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Celebrities and influencers should be held to a higher moral standard…

In today's society, school is a fashion show, you only eat instagram-friendly food and love to
work out. Every human being has a moral responsibility towards society although celebrities
tend to have the upper hand when it comes down to being ‘good’ role models and an
inspiration. It is not sustainable to only show the perfect life, it contributes to even more
pressure on the teenagers who spend all of their spare time on social media. Therefore I
strongly believe that celebrities and especially influencers should be held to a higher moral

- First of all, Influencers especially show only the “perfect life” , affecting young kids and
teenagers that look up to them in a negative way. The food they eat, eats salad or at least only
shows the “healthy food”. Post pictures where they are super well trained and skinny. People
photoshop their pictures to make it look as perfect posible. Always looking happy and having
a great time, the perfect life.

- Secondly, all celebrities big and small have an influence on someone. There will always be a
kid or teenager noticing how they look, how they eat and how they act eater if it is good or
bad. That's why celebrities need to think one more time especially before posting on social
media. Young adults will change themselves to fit in or to not be “that weird person” and that
needs to be in the back of every celebrity's mind even if it is hard.

- Thirdly actors, singers and athletes are paid to do what they are best at and not to be an
inspiration for people. But they must understand that even if they don't want to be a role
model, they are to some people and can not escape from that. Influensers did most likely
choose to become a celebrity in another way then for example actors, singers and athletes but
everyone has their moral responsibility towards the society.

- Critics of this point of view might say that it would not be as entertaining to scroll trew
instagram when the feed does not show the perfect life. That influencers and celebrities are
supposed to be perfect, just like dolls. But on the other hand we do not get eating disorders,
anxiety and other mental illnesses because they do not feel like they fit in today's society
because the normes, beauty standards and how we should act are inhuman.

- Finally, we are not asking celebrities and influencers to stop being themselves, we ask them to
show the real world we live in. Why not use their platforms to improve the society in a
positive way, change the negative norms and show more of a lifestyle that everyone
potentially will be a part of.

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