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Name: ________________________________ B1 + Pathway Vocabulary Quiz Unit 5 /20

I. Which of the following suffixes suggest which typical word classes? Complete the following
table. Note that the suffix ~ate is used twice. (each suffix is worth 0.5 marks for a total of 5
marks) /5

~ment ~al ~ion ~ise/ize

~ly ~ate ~ous ~ify
~ence ~ate ~ness

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs


Suffixes often tell us about the word class they belong to and help us understand their meaning.
Complete the table with one word ending with the suffixes given. Two examples have been
given. (5 marks) /5

Suffixes Example Words

~al central

~ize/ise centralize/centralise

~ly ______________________________

~ify ______________________________

~ion ______________________________

~ate ______________________________

~ness ______________________________
Name: ________________________________ B1 + Pathway Vocabulary Quiz Unit 5 /20

III. Add one word form to the words 1 – 8 in column A. Then complete column B with the word
form given. There is an example below (0). Each answer is worth 0.5 marks for a total of 5
marks. /5


0. determination (__noun__) _________ _determine________ ___ (verb)

1. decide (___________________) ______________________________ (noun)

2. consistency (________________) ______________________________ (adjective)

3. demonstrative (______________) ______________________________ (verb)

4. economical (________________) ______________________________ (adverb)

5. qualify (___________________) ______________________________ (noun)

6. discussion (_________________) ______________________________ (verb)

7. resource (__________________) ______________________________ (adverb)

8. succeed (___________________) ______________________________ (adjective)

9. increase (___________________) ______________________________ (adverb)

10. acquire (___________________) ______________________________(noun)

Name: ________________________________ B1 + Pathway Vocabulary Quiz Unit 5 /20

IV. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word class of the word given in
parenthesis. An example has been given (0). (5 marks) /5

0. This study explores the effect of government ____involvement____in the economy, as

measured by the central government expenditures as a percent of Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) on the distribution of income. (INVOLVE)

1. It is precisely this sense of common purpose and public spirit crucial to the guidance of
institutions in a democracy that is ____________________ from our society today.

2. In this example, if both feature classes contained information about alpacas, there would
be no reason to have two separate feature classes. If the data was
___________________different between the two feature classes, the feature class names
should reflect that. (DISTINCTION)

3. A brief examination of the lawless ____________________ of leadership in many

troubled nations gives some clue as to how these countries have degenerated into its
present madness. (TRADITIONAL)

4. People’s relationships to all three of these aspects (systems of ownership, authority and
work) _____________________ one's social class. All three relationships are necessary
and no single one is sufficient for determining a relation to the process of production in

5. Multinational corporations continue to be the centre of debate regarding the benefits

versus harm created by their operations around the world. Balancing the interests of the
varied stakeholders is an important ____________________ of top managers.

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