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profession, to analyse a wide range of substances.

Apart from

ships of the reserve, from which they return to the sea-going

affording a striking example. In the African portion Ruwenzori

was coterminous with the French Congo colony. But to the east

During those four years he produced a few political

Massachusetts, on the 16th of April 1850. He graduated at

removed from Thebes, and the authority of Ammon began to

described in separate articles. Other towns, important as

Cange, Glossarium med. et inf. Lat. (ed. 1883); J. Craigie

(vol. iii., Oxford, 1877); Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman

pamphlet, The Trial and Conviction of Count Tariff.

revolutionary councils; and, contrary to the opinion of Otis

either was rightly attributed to Aristotle. They held that

discovery because it appeared to clash with the book of

the range of his observations. The citizens showed their

is displayed; thus, the Local Government Board report of the

of the cathedral, was added during the latter half of the

factories. The warranty provisions, which, as before stated,

himself a capable ruler. On his death in 1900 the regency

designed like Titans and finished like jewellers. In regard

sides on the prehistotic period of Greece. It was recognized

where such statute is that of a foreign country (Rundell

ALVEARY (from the Lat. alvearium), a beehive; used, like

joints of the so-called leaves; in Chondria they arise

streams. Nor is this all; the lakes that fill several of the

represent the Blemmyes of classic geographers, and their location

year a committee (Landesausschuss) of the whole territory

American Philosophical Society is national in scope and is

Fred. A. Eaton, Sec. R.A., ``The Royal Academy in the

by E. A. Sedillot; other manuscripts are preserved in the

Dx'=x'-x'0 and De'=e'-e'0, then Dx' and

English. In general it may be said that the chief changes

Meanwhile the co-operation of the French became active. In

the eponym of the Hebrews. Terah is said to have come from

be classed with other Phanerogams, so must the forms in

gas for inflating balloons seem to have been carried on at

comes a belt of fertile plateaus bounded on the east by the

famous as the ``Nassau Balloon'' (fig. 6). Charles Green

higher regions of Abyssinia; rice in Madagascar. Wine is

modern example of the distinction is that made in maritime

method of applying it--when modified in composition--to the human

distinct tribal groups, each preserving the traditional customs,

for his son Rudolph on the death of King Wenceslaus III. He

Central Africa (Edinburgh, 1821 ); Idem, Geographical Survey

Abelians being particularly studied. In 1826 he moved to

corresponding pyroxenes; and, in their optical characters,

Chromulina is uniciliate, and is contained in a hyaline

Pau, which is a more voluminous river than the Adour itself,

in readiness in all material and personal respects for hostile

without, the fire-gases passing first over the arch and

ALLACCI, LEONE [LEO ALLATIUS] (1586-1669), Greek scholar

is of much less importance as a waterway than as a means

and the veratrum alkaloids: veratrine, cevadine, &c.

be from the Micmac algoomaking--``at the place of spearing

Rio das Mortes, it has twenty smaller branches, offering

by the reduction of acrolein; or by heating glycerin with oxalic

rights of an elector. A feud with Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony,

sometimes called, and sometimes (ironically) abbes de sainte

sultan, a scheme of reforms to be introduced into Morocco

1899 67,261 74,532 166,140 7,566 4431

Book Society, the Long-horned Cattle Society, the Red Polled

race. The Albanians in Greece, whose settlements extend over

55'' Perhaps independently of Aryabhatta (born at Pataliputra

interbedded with unfossiliferous sandstones and shales. Of

bust of a man, and terminate in the body and tail of a serpent.

canal. The principal crops are millets, pulses, barley,

adulteration. It was clearly made originally for fraudulent

man. Older than his companions, and plain while they were of

the penance was completed; and there is no record of the use

material for an intelligent comprehension of American Indian

contractile ventral branchial vessel along the bars into a

for in that case those radiations which they do not emit are

of 1689 between the emperor, Holland, England, Spain and

derived, they maintain, from an analysis of tendencies that

the title The Vegetable Alkaloids (New Vork, 1904); and by

characteristics, has never been in doubt, since its remains

the case of the white sweetpea crossed with a blue-flowered

It is a colourless liquid of specific gravity 0.8248 (0 deg. C.),

the United States but throughout the world. A few of these

till he was summoned to the East to face the new power of the

and decreasing with the lowering of the temperature, until

This terrace or plateau, which measures about 2430 ft. in

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