Lau - 2017 - Effects of Social Media Usage and Social Media

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Computers in Human Behavior 68 (2017) 286e291

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Full length article

Effects of social media usage and social media multitasking on the

academic performance of university students
Wilfred W.F. Lau
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In today's society, social media have become an almost indispensable part of daily life, particularly among
Received 2 August 2016 university students, who are generally heavy social media users. Social media multitasking has also been
Received in revised form increasingly prevalent. Little, however, is known about how social media usage and social media
5 November 2016
multitasking influence the academic performance of university students. This study examined whether
Accepted 22 November 2016
Available online 30 November 2016
and how these two behaviors predict academic performance among university students. From a sample
of 348 undergraduate students at a comprehensive university in Hong Kong, this study found that using
social media for academic purposes was not a significant predictor of academic performance as measured
Social media usage
by cumulative grade point average, whereas using social media for nonacademic purposes (video gaming
Social media multitasking in particular) and social media multitasking significantly negatively predicted academic performance.
Academic performance © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
University students

1. Introduction enhanced communication between students and instructors, (b)

increased opportunities for networking or collaborations among
Social media have penetrated the lives of many young adults. students, (c) rapid sharing of resources, (d) access to course ma-
The social media usage of American adults aged 18e29 years soared terials by students after class, (e) provision of an alternative plat-
from 12% in 2005 to 90% in 2015 (Pew Research Center, 2015). In form to the official learning management systems, and (f) exposure
education, social media can be used to share information with of students to technologies and skills that may improve their
students, collect information when overseas or while conducting employment success (Legaree, 2015).
research, share personal academic interests with other people, Because students are likely to use more than one medium
engage students and understand what they think about during simultaneously, the potential influence of media multitasking
instruction, form student study groups, and enhance e-textbook behavior has been under scrutiny for years. Regarding cognition,
functions by connecting students with social tools for collaborative media multitasking was found to be negatively related to cognitive
purposes (O'Brien, 2012). Social media also develop students' ca- control ability in adolescents (Ophir, Nass, & Wagner, 2009). Thus, it
pacity to create and arouse their interests in academic subjects is believed to be predictive of poor academic performance. Today, a
(Lau, Lui, & Chu, 2016), and students more easily communicate with majority of social media tools support the integration of multi-
working professionals through social media. Cox and McLeod media elements, and this functionality makes media multitasking
(2014) found that social media foster communication among much easier than was previously possible. Researchers and edu-
teachers, students, parents, and community members, and help cators alike are interested in the effects of social media on student
create online professional learning communities. academic performance, and numerous empirical studies have
In university, students and faculty members have increasingly explored whether such effects are positive, neutral, or negative
adopted various social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter to (Cheston, Flickinger, & Chisolm., 2013; Glogocheski, 2015). Little,
promote teaching and learning both inside and outside the class- however, is known about how social media usage and social media
room. Empirical studies have shown the following educational multitasking (SMM) influence the academic performance of uni-
benefits associated with the use of social media technologies: (a) versity students. Accordingly, this study examined whether and
how these two behaviors predict academic performance among
university students.
E-mail addresses:,, wflau.
0747-5632/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.W.F. Lau / Computers in Human Behavior 68 (2017) 286e291 287

2. Social media usage and media multitasking significantly increase undergraduate student engagement, satis-
faction, and performance in a calculus course. Therefore, the
Social media come in a variety of forms including social following hypotheses were proposed:
networking sites, microblogs, blogs, chat platforms, open source
H1. Students who use social media more for nonacademic purposes
mapping, and photo and video sharing (Gastelum & Whattam,
perform less favorably academically.
2013). In general, social media can be defined as “applications,
services, and systems that allow users to create, remix, and share H2. Students who use social media more for academic purposes
content.” (Junco, 2014, p. 6). Social media usage refers to “the perform more favorably academically.
multiplicity of activities individuals may participate in online”
(Smith & Gallicano, 2015, p. 83). This description focuses on
numerous online activities that people can engage in with social 4. Media multitasking and academic performance
media and is primarily related to the purposes of using social
media. Studies examining the influence of media multitasking on aca-
Multitasking is typically understood as the engagement in more demic performance have reported that media multitasking has a
than one task within a given period of time. Multitasking may take negative effect on three aspects of academic performance, namely,
three forms: dual-tasking, rapid attention switching, and contin- academic outcomes, study related behaviors and attitudes, and
uous partial attention (Wood & Zivcakova, 2015). Dual-tasking re- perceived academic learning (van der Schuur, Baumgartner,
fers to the situation in which individuals complete two tasks Sumter, & Valkenburg, 2015). The time displacement hypothesis
simultaneously, rapid attention switching refers to a change of and the limited information processing capacity hypothesis are
focus between tasks, and continuous partial attention entails par- frequently used to explain why media use during academic work
tial attention to more than one task continuously. Media multi- adversely affects academic performance. The time displacement
tasking involves simultaneous participation in activities, at least hypothesis posits that because of the appealing nature of most
one of which must be media related. Media multitasking may occur media today, students are likely to devote far more time to any
between different devices or on a single device (Kononova & media than to academic activities. Some may even skip class and
Chiang, 2015). choose to use media instead. Media tend to distract student
Regardless of the forms that multitasking behavior may take, attention from their studies and subsequently decrease their per-
studies have suggested that SMM is prevalent, particularly among formance and efficiency (Walsh, Fielder, Carey, & Carey, 2013).
youth. Voorveld and van der Goot (2013) showed that people in The limited information processing capacity hypothesis pro-
younger age groups (13e16, 17e19, and 20e24 years) spent more poses that as multiple tasks are performed simultaneously, a
time on media multitasking relative to the total media time cognitive bottleneck develops because of the limits of cognitive
compared with their counterparts in older age groups (25e29, capabilities, and this results in an appreciable disruption in the
30e39, 40e49, and 50e65 years). For the age groups 13e16 and decision-making process. Multitasking performance in multimedia
17e19 years, social media with music or websites was the second learning environments can often be explained using cognitive load
most common media multitasking combination. Voorveld, Segijn, theory or the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. Cognitive
Ketelaar, and Smit (2014) found that in Germany, the United load theory focuses on the role of working memory in the learning
States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, and Spain, the process (Sweller, 1988). The theory is premised on the following
three most common media multitasking combinations were the concepts: (a) working memory is limited in capacity, (b) long-term
concurrent use of social media and new media such as e-mail and memory has essentially unlimited capacity, (c) the learning process
mobile phones, the concurrent use of TV and new media, and the requires working memory to be actively involved in the processing
concurrent use of the Internet and new media. Age also signifi- and comprehension of the instructional materials to encode in-
cantly predicted multitasking with new media, meaning that formation into long-term memory, and (d) learning is ineffective if
younger people are more likely to multitask with new media. working memory is overloaded. Cognitive load refers to the total
amount of mental effort demanded on working memory at any
3. Social media usage and academic performance particular instance, and the number of elements requiring attention
constitutes the major factor influencing cognitive load. There are
Regarding the purposes of using social media, Oye, Adam, and three types of cognitive load: intrinsic, extraneous, and germane.
Nor Zairah (2012) indicated that academic performance was Intrinsic cognitive load is induced by the inherent complexity and
adversely affected when social networking sites were used to fulfill difficulty of the materials being learned. Extraneous cognitive load
social and nonacademic needs only. Ravizza, Hambrick, and Fenn is caused by the manner in which the instructional materials are
(2014) reported that nonacademic Internet use, including social designed and presented. Germane cognitive load is created by
media, among university students was negatively associated with effortful learning devoted to the processing, construction, and
classroom performance as shown in three examinations during the automation of schemas. The theory predicts an increase in intrinsic
semester and cumulative final examinations. However, some evi- or extraneous load that impedes learning when students multitask.
dence suggests benefits of social media use in learning. For For example, when students are engaged in off-task activities using
instance, the use of Twitter for academic and cocurricular discus- technology, an additional load is imposed on the learning task that
sions was found to have a positive effect on grades for college must be completed.
students (Junco, Heiberger, & Loken, 2011). Students who used The cognitive theory of multimedia learning is based on three
Twitter showed higher levels of engagement and obtained a higher research-based principles in cognitive science: that learners (a)
semester grade point average (GPA) than students who did not. The have two separate channels for handling verbal and pictorial in-
positive effect could be explained by the extended engagement formation, (b) can process only a limited number of elements in
between students and faculty via Twitter beyond traditional each channel at a time, and (c) must select, organize, and integrate
classroom activities. GreGory, GreGory, and Eddy (2014) demon- appropriate information from the instructional materials with
strated that the adoption of Facebook as an instructional net- existing knowledge into long-term memory for meaningful
workdin that case, the creation of a Facebook group specifically for learning to occur (Mayer, 2010). In other words, learners must pay
discussing mathematical course content outside of classdcould attention to relevant words and pictures for further processing,
288 W.W.F. Lau / Computers in Human Behavior 68 (2017) 286e291

build internal relationships among selected words and pictures to be 0.84 for MS, 0.91 for IS, and 0.83 for VG.
that lead to conceptual understanding in working memory, and
connect new understanding with prior knowledge in long-term
5.3.2. Social media usage for academic purposes
memory. Media multitasking, however, overloads the limited ca-
The Social Media Learning Scale developed and refined by Mills,
pacity in the auditory and visual channels and leads to deficits in
Knezek, and Wakefield (2013) was used to assess student percep-
performance. Based on the relevant research findings and theories,
tions on the application of social media to support university
the following hypothesis was formulated in the context of SMM:
learning (SMUL). In particular, the scale measures university stu-
H3. Students who engage more in SMM perform less favorably dent perceptions of using social media for online community
academically. learning and building, and is a seven-item unidimensional scale
with alpha reliability of 0.74. The items were rated on a 5-point
Likert-type scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
5. Method

5.1. Procedure 5.3.3. SMM

SMM was measured using three items adapted from Ozer's
Mass emails were sent to all undergraduate students at a (2014) study, which were “I multitask with my social media ac-
comprehensive university in Hong Kong to invite them to partici- count while studying”, “I remain online with my social media site(s)
pate on a voluntary basis (Jupp, 2006). While this nonprobability while doing homework”, and “I do not check my social media ac-
sampling method may not guarantee the representativeness of the count if I am doing my work for school.” The items were rated on a
sample collected, it is the most convenient approach to reaching a 5-point Likert-type scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
wide variety of participants from all faculties of the university. To agree) with the last item being reverse coded. Confirmatory factor
attract more participants, a lucky draw to win HKD100 cash cou- analysis of the measurement model of the SMM items supported
pons was offered. Anonymous data were collected from the par- their validity.
ticipants through an online survey website. The participants first
completed questionnaires measuring their social media usage,
SMM, and academic performance. They then provided some de- 5.3.4. Academic performance
mographic information such as gender, age, faculty, degree major, Academic performance was evaluated with a single item. The
year of study, computer or Internet experience, and information participants were required to provide their cumulative GPAs
technology (IT) proficiency. (CGPAs) in an open response format (Paul, Baker, & Cochran, 2012).

5.2. Participants
6. Results

The participants were 348 undergraduate students from eight

6.1. Factor structures of the major constructs
university faculties. Informed consent was obtained from all par-
ticipants prior to data collection. There were 109 males and 232
Fabrigar and Wegener (2012) suggested that the factor structure
females in the sample and their ages ranged from 17 to 28 years
of a scale is likely to be influenced by factors such as culture.
(mean ¼ 20.252, SD ¼ 1.565). They studied in the faculties of arts
Therefore, exploratory factor analyses using the principal compo-
(N ¼ 51), business administration (N ¼ 73), education (N ¼ 19),
nent method with promax rotation were applied to the items of the
engineering (N ¼ 29), law (N ¼ 8), medicine (N ¼ 53), science
major constructs described in the Method section. As shown in
(N ¼ 47), and social science (N ¼ 62). There were 123 first-year, 85
Table 1, for the construct SMUNAP, four factors with eigenvalues
second-year, 75 third-year, 57 fourth-year, and 2 fifth-year stu-
greater than 1 were found instead of three as reported by Rosen
dents. They had, on average, 12e14 years of experience in using
et al. (2013). An additional factor with three items, which was
computers or the Internet and regarded their IT proficiency to be
labeled “video watching” (VW), was obtained from the original
good. Between 1.4% and 2.0% of the data were missing for the
five-item MS factor. Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the four factors
aforementioned demographic variables.
were acceptable, ranging from 0.632 to 0.840. The SMUL construct
was confirmed to be a seven-item unidimensional scale with a
5.3. Measures
Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.756, which is consistent with the
finding of Mills et al. (2013). The SMM construct was also found to
5.3.1. Social media usage for nonacademic purposes
be unidimensional with acceptable reliability of 0.719, which
The Media Usage Subscale of the Media and Technology Usage
agrees with the findings of Ozer (2014). All items had factor load-
and Attitudes Scale developed by Rosen, Whaling, Carrier, Cheever,
ings greater than 0.5 on their respective constructs.
and Rokkum (2013) was used to evaluate social media usage for
nonacademic purposes (SMUNAP) among the university students.
The authors validated the scale with a large sample of American 6.2. Descriptive statistics of the major variables
adults who mainly held college degrees. This study adapted 12
items that measured media sharing (MS; five items), Internet As summarized in Table 2, the participants on average engaged
searching (IS; four items), and video gaming (VG; three items) from in VW several times a week (SD ¼ 1.593), MS almost once a week
the subscale. These items represent common online activities (SD ¼ 1.909), IS once a day (SD ¼ 1.559), and VG once a week
among university students when they use social media (SD ¼ 2.028). They tended to hold a neutral view toward SMUL. In
(Kiedrowski, Mahrholz, Griesbaum, & Rittberger, 2015; Smith & other words, they were ambivalent about the application of SMUL.
Gallicano, 2015) and were rated on a 10-point frequency scale of They agreed that they multitasked with their social media accounts
1 (never), 2 (once a month), 3 (several times a month), 4 (once a while doing academic work. The mean CGPA of the participants was
week), 5 (several times a week), 6 (once a day), 7 (several times a day), 3.178 (SD ¼ 0.349). There was a significant negative correlation
8 (once an hour), 9 (several times an hour), and 10 (all the time). The between CGPA and VG. The intercorrelations between the variables
Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the three subscales were reported were mostly statistically significant.
W.W.F. Lau / Computers in Human Behavior 68 (2017) 286e291 289

Table 1
Exploratory factor analyses on the items of the major constructs.

Construct Item Factor loading

VW (a ¼ 0.632)
VW1 Watch TV shows, movies, etc. on a TV 0.629
VW2 Watch TV shows, movies, etc. on a computer 0.861
VW3 Watch video clips on a computer 0.760
MS (a ¼ 0.709)
MS1 Download media files from other people on a computer 0.761
MS2 Share your own media files on a computer 0.940
IS (a ¼ 0.840)
IS1 Search the Internet for news on any device 0.798
IS2 Search the Internet for information on any device 0.962
IS3 Search the Internet for videos on any device 0.725
IS4 Search the Internet for images or photos on any device 0.777
VG (a ¼ 0.794)
VG1 Play games on a computer, video game console or smartphone by yourself 0.822
VG2 Play games on a computer, video game console or smartphone with other people in the same room 0.846
VG3 Play games on a computer, video game console or smartphone with other people online 0.821
SMUL (a ¼ 0.756)
SMUL1 I feel a sense of community learning becomes interactive 0.670
SMUL2 Posting questions to my peers helps me understand my readings better 0.639
SMUL3 I am able to get faster feedback from my peers 0.716
SMUL4 I am able to get faster feedback from my instructor 0.576
SMUL5 I am able to communicate effectively 0.685
SMUL6 I am able to connect with peers more easily than face-to-face 0.629
SMUL7 I increase my participation in classes when I am allowed to contribute through social media 0.564
SMM (a ¼ 0.719)
SMM 1 I multitask with my social media account while studying 0.810
SMM 2 I remain online with my social media site(s) while doing homework 0.848
SMM 3a I do not check my social media account if I am doing my work for school. 0.741

Note. VW ¼ video watching, MS ¼ media sharing, IS ¼ Internet searching, VG ¼ video gaming, SMUL ¼ social media to support university learning, SMM ¼ social media
This item was reverse coded.

Table 2
Descriptive statistics of and intercorrelations between the major variables.

Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. VW 5.489 1.593 e
2. MS 3.530 1.909 0.338** e
3. IS 6.345 1.559 0.329** 0.379** e
4. VG 3.652 2.028 0.373** 0.316** 0.184** e
5. SMUL 3.346 0.571 0.156** 0.075 0.243** 0.073 e
6. SMM 3.526 0.806 0.133* 0.069 0.146** 0.017 0.266** e
7. CGPA 3.178 0.349 0.017 0.072 0.051 0.161** 0.048 0.092 e

Note. VW ¼ video watching, MS ¼ media sharing, IS ¼ Internet searching, VG ¼ video gaming, SMUL ¼ social media to support university learning, SMM ¼ social media
multitasking, CGPA ¼ cumulative grade point average.
p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

6.3. Hierarchical regression analysis is negligible compared with the sample size of 348 and thus they
were retained in the regression analysis. All the independent var-
Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted with CGPA as iables had tolerance greater than 0.7, which showed that the vari-
the dependent variable and variables from the constructs of VW, ance explained by one independent variable was not well explained
MS, IS, VG, SMUL, and SMM as the independent variables. To by the others, and that therefore the problem of multicollinearity
eliminate the effect of some demographic variables on academic was not apparent. The linearity and homoscedasticity assumptions
performance, age and gender were entered as the control variables were tested by examining the residual plot showing the relation-
in the first block. In this study, age was reported in an open ship between standardized residuals and standardized predicted
response format and gender was coded as 1 for males and 2 for values. These assumptions were tenable because the standardized
females. These variables were shown to be demographic correlates residuals were scattered in a random manner around a horizontal
of university students' academic performance in meta-analysis line representing the standardized residuals equaling zero. The
(Richardson, Abraham, & Bond, 2012). The aforementioned inde- DurbineWatson statistic was used to test whether serial correla-
pendent variables were then entered into the second block. tion between residuals occurs and therefore test the independence
Before the analysis, it is necessary to evaluate the validity of the assumption. The statistic's value was 1.914, which indicated that
underlying assumptions of regression analysis, including the the residuals were uncorrelated and that the assumption was valid.
absence of outliers and multicollinearity, linearity, normality, in- The normality assumption was examined using the normal prob-
dependence, and homoscedasticity (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2006). ability plot of the standardized residuals. The points fell mostly on a
There were four cases with a standardized residual more than 3 straight line and thus supported the assumption.
standard deviations from the predicted value. This number of cases From Table 3, for the first block of control variables, age and
290 W.W.F. Lau / Computers in Human Behavior 68 (2017) 286e291

Table 3 enhance undergraduate student engagement and performance. The

Hierarchical regression analysis of the control and independent variables on CGPA. difference may be explained by the fact that the students in the
Predictor CGPA current study used social media mainly for purposes other than
Step 1 Step 2
learning, as indicated by their ambivalent view toward the related
survey items. They possibly have not enrolled in courses that
b b
integrate social media as a learning tool and therefore have not
Age 0.098 0.110* experienced the educational benefits arising from such an
Gender 0.115* 0.062
instructional approach, unlike in the studies of Junco et al. (2011)
VW 0.093 and GreGory et al. (2014), where social media was utilized as a
MS 0.073 learning platform.
IS 0.116
VG 0.167**
SMM was found to impede student learning, as reflected in
SMUL 0.040 students' CGPA. This finding agrees with the existence of ample
SMM 0.126* evidence documenting the negative effect of media multitasking on
F 4.187* 3.236** a range of learning attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes (van der
R2 0.024 0.073 Schuur et al., 2015). The item responses indicate that university
DR2 e 0.049 students commonly multitask with their social media accounts
Note. VW ¼ video watching, MS ¼ media sharing, IS ¼ Internet searching, while studying. A recent online survey conducted with university
VG ¼ video gaming, SMUL ¼ social media to support university learning, students in Hong Kong showed that although they used social
SMM ¼ social media multitasking, CGPA ¼ cumulative grade point average. media for sharing, discussing, and searching for information, they
p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.
were readily distracted by the entertainment and social functions
provided by social media (Tang, Yau, Wong, & Wong, 2015). To
gender together accounted for 2.4% of the variance of CGPA. As the reduce this harmful effect on learning, it is necessary to analyze in
other independent variables were entered into the second block, detail different manifestations of multitasking (Wood & Zivcakova,
the variance explained increased by 4.9% with the total variance 2015) and the cognitive learning processes (Mayer, 2010; Sweller,
explained becoming 7.3%. The regression model was significantly 1988) that may differentially affect student learning trajectories
predicted by the control and independent variables. Significant and outcomes. This task calls for more in-depth longitudinal
predictors of CGPA were gender (b ¼ 0.115, p < 0.05), VG observation and recording of student learning activities over a
(b ¼ 0.167, p < 0.01), and SMM (b ¼ 0.126, p < 0.05). Therefore, chosen period of time.
H1 and H3 were supported whereas H2 was not. Theoretically, the findings of this study provide clear research
evidence to guide the investigation of the relationships of the
variables concerned (van der Schuur et al., 2015). The study es-
7. Discussion tablishes social media usage and SMM as the key variables that
negatively influence the academic performance of university stu-
The primary objective of this study was to examine whether and dents and, specifically, that VG and SMM are detrimental to uni-
how social media usage and SMM influenced the academic per- versity student learning. Future studies should also explore how
formance of university students. Three hypotheses were formu- individual difference and contextual factors may moderate these
lated and tested with online survey data collected from a sample of effects on academic performance. Practically, because SMM was
348 undergraduate students. After controlling for the effect of age found to negatively affect academic performance, educators should
and gender, it was found that SMUL did not significantly predict consider some measures to mitigate its influence. For example,
academic performance as measured by CGPA. SMUNAP (VG in Bowman, Waite, and Levine (2015) suggested interventions such as
particular) and SMM significantly negatively predicted academic technology breaks, self-monitoring, the teaching of metacognitive
performance. skills, and the promotion of technological literacy to help students
In accordance with the findings of Richardson et al. (2012), a manage their technology use. University administrators should also
gender difference in academic performance was found in which utilize the findings of this study to set guidelines about the
female students generally attained a higher CGPA than that of male appropriate use of social media (Rowe, 2014).
students. There are arguably various cognitive and noncognitive There are a number of limitations in this study that should be
factors that explain academic gender differences (Cooper, 2014). further addressed in the future. First, the cross-sectional nature of
Against this background, it is crucial to explore further how dif- the study renders making an inference of the causal relationships
ferences in social media usage and SMM between genders may between the variables impossible, and future researchers should
exacerbate or ameliorate the noticeable gender gap in academic adopt a longitudinal research design to examine causality. Second,
performance. the nonprobability sampling method used in this study may limit
Oye et al. (2012) and Ravizza et al. (2014) have empirically the generalizability of the findings to the target population. Future
demonstrated the negative effect of nonacademic social media investigation should consider employing probability sampling
usage on academic performance. The present study obtained the methods such as stratified random sampling to collect random
same result but further identified VG as the key determinant of student samples from different faculties. Third, more research is
poor academic performance. It is beyond the scope of this study to necessary to understand the multitasking activities that students
gather more information about how much time students spend on are involved in when using social media. This investigation pro-
VG every week, the nature of the games they play, and how long vides a deeper understanding of how SMM is likely to affect aca-
students have been involved in VG. These are, however, important demic performance differentially. Fourth, future research could
issues that will help explain the finding here regarding students examine study related behaviors and attitudes, perceived academic
who reported that they on average played video games once a learning, and nonacademic performance as outcome variables.
The present study also found that SMUL had no effect on their 8. Conclusion
academic performance. However, Junco et al. (2011) and GreGory
et al. (2014) have shown that the use of Twitter and Facebook can Because university students participate in various social media
W.W.F. Lau / Computers in Human Behavior 68 (2017) 286e291 291

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