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Mirroring the Call and Dine Ordering System Concept of Kuya J to Lomi Houses in

Tanauan City

A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
Tourism and Hospitality Management
STI College Tanauan

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Kristine Jhoy O. Maranan

Samuel S. De Villa
Drex Luis Macayanan

This research proposal entitled: Measuring the effectiveness of customer self service in a food
establishments in Tanauan City, Batangas prepared and submitted by: Kristine Jhoy O. Maranan;
Samuel S. De Villa, Drex Luis Macayanan in partial fulfilment of the Bachelor of Science degree
requirements in Hospitality Management has been examined and is recommended for acceptance
and approval.

Mara N. Robles
Research Adviser

Princess Diane Cuasay

Research Coordinator

Fernan Panganiban
Program Head

Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Table of Contents iii
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Background of the Study
Research Questions
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations
CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature
Chapter III: Conceptual Framework/ Theoretical Framework
Chapter IV: Research Methodology

The foodservice industry today is one of the highly competitive industries that it
continues to rapidly evolve and become widely evident all over the world especially in terms of
competition in marketing. To grow sales in this competitive business, food establishments must
be able to adapt to continually evolving trends. Restaurateurs now focus on more than just a food
on the plate and seek competitive advantage through reaching younger patrons on social media
as their main market. (Lofstock and Oddesser-Torpey, 2016).
In today’s age of fast food and take out, many restaurants have chosen to focus on quick
preparation and speedy delivery of orders rather than offering a rich dining experience. Self-
service or self-ordering in restaurant industry refers to the restaurant taking orders from
customers through applying various types of technologies such as internet and many others. Self-
service or self-ordering is successful when it is applied at restaurants in many other countries.
Usually, the customer prefers self-service because of speed and convenience in making order and
transaction while minimize the miscommunication. The atmosphere of a restaurant is a vital part
of the awareness by the public and is shaped by a diversity of influences. Included in these
influences is the process of being served. At fast food restaurants you may receive food through
the drive-through window, or by ordering at the counter. Many casual restaurants seat you at a
table, after which a wait staff takes your order, and guarantees that you have full drinks and
condiments. In a fine dining establishment, customers must often make reservations to ensure
that the restaurant will be able to accommodate them.
In terms of dining experience, unlike during the earlier years, dining out is not considered
a special occasion anymore but rather one of the trends today; it is increasing and has now
become a routine. However, consumers seek for restaurants that are worthy of their money and
this is considered a critical attribute with good service for the best possible price. Moreover,
despite of the changes in prices when dining out, diners still give more focus on the value. This
includes price, quality, standards, experience, flexibility and the customer care and service which
involves delivery with consistency, quality and creativity (Melia, 2011).
Kuya J Restaurant, formerly known as "Ang Kan-anan ni Kuya J," has started as a
modest family business in Cebu, which quickly blossomed to become the Cebuano favorite
restaurant, and now they are finally taking over Metro Manila. The new call-and-dine ordering
concept of Kuya J can easily attract customers. The customers can order easily; call and reserve
their order, and serve right away when you arrive at Kuya J Restaurant. It can reduce the waiting
time for the customers to get their food.
The researchers would like to know if the Call and Dine Concept of Kuya J restaurant can
be mirrored to the Lomi Houses in Tanauan City. This research will help the Lomi Houses in
Tanauan City to innovate its ordering system and improve the service time. This will also help
restaurant owners improve their businesses through the study’s insights especially on quality
service and marketing strategies. Nonetheless, future and current restaurant owners may identify
the important things to consider in putting up a restaurant business and how to be able to gain
more profits out of it.


Bruwer, Cohen and Kelley (2019) in their article focus on the need for the restaurants to
take the help of different kinds of engagement activities which in turn would enable them to
enhance the satisfaction of the diners. This important since it will loyalty of the customers
greatly depends on the kind or the nature which are being offered by the restaurants and also the
level of satisfaction of the diners with these services.
The Filipino foodservice profit sector generated a total revenue of PHP451.1 billion ($9.2
billion) in 2021, registering a negative CAGR of 9.2% from PHP729 billion ($15.4 billion) in
2016. The decline was primarily due to the reduced number of transactions during 2016-21,
which declined at a negative CAGR of 8.7%. QSR was the largest channel, accounting for 56.1%
of the overall sector’s value in 2021. The channel remained popular among consumers due to its
convenience, value for money, and safe delivery services. QSR operators adopted new strategies
and offered a wide range of food options with convenient deliveries, take-aways, and drive-thru
services. FSR was the second-largest channel in the foodservice profit sector, with a share of
18.6% in 2021. Pub, club & bar was the third-largest channel in the Philippines’ profit sector in
2021. It was followed by workplace and mobile operator channels. (

Kuya J Restaurant first opened its doors in January 2013 at Escario, Cebu, and served
delicious, home-cooked Filipino dishes with a unique touch. The next two years saw the
restaurant transform from a small hometown favorite into a nationally recognized brand, thanks
to the strength of its core offerings and the familiar warmth of its service which is the call and
This is one of the lacking services of Lomi Houses in Tanauan City. Lomi Houses
provides the traditional services in which costumers will come, order at the counter, and wait for
their food to be serve. Most Lomi House are In-House Barangay Stall or in the Public Market
Stall. Usually waiting time will take time from 20-30 minutes depending to the number of orders

As per the data published by the United Nations, the average age of the population in the
Philippines in 2015 was 24.1 years, and in 2020, it was expected to be 25.2 years. The majority
of its population comprises millennials and they are known to be the biggest spenders. Due to
this, most foodservice players focus on attracting this consumer group in the country. Thus,
looking for other ways to provide food services such as call and dine-in could be a good potential
marketing strategy to the Lomi Houses. Additionally, 20% of the food budget of a middle-
income household would be spent on dining out, as per the study conducted by the Family
Income and Expenditures Survey (FIES) of the National Statistics Office in 2017-18. Therefore,
most chained restaurants have a casual dining format to better identify with middle-income
consumers which are the primarily costumers of Lomi Houses.
Filipino customers recognize food as somewhat to be savored and enjoyed and something
that fulfills their need for indulgence. In response, manufacturers in full-service restaurants have
established strategies to provide more indulgent menu, better dine-in services, and advance call
services. Therefore, this factor is driving the full-service restaurants in the country.


1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name (optional)
1.2 Age
1.3 Gender

2. 1. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of call and dine ordering system to the Lomi
Houses in Tanauan City Batangas in terms of:
a. Product
b. Place
c. Price
d. Promotion

2. 2. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of call and dine ordering system in Kuya J’s
Restaurant in terms of:
a. Product
b. Place
c. Price
d. Promotion

3. Is there a significant relationship between demographic profile and the call and dine ordering
concept of Kuya J Restaurant to Lomi Houses in Tanauan City, Batangas?
4. What action plan can be recommended to the Lomi House in Tanauan City to improve the
method of taking orders from the customers?

This study aimed to test the hypothesis in its null form. When analyzed by demographic profile,
there are no significant differences in the opinions of consumers at the Lomi Houses in Tanauan
City, Batangas about the call and dine ordering concept of Kuya J to Lomi Houses.


This study will measure the Call and Dine Ordering concept of Kuya J Restaurants to Lomi
Houses in Tanauan City, Batangas.
The researcher's findings and results of this study will benefit the following:

 The Lomi Houses, for they can innovate its ordering system and improve the service
time. With this type of marketing strategy, they can easily attract customers with good quality
service and gain more profit out of it. 
 The food establishments owners, for they may come up with brilliant ideas of applying
the call and dine ordering system of Kuya J restaurant to Lomi Houses in Tanauan City and
make changes to their establishments to successfully manage queries and also to minimize the
waiting time of the customers. Also, having a good relationship between the client and staff.  
 Community, For they also play a vital role in the business and as consumers. This
research would give them the idea that such an ordering concept exists, which helps them to
conserve time and energy when dining at a quick service restaurant.  
 Potential Customers, They are the consumers that have not yet experienced this
ordering concept. This study aims to give them insights and overviews of the outcomes and
would help them become aware of advantages of adopting call and dine ordering process to lomi
 The staffs, for they may be able to reduce their workload because by using the call and
dine ordering system, it will lessen the direct contact to costumers that has undecided orders
while waiting in line. 
 The Future Researchers, This study will serve as a reference for researchers on the
subject of research in the field of hospitality industry. This will serve as a guide to further
developing the research with the connection to the variables used. 
 Proponents of the Study, This refers to the students conducting the study. They will find
self-fulfillment and gain knowledge and skills in this study. This study will help and inspire more
researchers to be more innovative and creative in their future endeavors.  


This study aims to determine the Call and Dine ordering concept of Kuya J Restaurants to
Lomi Houses in Tanauan City, Batangas. This study aims to randomly choose 300 respondents
depending on their availability to answer our survey. The respondents should answer the survey
questionnaires if they are agree to the proposal of call and dine ordering concept of Kuya J
Restaurants to Lomi Houses in Tanauan City. The researchers believed that those customers who
have experience using Call and dine ordering system in all branches of Kuya J restaurants can
give accurate information on the given problem. In order to better understand how this ordering
system can be apply to the Lomi Houses in Tanauan City Batangas, researchers seek to gather all
relevant data. The data gathered to call and dine ordering system of Kuya J restaurant are limited.

History and Origin of Batangas Lomi

“Lomi” is just one of many noodle dishes called pancit (alternatively spelled, pansit) that

have become part of Filipino cuisine. The word pancit is likely of Hokkien origin and loosely
means “convenient food1.” The word “lomi,” meanwhile, sounds suspiciously close to the to the
Chinese noodle dish “lo mein,” a dish of “tossed or mixed noodles... and often includes
vegetables and some sort of protein such as chicken, beef, pork, seafood or tofu2.”
The closeness of the names apart, it has to be pointed out that the Chinese “lo mein” is, however,
a dry noodle dish. In contrast, the Filipino lomi, in whatever incarnation, has broth and is,
therefore, a sort of noodle soup. Among the more notable variants of the pancit lomi is that
which has become known as “Batangas lomi,” although this type of lomi was first introduced
and initially became increasingly popular in the City of Lipa. What notably sets the Batangas
“lomi” apart from other variants is the absence of vegetables.

This is probably because the original recipe for the “lomi” first created in Lipa included
“home-made noodles, meatballs, slices of pork, liver and quekiam 3 | 4,” but none of the
vegetables one finds in other versions of Filipino lomi. Even the copycats who started offering
“lomi” in their own restaurants stuck to the basic recipe, so it was without vegetables that this
noodle dish started to grow in popularity. The creation of the “lomi” is attributed to the
immigrant To Kim Eng, originally from southern China but who had settled and raised a family
in the city of Lipa. To Kim Eng loved playing mah-jong with friends and in the late 1960’s
began serving this new noodle dish he called the “lomi.” Word about the noodle dish started to
circulate by word of mouth so that before long, To Kim Eng started receiving orders not only for
“lomi” but also for other noodle dishes. In 1968, he and his wife Natalia decided to open the
restaurant Lipa Panciteria5. Up to the present day, the panciteria6 is considered by some as the
cathedral of the original “lomi.”

In the 1980’s, other panciterias offering lomi started building their own reputations for
excellent “lomi” — Three Kids’ and Mr. Wok’s come to mind, among others — and these
reputations grew merely by word-of-mouth. Because going to the “lomi haus7” would become as
much a social as well as a culinary event, demand for “lomi” continued to grow and remain
strong. “Lomi hauses” eventually became ubiquitous as they started sprouting in the garages of
houses, in nipa shacks or in open yards. In the city of Lipa, it came to the point that there was
always a “lomi haus” not far from one’s home. The tastier one’s “lomi” was, the quicker and
wider a “lomi haus’s” reputation spread, but naturally by word-of-mouth. A well-established
reputation drew customers not only from far and wide but also from diverse social classes.
In the present day, probably because of the stiff competition, innovators have begun topping
“lomi” with ingredients not found in the original version of lomi — anything from fried chicken
to pork rebusado or, perhaps, chicharon8. “Lomi” joints can be found not only in just about every
neighborhood in Lipa but also in other towns of Batangas as well — and even as far as Metro
Manila, where enterprising Batangueños make sure the beloved “Lomi” is never far away from
fellow Batangueños who have made their homes in the Big City.

-Batangas History May 06, 2022

Kuya J Restaurant is a lightning fast growing chain of Filipino restaurants. Kuya J

started in Cebu as “Ang Kan-anan ni Kuya J” and currently has 18 branches nationwide with
plans to open 50 by the end of 2015. This was my first time to visit Kuya J restaurant and the
interiors were really different from the usual Filipino restaurant. Clean and homey with relaxing
furniture makes you enjoy the food even more.

KATAKAM-TAKAM NA KUWENTO NI KUYA J Kuya J Restaurant, previously called

“Ang Kainanan ni KuyaJ,” began out as a humble eatery alongside the streets of Cebu. But its
undeniably scrumptious dishes paved the manner for mouthwatering phrases of advice to quick
unfold into each Cebuano's palate. With that, Kuya J right away have become one in all Cebu's
favored restaurants. Today, Kuya J keeps to meet each Filipino's urge for food with the aid of using
cooking up a hurricane of flavorful Filipino meals in each nook of the Philippines. MISSION NI
KUYA J Kuya J wishes his clients to experience at domestic and feature a heartwarming revel in
whenever they visit. That's why he makes certain that each dish is made with love, the team of
workers may be very welcoming, and their provider is continually heartfelt. Plus, the enjoyable and
snug atmosphere will continually be found in all outlets. Aside from that, Kuya J continually
places into paintings his robust values which include matapat, malasakit, maaasahan, mapagmahal
at maalalahanin. So that Kuya J will now no longer most effective be called the high-satisfactory
Kuya for everybody, however will even end up the eating vacation spot cherished with the aid of
using everybody. HANDA NI KUYA J As an informal eating place that gives scrumptious
Filipino meals, Kuya J continually prepares with sparkling and top-pleasant substances to make his
signature dishes pop out unique each unmarried time. This manner, everybody will continually get
pleasure from the affection at the start chew revel in. Just like in his Crispy Pata, Lumpia Presko,
Kare-Kare, Grilled Scallops, Crispy Catfish, and Mango Pandan
September 28, 2015 by Richard




The original marketing mix, or 4 P's, as originally proposed by marketer and
academic Jerome E. McCarthy, provides a framework for marketing decision-making.
Effectively summing up the 4 pillars of the business cycle, McCarthy's marketing mix has since
become one of the most enduring and widely accepted frameworks in business.

The essential base ingredients of the 4 P’s are: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. While this

combination doesn’t appear to be rocket science, a company’s ability or lack thereof to embrace

and implement the 4 P’s can make all the difference between thriving and failing as a business.

Each of the 4 P’s build upon and interact with one another, and are governed by both internal and

external factors within the business itself, and our ever-changing marketplace. The 4 P’s of

marketing primary purpose is to help us take into consideration potential roadblocks to

widespread product adaptation and ongoing success.

4 P's of marketing in simple and familiar terms:

 A PRODUCT is a service or good offered to meet consumer interest or demand. It could

come in the form of occupational therapy or a fidget spinner - choices are only limited to

the imagination, BUT, are highly dependent on marketplace curiosity or need.

 PRICE is the cost people pay for a product. This includes base costs (materials,

manufacturing, and shipping) plus expenses (rent, office supplies, healthcare, etc.). While

you should always look to the competition, a smart business will tap into what people

will actually pay for it. That's the only thing that counts. If you can't rise above your

bottom line and make your target profit, then it’s a losing proposition.
 PLACE is the “home” where the product resides, and that “home” can live in many

different channels, such as a physical store display, a newspaper, radio or TV ad, or a

website or blog spotlight. Really, a place is anywhere you can get your product in front of

your target customers that compliments your budget, including the price point.

 PROMOTION is product exposure and public relations efforts via advertising (through

the channels mentioned above) as well as word of mouth, direct mail, email marketing

and social media. Promotion is a communication tool that encapsulates the first 3 P’s by

putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time, with the

goal of it being irresistible to customers.


This chapter has demonstrated the relative merits of call and dine ordering process in order to

frame the overall research question, “What action plan can be recommended to the Lomi House

in Tanauan City to improve the method of taking orders from the customers?” The advantages of

mirroring call and dine ordering process to lomi houses are discussed with reference and are

drawn on to frame an investigation of the possible outcomes of mirroring Kuya J's ordering

process to customer satisfaction.

Location of Customers


Call and Dine Ordering

Lomi Houses
(Independent variable) (Dependent variable)

Speed of Service


(Mediator Variable)
Number of Service
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Location of customers (Moderator) Speed of Service

Popularization/Promotion (Mediator Variable) Call and dine ordering process (Independent

variable) Lomi Houses (Dependent Variable) Number of Service Staff (Control) Figure 1

presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of fifive5) variables, call and dine

ordering process as an independent variable, lomi houses as the dependent variable, number of

orders and location of customers as moderator variables, speed of service and

popularization/promotion as mediator variables, and number of service staff as a control variable.

In figure 1, the researchers presumed that call and dine ordering process will have great impact

on service of lomi houses. Kuya J’ restaurant besides their menu of favorite Filipino food, that

has affordable prices and great taste, also provides excellent service. They cater to families and

groups, offering them a casual dining experience. This research have shown the advantage of

adapting same excellent service of Kuya J’s restaurant to lomi houses in Tanauan City, Batangas.

Next variable, lomi houses as the dependent variable. One of the trademarks of Batangas

province used by the locals to make money is the lomi, a Chinese-inspired noodle (Polistico

2016). There were a number of lomi houses built, especially close to the main roads and

highways. To Kim Eng, a Chinese immigrant to Lipa who is credited with introducing the locals

to lomi (Tayag and Quioc 2012), first introduced it to the city before it underwent gradual

development over time. One of the concept of advantages of call and dine ordering process to

lomi houses is the speed of service.

The concept of Speed of Service (SOS) is not foreign to most business owners. It’s a

critical aspect of their operation. In fast casual restaurant, owners may be interested in how

quickly a particular item is prepared and delivered to the customer. It is important to emphasize

that the process of delivering a service is as important to the customer as the actual service. The

faster the service speed the more satisfied the customer and the slower the service speed, the

more dissatisfied and discouraged the customer may likely be. However, Perez, et. al (2019)
determined that people in dining operations claimed that the availability of tables and chairs is a

big factor on a fast casual restaurants, like lomi houses. Customer batches, upon experiencing a

long wait, tends to move to less busy fast food chains. Since the world is fast becoming a global

village, the necessary tool for this process is communication of which telecommunication is a

key player. A major breakthrough is the wireless telephone system which comes in either fixed

wireless telephone lines or the Global System of Mobile communication (GSM). The main

advantage of this system is that it greatly simplifies the ordering process for both the customer

and the restaurant. This allows the restaurant employees to quickly go through the orders as they

are placed and produce the necessary items with minimal delay and confusion.

The greatest advantage of this system is its flexibility (Design and Implementation of

Online Food Ordering System (A case study of Krispy Fast Food, AWKA), 2022). The other

mediator variable is promotion. For restaurants to draw in customers, promotion is required.

Once they are out there in the open, promotions serve the objective of demonstrating to current

and potential customers how your franchise is different from those of your competitors. 83% of

people believe recommendations from friends and family for products and services, according to

Nielsen. One individual recommending a service, item, or product to another is known as word-

of-mouth advertising. Since it is free advertising, it benefits your financial situation. Provide

outstanding customer service that encourages positive brand remarks to capitalize on it. How

well a restaurant performs is also a function of how the customers perceive its employee

efficiency in taking and delivering food orders within the fastest possible time. When a

restaurant is high and good enough, it reduces customer waiting time and increases customer

satisfaction which will ultimately lead to repeat patronage and positive word of mouth for the


The research suggests that replicating the call-and-dine ordering process on lomi houses

in Tanauan City, Batangas, could give them a significant competitive advantage over their

competitors. Another variable is moderator variable. Call and dine ordering process is beneficial

for those customers who are travelling long distance, especially tourists, before arriving to their
chosen lomi house. Instead of waiting for ages before making an order, customers can now order

comfortably from their phone outside of the restaurant, as easy as that. Also, the customer base

becomes limitless; but in practice this ideally only works if you try to imprint your restaurant’s

image on the minds of the general public. Additionally, the staff save time on processing orders.

Then, staff save time on taking payments, as customers prepay for all orders before they take a

seat (Mjaaland, 2021). As for the control variable, it is a variable that is not of interest to the

study’s aims, but is controlled because it could influence the outcomes


This Chapter explain the Research Methodology for research design, respondents of the study,
sampling design, research instrument, data gathering procedures and data analysis.   
Research Design  
          This study focused on adapting call and dine ordering system of Kuya J's restaurant to
lomi houses. In order to develop an action plan the respondents addressed how the adaptation of
call and dine ordering system reflects a drastically speed-up ordering process. that will contribute
to greater consumer service satisfactory. For this study the researcher utilized the Descriptive
method of research. The purpose of descriptive studies is to describe individuals, events or
conditions by studying them as they are in nature. Descriptive research look at the characteristics
of a population and identify problems that exist within an organization or a population. It can be
purely descriptive or they can be descriptive comparative. 
          Trends overtime can be explored using longitudinal data collection methods, whereas
cross-sectional data collection methods provide an opportunity to describe and compare naturally
occurring groups, such as gender, education or age groups. Descriptive studies used observation
or survey data. We the researcher will use survey methods and use questionnaires to elicit
information from subjects. The advantages of survey methods for data collection are it can be
relatively inexpensive and easy to do. However the reliability of the items within the survey and
the respondents willingness to answer questions honestly are potential threats to internal and
external validity and are a major study design limitation. 
Respondents of the study 
          The respondents of this study were both male and female customers of Lomi houses, aged
18 to 60 years old with monthly income starting from Php5,000.00 to Php30,000.00. The
respondents should be  regular customers of lomi houses and not familiar with call and dine
ordering system to test the success of the desired outcomes. They served as a primary source of
data for answering the sets of questions indicated in the survey questionnaire. 
Sampling Design  
        This study used a Random Sampling Technique since the data needed in the study were
accessible and convenient for the researcher considering the availability of a costumers. Random
Sampling is one of the simplest forms of collecting data form the total population. Under
Random Sampling, each member of the subset carries an equal opportunity of being chosen as a
part of the sapling process. 
The respondents were selected just because they are easiest to recruit for the study. It would
be ideal to test the entire population, but in most cases, the population is just too large that it is
impossible to include every individual. This why most researchers rely on sampling technique
like random sampling it is the most basic among all the sampling method. 
Research Instruments 
        Since the researchers already constructed assumption in order to elicit the information
needed in this study, the researchers used survey questionnaire as research instrument to gather
information and data. The survey questionnaire is the most suitable method of gathering
information without being biased.  
        The questionnaires that we provide are based on the statement of the problem (SOP) that
supports the main goal of the research which is to examine the efficacy of call and dine ordering
system to lomi houses. For the respondents, which is the customers that frequently dine at lomi
houses, there were a total of ten (10) items subjected to respondents based on their stand on
adapting call and dine ordering system of Kuya J's restaurant to lomi houses. The researchers
believed that the results, from the survey will substantiate all of the prior findings and gathered
data of the research. 
Data Gathering Procedures 
          After the topic was approved, the researchers made the decision to begin their study. They
started looking for the materials needed for the topic's exploration. The researchers reviewed
books, articles from other researchers, and journals in order to be able to create the questionnaire.
They began to create the questionnaire after gathering the necessary data. Then came
confirmation. The questionnaires were personally administered and collected by the researchers.
The appropriate statistical handling was applied to the score tabulation and the outcomes. 
Statistical Treatment of Data 
       In order to gauge how respondents felt about adapting call and dine ordering system of Kuya
J's restaurant to lomi houses in terms of ordering speed, convenience, efficiency, time-
consuming, and customer satisfaction. The researchers determine the consumers ordering
preference in lomi houses. A type of average utilized by the researchers is the weighted mean.
Some data points carry more weight than others when calculating the final mean, as opposed to
all data points contributing equally.  

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