21st Century Lit L7 Promdi at MNL

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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

The Region in the Nation



In this lesson, you will be facing concepts that allow you to be able to understand how
ideas, values, and themes inform and impact the culture and society, both now and in the past.
You will also be introduced to be familiar with the representative literary text and cultural texts
within a significant number of historical, geographical, and cultural contexts. Specifically, the
short story included gives you an idea on how to live in other place alert and aware. Browse the
page and unravel the moral of it. Good luck!


In this lesson, you will do the following:

a. situate the text in the context of the region and the nation;

b. recognize how characterization and setting contribute to the education of the idea of the

region and the nation; and

c. respond critically to the short story and articulate this response through a presentation of

a narrative or opinion on people who left the region to seek a better life in the city.

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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

Try this! (10 points)

Supply your answers on the space below.

1. The third person narrator followed the consciousness of Juls in a very intimate manner.

a) Knowledge of Juls’s state of mind during the moment of the story

b) Knowledge of Juls’s motivation for her actions
c) Knowledge of Juls’s attitude towards the past
d) Knowledge of Juls’s way feelings about meeting Teray
e) Knowledge of Juls’s way of considering her hometown

A. Juls is passionate to keep earning money.

B. Juls believing that with money, justice will

C. Juls wanted a city life , thus she became quite
D. At first, she was hesitant meeting Teray but
after meeting Teray she realized how simple
the province life compared to her current
E. She feels sympathy for Teray, and realized
how eager she is for city life.

Think ahead! (10 Points)

In your own household, try to determine the history of movements among your family members.
Ask them the following questions and share your findings in class or via online class.

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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

1. Where did you come from and why did you (or your family) move to where you are

2. From what do you remember (or what you can gather) what were the difficulties of
coping with life away from your place of origin?

3. How did this (personal or family) movement affect your life?



Read and Ponder

The idea of the region is an important facet of our country archipelagic state. The region
defines the nation because it characterizes the diversity of the Philippines. In spite of negative
implication of “regionalism’’ in history, the concept of the region is a building block that helps
in expressing Filipino nationhood and identity. In terms of movement, regionality compels some
of our kababayans to move from one locality to another-usually, the city, giving rise to rapid
urbanization and the subsequent debasement of the locality. There is much debate over whether
governance in the country is too centralized, to the detriment of the regions where opportunities
and investment is short. Literature participates in making sense of this peculiar Filipino
experience by dramatizing how the nation-region dynamic is imagine and internalized. This
lesson underlines how the concept of the region figures in the discussion of the nation and
identity in the Philippine literature.

Note: Search Promdi @ Manila or refer to your textbook for reference of the lesson.

See if you can do this! (15 Points)

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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

Respond critically to the following questions to process the selection:

2. The third person narrator followed the consciousness of Juls in a very intimate manner.

f) Knowledge of Juls’s state of mind during the moment of the story

g) Knowledge of Juls’s motivation for her actions
h) Knowledge of Juls’s attiude towards the past
i) Knowledge of Juls’s way feelings about meeting Teray
j) Knowledge of Juls’s way of considering her hometown

3. It is mentioned in the text that ‘’(y)akap-yakap ang throw pillow, naalala niyang noong
bata siya, idol niya ang lahat na galing marcia.’’ What does this say about the attitude of
Juls and the rest of her hometown towards the manila-center? How does this seeming ‘’
love‘’ manila define her life in the present day of the story?

4. The story’s third person point of view delineates Juls life in the city as compared to her
old life as a ‘’promdi.’’ Give examples of characterization from the text that shows how
she became a city-dweller.

5. As we can observe in the story Juls’s encounter with Teray points to a complicated mix
of reasons why she deliberately avoided taking about or engaging with her hometown.
What does her father and his sojourn into politics have to do with it?

6. In relation to the previous question, how does the picture of her family life provide a
picture of life in Antique as Juls saw it? In relation to this, how does her father’s death
define the province’s political landscape?

7. How does her family experience, and her father’s death by ambush, affect the way she
looks at involvement in public issues? How is her city life shaping her attitude towards
social involvement?

8. What were the things that Juls discovered about Teray’s circumstances? List them down.

9. How does the last scene of Juls looking at her reflection in the mirror compare with the
earlier mirror scene which reads “ Tumayo sya sa harap ng standing mirror at napangiti
sa refleksyon: 5 4; 34-25-35, heart shaped na mukha, shaved na kilay, maliliit na mga
mata, ilong na katamtaman ang tangos’’ ? What changed in Juls after sitting down with
Teray that may indicate her roundness as a character?

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10. There are frequent mentions of brand names is the story that point to Juls radical
urbanization. Her episode with Teray however, points to other (destructive) possibilities
the city could inflict upon a promdi. In your opinion, how does Juls look at city life after
remembering her past, her hometown, and what everything meant for her?

11. If you were Juls, what do you think will be resolve after story?

Note: Please answer on a separate sheet.

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