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List of wars by death toll

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This list of wars by death toll includes death toll estimates of all deaths that are either directly or indirectly
caused by war. These numbers usually include both the deaths of military personnel which are the direct results
of battle or other military wartime actions, as well as the wartime/war-related deaths of civilians, which are the
results of war-induced epidemics, diseases, famines, atrocities, genocide, etc.

1 List of wars by death toll with over 1,000,000 deaths
2 List of wars by death toll with fewer than 1,000,000 deaths
3 Charts and graphs
4 See also
5 References
6 Further reading
7 External links

List of wars by death toll with over 1,000,000 deaths

Death Geometric
War Date Location Notes
range mean
40,000,000– 1939–
World War II 58,309,519 Worldwide see World War II casualties
85,000,000 1945
Taiping 20,000,000– 1850– [1][2] [3]
44,721,360 China
Rebellion 100,000,000 1864
36,000,000– 184– [4][5][6]
Kingdoms 37,947,332 China
40,000,000 280
– excludes the (up to) 200,000,000
Mongol 30,000,000– 1206–
34,641,016 Eurasia deaths from the Black Death migration
conquests 40,000,000 1368
associated with the Mongol expansion
[10][11][12]See Population history of
indigenous peoples of the Americas. These
death toll estimates vary due to lack of
Conquest of 8,400,000– 1492–
34,016,173 Americas consensus as to the demographic size of the
the Americas 137,750,000 1691
native population pre-Columbus, which some
say might never be accurately
Qing dynasty
1616– [17]
conquest of 25,000,000 25,000,000 China
Ming Dynasty
1519– [18]
conquest of 24,300,000 24,300,000 Mexico – Part of Conquest of the Americas
Second Sino- 20,000,000- 1937– [19]
22,360,680 China – Part of World War II
Japanese War 25,000,000 1945
China and
An Lushan 13,000,000– 755– presently [20]
Rebellion 36,000,000 763 Northern
World War 15,500,000- 1914–
16,891,312 Worldwide see World War I casualties
I/Great War 18,500,000 1918
Conquests of 8,000,000– 1370– [21][22]
12,649,111 Eurasia
Tamerlane 20,000,000 1405
Dungan 8,000,000– 1862–
9,797,959 China
Revolt 12,000,000 1877
1533– [18]
conquest of 8,400,000 8,400,000 Peru – Part of Conquest of the Americas
Chinese Civil 1927– [23]
8,000,000 8,000,000 China
War 1949
711– Iberian
Reconquista 7,000,000 7,000,000
1492 Peninsula
Russian Civil
War and 5,000,000– 1917– [24]
6,708,204 Russia
Foreign 9,000,000 1922
Thirty Years' 3,000,000– 1618– [25]
5,873,670 Europe
War 11,500,000 1648
Aurangzeb's 4,600,000 4,600,000 1658- India [26]
campaign for 1707
Napoleonic 3,500,000– 1803–
4,582,576 Worldwide see Napoleonic Wars casualties
Wars 6,000,000 1815
800,000– 1857- [27]
Rebellion of 2,828,427 India
10,000,000 1858
Congo 2,500,000– 1998– Central [28][29][30][31]
War/Great 5,400,000 2003 Africa
War of Africa
French Wars 2,000,000– 1562– [32]
2,828,427 France – also known as Huguenot Wars
of Religion 4,000,000 1598
Time of 1816– Southern [33]
2,000,000 2,000,000
troubles 1828 Africa
War/Second 800,000– 1955– [34][35][36]
1,743,560 Vietnam
Indochina 3,800,000 1975
1,000,000- 1967–
Biafra War 1,732,051 Nigeria
3,000,000 1970
1519– North [18]
conquest of 1,460,000 1,460,000 – Part of Conquest of the Americas
1595 America
Mexican 1,000,000– 1910– [37]
1,414,214 Mexico
Revolution 2,000,000 1920
War in 1,240,000– 1978-
Afghanistan [38]
Afghanistan 2,000,000 present
272,000– 2001– Greater [39][40][41][42]
War on Terror 1,136,000
2,000,000 present Middle East
Soviet war in 957,865– 1979–
1,246,790 Afghanistan [43][44][45] – Part of War in Afghanistan
Afghanistan 1,622,865 1989
1950– [46]
Korean War 1,200,000 1,200,000 Korea
Seven Years' 868,000– 1756–
1,102,361 Worldwide [47][48]
War 1,400,000 1763
War/First 1980–
1,000,000 1,000,000 Middle East [49]
Persian Gulf 1988
1592– [50]
invasions of 1,000,000 1,000,000 Korea
Revolutionary 1,000,000 1,000,000 Worldwide

List of wars by death toll with fewer than 1,000,000 deaths

Note that the below list is incomplete.

880,000–1,000,000+ – American Civil War (1861–1865)[51][52][53]

900,000 – War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714)
876,000 – English Civil War (1642–1651)[54][55][56]
873,000 – Conquests of Mehmed II 'the Conqueror' (1451–1481), may be over- or underestimated[57]
770,000 – Second Punic War (218–201 BC)[58]
600,000–700,000 – Eighty Years' War (1568–1648)[18]
600,000 – Spanish American Wars of Independence (1810–1826)[59]
504,158+ - Angolan Civil War (1975-2002)
500,000–1,500,000 – Ethiopian Civil War (1974–1991)[60]
500,000 – Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)[61]
400,000–1,000,000 – Gallic Wars (58–50 BC)
470,000 – Syrian Civil War (2011–present), see Casualties of the Syrian civil war
440,000 – Paraguayan War (1864-1870)
400,000+ – First Indochina War (1946–1954)
400,000 – Civil war in Afghanistan (1989–92), Civil war in Afghanistan (1992–96) and Civil war in
Afghanistan (1996–2001) (1989–2001)[62]
400,000+ – War of the Triple Alliance (1864–1870)[63]
387,333+ – Continuation War (1941-1944) Part of the World War II
350,000–1,500,000 – Algerian War of Independence (1954–1962)[64]
356,000–410,000 – Crimean War (1853–1856)
350,000 – Kalinga War (262–261 BC)
350,000 – Third Northern War (1700–1721)[65]
356,000–735,000 – Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639–1651)[66]
345,000–375,000 – Haitian Revolution (1791-1803)
300,000–3,000,000[67] – Bangladesh Liberation War (1971)
300,000–400,000 – Italian Wars (1494–1559)[18]
300,000 – Second Burundian Civil War (1993–2005)[68]
300,000 – Cuban Wars of Independence (1868–1898)[69]
300,000 (TFG) –500,000+ (AFP) – Somali Civil War (1986–present)[70][71][72]
272,000–2,000,000 – War on Terror (2001–present)[39][40][41][42]
234,000 – Philippine–American War (1899–1912)[73]
228,000 – Venezuelan War of Independence (1810–1823)
220,000 – Colombian conflict (1964–present)[74]
200,000–1,000,000 – Albigensian Crusade (1208–1229)[75][76]
200,000 – Algerian Civil War (1991–2002)[77][78]
200,000 – Carlist Wars (1820–1876)[59]
192,700-194,700 - La Violencia
185,250–3,000,000 – Hundred Years' War (1337–1453)[79]
178,258–461,520 – War in Darfur (2003–present)[80]
176,913–1,120,000 – Iraq War/Third Persian Gulf War (2003–2011), see Casualties of the Iraq War, part
of the War on Terror[41][42][81]
158,000 - Greek Civil War [82][83][84][85]
153,736-194,837 - Winter War (1939-1940) Part of the World War II
150,000-400,000 - West Papua conflict
138,800–320,100 – Iraqi–Kurdish conflict (1918–2003)[86][87]
130,000–250,000 – Internal conflict in Myanmar (1948–present)[88]
120,000 – Thousand Days' War (1899–1902) [89]
120,000–150,000 – Lebanese Civil War (1975–1990)
120,000 – Islamic insurgency in the Philippines (1969–present)[90]
116,074 – Arab–Israeli conflict (1920–present)[91]
106,800+ – Mexican Drug War (2006–present)[92][93]
100,000–500,000 LRA insurgency (1987-present) [94]
100,000–200,000 – North Yemen Civil War (1962–1970)[95]
100,000–500,000 – Ugandan Bush War (1981–1986)[96][97]
100,000+ - Lord's Resistance Army insurgency (1987–present)[98]
100,000 – Insurgency in Laos (1975–2007)[99]
100,000 – German Peasants' War (1524–1525)[100]
100,000 - Congo Crisis (1960-1965) [101]
97,000–107,000 – Aceh War (1873–1914)[102]
97,214–104,732 – Bosnian War (1991–1995)
93,050 - Arab–Israeli conflict (1948-present)
90,969 – Mahdist War (1881–1889)
90,000+ – Third conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War (1018–1019)[103]
90,000 – Rif War (1916–1927)
88,285 – Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)[104]
85,000–235,000 – 1991 uprisings in Iraq (1991)[105][106][107]
~85,000 - Burmese–Siamese War (1785–86) (1785-1786)
82,991-102,991 - Angolan War of Independence (1961-1974)
80,000–110,000, - Kashmir Conflict (1947 to present)
80,000–100,000 – Sri Lankan Civil War (1983–2009)[108]
75,000 Iraq War (2014-present)
70,000 – Internal conflict in Peru (1980-present)[109]
70,000+ - Sino-Burmese War (1765–69) (1765-1769)
63,500–88,500 – Mozambican War of Independence (1964–1974)[110]
60,000 – Ituri conflict (1999–2007)[111]
50,000-300,000 - Sierra Leone Civil War (1991-2002)
47,246–61,603 – War in Afghanistan (2001–present) (2001–present), part of the War on Terror[81]
45,852–78,946 – War in North-West Pakistan (2004–present), part of the War on Terror[81]
45,000+ – Kurdish–Turkish conflict (1978–present)[112]
44,000-150,000 Algerian Civil War (1991-2002)
38,000 – Nagorno-Karabakh War (1988–1994)
35,000–50,000 – Wars of the Roses (1455–1487)[113][114]
34,000 – Iranian-Kurdish conflict (1918–present)[115]
34,000 – Ethnic conflict in Nagaland (1954–present)[116]
33,420–95,768 – Soviet–Japanese War (1945) (1945) Part of the World War II
30,000-185,000 - 1991 uprisings in Iraq (1991)
30,000–43,000 – CPP-NPA-NDF rebellion (1969–present)[117]
27,080+ - Greco-Italian War (1940-1941) Part of the World War II
25,456-40,456 - Gulf War (1990-1991)
25,000 – Insurgency in Northeast India (1964–present)[88]
25,000 – Shia insurgency in Yemen (2004–present)[118]
21,741 – War of 1812 (1812–1815) [119]
20,000 – Ragamuffin War (1835–1845)[120]
19,619+ - Rhodesian Bush War (1964-1979)
18,069–20,069 – First Opium War (1839–1842)[121]
17,294 – 1940–44 insurgency in Chechnya (1940-1944)
17,200 – First Anglo-Afghan War (1839–1842)[122]
16,765–17,065 – Balochistan conflict (1948–present)[123][124][125]
16,752–21,426 – Croatian War of Independence (1991–1995)
16,000 – War of the Pacific (1879–1883)
16,000 – Nepalese Civil War (1996–2006)
15,200-15,300+ Peasants' War (1798) (1798)
15,000 – Nigerian Sharia conflict (1953–present)[126][127][128]
14,460-14,922 South African Border War (1966-1990)
14,077-22,077 Mau Mau Uprising (1952-1960)
13,929 – Republic of the Congo Civil War (1997–1999)[129]
13,812 – Naxalite-Maoist insurgency (1967–present)[130][131]
13,100–35,000 – Kurdish separatism in Iran (1922-present)
11,500-53,000 - Irish Rebellion of 1798 (1798)
10,523-21,523 - 1948 Palestine war (1947-1949) part of the Arab–Israeli conflict
10,000+ – Malayan Emergency (1948–1960)[132]
10,000+ – War in Donbass (2014–present)[133]
10,000+ - Rwandan Civil War (1990-1993)
9,400 – Libyan Civil War (2011)[134]
8,136+ – Iraqi insurgency (post-U.S. withdrawal) (2011–2014)[135]
7,400-16,200 - Yemeni Civil War (2015–present) (2015-present)
7,000 - Chadian Civil War (2005–10) (2005-2010)[136]
5,641 – Sudanese nomadic conflicts (2009–present)[137][138]
6,543 – South Thailand insurgency (2004–present)[139]
6,295 - Central African Republic conflict (2012-present)
5,000 – Casamance conflict (1982–2014)[140]
5,000 – Chilean Civil War of 1891 (1891)[141]
4,715+ Libyan Civil War (2014–present) (2014-prsent)
4,000–10,000 Conflict in the Niger Delta (2004–present)[142]
3,699 – Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen (1992–present)[143]
3,529 – The Northern Ireland Troubles (1966–1998)[144]
3,366 – Insurgency in the North Caucasus (2009-present)[145]
3,222-3,722 Hungarian Revolution of 1956 (1956)
3,144 - Allied Democratic Forces insurgency (1996-present)
3,114 - 1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine part of the 1948 Palestine war
3,007 - War of the Golden Stool (1900)
3,000–6,000 – Negro Rebellion (1912)[146][147]
3,000 – Second Ivorian Civil War (2010–2011)[148]
2,944 - Insurgency in the Maghreb (2004-present)
2,800 - Northern Mali conflict (2012-present)
2,781 – Iranian Revolution (1978–1979)[149]
2,751 – Third Anglo-Afghan War (1919)[150]
2,557 – Sudan internal conflict (2011–present)[151][152][153]
2,394 – Sinai insurgency (2011–present)[154]
2,300+ – Conflict in the Niger Delta (2004–present) [155][156]
2,221-2,406 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict (2014) part of the Gaza–Israel conflict
2,150+ - Persian Expedition of 1796 (1796)
2,096 - Aden Emergency (1963-1967)
2,000 - Costa Rican Civil War (1948)
2,000 – Six-Day War (2000)[157]
2,000 – 2010 South Kyrgyzstan ethnic clashes[158][159][160]
1,810 - Anglo-Iraqi War (1941) Part of the World War II
1,774 - Lapland War (1944-1945) Part of the World War II
1,643–2,237 – War of Transnistria (1992)[161][162][163][164]
1,554 – South Yemen insurgency (2009–present)[165][166]
1,449 - M23 rebellion (2012-2013) part of the Kivu Conflict
1,300+ – Allied Democratic Forces insurgency (1996–present)[167]
1,229 – Basque conflict (1959–2011)[168]
1,227–5,600 – Kargil War (1999)[169][170][171][172]
1,119 – Political violence in Egypt, 2013 (2013–present)[173]
1,043 - Burundian unrest (2015-present)
1,000–1,500 – Cabinda conflict (1994–present)[174]
1,000+ - Djiboutian Civil War (1991-1994)
1,000 – 1991–92 South Ossetia War (1991–1992)[175]
907 – Falklands War (1982)[176]
860+ - Xinjiang conflict (1989-present)
846 – 2011 Egyptian revolution (2011)[177]
820 – Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon (2011–Present) part of the Syrian Civil War
808+ - Sino-Russian border conflicts (1652-1689)
803-1303 - Conflict in Najran, Jizan and Asir (2015-present) part of the Yemeni Civil War (2015-present)
771 - Insurgency in Egypt (2013–present) (2013-present)
740 – Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation (1963–1966)[178][179]
700-800+ - Anglo-Aro War (1901-1902)
659–2,496 – Russia–Georgia war (2008)[180][181][182][183][184]
658+ - Kamwina Nsapu rebellion (2016-present)
643[153] – 1,500[152] – Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile (2011–present)
547+ - Cyprus crisis (1955–64) (1955-1964)
542 – East Prigorodny Conflict (1992)
422 – Franco-Thai War (1940-1941)
339 – Turkey–ISIL conflict (2015–present)
327 - RENAMO insurgency (2013-2014 2015-present)
229 - Batwa-Luba clashes (2013-present)
206–345 – Arab separatism in Khuzestan (1922–present)
200+ - 1935 Yazidi revolt (1935)
174–194 – United States occupation of Veracruz (1914)[185]
159 – ISIL insurgency in Tunisia (2015–present)
158 – Dissident Irish Republican campaign (1998-present)
126 - 2016 Kasese clashes (2016)[186][187]
115 - The Pool War (2016-present)
95 – 2013 Guinea clashes (2013)[188]
84–134 – Lahad Datu standoff (2013)[189][190]
82+ - Quasi-War (1798-1800)
82+ - North-West Rebellion (1885) [191]
71 – Paraguayan People's Army insurgency (2005-present)
63 - Ten-Day War (1991)
36 - DHKP/C insurgency in Turkey (1990-present)
34 – 2016 Niger Delta conflict (2016–Present) [192] part of the Conflict in the Niger Delta
12-61 - 2017 Afghanistan–Pakistan border skirmish (2017) part of the Afghanistan–Pakistan skirmishes

Charts and graphs

Death toll graph

rs by death toll through time 1300 CE to present, over 1 million casualties, from the data presented in the above table.

See also
Timeline of wars
List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll
List of battles by casualties
List of number of conflicts per year
Lists of wars
List of ongoing military conflicts
List of genocides by death toll
List of countries by refugee population

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were displaced, died of disease, and were killed by Europeans through slavery , rape and war. In 1491, about 145 million
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46. Bethany Lacina and Nils Petter Gleditsch, Monitoring rTends in Global Combat: A New Dataset of Battle Deaths,
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47. Clodfelter, cited by White (
48. Urlanis, cited by White (
49. "Iraq profile – timeline"( . BBC News.
50. Jones, Geo H., Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 254
51. Recounting the dead(, Associate Professor J.
David Hacker, "estimates, based on Census data, indicate that the death toll was at least 750,000, and may have been as
high as 850,000" (study refers only to military casualties)
52. James M. McPherson, "Battle Cry of Freedom", Oxford University Press, Oct 24, 2003, page 619. "Suf fering and death
were widespread, nevertheless, and a fair estimate of war -related civilian deaths might total 50,000".
53. Professor James Downs."Color blindness in the demographic death toll of the Civil W ar". (
4/black-white-demographic-death-toll-civil-war/)Oxford University Press, April 13th 2012. "An 2 April 2012 New
York Times article, “New Estimate Raises Civil W ar Death Toll,” reports that a new study ratchets up the death toll from
an estimated 650,000 to a staggering 850,000 people. As horrific as this new number is, it fails to reflect the mortality of
former slaves during the war. If former slaves were included in this figure, the Civil W ar death toll would likely be over
a million casualties... the rough 19th century estimate was that 60,000 former slaves died from [war -related diseases and
starvation], but doctors treating black patients often claimed that they were unable to keep accurate records due to
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Further reading
Steven Pinker (2011). The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined. Penguin Books.
ISBN 1101544643. pp.832. (see also: 2016 update)
Levy, Jack S. (1983). War in the Modern Great Power System: 1495-1975. University Press of Kentucky,
USA. ISBN 081316365X.

External links
An Interactive map of all the battles fought around the world in the last 4,000 years
Information on 1,500 conflicts since 1800
Max Roser: ‘War and Peace’. (2016). Published online at

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