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will admit that posters and similar devices are very

especially in England, to revive the use of the apparelled alb.

year. The average yearly amount thus expended is from

so prolific a writer should have attained the perfection of

Peru; Barbacoan, Colombia; Betoyan, Bogota; Canichanan,

valleys, now so rich and productive, wore a very different

ranging from the Carboniferous to the Rhaetic, rests on an

Pope Alexander's line as finally fixed by the conference at

of parochial churches those who had contributed to their

per pound of cell at a 20-ampere rate, and 13.5 watt-hours

the case falls within the extradition acts or the Aliens Act

ABDALLATIF, or ABD-UL-LATIF (1162-1231), a celebrated

and the Cordilleras in South America, when analysed, reveal

of these missions, in the winter before the Restoration, he

success, and advised him to conclude peace on almost any

Divines, by J. Angus and T. Smith (3 vols. 8vo, 1862).

(2) of an historic epoch or generation; (3) of any period

the Gospels, e.g. Acts xx. 35; 1 Tim. v. 18; 1 Cor. vii.

not without value even now. Other literature and references to

idealized sheikh (with one important exception, Gen. xiv.,

of All Saints has now been abandoned. The latter is possibly

consent. Omar, on hearing the request of his general, is

Josephus and the rabbis; and the narrative of Acts xii. gives

currents. The instrument can be provided with a curve or table

year, 896 (897), they abandoned the struggle. Some retired to

bishop. Their function was generally to represent the abbot

Lesbiacorum Liber (1826); Flach, Geschichte der griechischen

treason, but he was acquitted as the result of a powerful

have under his orders a large part of the imperial legions.

formulae are given in Czapski-Eppenstein, Grundzuge der

the fact that the whole of the hydrochloric acid is mixed

tea or manufacturer or dyer thereof, or pretending so to

Inadequate theories of subject.

he was great in adventure, manly spirit and the atmosphere of

punishment for supplying the Titans with water in their contest

for several years, was written by Francisco Alvarez, the

those found formerly in Wheal Haniblyn, near Bridestowe in


with the view of encouraging and promoting the fine arts.

whose substitute he had been for some time before. From this

499). A later story gives a more definite account of the offence

eventually as director of the university botanical garden.

aluminium chloride has rendered possible more reactions

result of the second Ashanti campaign, a British protectorate

to grow rapidly, and soon outstrip the hairs of the autumn

nearly 37 years was full of difficulties (see ROMAN EMPIRE,

d'un bon jeune homme a sa cousine Madeleine (1861 and

alignment; (4) confluent lower lands between the highlands,


despatched, which traversed the country and punished them.

substituted pomp for grandeur, school routine for individual

in 1736 as Thesaurus linguae Latinae compendiarius. It was

AMIANTHUS, a corruption of amiantus (Gr. amiautos, undefiled),

alum is obtained in solution, and this is crystallized out

Phoenician, though it would be premature to say that the

crustacean, more rarely a small fish. The body is divisible

ft.), Maranay near Scutari, and the Bastrik range to the

immoral life, and indujging in the chase, dancing, stage

during several successive seasons may and does increase the

1907); Dr Abbott in Proceedings, United States National Museum

and full majority at twenty-five. The nubile age is twenty

the partition of the continent was followed by many projects

known by merely dropping over the side of the car a small piece

soil and climate. Plough the fallow in early spring, and

foundation is difficult. The invasion or immigration of

To European eyes the native city, with its motley throng of

sense in which the term is used, and the four included areas

which, leaving Paris at eleven o'clock on the 21st of November,

Many reactions serve to distinguish these three types of

Yako Shilluk

upon the Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches

relinquish the ambition of connecting her sphere of influence

word Alps as referring to the great mountain-chain of central

H. C. Oersted heated its chloride with potassium amalgam,

Col de Pourriac (Tinee Valley to Argentera), foot path. . . . . . . . .8,222

If a constant of reproduction, for instance the focal length,

in the second period of his life. With these works, which

inserted. The explosion of the charge drove the plug

escape. For two years his brother and he lived as fugitives in

the university of Granada, studied law and theology privately,

the skin around the immediate neighbourhood of the eyes. It

Into that silent sea.''

1900 146.6 49.3

alphabet. It is noticeable that the changes thus established

thick nodular beds or ``floors,'' in spheroidal masses known

(1904); H. G. Lyons, ``On the Relations between Variations of

AUTHORITIES.--Stubbs' Constitutional History and

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