LAB-3 Data Sheet Ruth

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Lab-3 Data Sheet

1.- During a stress test, John Doe, after reaching 75% of his maximum heart rate, begins
to show a decrease in this rate, as well as a decrease in blood pressure.
Briefly comment on whether this response is normal or abnormal, whether the stress test
should be stopped, and if it is stopped, explain the reasons

2.- Jane Doe, a 20 year old woman with a BW of 60 kg was running in the Parque
Romano for 60 minutes at 10 km/hour (10 METs). His average heart rat was 170 bpm.
Assuming that 1 MET = 3.5 ml O2/kg/min, calculate the energy expended by Jane
during her activity through the use of both the METs and the average heart rate. Use this

Calories Burned = [(Age x 0.074)

- (Weight x 0.126) + (Average Heart Rate x 0.45) — 20.4] x Time / 4.184.

3.- Advantages and disadvantages of the two types of heart rate monitors when
compared to each other

4.- Indicate the P, Q, R, S, and T waves on both ECGs with arrows and use brackets to
indicate the extent of the PR interval, QT interval,. Can you roughly calculate the heart
rate of both ECGs
1. It is normal to show a decrease in the heart rate but it os abnormal to find a decrease on the
blood pressure. It should be stopped with betabloqueants such as Sumial (propanolol)

2. Calories Burned = [(Age x 0.074) - (Weight x 0.126) + (Average Heart Rate x 0.45) — 20.4] x Time /
Calories= [(20x0.074) – (70x0.126) + (170x0.45)-20.4] x 60/4.184

MET method: 10 METs = 10 X 3.5 ml O2/kg/min = 35 ml O2/kg/min = 0.035 L O2/kg/min

For a 60-kg woman = 0.035 L O2/kg/min X 60 kg = 2.1 L O2/min
1 Liter O2 = 5 kcal -> 2.1 L O2/min = 10.5 kcal/min
During the 60-min period = 10.5 x x 60 = 630 kcal burned.

3. Electrical monitors and optical have several differences.

The Electrical monitor one has 2 elements: one of them is the transmitter (marks the electric signal)
and the other one is the receiver (obtains the information perceived by the transmitter). However,
the optical monitor is formed by one part which sends the light and also records after the effect is
done. As for the advantages, the electrical takes more accurate measures than the optical, but this
last one is more comfortable.

4. Next page.

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