Q1.W4.Sept 12-16.day 1

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School Pasay City West High School Time (Day 1) Section

Teacher Ms. Liezel G. Clemente Set A&B – 6:00-6:45 (M,T) Fluorite
Grade Level 12 Set A&B – 6:45-7:30 (M,T) Jadeite
Learning Area Research in Daily Life 2 Set A&B – 7:30-8:15 (M,T) Nephrite
Set A – 8:35-9:20 (M)
Quarter 1 Amethyst
Set B – 6:45-7:30 (Th)
Week 4 Set A&B – 9:20-10:05 (M,T) Alexandrite
Set A – 10:05-10:50 (M)
Set B – 10:50-11:35 (Th)
Set A - 10:05-10:50 (W)
Set B - 8:35-9:20 (T)
SET A - Day 1 of the week/September 12/14, 2022
SET B – Day 2 of the week/September 13/16, 2022

The learner demonstrates understanding of:
A. Content 1. the range of research topics in the area of inquiry
Standard 2. the value of research in the area of interest
3. the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed
B. Performanc
The learner is able to:
formulate clearly the statement of research problem
C. MELC writes a research title (CS_RS12-Id-e-2)

D. Specific 1. Identify the characteristics of a good research title

Objective/s 2. Formulate a research title (Asynchronous)
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem


A. References

1. Teacher
Teacher’s Guide in Practical Research 2
’s Guide
2. Learner’
s Practical Research 2 Book
3. Textboo
k Page
4. Additio
s from
es (LR)
B. Other https://medium.com/@awc.hse/a-title-that-works-characteristics-and-tips-
Learning 7fe33c5aef67

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A. Reviewing
or Refresh my mind routine
g the New
Let the learners play, Movie Ko, Title Mo!
B. Establishi
ng a
for the

A research title, or research project is a product of real world observations,

dilemmas, wide reading, selective viewing (television programs, films,
documentaries, video, etc.) meaningful interactions with significant others, and
deep reflection.

As you think of a research title, it is in your reflective moments that rich ideas
flow one after the other and when they do, questions about your own ideas arise.
C. Presentin It’s like you “brainstorming” with yourself. You first come up with broad ideas,
g then, further thinking and reflection will help you shape the idea, the research
Examples topic or research title into a specific one, that is, a researchable one.
s of the Great care must be taken in the formulation of the research title. It must clearly
New reflect the topic of investigation. It must be original, clear, concise, or specific.
The title occupies an exclusive place in the text as it immediately captures the
reader’s attention and influences his/her decision to read the paper or not. It’s
a good idea to take advantage of this fact and create a concise, informative, and
catchy title that will draw the reader in.

When you finally decide on a research topic, make sure that your research
topic and research questions match.
Characteristics of a good research title
In 2005, rhetoric scholars Hairson and Keene in their book Successful
Writing came up with four goals that any good title accomplishes.
1. A good title predicts the content of the research (Specific)
D. Discussin
g New • A good title informs the reader accurately about the contents of the
Concepts article. The main responsibility of a title is to explain what the article is
and about without misleading or establishing wrong expectations. Make
Practicing sure it doesn’t include anything that your reader won’t be able to find in
New Skills the paper.
#1 • The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A
good title contains the fewest possible words needed to adequately
describe the content and/or purpose of your research paper.


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Broad Topic: Bullying (What do you think the study is about? It’s very
hard to guess because the title is too broad and uninformative and
needs to be narrowed down to something more specific).

Specific Topic: “The Impact of School Bullying On Students’

Academic Achievement”

Broad Topics Specific Topics

Lack of Self-Confidence Lack of Self-confidence in
Adolescents: Root Causes,
Manifestations and Intervention
Smoking Hazards Health Hazards of Direct and Indirect
Smoking: Prevention and Cure
Marketable Popular Garment Marketability of a Popular Garment
Brand Brand: A Case Study
Human Immunodeficiency HIV: Causes, Prevention, Treatment
Virus and Care

2. A good title should be interesting to the reader.

• To make the title interesting, attention-grabbing, and easy to read, use

words that create a positive impression and stimulate the reader’s
• Be careful if you want to include a catchy phrase. Even though stylistic
devices make titles witty and more attractive, such titles may be not
clear. When trying to add some zest, make sure your title conveys
information in an unambiguous and precise manner, communicates the
message clearly, and doesn’t encourage multiple interpretations.
• To attract wider audience, choose words carefully, avoid technicalities
and specific vocabulary.

Examples of topics or issues that capture reader’s attention:

Education Family issues Family issues

• Distance • Child abuse • Child abuse
education • Family • Family
• Attention deficit relationships relationships
disorder • Family Values • Family Values
• Learning • Gender Inequality • Gender
disabilities or transgender Inequality or
• Education and • Financial crisis transgender
funding • Financial crisis
• No Child Left

Health Media Political Issues

• Exercise and Communications Research
fitness • Minorities in Paper Topics:
• Organic foods mass media • Budget deficit
• Sleep deprivation • Political • Taxes
• Smoking correctness
• Fast food • Materialism

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• Teen Pregnancy • Children’s
• Vegetarianism programming and
• Media bias

Social Issues Psychology

Research Paper Research Paper
Topics: Topics:
• Online Gaming: • Depression’
Positive or • Child Abuse
Negative Effects Learning
on Gamers disabilities
• Online selling or
online business
• Behavioral
problems like
extreme shyness,
being a loner or
Sociophobia (fear
in social
• LGBT (lesbian,
gay, bisexual,

Examples of Research Titles from Actual Studies:

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

The Lived Experiences of Trauma Economic Benefits of Cityhood:
and Post-Traumatic Growth of The Case of Tarlac City
Women with History of Social
I Am Your Father: A Qualitative Determinants of Profitability of
Study on the Perspective of a Creative Arts and
Father with a Homosexual Son Entertainment Companies in
Metro Manila
Impact of the Use of Social The Effect of Variety-Seeking in
Networking on Non-governmental Store Choice on Brand Seeking
Organization Effectiveness
A PWD’s Battle: A Qualitative The Potential Effects of Income
Study on the Reactions and Inequality on the Obesity
Experiences of Persons with Problem in China
Uncovering the Coping The Potential of Pseudomonas
Mechanism of the Senior High Aeruginosa in Reducing
Schools Emotionally Disturbed Phosphate in Polluted Waters
E. Discussin Techniques for Narrowing down a Topic
g New
Concepts 1. Examine the literature. Published articles are an excellent source of
and ideas for research questions. They are usually at an appropriate level of
Practicing specificity and suggest research questions that focus on the following:
New Skills a. Replicate a previous research project exactly or with slight
#2 variations.
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b. Explore unexpected findings discovered in previous research.
c. Follow suggestions an author gives for future research at the end of
the article.
d. Extend am existing explanation or theory to a new topic or setting.
e. Challenge findings or attempt to refute a relationship.
f. Specify the intervening process and consider linking relations.
2. Talk over ideas with others.
a. Ask people who are knowledgeable about the topic for questions
about it that they have thought of.
b. Seek out those who hold opinions that differ from yours on the
topic and discuss possible research questions with them.
3. Apply to a specific context
a. Focus the topic on a specific historical period or time period.
b. Narrow the topic to a specific society or geographical unit.
c. Consider which subgroups or categories of people/units are
involved and whether there are differences among them.
4. Define the aim or desired outcome of the study.
a. Will the research question be for an exploratory, explanatory, or
descriptive study?
b. Will the study involve applied or basic research?

Broad Topic Narrowed Idea Research Question

Healthcare Healthcare What are the ways
Technology technology has influenced
healthcare in the last 10
1. Narrow down the following broad topics into specific titles.
F. Developin a. Gender Inequality
g Mastery b. Distance Education or Distance Learning
(Leads to c. Online shopping experience (Shopee, Lazada, Zalora, etc.)
Formative d. Behavioral problems (such as Sociophobia)
Assessme e. Online Gaming
nt 3) f. Social Media (Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr etc.
g. Depression
Now, let us move on to the Senior High School track you are enrolled in.
G. Finding
Before you make a final decision on your topic, reflect on these questions:
1. What area/s not covered in classroom lessons/discussions do I still
n of
want to know/investigate in my specific track?
2. If I do this research project, how useful will it be to me as a senior high
and Skills
school graduate and to the community where I belong, and even to the larger
in Daily
community, the Philippines, ASEAN, and the world?
A good title predicts the content of the research (Specific).
The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A good title
H. Making contains the fewest possible words needed to adequately describe the content
Generaliz and/or purpose of your research paper. A good title should be interesting to
ations the reader. To make the title interesting, attention-grabbing, and easy to read,
and use words that create a positive impression and stimulate the reader’s
Abstractio interest.
n about
the A good research title must be concise and on point, short-titled articles “had
Lesson higher viewing and citation rates than those with longer titles. To write an
informative title, identify key variables, both dependent and independent.
(Incorporate variables) Avoid abbreviations and jargon, titles with jargon
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or too many technical words are considered uninteresting, unnecessary
complex and difficult to read. They may confuse the readers, inducing them
to ignore the article altogether.
1. Brainstorm a list of topics that you find interesting related to your chosen
I. Evaluatin
Topic 1. ________________________________________________
Topic 2. ________________________________________________
Topic 3. ________________________________________________
Do a quick search for books and other resources that relate to the topics
on your list. Write down the resources you find for each of your topics.

Topic 1: ________________________________________________

Resources I found on Topic 1: ____________________________

Topic 2: ________________________________________________
J. Additional
Activities Resources I found on Topic 2: ____________________________
for _________________________________________________________
n or Topic 3: ________________________________________________
on Resources I found on Topic 3: ____________________________

3. Narrow your original list. Don't use topics that you didn't find much
information on.

Topic 1: ________________________________________________
Topic 2: ________________________________________________
Topic 3: ________________________________________________



Let the learners answer the following:
SET B - Day 1 of the week/September 12, 2022 Exercise 1 (Narrow down the following
broad topics into specific titles.)

SET A – Day 2 of the week/September 13, 2022 Let the learners answer the following:
a. Worksheet 2: Choosing a Topic and
Designing Research Questions


A. No. of Learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment

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B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial Lesson work?
No. of learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which
I wish to share with the other

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