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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Civil Engineering Regular (1)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 1568 DIPENDRA RANJAN YADAV Male Dhanusha 167 1 2 Shifted from 2

Civil Engineering Full Fee (2)

Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 6284 PRATYUSH ADHIKARI Male Dhading 332 7 12 2 8 Shifted from 8
2. 2687 AKASH PANT Male Kanchanpur 334 1 2 New
3. 2044 ANMOL KARKI Male Kaski 339 1 2 New
4. 448 AASHISH POUDEL Male Sindhuli 343 1 2 New
5. 1170 DIKSHIT REGMI Male Kathmandu 354 1 2 New

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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Architecture Regular (3)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 2622 RITEEKA ADHIKARI Female Rupandehi 862 3 4 Shifted from 4

Architecture Full Fee (4)

Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 2428 UJJWAL NIRAULA Male Lalitpur 1084 4 New
2. 1573 SUBARNA ARYAL Male Gulmi 1096 3 4 New
3. 7678 BHUPESH JAISHI Male Kanchanpur 1119 6 4 New
4. 668 SMRITI PANDIT Female Tanahun 1136 3 4 New
5. 2381 AAYUSHA BAJRACHARYA Female Lalitpur 1157 4 New
6. 3234 SHRADHA KAPALI Female Kathmandu 1162 4 8 New

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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Electrical Engineering Regular (5)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 1932 SUNIL KUMAR RANA Male Tanahun 442 5 7 6 8 11 Shifted from 6
2. 1539 BIKRAM BABU BASNET Male Solukhumbu 444 5 6 Shifted from 6
3. 3205 SACHIN KHATRI Male Myagdi 450 2 5 New
4. 94 ATIT LAWATI Male Jhapa 468 2 5 6 Shifted from 6
5. 5538 ABASAR PAUDYAL Male Palpa 484 8 5 9 New
6. 4256 ADITI SUBEDI Female Ilam 667 1 2 5 6 7 8 Shifted from 6 Female Quota(FmQ)
7. 7836 MANISH CHAUDHARY Male Bara 5923 1 3 5 9 Shifted from 9 Tharu(RsQ)

Electrical Engineering Full Fee (6)

Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 1609 ANISH DAHAL Male Morang 978 6 New
2. 841 BINOD KUMAR SAH Male Saptari 982 5 6 New
3. 1176 GHANSHYAM BHANDARI Male Gulmi 985 6 New
4. 1593 GAURAB GHIMIRE Male Makwanpur 988 2 6 8 New
5. 3092 AASHUTOSH PANDEY Male Mahottari 990 6 New
6. 3600 ALOK KUMAR SAH Male Sarlahi 1001 2 3 4 6 New
7. 1339 BIKASH CHAUDHARY Male Mahottari 1006 2 6 New
8. 1700 ALISH THAPA Male Makwanpur 1007 6 28 Shifted from 28
9. 778 KSHITIZ PARAJULI Male Syangja 1008 6 New
10. 128 ARJAN SINGH KHATRI Male Kathmandu 1025 12 6 New
11. 1634 PRAJWAL DEVKOTA Male Chitawan 1032 6 5 New
12. 116 KAMAL PAUDEL Male Parbat 1037 6 New
13. 4551 SANGAM RANABHAT Male Kaski 1039 5 6 New

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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Electrical Engineering Full Fee (6)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
14. 4608 NABINA DHAMI Female Darchula 1048 12 5 6 27 7 8 New
15. 2401 ABHISHEK KAMATI Male Siraha 1061 6 2 12 New
16. 2325 ADITYA KRISHNA Male Mahottari 1071 6 2 12 New
17. 5699 KRISHANA KUMAR YADAV Male Saptari 1077 6 New
18. 3001 SMARIKA BHATTARAI Female Kathmandu 1267 8 6 3 4 New Female Quota(FmQ)
19. 2611 ELINA KATTEL Female Ilam 1297 4 2 6 10 New Female Quota(FmQ)

Electronics, Communication and Information Engineering Regular (7)

Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 4403 BIPLOB GIRI Male Kaski 171 7 1 8 2 Shifted from 8
2. 2592 NANDANI SAH Female Dhanusha 6066 11 7 5 New Female(RsQ)

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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Electronics, Communication and Information Engineering Full Fee (8)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 625 MANISH ADHIKARI Male Sarlahi 445 12 7 8 New
2. 1304 BISHAL BABU BHATTARAI Male Udayapur 455 12 7 8 5 New
3. 268 PRAJWAL NEUPANE Male Chitawan 463 8 New

Mechanical Engineering Regular (9)

Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 1402 NAVNEET SHRIWASTAV Male Parsa 286 9 New
2. 2131 SHRISTI PAUDYAL Female Chitawan 2165 9 10 2 New Female Quota(FmQ)

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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Mechanical Engineering Full Fee (10)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 2072 BASANTA POKHAREL Male Rupandehi 731 12 10 New
2. 4000 ABHISEKH BHANDARI Male Rupandehi 740 9 10 New
3. 121 SUMAN CHHETRI Male Kathmandu 769 2 10 New
4. 1712 AJAY NEPAL Male Morang 776 10 27 8 New
5. 5091 BASANTA JOSHI Male Bajhang 788 27 10 New
6. 8005 RAJIB MANDAL Male Dhanusha 806 10 8 New
7. 3156 EEZA BHATTARAI Female Morang 1508 2 10 4 6 New Female Quota(FmQ)

Computer Engineering Regular (11)

Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 932 SAGAR ADHIKARI Male Kaski 68 11 7 Shifted from 7

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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Aerospace Engineering Regular (27)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 91 KIMAN ADHIKARI Male Kathmandu 558 7 1 27 New

Aerospace Engineering Full Fee (28)

Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 8255 ADITYA PANT Male Lamjung 1753 28 30 Shifted from 30
2. 6290 SAKSHAM KUMAR YADAV Male Morang 1775 28 New
3. 4684 RITESH JOSHI Male Kanchanpur 1794 28 New
4. 824 GAURAV KUMAR YADAV Male Mahottari 1837 28 New
5. 8261 SUMIT KHATRI Male Bhaktapur 1843 27 28 New
6. 2201 ANURANJAN NEPAL Male Sunsari 1865 28 New
7. 1345 JIVAN KUMAR MAHATO Male Siraha 1877 28 New
8. 5357 YUBRAJ DANGI Male Bardiya 1901 28 New
9. 8994 MANJIL GAUTAM Male Baglung 1922 28 New
10. 1957 ARUN PANTA Male Tanahun 1929 6 28 New
11. 9151 RANJIT TIMSINA Male Makwanpur 1936 28 New
12. 3946 BIMAL CHANDRA THAKUR Male Dhanusha 1943 27 28 10 New
13. 43 YUJAN RAJBHANDARI Male Bhaktapur 1945 27 28 New
14. 4742 SALINA CHAUDHARI Female Dang 1973 4 27 28 New Female Quota(FmQ)
15. 264 YASHASWI SHRESTHA Female Kathmandu 2107 3 4 27 28 29 30 Shifted from 30 Female Quota(FmQ)

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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Chemical Engineering Regular (29)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 375 MUKESH DEUBA Male Kanchanpur 1334 29 New
2. 1422 DIPESH AMGAIN Male Gorkha 1464 2 29 New
3. 3690 RAJ CHAPAGAIN Male Jhapa 1502 29 10 New
4. 8083 BISHAL KHANAL Male Palpa 1583 29 30 Shifted from 30
5. 741 SAMIR BIDARI Male Makwanpur 1634 6 29 New

Chemical Engineering Full Fee (30)

Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1. 4542 RAM KUMAR KAPADI Male Dhanusha 3286 30 New
2. 3578 KRITISHMA PRADHAN Female Kathmandu 3300 12 30 New
3. 4435 BISHAL KUMAR SAH Male Dhanusha 3313 30 New
4. 7304 SHREE KRISHNA SHILWAL Male Tanahun 3314 28 27 30 New
5. 3726 YOGESH GYAWALI Male Bardiya 3383 10 30 4 New
6. 520 PRASHIDDHA REGMI Male Bardiya 3412 30 New
7. 8076 SAMIKSHYA DHAKAL Female Morang 3654 30 New
8. 3025 ANISH TIWARI Male Parsa 3697 29 30 New
9. 2523 MELISHA ACHARYA Female Siraha 3703 30 New
10. 4309 SADIKSHYA PANDEY Female Nawalparasi 3805 29 30 New
11. 2717 SAURAV KHADKA Male Lalitpur 3844 30 28 New
12. 6385 ANKITA BHATTARAI Female Morang 3884 6 30 New
13. 3524 KOMAL RANI JAISWAL Female Bara 3942 29 30 6 New
14. 6910 RAMANI PRADHAN Female Kathmandu 3981 4 30 New
15. 1809 DIKSHITA GYAWALI Female Arghakhanchi 3986 28 29 30 New

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Pulchowk Campus
BE/BArch Second Admission List 2078
Chemical Engineering Full Fee (30)
Applicant Detail Priority Detail
SN Remark
Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
16. 5507 RABITA KUMARI Female Mahottari 4000 12 30 New
17. 4126 JUNU CHAUDHARY Female Kailali 4010 30 New
18. 9980 KUSUM GURUNG Female Kaski 4027 30 New
19. 10408 SUDIP NEPALI Male Pyuthan 4080 30 New
20. 5016 SUMIRA KHATIWODA Female Sunsari 4136 28 30 New

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