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Varsh 5. adam 2010024 Batch: B al. @) Design for 5,00/,000 population £ avg. sewage flow 120 Ipc. cThe inlet Bop is 2140mg]L ord final Bop js 30mg/L .The suspended solids wese 220mg]L & become domglt in ofiuent. Suspended oslids in sST ave Bd0omglL, 2) Bars creen 2) Grit chamber 3) PST 4 Complete mix achvated sludge £ aeration tanle with oxygen oR requirement. 5) Trickling Fitter Q) SST Iz) Sludge digestor pau 5 2) Sludge drying bed Removal of B00 in PST is 20% i Design both suspended £ attached growth trealmert for practise. . I) Basscreen, Q= pxgx PF. TS 500000Xx 20kped x 2.25 Qz I I35x10* 4 oR Q = 135MiD To “-Q= 1385Mid=_ 135%X10 x10 24x60K60 iQ Y 4.563 m/sec. Gens FOR EDUCATIONAL USE — Net avea of opening velocity ie a) through opening; | vets "(assumed) etal = |-563 = 4.30 m> fo sing rectangular bows having 4em width f weptot a spacing of Sem; w. Gyoss- rea wequived= 1.30/54! \ SA = 4.56m> Assume bars ove wept of 66) r.singy = 4.86 a. AGA c = 2 AGA= 1-56 ee since? LZ A L AGA & 4.g0m> Pe “rThe total coarse-screen area is 1.20m* Assuming heigtt-to be 4.2m c width= Arsea Height | e428 | ce q zwidth = 4.54 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE SS HJotal width= (Cwo.oF bars-4) xwidth of Bay (No.of opening ¥ width ofopeniag) 2.5 = (C=)x 0-01) + (xxo-05) 1-Sto-of = 09-06% 2 = 5) ©-06 x2 25 "No.of openings = 25 “No.of bass = 25-4 =24 /. Providing screen j width= 4.5m Depth= 1.2m + (0.2m Ff free boord) = 1.4m with 24 bass having width of tem placed at a clear pacing of 5m. { Now; For Head —less Hy = 0:0729 (v=) svelocty tntough screen = 1.2m])s g velocity before screen= 1.2 / 6\ = 4nls \sH] The oogeg(be- 1D oh s 0:032m FOR EDUCATIONAL USE eee friso Accerding 40 CPAEO manual phe screen should be clean when = itis half-clogged. “When _cereen is half ~clogged iclocity through screen = V= |.2x2= 2. 4nic a - hu= 00733 (p87) I =0-0729 (2.40 FY a L= 0.35m a J Se, Seveen should be cleaned when head Joss yeaches 0.35m FOR EDUCATIONAL USE | Genta} ‘OR EDUCATIONAL USI y ae a Gxit Chamber; \ 4 Qs {563m Isec ie velocity f particles = (0.016— 0-02 1S) |frong-(Vs)= 0-016+0-02 = 6-018m/s 2. —y Hauing efficiency) Y= Th gn = \ - | He j-| ee C L ar| —Vye. ‘| O75 = 1 — | tt Ws)x 0-018%A [-563x ] ,| E a 70: 00K4A I °o b MW ry 0-84 = | |F0-00148 ~(IF0.00148) = 1 0-84 a [po00l4A = UO © -0014h = 0-19 A= B5-7207— Ke <. Now; | Volume = Qx O-T. ie | = 156 3x 40sec WT H4osec; assureq) ea eNotwmes 62-52 m2 Gas) == FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Ve LxWKA 62-525 (351) xh h= o-4Gm hes = Q Vi = 1-563 une ete o-4 Co-t5-0-4 rhs) “Acls= 3.390m ~ ~Aeis=heW= 3907 1B > 3.90 0-46 = 8-48m wl £.5m As= Lew 135.7) = Lxw Le 577 » 8-5 = 15.36m L 16m Provide a gxit chamber with length ; L= lem+ 207 Clem) L= 19.2m FOR EDUCATIONAL USE le Free-beard height AME 0-46 40.3 “WS 0-769 - 4 Yo-80m W=8-5™) elie checking For Scour) Let) ‘specihic gravi avticle = 2-6 =Ss ip geal ot P 7OMLD Providing 2 tanks, "Q= 125 = 67.5MiD 2 PST (Rechangulas) + Assuming Sor = gor /d/m SOR: Go=t0)ee [alm] Y SOR=Q +, fe AA = 67-5KID vor wld god] m — - A = J50om> 1 “DT = 2hes (assuming) + “Volume = Qx OT: - = (7-5 x mg)x ( avd ) 24 wee - ~Nolume = 5625m> 1] 2. Depth=_Velume D Aren = 5625” i 7sS0 mM | pep) = 7:5 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Saas) A= 750m Assuming; L:Q@=4:4 “. Le4qB AA =TIOE 1¥B JS° = 487 1 B= 1B-7oOm 2 4m LE 5480m 2 Bm Depin= ema tm Gludge) +0.5m (Free-board) --Oepth = 3m Iw LR check; .NWLR= Q a = €7.5xK0 wild 14m EWLR = 4821 14]m Providing 20 Laundets; so wels length increases 20 Himes; a 20X8 E 241.059 (4 |m. OK. as: WLR should be within (2-250)m/d|m. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Final Design; 2 PST Tones 5 Each having; Q= 67-5 mp Rectangular shape; with dimensions; = 55m Sy B= 14m He 3m with 20 Lounders each, having WLR = 241.05 rd). Se FOR EDUCATIONAL USE yf SST; Soo cEn this case tuo, we will design 2 tans; Q=1I35M0 = 675mLD Be ronsidering sug; les Miss = 2000-4000mg/1_ o: Q= 675x104 : F Selid Leading Applying (49/4)= €7-5x(0R X ZoooKmy yi ey en cmge : = 202500 “gl ' “Assuming £.L.R-= 210% 9 [mld [2e0-220f : == waren . “SLR= Amount of solids applied (ég/d) _ : Area(A) “A = 202500 Kad 2(0K9/me/d A= 96429m AY ges? i) Cansidenng SOR; Assuming; SoR= Sem! |4/m— [45-55] T4 fm “SOR= Q Gran A ~ FOR EDUCATIONAL USE =A= Q SOR = 67sye mde Bo mm? /d m7 2. = 4850m> The area obtained using A criteria ts gesm?d. hat usine eo cxitesta js 4850m> 9 A= 1d ¥ 1350> 1d - 2d 242m Now; jor d7(o.oud +0-75H) Qi, (3 \ day = (42)_(C-0lx2 + 0-784) 4) 67 Sxl day 2 (O-OUK24 PR O-TREK = 4.78 ee 2.4 = 5.5m 7 7 T * i WLR- check) : ro ‘ ) wie= Q Rage oars 7 ard =e 7 7x0 mild ee WK 42m) © Ginsaraia} Sete WLR SST ld [wf OSERES IP fA Fr :. Provide q exha~peri phera| weir osncenically; A WLR =AQ 2ttd 3 = 67-5K10 mild 2K TX B2 Cm) = 255.79 m]d]m LWLR S 256m3¥d]m yp av mldim ie y l Oe: 1 Final Design; 4 4 LPseviding 2 circular sss. with ; Diameter (d) = 42m — Depth= 5.50m + (im) (Sl4dge)+ 0-Sm (Free-board) 2 Depth= 7m , Gauss FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Achvaled Sludge Process, Qe (35c00m"l o| 2 RET BESOPHEC So 2fomg/L- Pe go.) “Y =0-65 Med = 0.05 rMcRy = lodoy.c ass = gooomg/L- Miss = 0 - £0 MLSS ferotor cfictency= 107% too contert in aiv= 22%. Spwh of alee 4-2649/m l sludge (vss) = ABoo0mg] cotomall | LSB3rp|sec_(/ \ | AT ssT Nor = 15000mg] LL Efficiency = (so-s\ KIoo ! Nase = [ 210-30) x (09 U aie 7 S571. Wf 0 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE yo ' Volume =° ) [= 4N= Y.6 Gos) yoc | 1+ Ced x@c) | | LN = 0-65¥ 35am / 4 x aongll x 0d BooomglL (1+ (0-05xt0)) | \ N= 350m? Ni) Waste Sludge Flow, CQw) 2:Qw = oN = 35l00m x 3000mg) L- lod x [So000mgll— £.Qw = 702 wld W) ver (8); G=V Ss = 35100? 13 50u0 en? 6 = 0.26day ORK | Gz 0-26%24 GE 6.24 hes . (4-2) FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Recirculation Ratio (x); & 4ed 7 zw \ / here Qx« ee _ ) (ata) x= (Gravy) +(aexey Axe QL XxX = 135000K%3000 15000-3000 <. Qe = 33750 w'/d 20 Oe Q : > = 32 7sorFld 135 ren? /d Tz 0% (6.25 -05) vi) Or ¥eguivements 7 02 (uglday) = Q(So-5) — j42QwyXy = FOR EDUCATIONAL USE 0-68 | | 2-02 (ugld) = 20782-é9vgld | ‘i hy) Aly vequivementy Or coment = 247. diffuser efficiency= 10% nspecfic welgitt fair = 4.2649 [me t J : LAY requrrement (m[doy) = o2-veq- Ve O2 conf. In aX Cp-wt- = 20782.69 9/4 OlOX 0-21 X [2649 (mF “Aix vequiemett= 785 44 x (0 ald juve 7 1 fin) a FE Ratio; | a - LF = @S0 leas VX FOR EDUCATIONAL USE = 13So00nt ¥ (210-80) «1S = (6 42x 702-% 5000) | => : = = 38808 wel x sors i. 2% gooomglL- P B5( 00m? x 7 : LF = 0.27dart 0.2-0- 4) day | : m Saas FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ij 3 sickling “Fi tes Given) Sewage Flow= \S5mLp Bop of Raw sewage = 240ml Fina} Bop in effluent = somg/L Assumphonsy | BoD veroval jn effluent= 30'% Re circulation Factor (RR)= 4-5 }) Fox efficiency; | So > 2lomgL-~ 0 (24s) = 14 7mglL- = 4oo 4 = Bomgl— 1 1B idency of TF = (So-S\xjo0 a Kise 7 4 = [147-20 eo | \ 147 | = 79-59 Y | )_W= Leading on Fitter (gldey) =| = Bop oad (mg/L) KR = = 147mglex wo ey KISSKIO L . [9845 ug|doy. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE, Fe pe free (assumed ) (it d-#)@)* = i+}5 Cit (i-0-8)[-5)* F148 Le Ge loo \+0-44 [Ww VF i 1959'= _ {ele [40-44 [\9845 Vvxh48 “N= 398 60m 2. Let us provide S-hickling Fite zNolume ofeach = 39860m? = 4982.5m fitter & Assume depth as 2m; Surface Area (OA)= 4982-5 = 249). 25m— 2 “rd = 249/25 4 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE _ Fesludge bigest j Clow Rate) —4velgsmio = B5000m"d . Assuming following data; Row SS. concentration = 220mg] (aiven) <5 yemoved “nin Fi ee ee on of 4 sludge > 40%9 enevated = 2630K9A a (eecess) 2 tN cs. cancenqration of activated sludge a SS. concen tre [excers activated sludge | ZN Me i mixed sludge = 707. Ez | vestruction of V-M- in digest" = 50%: i vos concerininy Al ested clud 2 > Sekgh a —_ th ... oo ay Rare [op EE TT ‘Yvelume of fresh sludge produced = Primary Sludge + Secondary Sludge Quantity of 4° (Primary) gludge =_23omg y 135000 mxX]ooo L yx 75 a a qo poe mg : “3 Qe = 23287.5ugld os lume of fr sludge = 23287-5hald 401g] m9 Val = 582.19 (4 Volume of secondary) ® clude = 2e30Ks | (049m V2 = 2630) “FJofal sludge (Mixed) = 4x: (S829 +263) mld a = &45.19m [dq otal Quantity (Mixed Sludge) = 23287.5hald + 2e20%5/d J 253919 Kgld. ~.Ganmiity of mixed sludge = 25918 wald (eg[nt) £45.19 m7/q = 30.67 gfe FOR EDUCATIONAL USE - a Volatile matter (v.m.) in sludge (nixed)= 0 7ox 25518 «9/4 © 1814349(4 a = ' L.Fixed matter (Fm) in sludge (mixed) = 0-20 25918 ld 2 7775 “9ld me AN (th 7 | | Digest | NU > Fm. + BOA VM. - Vim yemaining in digestor= 0. 50x 18142 gld = go7'-5ual4 . | s Quoardity of cud ge in digestr= go 715%ald +77 75Kg/d | = [6046.5 n9lq Volume of dtgested cludge= [esqe.5 Kald — 7% Goug lm? —— Coersity) [] = 336.33 mid. | Nowy : Volume = { Ve - 2.(ve-vd))\ Ta + (VAxTe) —— s | Ti: _vigestion Time =s0day¢ —_ Tei cferage Perisd = 60daye a Ve= 845-914 — Gresh sludge) oe Val = 336-93 > t — eee] EE BLL ligerted stuctge) sNolume = [245-19 — 2 (4 45.1g- 336-93) [xo + (336. 93x 60) ~~ E 3 J J Volume = 35406. 3m * Volume > }5000m Providing 2 digesters; e@ olume of each digerlor = 25406. _ |1g02.)u @o2m? = — L’. A\ssuming dept of Ems “fea = (802M 6m 2 Ayers 1967m> ¢ 3 ! ah = }(802m> =2502m +} dz2¥= 50.04m Considering; 0-9mi]uq of o.m. destroyed, Gas Productian =09m'ug> go7). 55/4 w.Gas Production = £164.35 m? of gas produced per ‘doy. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE, wi check, 4m? (sA:) = gor of Fas; iminium SAF digester shold be; = etal gas produced Ge? [ma = 9164.35m? JIm = s = 90715m = cblaine¢ Ovea= (967m> secheck, of, io Gaaaw) FOR EDUCATIONAL USE eee Sludge prying Bedy pe ‘500000 “Assuming; Digested Studge = S7gm{cld - Ss = (025 Salid_Loading= 100g /m%]yr- “fs = 7% 2. Jotod _vigested Sludge = 50000 0c x S75e[cld = 23500000 gm @ eR “Jota Digested Skid = 28500 Kgl oPrea required = 2esupegld 265 xd jooug [rf ys ys - fren required = log025m> 4 = -.Now } Wwe Know; > olure ef Sludge (Sa) = w } Yo ¥Ss.8 KPs = 28500K9/d }990 x ].025x 0-0 : Vole of Sludge CSe) = 397. 21neld + = FOR EDUCATIONAL USE 5 Assuming 7 L= 45m ¢ B=W=Em A= LXw 45X8 A_=

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