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B. Read and circle the correct answer.

( 10 marks )

1. After school, Ahmad ____________________ his homework.

a. do b. does c. doing d. did

2. I always ________________ to bed at nine o’clock.

a. go b. goes c. going d. went

3. Samantha ____________________ chess with the her friends.

a. play b. plays c. playing d. played

4. Mr and Mrs Towns _______________________ a baby boy.

a. have got b. has got c. had got d. having

5. This is Emy. She _______________ from Korea.

a. is b. are c. am d. has

6. Those are Tommy and Penny. They ________________ from the US.
a. is b. are c. am d. have

7. I ___________________ from Malaysia.

a. is b. are c. am d. has

8. You ________________ from Mexico.

a. is b. am c. are d. have

9. Daniel is my friend. _________________ is from Korea.

a. They b. You c. I d. He

10. Anita is my neighbor. ____________________ from Britain.

a. They b. You c. She d. He

C. Read the dialogue below and answer write T for True or F for False.( 10 marks )
Dialogue No 1
Paul: Mary, what’s your favourite subject?
Mary: Well, I like Music and Art. Maths and Science are really hard for me. English is the
subject I like the most.
Paul: How often do you have English?
Mary: I would like to have English every day, but unfortunately we have it only three times a
week, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Paul: How often do you have Maths?
Mary: Maths. Hmm... Mondays and Tuesdays. No, wait. Fridays, too. Three times a week.
Paul: What about PE, Mary? Do you like it?
Mary: Not really. PE is boring.

Dialogue No 2
Mary: What’s your favourite subject, Paul?
Paul: My favourite subject? Hmm... Social Studies... Maths... no... Science, yes.
Mary: Science is hard.
Paul: Yes, but I’m really good at it.
Mary: What other subjects are you good at?
Paul: Hmm... Almost everything. I’m good at English, Social Studies and Maths, of course.

1. Mary’s favourite subject is English. _________________

2. Mary has English once a week. _________________

3. Mary has Maths twice a week. _________________

4. Mary likes PE. _________________

5. Paul’s favourite subject is PE. _________________

6. Paul is good at Maths. _________________

7. Paul is good at English. _________________

8. Mary has English on Thursdays and Wednesdays. _________________

9. Mary feels Science is easy. _________________

10. Paul is good at four subjects. _________________

D. Read and answer the questions. ( 10 marks )

This is Thiago Silva. He is from Brazil. He is eleven years old and has got two sisters.
His favourite sport is football. He usually plays every day with his friends after school. He
sometimes plays volleyball, too. He doesn’t like tennis.

1. Where is Thiago from?


2. How old is he?


3. Has he got any brothers?


4. What’s his favourite sport?


5. Does he play volleyball?


E. Study the table and answer the questions below. ( 10 marks )


English English English English English

Social Science Social Science Social

Studies Studies Studies

Science Maths Maths Maths Science

Music PE Art PE Art

1. How often do they have English?


2. How often do they have Science?


3. How often do they have Art?


4. How often do they have Music?


5. Do they PE twice a week?



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