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Construction Management:

Construction work is being increased now a days. To construct a building, different kinds of
materials are needed like sand, cement, structural iron, bricks, blocks and as well as Human
resource etc. Current practice is that a contractor manages all these materials manually by
visiting different vendors. This act takes a lot of time and energy to manage all materials. There
has been no any system that can facilitate the contractor to manage all things through his mobile.
To cope this situation, we are designing an android application where a contractor can manage
all required material by wasting no time and using minimum resources. This system is designed
to help the customers to make construction easy. This system is also designed to increase the
sales and profits of vendors.

Two types of accounts are there other than the admin account.

 Vendor account
 Customer account

Interfaces are different for both of the accounts.

This module helps the vendor to sell the items to the customers. As there are two types of user
accounts, the vendor is a kind of account that is asked at the time of user registration. Then after
the registration, the provider can add all the items that he sells and can also see all the projects
that are updated by the customers for construction. So, the vendor can sell his items and can
increase its market and income.

After registration, one can log in to the system either as the vendor or the customer. The option
to register either as a vendor or as a customer is given when the user is registering. The further
interface of this system depends upon the user’s registration type.

This module is present so that customers can easily select the items required for the construction
and after selecting all the items and the number of articles can place the order to the vendor.

This module shows the customer list of all the things provided by the vendors. The customer can
select items from the list and can make the payment at the same time. In the item section, there is
also an option to add manpower to the project where the customer can take the employees for the
project and can pay them for their work.
After the user has created an account for a customer, then one option that is given to the client is
to upload the project that he wants to construct. It can be a house, any building, or a bungalow.
After the customer uploads the project, the vendor can look at the project and can contact the
customer if he wants to take the project and want to provide all the items that are required to
complete the project.

This module is present only for one account. That is, no one can register as an admin after one
account is created. The admin account has all the privileges, to check any particular seller or
customer, block any account, making changes into accounts of users, etc.

As explained in the login section, the user can be of two types and both the users will have
different interfaces and after the user has registered. The user as a customer can see all the
available items that he can take on rent or can buy. He can make the payment of articles and can
upload its project.

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