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AGUSTIN, Reign Ebony Anne P.

Develop a short essay giving focus on the utilization of Scott Rae’s 7-step model. Ensure that you will use
an actual ethical dilemma in your essay to make it grounded on reality.

According to Scott Rae's seven-step approach, you should gather the facts, identify any societal
difficulties, decide which virtues or principles apply in this situation, list potential solutions, evaluate
each one in light of the alternatives, consider the consequences, and then make a choice. This concept is
essential for decision-making because it teaches us how to make choices without compromising our
principles. As humans, we are bound to commit errors, and we act on our emotions. That so, we must
take into account this 7-step paradigm as it offers a crystal-clear understanding of how we might
exacerbate a problem by acting ethically responsibly.

Additionally, it is advantageous to understand ethical reasoning. Ethical thinking aids in recognizing

and differentiating between incorrect, hurtful, or detrimental to others and oneself ideas, decisions, and
behaviors and those that are morally right. Facts, values, beliefs, emotions, and sentiments are the basis
for and driving force behind ethics. Moral principles and moral standards serve as the foundation for
ethical action. For instance, since I regularly stand in for my pals, I require assistance upholding these
beliefs. I am the kind of friend every parent can rely on because they are sure I will never say or do
anything to endanger their child. When my pals decide to go outside, they sometimes use me as their

This approach will help me since it will enable me to assess my behavior and the effects of my
choices, allowing me to rethink tolerating what my friends are doing. Overall, applying this model is
essential because it makes us responsible for our decisions by outlining the steps we should take before
making a final choice.

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