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Happy New Year!

We hope this email finds you and your family safe and well.

The JIS PIE-PTA is looking for ways to motivate everyone and to aid in maintaining our community's
connection during these challenging times. And what better way to do so than with a fun-filled night of

It's that time of year again when the PIE-PTA begins planning another Fundraising Bingo Night, and we'd
like to count on your participation.

Our Bingo Night has been online for the past two years and we’ve been so thankful to our community for
the participation and the generosity towards this fundraising event. It goes without saying how important
your sponsorship support is for the success of this event. We really look forward to your continued
support with your participation and thank you for your valued sponsorship.

Without the amazing gifts and sponsorships from your enterprise, bingo night would not be the

We promoted businesses to all JIS PIE families and those who attended the previous PIE PTA
bingo night, and we're looking for an even larger audience this time around.

Last Bingo Night was advertised in our PTA monthly newsletter and on our JIS PTA Instagram

Outreach and Brand Visibility:

PIE-PTA Page - All visitors that browsed PIE-PTA page could see our appreciation poster
dedicated to our sponsors.
Instagram - Do take a moment to view the lovely video made by our High School students that
was shared on the JIS PTA Instagram account last Bingo Night.

PIE-PTA Newsletter - Due to confidentiality reasons we are unable to share the newsletter with
you, but nevertheless we have attached an old newsletter to this email for your viewing.

WhatsApp Groups- With relation to this big event we at the Elementary Campus had created 21
WhatsApp groups to advertise the posters, prizes and all the sponsor's related information.

During the Event - We created a loop advertisement that showcased all the sponsors who
contributed to make the event a great success thus enabling a major facade to all the brands and thus
reaching higher viewership. This was played on auto the entire duration when the Bingo night was
In addition to all the above, we were able to assist Candradimuka, a private school for children
diagnosed with autism, and a couple of other Institutions because of the last Bingo Night

Upcoming event details:

Our next Bingo Night will be held on March 8th, and we hope to see you there. Kindly confirm
your interest in being a sponsor by February 21st at the latest. Kindly provide the following
details with your confirmation:
1. Logo in PDF
2. What your sponsorship will be
3. Value of your sponsorship
4. A nice picture of product or service your are sponsoring

Bingo night is a family-friendly fundraiser that supports small charities, and we hope that our
partnership continues as we assist one another and are able to provide aid to small charities at the
same time.

If you are interested in other sponsorship opportunities please have a look at our sponsorship
document link below with more information.

Thank you in advance for your sponsorship and we look forward to another great Bingo night.
We highly solicit and appreciate your support!

Best Regards

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