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Alliza N.

12 - Shiloh

Review Activity 2

A. Directions: Listed below are the characteristics needed in acquiring good work ethics. Choose the
letter that correspond to the characteristic related to the scenario happening in the workplace.

A. Commitment to Excellence F. Professionalism

B. Cooperation G. Punctuality
C. Honesty H. Reliability
D. Integrity & Loyalty I. Right Attitude
E. Productivity J. Teamwork

H 1. A boss or an employer trusted his/her employee to do his works because he/she believes that the
employee works even without his employer’s supervision.

G 2. an employee has never been late nor absent from his work.

J 3. This employee helps other colleagues because he/she believes in the saying that “Two heads are
better than one.”

A 4. Being considered as an employee of Work Immersion training, you have to do your work/job
beyond the instruction.

I 5. An employee who happens to be given another responsibility reacted positively and he still accepted
the additional work given to him.

a. If you start your Work Immersion or even Culminating Activity, you will be told your exact schedule
and time you are in the workplace and time when you are to be out. How will you keep good record of
attendance considering that attendance matters?

- I can keep a good record of attendance by not being absent and coming on time.

b. Two scenarios below happen in the real world. How would you apply your Work Ethics in the
following situations?

1. There might be times your boss allows you to work from home. Having the permission to work from
home, you just took the same office supplies, anyway you are using it for work from home

- I should be professional and only use the supplies when I am working.

2. There are companies or other workplaces that allow trainees like Work Immersion students to just
finish the work for the day and they can go home. That scenario happens to you, so you can go home
already as per instructions. But you see other trainees like you are still working.

- if I have nothing to do, I will ask if they need help so that I can help them before I leave and the work
can be done immediately and we can all go home early.

C. Direction: Among the different work ethics we have studied, which among them do you often
practice at home, in school, or anywhere? In five sentences, write instances you practiced it.

1. Obeying rules – whenever we go to school or we are home there are always had rules to obey
because rules can make us do good and the purpose of it is to have a good environment all the time.
Alliza N. Durango
12 - Shiloh

2. Discipline – We as a human we should always have this kind of attitude all the time because we can
make our environment peacefully if we have this kind of attitude towards our selves

3. Time management – We need to apply this kind of attitude in ourselves even where in our home or
were at schools because if we know how to manage our time, we can be stress free and we can sleep
peacefully without thinking of what we should do next.

4. Cooperation – Cooperation can be applied either in home or school because sometimes there are
decisions that we have to cooperate with and we need to be with it so that it can be easily done or can
be easily do.

5. Honesty – This is the most work ethics that we need to apply to ourselves because if we have this kind
of attitude it is easy to our conquest to give their trust and to rely on us without any hesitations.

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