IS Gender Equality A Myth

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IS Gender Equality a Myth?

Who is men and women? Are we one? Are we equal? There is none ended debate about
gender equality and inequality most of the people think genders are inequal but many of them
think genders are equal but I think genders are equal gender equality a state in which everyone
is given equal opportunities and rights everyone in the community longs for equality,
opportunity and ownership. Every has the right to lead his/her life accordingly without any a society where all individuals are considered equal irrespective of their caste,
gender, color, profession, status we call it equality.
When genders considered equal in a state, society, and nation this society, state, nation can
prosper and achieve higher development rates and can grow very quickly in the short passage
of time. In a society or in a nation where is given equal rights, opportunities to everyone this
society or nation will become the most successful society and the most successful nation,
because when equal rights are given to both male and female there will be conflicts no racism
and both male and female can do better when they have equal rights, and when there is
opportunities for both male and female in a society or nation this society and nations can easily
achieve higher development rates and can grow very quickly in the shorter passage of time.
Beside of achieving higher development rates when genders considered equal in a society,
nation, and state the justice system of this society, nation, state will be very good and
successful. When the justice system is good the daily affairs which should done by male and
female will be in the most good and accurate way which leads to the growing of the society. It is
very important for growing that the justice system should be very good justice system means
that there should be equality between genders in everything.
On the other hand genders are inequal because there is a huge difference between the abilities
and the physical powers of genders males have good abilities and physical powers than female
males with this abilities and physicals can do better things in a society and can bring changes in
a society but on the other hand females don’t have such abilities and physical powers that the
men have because of the abilities and physical powers most of the people think the
genders are inequal. Females are weak and they don’t have the abilities that males have it
because of this weakness in many societies females considered inequal with males.
So gender equality is the most important thing because when the society want to reach to the
higher levels and when the society want to achieve higher development rates there should be
gender equality and the genders must considered equal when the genders considered equal in
a society, state, nation this society, nation, state can grow very quickly in the shorter passage of
time and when there is equality in a society between genders this leads to the successful justice
system so I prefer that genders should consider equal.

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