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Name: Joshua James Manago

Grade&Section: XII – BOHR

Topic: Relationship with the Earth

Human life is interconnected with the Earth. There is a relationship present

between humans and the environment. Every action that we make has consequences.

The three major perspectives that we can use to understand the relationship
between us and the Earth are the ff:

Anthropocentrism- it is the perspective that all humans are the most

important species on the planet and that they can do anything they want to do.
Like getting resources even if they deplete the supply. Another example would
be, building infrastructure in a place that is a habitat of other species.

Biocentrism- it is the perspective that humans are not the most important
species on the Earth. All species should be protected and have inherent values.An
example of this is veganism, where you avoid killing animals for food as they
believed that it is cruel to kill just for the purpose of eating them as they should
be valued and protected.

Ecocentrism- the view that all species on the Earth are equal.It is like
Biocentrism but it focuses more on the whole Earth than species as the most
important central value. Ecoscentrism is a philosophy that does not place another
ecosystem above others. A great example of ecocentrism is opposition to mining
that causes damage to the environment. Strip mining is the process whereby one
can obtain ore or coal by opencast mining. This process harms the environment
but it can open the door to more natural resources for the human population to
use. An ecocentric point of view is that since this process harms the environment,
it is immoral.

We can also apply the principle environmental aesthetics. This philosophical view
pertains to maintaining the natural beauty of the environment to contribute in the
process the well being of other organisms living on it.

Topic: Environmentalism and Sustainability

Environmentalism- it is the compilation of related ideas and advocacies that give

light to the environmental issues and concerns.
Environmental ethics- this examines how we, as a human, relate to all the Earth.
It develops the critical understanding of how we can make an impact to the
environment with just our activities.

In addition to what has already been said, environmental ethics also brings these
a. It provides a framework for considering how our behaviour demonstrates our
respect for nature;
b. It serves as a guide for upholding environmental welfare;

c. Additionally, it motivates authorities, organisations, businesses, and other

corresponding organisations to pledge to take appropriate action for the environment.

d. The concept of environmental justice, which calls for a fair distribution of

environmental benefits and financial responsibility for meeting environmental effects
of environmental changes, including climate change.

Sustainability or Sustainable Development- This idea teaches us to make wise

decisions. Choosing how to use Earth's resources now so that there will be enough for
tomorrow. In other words, as we use and consume the resources of the planet in our
generation, this principle encourages us to consider others, including those who will
be born in the future. An example for this is the conversation of water, if we continue
to use water carelessly, like the use of it in agriculture it will certainly be depleted and
it will take thousand of years to have water saved again.

Environmental Integrity- Maintaining the environment's integrity while

accommodating human activity is referred to as environmental integrity. Human
activities are planned carefully and managed in a way that reduces their negative
impact on ecosystems
Economic efficiency- the wise use of resources.
Equity- demands that we should use natural resources so that the next generation can
still use it.
Prudence- the ability where you discipline your action.
Frugality- the trait of being resourceful in one's use of resource.

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