

to the eastern harbour. Here a sea wall, completed in

a process, consisting essentially of reducing the nitrated

v), that is to say, clown glass; consequently the crown

reconstituted, or new-founded, universities of Dorpat, Vilna,

high political sagacity, and he succeeded for a long time

multitudes. Others claim to be reports of speeches really

considerable scale was begun at Geneva so far back as 1790 by

the eye; this was determined by Chester More Hall in 1728,

varied greatly in thickness. The direction of the wind on the

be suspended near the centre of resistance. C. Danilewsky

became masters of all the habitable region of North Africa

m. and a pop. (1904) of 14,857, of whom 40% are whites.

concubine, and thus seemed to have designs on the throne.

variety, hut there are also two breeds----one large, the other

series. Excellent sections showing the component strata

poetica, Spenser highly esteemed. ``Who lives that can match

thirtyfold. In the northern parts of the empire very little

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