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List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll

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This is a list of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll. It covers the lowest estimate of the
number of deaths as well as the highest estimate, the name of the event, the location, and the start and end
of each event. Some events may belong in more than one category. In addition, some of the listed events
overlap each other, and in some cases the death toll from a smaller event is included in the one for the
larger event or time period of which it was part.

1 Wars and armed conflicts whose highest estimated casualties are 1,000,000 or more
2 Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and mass ethno/religious persecution
3 Political purges and repressions (politicides)
4 Forced labor, slavery, internment/extermination camps, and slave trades Starved peasants during the Holodomor disaster
5 War Crimes and Ancient War Atrocities
6 List of dictatorships by death toll
7 Anthropogenically exacerbated famine, mass starvation, and illness
8 Riot or political unrest
9 Human sacrifice and ritual suicide
10 Anthropogenic floods, drownings and landslides
11 Notes
12 See also
12.1 Other lists organized by death toll
12.2 Other lists with similar topics
12.3 Topics dealing with similar themes
13 Notes
14 References
15 External links

Wars and armed conflicts whose highest estimated casualties are 1,000,000 or more
These figures of one million or more deaths include the deaths of civilians from diseases, famine, etc., as well as deaths of soldiers in battle and massacres and
genocide. Where only one estimate is available, it appears in both the low and high estimates.
Geom. mean Lowest Duration
Highest estimate Event Location From To Notes, See also
estimate[1] estimate (years)
World War II casualties (includes
worldwide Holocaust and
6 years
74,330,344[2] 65,000,000[3] 85,000,000[4] World War II Worldwide 1939 1945 concentration camps deaths).
and 1 day
Estimates include the Second Sino-
Japanese War.
Inspired by Hong Xiuquan; see
44,721,360 20,000,000[5] 100,000,000[6][7][8] China 1851 1864 14 also Dungan Revolt, a Muslim
37,947,332 36,000,000[9] 40,000,000[10] China 184 280 96 End of the Han dynasty
Kingdoms War
Mongol Mongol Empire, Destruction
34,641,016 30,000,000[11] 40,000,000[12] Eurasia 1206 1368 163
conquests under the Mongol Empire
Death toll estimates vary due to
lack of consensus as to the
demographic size of the native
34,047,026 8,400,000[13] 138,000,000[14] colonization of Americas 1492 1691 199
population pre-Columbus, which
the Americas
might never be accurately
Qing dynasty
25,000,000 25,000,000[18] 25,000,000 conquest of the China 1618 1683 65 Qing dynasty
Ming dynasty
20,770,000 20,770,000 20,770,000 Dungan Revolt Gansu and Shaanxi, China 1862 1877 15 Du Wenxiu Rebellion
An Lushan
18,384,776 13,000,000[12] 36,000,000[19] Rebellion
China 755 763 9 Medieval warfare

4 years, 3 World War I casualties

17,748,239 15,000,000[20] 21,000,000 World War I Worldwide 1914 1918 months, Does not include worldwide
1 week Spanish flu deaths.
17 Million people or 5% of the
Conquest of Central, East and South
17,000,000 17,000,000 17,000,000 1400s 1500s 35 world's population at the
Timur Asia
Chinese Civil
8,000,000 8,000,000[23] 8,000,000 China 1927 1949 22 List of civil wars
Russian Civil Russian Revolution, List of civil
6,708,204 5,000,000 9,000,000[24] Russia 1917 1921 5
War wars
Initially a religious war between
Catholics and Protestants,
Thirty Years' Holy Roman Empire, became a general European
8,000,000 3,000,000 11,500,000[25] 1618 1648 30
War Europe political war. It was one of the
longest and most destructive
conflicts in European history.
Napoleonic Europe, Atlantic, Pacific
4,949,747 3,500,000 7,000,000[26] 1803 1815 13 Napoleonic Wars casualties
Wars and Indian Ocean
Yellow Turban
4,582,576 3,000,000[27] 7,000,000[27] Rebellion
China 184 205 22 Part of Three Kingdoms War

Second Congo Democratic Republic of

3,674,235 2,500,000[28] 5,400,000[29] War the Congo
1998 2003 6 First Congo War

Largely a religious war between

French Wars of
2,828,427 2,000,000 4,000,000[30] Religion
France 1562 1598 37 Catholics and Huguenots (French
Calvinist Protestants)
Edwardian War (1337–1360),
Hundred Years'
2,754,995 2,300,000[31] 3,300,000[32] Western Europe 1337 1453 116 Caroline War (1369–1389),
Lancastrian War (1415–53)
1,732,051 1,500,000[12] 2,000,000[33] Southern Africa 1816 1828 13 Ndwandwe–Zulu War
Soviet–Afghan War, Taliban era.
War in Death toll estimates through
1,732,051 1,500,000[34] 2,000,000[34] Afghanistan 1979 2000 22
Afghanistan 1999 (2M) and 2000 (1.5M and
Nigerian Civil Ethnic cleansings of the Igbo
1,732,051 1,000,000 3,000,000 Nigeria 1966 1970 4
War people followed by Civil War.
Christian military excursions
1,732,051 1,000,000[35] 3,000,000[36] Crusades Holy Land, Europe 1095 1291 197
against the Muslim Conquests.
Cold War and First Indochina
1,549,193 800,000[37] 3,000,000[38] Vietnam War Southeast Asia 1955 1975 21
264 146
1,520,691 1,250,000[39] 1,850,000 Punic Wars Mediterranean 118 Carthage, Roman Republic
1,414,214 1,000,000[40] 2,000,000 Sudanese Civil Sudan 1983 2005 23 First Sudanese Civil War
1,341,641 1,200,000 1,500,000 Warring States China 475 221 255 [41][42]
period B.C. B.C.

Categorized as part of the Cold

1,200,000 1,200,000[43] 1,200,000[43] Korean War Korean Peninsula 1950 1953 4
Soviet–Afghan Sometimes categorized as a
1,095,445 600,000[34] 2,000,000[34] Afghanistan 1980 1988 9
War proxy war during the Cold War.
1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 invasions of Korea 1592 1598 7 [44]
Du Wenxiu
1,000,000 890,000 - China 1856 1873 18
Mexican Includes Pancho Villa's raids and
1,000,000 500,000[45] 2,000,000[45] Mexico, United States 1911 1920 10
Revolution the Columbus Raid.
948,683 900,000 1,000,000 Gallic Wars France 58 BC 50 BC 9 Roman Empire
American Civil
800,000 650,000 1,000,000 Southeastern United States 1861 1865 4 Years United States
7 Years,
Months, [46]
724,569 350,000 1,500,000 Algerian War Algeria 1954 1962
2 Weeks,
and 4
Spanish Civil
707,107 500,000 1,000,000 Spain 1936 1939 4
Military history of South
America, Francisco Solano
600,000 300,000[47] 1,200,000[48] Paraguayan War South America 1864 1870 7
López and Luís Alves de Lima e
Silva, Duke of Caxias
Includes Iraq War, War in
585,423 272,000[49] 1,260,000[49][50][51] War on Terror Worldwide 2001 2013 12 Afghanistan (2001–present), and
War in North-West Pakistan.
Iran claims: 123,220 KIA +
11,000 civilians

Iraq claims: 105,000 KIA +

Over 8
564,041 289,220 1,100,000 Iran-Iraq War Iran-Iraq border 1980 1988 50,000 in Kurdish Genocide
Others claim 600,000 Iranians
killed and 500,000 Iraqis

Bangladesh See Bangladeshi Genocide

279,285 26,000 3,000,000 East Pakistan 1971 1971 1
Liberation War casualties

Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and mass ethno/religious persecution

Event that entail the intentional mass murder of individuals on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or race, or death caused
by the forced eviction of individuals on the basis of race, religion or ethnicity.

Skulls from Rwandan genocide

Geom. mean
Lowest estimate Highest estimate Event Location From To Notes
Nazi The Nazi Regimes extermination of Slavic
Nazi Genocide occupied peoples and citizens of the USSR. Figure
13,684,700 13,684,700 13,684,700 1939 1945
of Soviet Slavs Europe and given is both as intentional genocide and
Russia overall civilian war casualties.
Nazi The main systematic and bureaucratic
5,143,928 4,200,000[52] 6,300,000[53][54] Holocaust occupied 1941 1945 genocide against European Jewry by Nazi
Europe Germany and its puppet states.
Ukrainian Genocide usually refers to the
man made famine of 1932 through 1933
called the Holodomor in which the grain of
Ukrainians were confiscated to the point
where Ukrainians could not survive off the
amount of grain they had and were also
restricted from fleeing their villages to find
food under threat of execution or deportation
Ukrainian into a Gulag camp. The term also refers to
4,601,698 2,711,000 7,811,000 1932 1947
Genocide the killing of Ukrainian intelligentsia during
Ukraine the Great Purge especially the Orthodox
Soviet famine of Church. The main advocate for this view
4,242,641 2,400,000 10,000,000 1932 1933
1932–33 was Raphael Lemkin creator of the word
genocide. First death toll is famine and
second death toll is combined body count of
famine and executions of Ukrainians and
uses data from after the opening of the
soviet archives. (2.4 to 7.5 million in
famine, 0.3 million during the purge and
0.011 million from Law of
Nazi Holocaust Nazi
Genocide of Christian Poles during the
2,770,000 2,770,000 2,770,000 against ethnic occupied 1941 1945
invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany.
Poles Poland
The arbitrary torture, execution, starvation
and enslavement of the population
Cambodia under the rule of Pol Pot and the
Khmer Rouge Democratic Khmer Rouge for the sake of achieving
2,171,381 1,386,734[63] 3,400,000[64] 1975 1979
Killing Fields Kampuchea Agrarian socialism, and the genocide of
religious and ethnic minorities by the Khmer
Rouge. Minimum death toll is the number of
corpses found in the Killing Fields.
A collective term to refer to the various
genocides and Ethnic cleansings the
Ottoman Empire committed under the
administration of the Young Turks. Death
toll is the combined death tolls of the
1,777,484 1,239,000 2,550,000 Ottoman Empire Ottoman Armenian Genocide (800,000 to 1,500,000),
1913 1922
1,989,284 1,439,000 2,750,000 Ho loc au st Empire Assyrian Genocide (150,000 to 300,000),
and Greek Genocide (289,000 to 750,000),
and other death toll is the genocides
combined with the Great Famine of Mount
Lebanon which some also consider part of
the same genocidal policy.
Burundi, Combined death toll of all genocides and
Hutu and Tutsi
1,234,190 905,000 1,595,000 Rwanda and 1959 1997 other massacres between the Hutus and the
Zaire Tutsis.
1,224,745 1,000,000 1,500,000 transfer in the Soviet Union 1920 1951 May include casualties of decossackization.
Soviet Union
Both direct and indirect deaths of ethnic
The Ethnic
Eastern German civilians and POWs during the
1,224,745 500,000 3,000,000 Cleansing of 1945 1950
Europe redrawing of national borders after World
War II.
The first genocide of the 20th century to kill
Armenian over 1,000,000 people, this event was
Genocide / Ottoman conducted by the Young Turks government
1,095,445 800,000 1,500,000 1914 1918
Medz Yeghern / Empire of the Ottoman Empire under the
Aghet administration of Talaat Pasha, Enver Pasha
and Djemal Pasha.
1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Hakka Genocide China Unclear Unclear After the fall of the Taiping Heavenly
by Qing Empire but a but a Kingdom the Qing government cracked
single single down on the Hakka ethnic group for allying
month month with the kingdom slaughtering 30,000 per
between between day. The death toll of the Punti-Hakka Clan
1850 and 1850 and Wars is estimated to be 1,000,000 and there
1867 1867 was also a mass execution during the
Taiping Rebellion that killed 1,000,000. It is
unclear whether these events refer to the
Qing crackdown. If this death toll is applied
to the estimated death rate, the massacre
likely took place over the course of a
Hundreds of thousands to over a million
Turkish and Kurdish civilians are alleged to
Turkish and have been massacred by forces loyal to the
Kurdish Russian Russian Empire during World War I
829,819 628,000 1,100,000 1914 1916
massacres by the Empire including half a million in Central Asia
Russian Empire according to Arnold Toynbee and another
128 to 600 thousand perished during the
Caucasus Campaign.[68][69]
While the overall death toll of man made
deaths of Native Americans (from both
Americas) is unknown, a few events in
which many Native Americans (from both
Americas and across all centuries) perished.
The combined death toll is the one used in
this table.
United States

821,204 Trail of Tears-2,000 to

+thousands 6,000[70][71][72][73][74]
to millions 518,993 Indian Massacres-7,193[75] 9,400 to 16,000
more in +thousands to 1,299,393 Californian natives[76] (excluded from lower
forced labor millions more in +thousands to esrimate due to o to possible overlap, and
and forced labor and millions more in higher estimate used for higher total
unnumbered unnumbered wars forced labor and
American Indian Wars-30,000 to 45,000[77]
wars and and massacres in unnumbered wars
Overall 39,193 to 74,193
massacres in Latin America and massacres in Native North and
Any Time Guatemala
Latin (Both Americas) Latin America American South 1492
Past 1492 Guatemalan Genocide-35,000[78] to
America (Both Americas) Genocide America
(Both -------------- 170,000[79]
Americas) 39,193 -------------- Mexico
+Siege of Fort Pitt 74,193 Caste War of Yucatán-200,000[80]
-------------- victims +Siege of Fort Pitt + Unknown number of Apache killed for
53924 (U.S. only) victims bounty
+Siege of (U.S. only) Brazil
Fort Pitt Native Brazilian Genocide-235,000 to
(U.S. only)
Conquest of the Desert-1,300[82]
Encomienda-?Thousands ? Millions?
Spanish colonization of the Americas-?
Thousands ? Millions?
Selknam genocide-2,500[83] to 3,900[84]

Regarded as the most efficient genocide of

the 20th century, the Rwandan genocide was
The 100 Days of the disorganized communal mass murder of
April 7, July 15,
707,107 500,000 1,000,000 Rwandan Rwanda Tutsis, by their rival tribe the Hutu through
1994 1994
genocide the Rwandan government and Hutu Power
militias such as the Interahamwe and
French conquest [85]
707,107 500,000 1,000,000 Algeria 1827 1875
of Algeria
In the riots which preceded the partition in
Genocidal the Punjab Province, it is believed that
632,456 200,000 2,000,000 Massacres of the India 1947 1957 between 200,000 and 2,000,000 people were
Indian Partition killed in the retributive genocide between
Hindus and Muslims.[86][87][88]
The mass extermination of Dzungar
Dzungar Dzungar
536,656 480,000 600,000 1755 1758 mongols by the Qing dynasty under the
genocide Khanate
order of the Qianlong Emperor.
Ottoman Violent Ethnic cleansing of Greeks from
465,564 289,000 750,000 Greek genocide 1913 1922
Empire their historical homeland of Anatolia.
Ethnic cleansing Deaths from mass expulsion of Circassians
447,214 400,000 500,000 Circassia 1864 1867
of Circassians after Russian conquest.
Raphael Lemkin, well known as the coiner
of the term genocide, referred to the
Albigensian Languedoc,
447,214 200,000[89] 1,000,000[89] Crusade France
1209 1229 Albigensian Crusade as "one of the most
conclusive cases of genocide in religious
446,774 26,000 3,000,000[102] The Genocide of East Pakistan March December See
(Geometric [91] Bangladeshis in 21 16
mean of all 50,000 Eastern Pakistan 1971 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War
numbers [92] during Operation Searchlight
listed to the Operation List of massacres in Bangladesh
right) [92] Searchlight Rape during the Bangladesh
Liberation War
1,247,000 +/- 3,000

Genocide of Combined death toll of Soviet repressions of

Soviet Union
441,588 260,000 750,000 Poles by the 1937 1946 Polish citizens (1939–46) and Polish
and Poland
Soviet Union Operation of the NKVD (1937–38)
Genocide of
433,590 235,000 800,000 Native Brazil 1900 1985 [81]
In 1960 the western-based nongovernmental
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
gave a report titled Tibet and the Chinese
People's Republic to the United Nations.
The report was prepared by the ICJ's Legal
Inquiry Committee, composed of eleven
international lawyers from around the world.
This report accused the Chinese of the crime
of genocide in Tibet, after nine years of full
The Chinese occupation, six years before the devastation
415,692 144,000[103] 1,200,000[104] Occupation of Tibet 1950 ongoing of the cultural revolution began. The ICJ
Tibet also documented accounts of massacres,
tortures and killings, bombardment of
monasteries, and extermination of whole
nomad camps. Declassified Soviet archives
provides data that Chinese communists, who
received a great assistance in military
equipment from the USSR, broadly used
Soviet aircraft for bombing monasteries and
other punitive operations in Tibet.[105]

400,000 Massacre and

Over 60% of the Hazara population were
rough displacement of
? ? Afghanistan 1888 1893 either massacred or displaced in Abdur
Hazaras in 1888
estimate:[106] to 93
Rahman Khan's crackdown of the Hazaras.

The Holocaust Genocide of Serbs, Jews, and Romani by the

Independent Ustaše including 322 to 340 thousand Serbs,
in the
387,896 379,000 397,000 State of 1941 1945 25 thousand Roma and 32 thousand
State of Croatia Jews.[107][108]
Former Violent class purge, Ethnic cleansing, and
346,410 300,000 500,000 decossackization Russian 1917 1933 mass murder of Cossacks, especially Kuban
Empire and Don Cossacks, by the Bolshevik party.
The genocide of Romani by Nazi Germany
331,662 220,000 500,000 Porajmos occupied 1941 1945
and its puppet states.
repressions of [109]
273,861 150,000 500,000 Poland 1939 1946
Polish citizens
Chinese More than half of the Chinese population of
219,943 215,000[110] 225,000 Genocide under
1975 1979 Cambodia were slaughtered by the Khmer
Khmer Rouge Rouge.[111]
212,132 90,000[110] 500,000[112] Cham Genocide Democratic 1975 1979 The genocide slaughtered over 70% of the
under Khmer Kampuchea Cham Muslim population in Cambodia
Rouge according to themselves, and Cham were
according to Ben Kiernan subjected to the
most brutal treatment of those persecuted by
the Khmer Rouge and subjected to the
slaughter of 36% of their population
according to Samuel Totten.
Mass murder and forced relocation of
Assyrian Ottoman
212,132 150,000 300,000 1914 1918 Assyrians in conjunction with the Greek and
genocide Empire
Armenian genocides.
During the First Congo War, Rwanda was
able to destroy refugee camps, which the
génocidaires had been using as their safe-
bases, and forcibly repatriate Tutsi to
Rwanda. During this process, Rwandan and
aligned forces committed multiple atrocities,
mainly against Hutu refugees. The true
extent of the abuses is unknown because the
Hutu Refugee AFDL and RPF carefully managed NGO
Massacres and press access to areas where atrocities
209,762 200,000 220,000[113] during the First
Zaire 1996 1997
were thought to have occurred[114] however
Congo War
Amnesty International claimed as many as
200,000 Rwandese Hutu refugees were
massacred by them and the Rwandan
Defence Forces and aligned forces.[115] The
United Nations similarly documented mass
killings of civilians by Rwandan, Ugandan
and the ADFL soldiers in the DRC Mapping
Exercise Report.
Ancient Chinese texts record that General
Ran Min ordered the extermination of the
Wu Hu, especially the Jie people, during the
Wu Hu and Jie Northern Wei–Jie war in the fourth century AD.
200,000 200,000 200,000 350 351 People with racial characteristics such as
Genocide China
high-bridged noses and bushy beards were
killed; in total, 200,000 were reportedly
The Parliamentarian reconquest of Ireland
was brutal, and Cromwell is still a hated
figure in Ireland.[117] The extent to which
Cromwell, who was in direct command for
Cromwellian the first year of the campaign, was
200,000 200,000 200,000 conquest of Ireland 1649 1653 responsible for the atrocities is debated to
Ireland this day. Some historians[118] argue that the
actions of Cromwell were within the then-
accepted rules of war, or were exaggerated
or distorted by later propagandists; these
claims have been challenged by others.[119]
The Caste War of Yucatán (approx. 1847–
1901) against the population of European
Caste War of descent, called Yucatecos, who held political
200,000 200,000 200,000 Peninsula, 1847 1901
Yucatán and economic control of the region. Adam
Jones wrote: Genocidal atrocities on both
sides cost up to 200,000 killed."[80]
This war was a much smaller engagement
than the two previous Punic Wars and
focused on Tunisia, mainly on the Siege of
Carthage, which resulted in the complete
Destruction of
destruction of the city, the annexation of all
193,649 150,000[120] 250,000[121] the Tunisia 149 BC 146 BC
remaining Carthaginian territory by Rome,
and the death or enslavement of the entire
Carthaginian population. The Third Punic
War ended Carthage's independent
The War in Darfur is a major armed conflict
in the Darfur region of Sudan, that began in
February 2003 when the Sudan Liberation
Movement (SLM) and Justice and Equality
168,375 Movement (JEM) rebel groups began
(Non- fighting the government of Sudan, which
government 63,000 450,000+
[122] [124] they accused of oppressing Darfur's non-
Darfurian Darfur, Arab population.[126][127] The government
---------------- 2003 Ongoing
Genocide Sudan responded to attacks by carrying out a
----- 10,000 (Sudan's) 300,000 (U.N.'s)
[123] [125] campaign of ethnic cleansing against
Darfur's non-Arabs. This resulted in the
deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians
and the indictment of Sudan's president
Omar al-Bashir for genocide, war crimes,
and crimes against humanity by the
International Criminal Court.[128]
165,831 110,000 250,000 Polish Operation Soviet Union 1937 1938 The operation from 1937 to 1938 to
of the NKVD eliminate the Polish minority in the Soviet
(1937–38) Union.
Mass murder of Armenian (and other
Hamidian Ottoman Christian) civilians under Sultan Abdul
154,919 80,000 300,000 1894 1896
Massacres Empire Hamid II that foreshadowed the Armenian
The civilian deaths under the Indonesian
occupation of East Timor, including killings,
disappearances, and deaths caused by
East Timorese conflict-related hunger and illness[131]
135,941 60,000[129] 308,000[130] East Timor 1974 1999
Genocide resulted in an enormous proportional loss of
life upon the island some estimating as high
as 13% up to almost a third to almost 44%
of the population.[130][132][133]
Genocide[138][139] of Polish civilian
The Volhynian Volhyn and
population in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia
134,164 60,000[134][135][136] 300,000[137] Slaughter of Eastern 1943 1944
by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army
Poles Galicia
genocide of Communal mass murder of Hutus by their
129,615 80,000 210,000 Burundi 1972 1972
Hutus during rival tribe the Tutsi in Burundi.
The massacres of Jews in the Russian
Anti-Jewish Empire reached their peak in the early 20th
Russian century, through the killing of thousands
115,039 52,000 254,500 pogroms in the 1903–06 1917–22
Russian Empire from 1903 to 1906[145] and tens to hundreds
of thousands from 1917 to 1922.[146]
*7,594[147] to 40,000[148] Dersim rebellion

15,000[149] to 250,000[150] Sheikh

Said rebellion
Ethnic conflict
109,905 33,835 357,000 against & /w/ Turkey 1921 ongoing 6,741[151] to 20,000[152][153] Modern
Kurds in Turkey Turk-Kurd conflict
4,500 to 47,000
-[154][155][156][157][158]- Ararat

Deportation of Event is often considered an Ethnic

100,000 100,000 100,000 the Crimean Soviet Union 1944 1945 cleansing, and the Ukraine considers the
Tatars event genocide.
The indigenous rebellions of Túpac Amaru
Rebellions of II and Túpac Katari against the Spanish
Túpac Amaru II Present day
100,000 100,000 100,000 1780 1782 between 1780 and 1782, cost over 100,000
and Túpac Peru
colonists' lives in Peru and Upper Peru
(present-day Bolivia)."[159]
Al-Anfal The Kurdish genocide led by Ali Hassan al-
95,394 50,000[160] 182,000[161] campaign
Baathist Iraq 1986 1989
Majid under the order of Saddam Hussein
The Harkis were seen as traitors by many
Algerians, and many of those who stayed
behind suffered severe reprisals after
independence. French historians estimate
against Harkis
86,603 50,000[162] 150,000[162] after the
Algeria 1962 1962 that somewhere between 50,000 and
150,000 Harkis and members of their
Algerian War
families were killed by the FLN or by lynch
mobs in Algeria, often in atrocious
circumstances or after torture.
A euthanasia program in Nazi Germany
81,068 70,273 93,521 Aktion T4 1939 1941 used to purge those deemed genetically
Ethnic cleansing [163]
80,000 80,000 80,000 Libya 1923 1932
of Cyrenaicans
According to the Historical Clarification
Commission 140,000 to 200,000 were killed
or disappeared and least 42,275 were killed
76,223 35,000 166,000 Guatemala 1960 1996 by human rights violations during the
Guatemalan Civil War of which 93% were
from officially sanctioned government terror
and 83% of the victims were Maya.
50,000 Hutus 50,000 Hutus 50,000 Hutus
and tens of and tens of and tens of Rwandan [164]
and 1959 1962
thousands of thousands of thousands of Revolution
Tutsis Tutsis Tutsis
1948 Massacre Hyderabad [165][166]
73,485 27,000 200,000 1948 1948
in Hyderabad State, India
64,807 60,000 70,000 Cannibalism and Democratic 1998 2003 Pygmy peoples were murdered en masse as
Murder of Republic of they were regarded as subhumans.
Pygmy peoples Congo
during Great
War of Africa
All civilians killed in the Yugoslav Wars
including events such as the Srebrenica
Massacre, Lašva Valley ethnic cleansing,
Žepa Massacre, and other atrocities. 69.8%
to 82% of civilian victims of the Bosnian
War were Bosniak.
Ethnic cleansing
and Genocide 34,764[167] to 40,330[168][169]
58,577 52,856 64,917 from all sides of Yugoslavia 1991 2001 Bosnian War
the Yugoslav
10,844[170] to 14,661[170] Kosovo
7,158[171] to 9,836[171] Croatian War
of Independence
90[172] 2001 insurgency in the
Republic of Macedonia

From the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1894):

"The Indian wars under the government of
the United States have been more than 40 in
number. They have cost the lives of about
American Indian 19,000 white men, women and children,
Now the
56,000 49,000 64,000 Wars of the 1511 1890 including those killed in individual combats,
United States
United States and the lives of about 30,000 Indians. The
actual number of killed and wounded
Indians must be very much higher than the
given... Fifty percent additional would be a
safe estimate..."
Warsaw Occupied 5 August 12 August Polish fatalities in district Wola and Ochota
54,772 50,000 60,000[173][174][175] Uprising Poland 1944 1944 committed during Warsaw Uprising
genocide of Communal mass murder of Tutsis by their
50,000 50,000 50,000 Burundi 1993 1993
Tutsis during rival tribe the Hutu in Burundi.
Part of the Herero and Namaqua genocide
48,990 24,000 100,000 Herero genocide South-West 1904 1907
during the Herero Wars.
Witch trials in
44,721 20,000 100,000 the early modern Europe 1400 1800 [176]
Fires set during attacks on Greeks and
Armenians by Turkish mobs and military
forces in Smyrna at the end of the Greco-
Turkish War (1919–22). The violence and
10,000 100,000 Smyrna,
Great Fire of September September fires resulted in the destruction of the Greek
31,623 [177][178] [179][180] Ottoman
Smyrna 9, 1922 24, 1922 and Armenian portions of the city and the
massacre of their populations. After the
attacks 30,000 Greek and Armenian men left
behind were deported by Turkish forces,
many of whom were subsequently killed.
In 1916 there was an uprising and
crackdown of Krygyzstanis against and by
Tsarist Russia in what is now known as the

Russian A public commission in Kyrgyzstan called

28,460 3,000 270,000 Urkun Empire, 1916 1916 the crackdown of 1916 that killed 100,000 to
Krygyzstan 270,000 Kyrgyzstanis a genocide though
Russia rejected this characterization.[181]
Russian sources put the death toll at

The Captivity of Mangalorean Catholics at

Captivity of Seringapatam (1784–1799) was a 15-year
Mangalorean imprisonment of Mangalorean Catholics and
25,495 10,000 65,000 Canara 1784 1799
Catholics at other Christians at Seringapatam in the
Seringapatam Indian region of Canara by Tipu Sultan, the
de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore
1988 Burundian [183]
25,000 25,000 25,000 Burundi 1988 1988
Hutu Massacre
22,500+see List of War between Indigenous Australians and
massacres of Australian settlers in which about 20,000 aboriginal
22,249 22,000 Australia 1788 1934
Indigenous frontier wars were massacred along with 2–2.5 thousand
Australians settlers dying in combat.
21,817 17,000 28,000 Ethnic cleansing Abkhazia 1992 1993 The ethnic cleansing of Georgians in
of Georgians and Georgia Abkhazia',[184][185][186][187]

known as the "massacres of Georgians in
Abkhazia"[196][197] and "genocide of
Georgians in Abkhazia"[198] — refers to
ethnic cleansing,[199] massacres[200] and
forced mass expulsion of thousands of
ethnic Georgians.

The Dersim massacre was a massacre of

Kurdish people (Alevi Kurmanj and Zaza)
by the Turkish government in the Dersim
region of eastern Turkey, which includes
parts of Tunceli Province, Elazığ Province,
and Bingöl
Dersim Dersim, Province.[201][202][203][204][205][206][207] The
17,429 7,594 40,000 1937 1937 massacre occurred after a rebellion led by
Massacre Turkey
Seyid Riza against the Turkification policies
of the Turkish government.[208] As a result
of the Turkish military campaign against the
rebellion, thousands of Alevi Zazas[209] died
and many others were internally displaced
due to the conflict.
1966 anti-Igbo May 29, October [210]
17,321 10,000 30,000 Nigeria
pogrom 1966 1966
It is difficult to determine the total number
of people who died as a result of Indian
massacres. However, one book, The Wild
Frontier: Atrocities during the American-
Indian War from Jamestown Colony to
Wounded Knee presents an estimate by
counting every recorded atrocity in the area
that would eventually become the
continental United States, from first contact
16,349+ See List of Indian Now the (1511) to the closing of the frontier (1890).
16,349 16,349 1511 1890
Indian massacres Massacres United States
The parameters were limited to the
intentional and indiscriminate murder,
torture, or mutilation of civilians, the
wounded, and prisoners. The results
revealed that 7,193 people died from
atrocities perpetrated by those of European
descent, and 9,156 people died from
atrocities perpetrated by Native
Massacres of
Most extreme episode of the Persecution of
12,247 1,000 150,000[211][212] Biharis by Bangladesh 1971 1971
Biharis in Bangladesh
Bengali mobs
Ethnic cleansing and executions of members
10,607 3,750[213] 30,000[214] Gukurahundi Zimbabwe 1983 1987 of the Ndebele by the Robert Mugabe's Fifth
Vietnamese 100% of the Vietnamese in Cambodia were
10,000 10,000[110] 10,000 Genocide by 1975 1979 slaughtered during the genocide according
Khmer Rouge to Samuel Totten.
Namaqua Part of the Herero and Namaqua genocide
10,000 10,000 10,000 South-West 1904 1907
genocide during the Herero Wars.
Thai Genocide 40% of Thai in Cambodia were killed during
8,000 8,000 8,000 by Khmer 1975 1979 the Cambodian Genocide according to
Rouge[110] Samuel Totten.
[215] However, By 3 November, the official
Bihar, October November
7,746 2,000 30,000 1946 Bihar riots estimate put the figure of death at only
British India 30, 1946 7, 1946
7,071 5,000 10,000 Noakhali riots Noakhali October November The Noakhali riots, also known as the
Region, 1946 1946 Noakhali genocide or the Noakhali Carnage,
Bengal, were a series of massacres, rapes, abductions
British India and forced conversions of Hindus and
looting and arson of Hindu properties,
perpetrated by the Muslim community in the
districts of Noakhali in the Chittagong
Division of Bengal in October–November
1946, a year before India's independence
from British rule. It affected the areas under
the Ramganj, Begumganj, Raipur,
Lakshmipur, Chhagalnaiya and Sandwip
police stations in Noakhali district and the
areas under the Hajiganj, Faridganj,
Chandpur, Laksham and Chauddagram
police stations in Tipperah district, a total
area of more than 2,000 square miles.
6,775 1,020 45,000 Massacres by Algeria 1945 1945 [217]
the French
6,708 3,000 15,000 Tasmanian 1803 1905 After the death of Fanny Cochrane Smith
Extinction Australia there were no non-mixed raced Tasmanians
878 878 878 Black War Mid 1820s 1832 left in the world.
Zanzibar Thousands of Arabs and Indians were
6,325 2,000 20,000 Zanzibar 1964 1964
Revolution massacred during the Zanzibar Revolution
Khulna 200–300[218]
Dhaka 1,000[219]

Narayanganj 3,500[220]
1964 East January January Bhulta 267[221]
5,640 5,590 5,690+ East Pakistan
Pakistan riots 1964 1964 Golkandli 623
Almost 100% of Hindu population of
Mainam ?
100s or 1000s more?

Simele, The Simele massacre inspired Raphael

August 7, August
5,477 5,000[222] 6,000[223][224] Simele massacre Kingdom of
1933 11, 1933
Lemkin to create the concept of
Iraq genocide.[225]

70–100 Nachole
215 Dhaka
2,500 Barisal
1950 Barisal February March
4,818 + 3? 4,803 + 3? 4,833 + 3? East Bengal Chittagong ?
Riots 1950 1950
Sylhet ?
Rajshahi 17
Mymensingh 2,000
Jessore 1

A series of pogroms against sikhs primarily

1984 Sikh October November done by members of the Indian National
4,733 2,800 8,000 India
Massacre 31, 1984 3, 1984 Congress party due to the assassination of
the prime minister.
Six hours Six hours
on on [226]
4,681 2,191 10,000 Nellie massacre Assam, India
February February
18, 1983 18, 1983
Genocide by 40% of Laotians in Cambodia were killed
4,000 4,000 4,000 Khmer 1975 1979 during the Cambodian Genocide according
to Samuel Totten.
Direct Action Day (16 August 1946), also
known as the Great Calcutta Killings, was a
Direct Action August August day of widespread riot and manslaughter
4,000 4,000 4,000 India
Day 16, 1946 18, 1946 between Hindus and Muslims in the city of
Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) in the
Bengal province of British India.
1804 Haiti April 22,
3,873 3,000 5,000
Haiti February
1804 Genocide of white people in Haiti.[227]
The forced relocation of various Native
3,464 2,000 6,000 Trail of Tears United States 1830 1850 American tribes under the order of Andrew
Ethnic cleansing, execution, forced
Genocide of Sinjar, Iraq
3,162 2,000[228] 5,000+[229] 2014 ongoing conversion, rape, and enslavement of
Yazidis by ISIL and Syria
Yazidis by ISIL
Selknam Tierra del Late Early
3,122 2,500[83] 3,900[84] genocide Fuego, Chile 1800s 1900s
Genocide of Selknam Native Chilean tribe.

Genocidal massacre of people who say

Parsley Dominican October 2, October 8, perejil(Spanish for parsely) in a French
2,580 547 12,166
Massacre Republic 1937 1937 accent in order to determine if they're Afro-
Haitian or Afro-Dominican.
Minimum death toll inlcludes 790 Muslim
death toll. Both death tolls include 254
2002 Gujarat Gujarat, February March
1,763 1,044 2,977[230] riots India 2002 2002
Hindu deaths and maximum death toll
includes 223 presumed mixing as dead and
2,500 Muslim higher death toll.
1,566 1,566[231] 1,566+ Genocide of Iraq, Syria 2014 ongoing Ethnic cleansing, execution, forced
Shias by ISIL conversion, rape, and enslavement of Shiass
The Conquest of the Desert was a military
campaign directed mainly by General Julio
Conquest of the Argentino Roca in the 1870s, which
1,300 1,300 1,300 Argentina Mid 1870s 1884 established Argentine dominance over
Patagonia, then inhabited by indigenous
peoples, killing more than 1,300.[232]
Genocide of Ethnic cleansing, execution, forced
Iraq, Syria,
1,000 1,000[233] 1,000+ Christians by
and Libya
2014 ongoing conversion, rape, and enslavement of
ISIL Christians by ISIL
The death toll resulting from the event is
unknown but here are some statistics that
may allow for some extrapolations: The Fort
Pit outbreak hit the Lenni Lenape and
Shawnee.[234] The population of these two
groups in 2008 were 16,000 and 14,000
respectively.[235][236] The US's population in
2008 was likely about 305 million as it was
281,421,906 in 2000 and grew by 1.9
million each year afterwards, meaning the
two tribes were likely about one ten
Biological thousandth of the population. The
Warfare at the Pittsburgh, population of the aforementioned tribes is
? ? ? 1763 1763 unknown but the non-native population of
Siege of Fort Pennsylvania
Pitt the United States in 1760 was 1,593,625 and
in 1770 was 2,148,076,.[237] Note that the
census numbers do not include Native
Americans until 1860, but in 2010 Native
Americans made up about 0.7% of the U.S.
population.[238][239] The native populations
grow at slower rates then non-native and
sometimes even decreased. The mortality
rates of disease on indigenous people can be
as high as 90%.[240] There is also
widespread intermarriage between the
natives and non-natives.

Political purges and repressions (politicides)

This section includes events that entail the mass killings of political opposition (such as those of certain
ideology, class or just someone protesting the government) in what are sometimes called "Red" or "White"
Terrors depending on who's committing them and the type of opposition they target (Red=Communist,
White=Anti-Communist/Nationalist). Another term used to refer to these types of killing is politicide. This
list is incomplete please help by adding to it. see also Red Terror (disambiguation), White Terror, and

Partial view of a plaque with photos of victims of the

Great Purge who were shot in the Butovo firing range
near Moscow. The photos were taken after the arrest
of each victim.
mean Lowest Highest
Event Location From To Notes
estimate estimate
People's Millions of landlords were murdered during land
Landlord Classicide
4,732,864 800,000 28,000,000 Republic of 1946 1949 reforms before the formation of the People's Republic
under Mao Zedong
China of China because they were seen as class enemies.
See Struggle session
The Cultural Revolution, formally the Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution, was a sociopolitical
movement that took place in the People's Republic of
China from 1966 until 1976. Set into motion by Mao
People's Zedong, then Chairman of the Communist Party of
The Great Proletarian
2,000,000 400,000[242] 10,000,000[243] Cultural Revolution Republic of 1966 1976 China, its stated goal was to preserve 'true'
China Communist ideology in the country by purging
remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from
Chinese society.

See Struggle session

Some have referred to the mass killing of ethnic
Khmer people under the Khmer Rouge as a genocide
despite the fact the mass killings were committed by
fellow Khmer and the Khmer were killed less in
proportion to their population, according to Samuel
Cambodian Democratic Totten, then other victims of the Khmer Rouge
1,325,000 1,325,000 1,325,000 1975 1979
Autogenocide Kampuchea making it more of a politicide. These killings have
been described as autogenocide or civil genocide. The
death toll used here is the combined death of rural and
urban Khmer according to Samuel Totten. Note this is
not the total number of people killed in the
Cambodian genocide just the number of ethnic
Khmers killed.
The Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries
(Chinese: 镇压反革命; pinyin: zhènyā fǎn gémìng;
literally: "suppressing counterrevolutionaries" or
Campaign to Suppress People's abbreviated as Chinese: 鎮反; pinyin: zhènfǎn) was
1,193,315 712,000[244] 2,000,000[245] Counterrevolutionaries Republic of 1950 1951 the first political campaign launched by the People's
in China China Republic of China designed to eradicate opposition
elements, especially former Kuomintang (KMT)
functionaries accused of trying undermine the new
Communist government.[244]
The Great Purge or Great Terror was a period of
Great Purge in the Soviet intense political repression in the Soviet Union
1,077,850 681,692[246] 1,704,230[247] Soviet Union Union
1936 1938
including execution (especially through open air
shootings) and forced labor through the Gulag system.
Massacres of people connected to the Indonesian
1965 & 66 Indonesian
485,283 78,500[248] 3,000,000[249] Politicide
Indonesia 1965 1966 Communist Party (PKI) were carried out in 1965 and
1966. Death tolls are difficult to estimate.[250]
300,000 300,000 300,000[251] White Terror (Russia) Russian 1917 1923 White movement equivalent to the Red Terror.
In Spain, the White Terror (also known as la
Represión Franquista, the "Francoist Repression")
Spain was the series of acts of politically motivated
during and violence, rape, and other crimes committed by the
244,949 150,000[252] 400,000[253] Francoist Repression after the 1936 1945 Nationalist movement during the Spanish Civil War
Spanish (17 July 1936 to 1 April 1939) and during Francisco
Civil War Franco's dictatorship (1 October 1936 – 20 November
Violent purge of those deemed Anti-Communist in
150,000 30,000 750,000[255] Qey Shibir
Republic of
1977 1978
Ethiopia Death Toll Sources:[256][257][258][259][260]

Bodo League Summer Summer Massacre of communist and suspected communist

141,421 100,000[261] 200,000[262] Korea
Massacre 1950 1950 during the Korean War.
The Nazis targeted Freemasons for their killings as
Nazi they saw them as collaborators in a Jewish
Holocaust of the Conspiracy.
126,491 80,000[263] 200,000[263] Freemasons
occupied 1933 1945
See Suppression of Freemasonry

122,474 10,000[264] 1,500,000[265] Red Terror during the Former 1918 1922 Political repression by the Bolsheviks during the
Russian Civil War Russian Russian Civil War.
Civil War
The death toll of the uprising against Saddam
Hussein's government during 1991 was high
throughout the country. The rebels killed many
Ba'athist officials and officers. In response, thousands
of unarmed civilians were killed by indiscriminate fire
from loyalist tanks, artillery and helicopters, and many
April the historical and religious structures in the south were
67,082 25,000 180,000 1991 uprising in Iraq Iraq the 1st,
5th, 1991 deliberately targeted under orders from Saddam
Hussein. Saddam's security forces entered the cities,
often using women and children as human shields,
where they detained and summarily executed or
"disappeared" thousands of people at random in a
policy of collective responsibility. Many suspects
were tortured, raped, or burned alive.[266]
A campaign of political repression by right-wing
63,246 50,000 80,000[267] Operation Condor 1975 1983 dictatorships in South America, sponsored by the
United States
The Red Terror in Spain (Spanish: Terror Rojo)[270] is
the name given by historians to various acts of
Spanish Communist during the
52,432 38,000[268] 72,344[269] Politicide Spanish
1936 1939 violence committed from 1936 until the end of the
Spanish Civil War "by sections of nearly all the leftist
Civil War
North Vietnamese North
51,962 13,500[272] 200,000[273] Land Reform Vietnam
1954 1956 Some view the land reforms as a class purge.

The Reign of Terror, was a period of violence that

occurred after the onset of the French Revolution,
during the
25,923 16,000 42,000 The Reign of Terror 1793 1794 incited by conflict between two rival political factions,
the Girondins and The Jacobins, and marked by mass
executions of "enemies of the revolution".
The Hama massacre (Arabic: ‫ )ﻣﺠﺰرة ﺣﻤﺎة‬occurred
February in February 1982, when the Syrian Arab Army and the
Hama, February Defense Companies, under the orders of the country's
20,000 10,000 40,000 1982 Hama Massacre the 28th
Syria 2, 1982 president Hafez al-Assad, besieged the town of Hama
for 27 days in order to quell an uprising by the
Muslim Brotherhood against al-Assad's government
1932 Salvadoran January July 11,
20,000 10,000 40,000[274] peasant massacre
El Salvador
22, 1932 1932
Many of the victims were Indigenous people

Crackdown by the Kuomintang government that

17,320 10,000 30,000 February 28 Incident Taiwan 1947 1947
ushered in the White Terror (Taiwan) era.
At least 9,000 people were tortured and killed in
Argentina from 1976 to 1983, carried out primarily by
16,432 9,000[275] 30,000[276] Dirty War Argentina 1976 1983
the Argentinean military Junta (part of Operation
Red and White Terrors Both sides of the Finnish Civil War used Terrors
11,650 11,650 11,650 of the Finnish Civil Finland 1918 1918 where 10,000 were killed in the White Terror and
War 1,650 were killed in the Red Terror.[277]
(5 months [278][279][280]
1988 Iranian P.O.C.
11,596 4,482 30,000 Iran 1988 after
starting of Massacre of Prisoners of Conscience (P.O.C.s) in Iran.
An era of martial law in Taiwan in which 140,000
3,464 3,000 4,000 White Terror (Taiwan) Taiwan 1949 1987 where imprisoned and 3,000 to 4,000 were executed
for real or perceived opposition to the Kuomintang
1,200 to 3,200 alleged communist were executed,
80,000 were forcibly interned and 30,000 were
1,960 1,200 3,200 Chilean Politicide Chile 1974 1990 tortured under the reign of Augusto
Massacre of the Square,
Crackdown of anti-government protest in the People's
850 241 3,000 Tiananmen Square People's 1989 1989
Republic of China.
protests of 1989 Republic of

Forced labor, slavery, internment/extermination camps, and slave trades

Includes deaths caused by the poor labor conditions of the systems, executions for not performing the labor satisfactorily, and killing from trying to accumulate
the work force.
A 19th-century European engraving of Arab slave-
trading caravan transporting African slaves across
the Sahara during Arab slave trade.
Geom. mean
Lowest estimate Highest estimate Event Location From To Notes
The summation of all those killed in
Slave Trades and forced labour
systems under both Europeans and
Middle East,
North Africa,
32,863,353 22,500,000 48,000,000 Maafa the Congo and 650s 1900s 5.5 to 15 million Atlantic Trade
the Horn of
14 to 20 million Arab Trade
3 to 13 million Congo Holocaust
under Leopold II

Laogai (勞改/劳改), the abbreviation

for Láodòng Gǎizào (勞動改造/劳动
改造), which means "reform through
labor", is a slogan of the Chinese
criminal justice system and has been
used to refer to the use of penal labour
and prison farms in the People's
Republic of China (PRC), which once
took up more than half of the world's
Laogai People's slaves. Laogai is different from
20,124,610 15,000,000[284] 27,000,000 "reform through Republic of 1945 1976 laojiao, or re-education through labor,
labor" System China which was an administrative detention
for a person who was not a criminal
but had committed minor offenses,
and was intended to reform offenders
into law-abiding citizens.[285] Persons
detained under laojiao were detained
in facilities that were separate from
the general prison system of laogai.
Both systems, however, involved
penal labor.
Middle East,
Slave Trade of North Africa, [286][287]
16,733,201 14,000,000 20,000,000 650s 1900s
Africans by Arabs and the Horn of
Slave raids carried out by Muslims
from Ottoman Empire on European

There is no concrete number for the

Southern number of people killed due to the
Europe, Polish– Barbary Slave Trade. The method
10,868,533 10,500,000[288][289] 11,250,000 enslavement under
1450 1800 many people use such as Matthew
the Ottoman Turks White is to estimate the mortality rate
Grand Duchy of
Moscow of slave raids and multiply them by
the number people took as slaves.
White estimates 3 people were killed
for every 1 slave abducted.
(Includes Barbary Slave Trade)


Africa, the
The transatlantic slave trade resulted
Americas, and
9,082,951 5,500,000 15,000,000 Atlantic Slave Trade 1600s 1800s in a vast and as yet still unknown loss
across the
Atlantic of life for African captives both in and
outside America.

Private forces under the control of

Leopold II of Belgium carried out
mass murders, mutilations, and other
crimes against the Congolese in order
to encourage the gathering of valuable
raw materials, principally rubber.
Significant deaths also occurred due to
major disease outbreaks and
starvation, caused by population
Congolese Congo Free
6,244,998 3,000,000[b] 13,000,000[291] 1885 1908 displacement and poor treatment.[292]
Holocaust State
Estimates of the death toll vary
considerably because of the lack of a
formal census before 1924, but a
commonly cited figure of 10 million
deaths was obtained by estimating a
50% decline in the total population
during the Congo Free State and
applying it to the total population of
10 million in 1924.[293]
1,702,101 1,053,829 2,749,163[294] Gulag Labor System Soviet Union 1930s 1950s Gulag is an acronym for the
organization that administered the
forced labor system in the Soviet
Union that became a colloquialism in
the west for the camps themselves.
The system was used to punish
genuine criminals, political dissidents,
and prisoners of war.
Forced Labor in
1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 North Korea 1972 ongoing [295]
North Korea
Oświęcim, [296][297]
1,095,445 800,000 1,500,000 Auschwitz-Birkenau 1940 1945
Treblinka, [298][299]
836,660 700,000 1,000,000 Treblinka 1942 1943
R.J. Rummel coiner of the word
"Democide" estimated the mortality
rate for Mexican Peonage a form of
debt labor by comparing it to similar
Peonage and Chattel forced labor systems such as the
590,419 173,000 2,015,000 Mexico 1900 1920
Slavery In Mexico Soviet Gulag, and then applying and
reducing it accordingly to the
population of Mexico at the time
coming up with an annual death rate
of 69,000.
536,656 480,000 600,000 Bełżec Bełżec, Poland 1942 1943 [300][301][302]

Forced Labor of
Korea and [303]
467,654 270,000 810,000 Koreans by Imperial 1939 1945
400,000 200,000 800,000

13,000,000(Alleged 13,000,000(Alleged 13,000,000(Alleged

French Colonial French colonial [304]
population decline population decline population decline 1900 1940
Slavery empire
by Andre Gide's by Andre Gide's by Andre Gide's
Politics : Rebellion Politics : Rebellion Politics : Rebellion
and Ambivalence) and Ambivalence) and Ambivalence)
Portuguese Forced Portuguese [305]
325,000 325,000 325,000 1900 1925
Labor Empire
264,575 100,000 700,000 Jasenovac Croatia 1941 1945 [306][307][308]

Kolyma, Soviet [309]

254,951 130,000 500,000 Kolyma Gulag 1932 1954
Amazonian Rubber [310]
250,000+ 250,000+ 250,000+ Amazon, Brazil 1900 1912

Forced labour was used in the

construction of the Burma Railway.
More than 180,000—possibly many
more—Southeast Asian civilian
labourers (Romusha) and 60,000
Allied prisoners of war (POWs)
Construction of worked on the railway. Of these,
102,621 102,621[311] 102,621[311] Burma 1943 1947 estimates of Romusha deaths are little
Burma Railway
more than guesses, but probably about
90,000 died. 12,621 Allied POWs died
during the construction. The dead
POWs included 6,904 British
personnel, 2,802 Australians, 2,782
Dutch, and 133 Americans.[311]

Stutthof, Third
85,000 85,000 85,000 Stutthof 1939 1945 Second World War
French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps
had obtained many concessions from
Isma'il Pasha, the Khedive of Egypt
and Sudan, in 1854–56, to build the
Construction of the Egypt, and Suez Canal. Some sources estimate
67,082 30,000 120,000 1859 1868
Suez Canal Sudan the workforce at 30,000,[312] but
others estimate that 120,000 workers
died over the ten years of construction
due to malnutrition, fatigue and
disease, especially cholera.[313]
35,000 35,000 35,000 Forced Labor of In and around 1939 1945 According to the Japanese military's
Allied POWs the Pacific own record, nearly 25% of 140,000
Allied POWs died while interned in
Japanese prison camps where they
were forced to work (U.S. POWs died
at a rate of 27%).[314][315]
116,000 Boer women and children;
26,370 died.
Concentration 115,000 black people 15,000 died
South African
32,249 26,000 40,000 Camps during the 1900 1902
Second Boer War
Republic Second Boer War [316] 81% of the
total fatalities in the camps were
children Emily Hobhouse

Primarily for women and

30,972 12,790 75,000 Stara Gradiška Croatia 1941 1945
Phnom Penh, [319]
17,000 17,000 17,000 Tuol Sleng 1975 1979
Andersonville, [320]
13,171 13,171 13,171 Camp Sumter 1864 1865
Georgia, USA
12,000 12,000 12,000 Crveni Krst Niš, Serbia 1941 1941 [321]

Tammisaari Prison Tammisaari,

2,963 2,963 2,963 1918 1918
Camp Finland
Elmira, New [322]
2,963 2,963 2,963 Elmira Prison 1864 1865
York, USA
Minimum death toll is out of a camp
Luderitz, population of 1,795 people and
Shark Island
2,032 1,032 4,000[323] Concentration Camp
German South- 1905 1907 maximum is out of those in the
West Africa Maximum includes those who died in
the Luderitz area.
World Cup Migrant [324]
1,342 1,200 1,800 Qatar 2013 ongoing
Labor Deaths Out of 100,000 laborers.

War Crimes and Ancient War Atrocities

Massacre and unnatural death committed or caused by military, communal, terrorist, insurgent forces, or
political entity that may or may not particularly target ethnic, religious, or political group but usually are
part of either a morally bankrupt military strategy or is just an arbitrary act of sadism. Also try to only
include events in which the majority of victims were civilians or is often referred to as an atrocity by
significant mainstream scholarship.

The corpses of Nanking Massacre victims on the

shore of the Qinhuai River with a Japanese soldier
standing nearby
mean Lowest Highest
Event Location From To Notes
estimate estimate
All atrocities
against civilians
during World
War II

Japanese War
Crimes, Soviet
29,074,054 29,000,000 30,500,000 Worldwide 1939 1945 See World War II casualties
Oppression such
as Gulags and
transfer in the
Soviet Union,
and Terror

Japanese war crimes occurred in many Asian and

Pacific countries during the period of Japanese
imperialism, primarily during the Second Sino-
In and Japanese War and World War II. These incidents have
around East
also been described as an Asian Holocaust[327] and
Asian Holocaust and South
6,480,741 3,000,000[325] 14,000,000[326] (By Japan) East Asia,
1895 1945 Japanese war atrocities.[328][329][330] Some war
Oceania and crimes were committed by military personnel from
the Pacific the Empire of Japan in the late 19th century, although
most took place during the first part of the Shōwa
Era, the name given to the reign of Emperor Hirohito,
until the surrender of the Empire of Japan, in 1945.
In a study published in 1996, historian Mitsuyoshi
Himeta claims that the Three Alls Policy(A scorched
earth policy implemented by the Imperial Japanese
Three Alls during
2,700,000 2,700,000 2,700,000 1940 1942 Army on China.), sanctioned by Emperor Hirohito
Policy World War
himself, was both directly and indirectly responsible
for the deaths of "more than 2.7 million" Chinese
Chinese Civil
War Atrocities During the war both the Nationalists and Communists
against civilians 1927– 1946–
2,509,980 1,800,000 3,500,000[331] from forced
1936 1950
carried out mass atrocities, with millions of non-
conscription and combatants deliberately killed by both sides.[332]
First and
Sudanese War 1956– 1983– [333]
2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Sudan
Atrocities 1972 2005
Some refer to the mass murder of civilians during the
Soviet Invasion as a genocide, however those killed
were on the basis of political alignment making it a
Afghan politicide.
1,303,840 850,000 2,000,000 Afghanistan 1979 1989
Politicide Death Toll Sources:


Yellow Tiger Sichuan, Bloody peasant revolt that massacred a large portion
1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000[336] Massacre China
1644 1646
of Sichuan's population.
Warlord Era [337]
910,000 910,000 910,000 China 1900 1927
Mongol Mass slaughter of civilians by the Mongols in
January February
632,456 200,000[338] 2,000,000[339] Destruction of Baghdad
29, 1258 10, 1258
Baghdad. Considered to be the end of the "Islamic
Baghdad Golden Age."
The 27-year war can be divided roughly into three
periods of major fighting – from 1975 to 1991, 1992
to 1994, and from 1998 to 2002 – broken up by
fragile periods of peace. By the time the MPLA
Angolan Civil
achieved victory in 2002, more than 500,000 people
500,000 500,000 500,000 War Atrocities Angola 1975 2002
had died and over one million had been internally
against civilians
displaced. The war devastated Angola's infrastructure,
and severely damaged the nation's public
administration, economic enterprises, and religious
481,664 400,000[340] 580,000[341] Biological Parts of 1931 1945 See Unit 731 and the Asian Holocaust
Warfare and Russia and
Human China
Experimentation especially
by the Imperial Manchuria
Japanese Army

La Violencia (Spanish pronunciation: [la βjoˈlensja], The

Violence) was a ten-year period of civil war and
violence in Colombia from 1948 to 1958, between the
244,949 200,000[342] 300,000[342] La Violencia Colombia 1948 1958
Colombian Conservative Party and the Colombian
Liberal Party, fought mainly in the rural countryside.
Death toll may include non-civilian victims

Philippine- 1902
American War (1913 [343][344][345][i]
223,607 200,000 250,000 Philippines 1899
atrocities Moro
against civilians Rebellion)
Manila Manila, [346][347][348][349]
223,607 100,000 500,000 1945 1945
Massacre Philippines
Iran-Iraq War
205,670 150,000 282,000
Iran and Iraq 1980 1988 100,000[350] civilians killed on both sides plus 50 to
against 182 killed in Kurdish Genocide.
conflict [351]
177,307 177,307 177,307 Colombia 1964 ongoing
against civilians
Iraq War Numbers come from Iraq Body Count
170,461 155,923 186,355 Atrocities Iraq 2003 2011
against civilians
Described as genocide by some historians[355] but this
War in the during the
158,114 100,000[354][355] 250,000[356][357] Vendée French
1793 1796 claim has been widely discounted.[358] See also
Revolution French Revolution.
Viet Cong
131,863 36,725[359] 227,000[360] Vietnam 1955 1975
164,433 125,000[361] 203,865+[362] Terrorism since worldwide 2001 ongoing Death toll depends on how Terrorist attack is defined.
First and [363][364][365][366]
1994– 1999–
136,931 75,000 250,000 Chechen Wars Chechnya
1996 2009 [367][368]
against civilians
caused by South
127,232 57,000 284,000 Vietnam during Vietnam 1954 1975 [369]
Diem era and
Vietnam War
Looking back at the LRA's (a rebel group and
heterodox Christian cult which operates in northern
Uganda, the Central African Republic and the
Crimes of the African
Democratic Republic of the Congo) campaign of
Lord's Republic,
100,000 100,000 100,000 1986 2009 violence, The Guardian stated in 2015 that Kony's
Resistance and the
forces had been responsible for the deaths of over
Army Democratic
100,000 people and the kidnapping of at least 60,000
Republic of
children. Various atrocities committed include raping
young girls and abducting them for use as sex slaves.
Alleged human rights abuses by the NIF regime
Crimes of the included war crimes, ethnic cleansing, a revival of
100,000 100,000 100,000 National Islamic Sudan 1964 1999 slavery, torture of opponents, and an unprecedented
Front number of refugees fleeing into Uganda, Kenya,
Eritrea, Egypt, Europe and North America.[370]
Since Indonesia has taken control of West Papua in
1963 they've been accused the population of West
West Papua
100,000+ 100,000+[371] 100,000+[372] Atrocities
West Papua 1963 Ongoing Papua has had over 100,000 unnatural deaths. The
administration of West Papua has been called a police
Ongoing Syrian
Civil War
87,899 81,426 94,886+ Syria 2011 ongoing See List of massacres during the Syrian Civil War
against civilians
See Human Rights Abuses in Jammu and Kashmir,
Jammu and
Kashmir Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir, List of massacres
68,556+ 47,000[373] 100,000+[374] Conflict
Kashmir, 1947 ongoing
in Jammu and Kashmir
Death toll may include non-civilian victims
72,111 13,000[375] 400,000[376] The Rape of Nanking, 1937 1938 The Nanking Massacre, commonly known as the
(All Nan(j/k)ing China Rape of Nanking, was a war crime committed by the
Victims) (All Victims) (All Victims) Japanese military in Nanjing, then capital of the
Republic of China, after it fell to the Imperial
Japanese Army on 13 December 1937.
22,361 5,000[375] 100,000[377] See Death toll of the Nanking Massacre
(Civilian (Civilian (Civilian
massacre massacre massacre
victims) victims) victims)
Internal conflict between the Peruvian Army and
guerrilla fighters in Peru. The principal actors in the
war were the Communist Party of Peru or "Shining
Path" and the government of Peru; the Tupac Amaru
Revolutionary Movement was also involved. All of
Internal conflict
68,784 61,007[378] 77,552 Peru 1980 2000 the armed actors in the war (both terrorists and the
in Peru
Peruvian Army) deliberately targeted and killed
civilians, making the conflict more bloody than any
other war in Peruvian history since the European
colonization of the country.
Death toll may include non-civilian victims
Sheikh Said Rebellion (Kurdish:Serhildana Şêx Seîdê
Pîran, Turkish: Şeyh Said İsyanı, was a rebellion to
revive the Islamic Caliphate System and used
elements of Kurdish nationalism to recruit.[379] It was
led by Sheikh Said and a group of former Ottoman
24,495 to 15,000 to 40,000 to Sheikh Said soldiers also known as Hamidiye soldiers. The
Turkey 1925 1925
70,711 20,000[149] 250,000[150] rebellion rebellion was particularly of two Kurdish groups, the
Zaza people and the speakers of the related Kurmanji
dialect of Kurdish: it "was led specifically by the
Zaza population and received almost full support in
the entire Zaza region and some of the neighbouring
Kurmanji-dominated regions".[380]
26,270 26,270 26,270 War Atocities Afghanistan 2001 2014 [381]
against civilians
Iraq, Syria, Death toll from ISIL listed is only over the course of
sporadic 2 years and occurred only in Iraq so death toll is
18,800 18,800 18,800+ Crimes of ISIL 2011 ongoing
worldwide certainly higher.[382]

There are allegations that war crimes were committed

by the Sri Lankan military and the rebel Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil Tigers) during the Sri
Lankan Civil War, particularly during the final
months of the Eelam War IV phase in 2009. The
alleged war crimes include attacks on civilians and
civilian buildings by both sides; executions of
War Crimes
combatants and prisoners by both sides; enforced
during the Sri
16,733 7,000[383] 40,000[384] Lankan Civil
Sri Lanka 2009 2009 disappearances by the Sri Lankan military and
paramilitary groups backed by them; acute shortages
of food, medicine, and clean water for civilians
trapped in the war zone; and child recruitment by the
Tamil Tigers.[385][386]

See Alleged war crimes during the final stages of the

Sri Lankan Civil War

The sack of the second city of the Byzantine Empire

First Sack of Byzantine by a Muslim fleet under the command of Leo of
15,000 15,000 15,000[387] Thessalonica Empire
904 904
Tripoli. In addition to the thousands killed the
Saracen fleet also took 20,000 Greek slaves.
Child 3% of 2 to 6 hundred thousand
10,392 6,000 18,000 Soldierhood of Iran 1980 1988
Iran casualties.[388][389][390][391][392][393][394][395][396][397]

Algerian Civil [398][399]

10,000 10,000 10,000 Algeria 1991 2002
War Massacres
Balochistan 1937–
conflict Balochistan, 1977, [400][401][402]
7,628 7,628 7,628+ ongoing
atrocities Pakistan 2004–
against civilians 2009
Civilians killed
5,477 5,000 6,000 by US Soldiers Vietnam 1955 1975 [403]
in Vietnam War

Civilians killed See Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil

in Russian War
military September
5,013 5,013 5,013+ Syria ongoing
intervention in 2015 [404]
the Syrian Civil
2,977 2,977 2,977 9/11 Terrorist United 9/11/2001 9/11/2001 [405]
Attacks States
Civilians killed
Donbass, [406]
2,000 2,000 2,000 in War in 2014 ongoing
Sabra and
West Beirut, September September Massacre of a Palestinian refugee camp by Lebanese
1,269 460[407] 3,500[408] Shatila
Lebanon 16, 1982 18, 1982 Christians.
965[410] +/- Civilian Afghanistan,
365+ 138[409] hundreds casualties from Pakistan, 2006 ongoing
more[411] US drone strikes Yemen

List of dictatorships by death toll

And regime/empires, etc.

Infamous African dictator Idi Amin

mean Lowest estimate Highest estimate Event Location From To Notes
Critics of Mao Zedong have argued Mao's China
saw unprecedented losses of human life through
inhuman economic policies such as the Great Leap
Forward, slave labor through the Laogai, violent
political purges such as the Cultural Revolution the
People's Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, and
Mao Zedong class extermination through land reform. Minimum
34,406,976 16,912,000 70,000,000[412] Catastrophes
Republic of 1946 1976
China death toll is the minimum estimate of famine dead
(15 million)[413] plus minimum estimate of land
reform dead (0.8 million)[414] plus minimum
estimate for Counterrevolutionaries dead
(712,000)[244] plus minimum estimate for Cultural
Revolution dead (400,000)[242]
The millions murdered by the regime of Joseph
Stalin by famine, purges, labor camps, population
transfer, deportations, and NKVD massacres. The
minimum death toll (to the left) uses the minimum
post-archive calculations from after the fall of the
USSR of those not killed in famine which range
Stalinist from 4 to 10 million.,[417][418][419] plus the
Crimes against minimum of those killed in famine which range
20,736,441 10,000,000 43,000,000[415][416] humanity and Soviet Union 1922 1953
from 6 to 8 million. Robert Conquest writer of the
genocide(s) book The Great Terror started with the estimate with
30 million, a few years later putting it down to 20
million[420] and in his latest revision sais no less
than 15 million perished.[421] Estimates before the
release of the archives put those killed by Stalin as
"low" as 3 million and as high as 60 million.[421]
Nazi Holocaust against Jews, Poles, Gypsies, Serbs,
Nazi occupied
17,000,000 17,000,000 17,000,000[422] Nazi Holocaust 1939 1945 East Slavs, the disabled, homosexuals, Freemasons,
POWs and Jehovah's Witnesses.+Soviet Famine
Mass killings
under Chinese
10,511,124 5,965,000[423] 18,522,000[423] China 1928 1946
In and around
East and South
Japanese War
6,480,741 3,000,000[325] 14,000,000[326] Holocaust
East Asia, 1895 1945
Oceania and
the Pacific
Private forces under the control of Leopold II of
Belgium carried out mass murders, mutilations, and
other crimes against the Congolese in order to
encourage the gathering of valuable raw materials,
principally rubber. Significant deaths also occurred
due to major disease outbreaks and starvation,
Congo Free Congo Free caused by population displacement and poor
6,244,998 3,000,000[c] 13,000,000[291] State Horrors State
1885 1908
treatment.[292] Estimates of the death toll vary
considerably because of the lack of a formal census
before 1924, but a commonly cited figure of 10
million deaths was obtained by estimating a 50%
decline in the total population during the Congo
Free State and applying it to the total population of
10 million in 1924.[293]
Putting an end to most foreign trade relationships,
Ranavalona I pursued a policy of self-reliance, made
possible through frequent use of the long-standing
tradition of fanompoana—forced labor in lieu of tax
payments in money or goods. Ranavalona continued
the wars of expansion conducted by her predecessor,
Radama I, in an effort to extend her realm over the
Atrocities entire island, and imposed strict punishments on
under those who were judged as having acted in
2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 Ranavalona I Madagascar 1829 1842 opposition to her will. Due in large part to loss of
of Madagascar life throughout the years of military campaigns, high
death rates among fanompoana workers, and harsh
traditions of justice under her rule, the population of
Madagascar is estimated to have declined from
around 5 million to 2.5 million between 1833 and
1839, and from 750,000 to 130,000 between 1829
and 1842 in Imerina.[424] These statistics have
contributed to a strongly unfavorable view of
Ranavalona's rule in historical accounts.[425]
2,171,381 1,386,734[63] 3,400,000[64] Khmer Rouge Democratic 1975 1979 The arbitrary torture, execution, starvation and
Holocaust Kampuchea enslavement of the population Cambodia under the
rule of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge for the sake of
achieving Agrarian socialism, and the genocide of
religious and ethnic minorities by the Khmer Rouge.
Minimum death toll is the number of corpses found
in the Killing Fields.
A collective term to refer to the various genocides
and Ethnic cleansings the Ottoman Empire
committed under the administration of the Young
Young Turk's
Ottoman Turks. Death toll is the combined death tolls of the
1,989,284 1,439,000 2,750,000 Ottoman Ho 1913 1922
Empire Armenian Genocide (800,000 to 1,500,000),
loc au st.
Assyrian Genocide (150,000 to 300,000), and Greek
Genocide (289,000 to 750,000), and combined with
the Great Famine of Mount Lebanon (200,000).
North Korea continues to be one of the most
North Korean repressive governments in the world with the
Crimes against world's lowest human rights record. Over 200,000
1,576,388 710,000 3,500,000 humanity (and North Korea 1948 ongoing people are interned in concentrations camps for
possible either being political dissidents or being related to
genocide) political dissidents where they are subject to slavery,
torture, starvation, shootings, gassing, and human
65/66 Politicide- 78,500 to 3,000,000 Communists
Crimes against
East Timor Atrocities-60,000 to 308,000 East
humanity and
906,658+ 240,500 3,418,000+ Indonesia 1965 1998
under Suharto's
West Papua Atrocities-100,000 Papuans
Revolution and
New Order
Petrus Killings-2,000 to 10,000 "Suspected
Crimes against
humanity of Manmade Famine- 400,000 to 1,000,000
867,468 430,000 1,750,000 Ethiopia 1977 1987
Mengistu Haile Politicide-30,000 to 750,000
Crimes of the Communist
700,000 700,000[427] 700,000
FRELIMO Mozambique
1975 1999 See also Mozambican Civil War

95,000 Reeducation camps[360]

13,500[272]-200,000[273] Land Reform

36,725[359] to 227,000[360] War Crimes

Crimes of Ho 200 to 560 Thousand[360][428] Boat People

396,401 145,225 1,082,000 Chi Minh and Vietnam 1954 2000
the Viet Cong Minimum death toll is the combined minimum
estimates for War Crimes, Reeducation camps, and
Land Reform while maximum death toll is the
combination of the maximum estimated death toll of
Land Reform, War Crimes, Reeducation camps and
Boat People which may or may not be attributable
to the regime and its controllers depending on your
363,442 154,600 854,400 Saddam Baathist Iraq 1979 2003 1991 Repression Massacre- 25 to 180 Thousand[429]
Crimes against Al-Anfal Genocide of Kurds- 50 to 182
humanity and Thousand[160][161]
Iran-Iraq War Atrocities 11,000[430] to 100
Thousand[431] civilians

Post-1991 Uprising Refugee crisis of March and

early April (a 36-day period) killed 1,000 per day or
36,000 people.[432] According to some reports, up to
hundreds of refugees died each day along the way to
Iran as well during the same time frame.[433]
Assuming hundreds 100 to 900 the death tol of these
refugees could be anywhere from 3,600 to 32,400.

It is estimated that around 25,000 Feyli Kurds died

due to captivity and torture.[434][435] during the
Persecution of Feyli Kurds under Saddam Hussein

In addition, 4,000 prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison

were reportedly executed in a particularly large
1984 purge.[436]
Only 20,000 Marsh Arabs were left in the region
after the draining (out of half a million), though it is
unknown whether this was caused by famine or
migration, except for the 80 to 120 thousand who
fled to Iran [437][438] And the 125,000 to 150,000
that remain in Iraq.

Minimum estimate is the minimum estimate of

civilians killed by Saddam during Iran-Iraq War,
Uprising and genocide of Kurds combined, while
maximum is the maximum of the aforementioned
combined with the maximum demographic decline
of Mesopotamian Marshes.

Idi Amin's rule of Uganda saw excessive and

egregious human rights abuses toward ethnic
223,607 100,000[439] 500,000[440] Dictatorship of Uganda 1971 1979
minorities and political opposition earning him the
Idi Amin
nickname by critics "The Butcher of Uganda."
Does not take into account the Romanian orphans
161,555 60,000[441] 435,000[427] Repression of Romania 1945 1964
who perished under Nicolae Ceaușescu's policies
Tsardom of
109,545 60,000[442] 200,000[442] Ivan the Russian Empire 1533 1584
81,240 31,000[443][444] 220,000[427] Repression of Bulgaria 1944 1989 Collecitization and political repression in Bulgaria
65,000 65,000[427] 65,000[427] Repression of Czechoslovakia 1948 1968–
Macías Nguema is regarded as one of the most
kleptocratic, corrupt, and dictatorial leaders in post-
Dictatorship of
Equatorial colonial African history. Depending on the source,
63,246 50,000[445] 80,000[445] Francisco
1968 1979
he was responsible for the deaths of anywhere from
50,000 to 80,000 of the 300,000 to 400,000 people
living in the country at the time.
50,000 50,000[446][447][448] 50,000[446][447][448] Dictatorship of 1930 1938
Rafael Trujillo
Duvalier's rule based on a purged military, a rural
Dictatorship of
militia known as the Tonton Macoute, and the use of
42,426 30,000[449] 60,000[449] François Haiti 1957 1971
cult of personality, resulted in the murder of 30,000
to 60,000 Haitians and the exile of many more.
In May 2016 Hissène Habré was found guilty of
human-rights abuses, including rape, sexual slavery
and ordering the killing of 40,000 people, and
40,000 40,000 40,000 Dictatorship of Chad 1982 1990
sentenced to life in prison. He is the first former
Hissène Habré
head of state to be convicted for human rights
abuses in the court of another nation.[450]
Human rights in Cuba are under the scrutiny of
Communist Human Rights Watch, who accuse the Cuban
29,219 9,240[451] 92,400[451] Repression of Cuba 1976 ongoing government of systematic human rights abuses,
Cuba including arbitrary imprisonment, unfair trials, and
extrajudicial execution.[452][453][454]
Islamist 4,482 to 30,000 in P.O.C. Massacre
22,431 10,482 48,000 Dictatorship of Iran 1979 ongoing 6,000 to 18,000 Child soldiers killed
Iran (refer to earlier tables on page)
22,000 22,000[427] 22,000 Repression of
1945 1989
Minimum death toll does not take into account those
out of the 150,000 who perished in concentration
Communist camps, and only counts the 5,000 alleged spies and
13,748 7,000 27,000[427] Repression of Hungary 1948 1956 2,000 party members executed, noting that 5,000
Hungary spies came from only 98,000 out of 700,000 alleged
spies. Extrapolate as you will.[455][456]
Imperial Rule
9,500 9,500[457] 9,500
of Tiberius
Ancient Rome 14 37

Imperial Rule
9,000 9,000[457] 9,000
of Caligula
Ancient Rome 37 41

dictatorship of
6,000 6,000[457] 6,000
Johnny Paul
Sierra Leone 1997 1998
5,750 5,750[457] 5,750 Imperial Rule Ancient Rome 54 68
of Nero
dictatorship of Central African It was found that Bokassa personally oversaw the
3,000 100[458] 90,000[459] 1966 1976
Jean-Bedel Republic massacre of 100 school children.[458]
Imperial Rule
2,935 2,935[457] 2,935
of Claudius
Ancient Rome 41 54

Anthropogenically exacerbated famine, mass starvation, and illness

Note: Some of these famines diseases were partially caused by nature.
This section includes famines, and disease that were caused or exacerbated by human action.

Engraving from The Graphic, October

1877, showing the plight of animals as well
as humans in Bellary district, Madras
Presidency, British India during the Great
Famine of 1876–78.
Geom. mean Lowest
Highest estimate Event Location From To Notes
estimate[1] estimate
Disease caused by [460][461]
79,937,476 71,000,000 90,000,000 worldwide 1930 1999
Combined death toll of famines caused by
Communist states as listed below. (Great Chinese
Famine, Soviet famine of 1932–33, North Korean
famine, Cambodian Holocaust Famine, 1983–85
39,171,418 22,400,000 68,500,000 1933 1998
Communist famine in Ethiopia)
Famines (Russian Famine of 1921 may have been exacerbated
47,665,501 28,400,000 80,000,000 1921 1998
by War Communism policies but it is debatable to
what extent. Soviet famine of 1946–47 is debated
between by caused more by government policy or
war as well.)
During the Great Leap Forward under Mao Zedong
tens of millions of Chinese starved to death.[463] State
Great Chinese violence during this period further exacerbated the
28,722,810 15,000,000[413] 55,000,000[462] Famine
Republic of 1958 1962
death toll, and some 2.5 million people were beaten
or tortured to death in connection with Great Leap
Famine and
23,065,130 19,000,000 28,000,000 Disease during Worldwide 1939 1945 See World War II casualties
World War II
Famine and
See World War II casualties
Disease under Japanese
11,023,579 8,136,000 14,936,000 1937 1945 Combined death tolls of China's, Vietnam's,
Japanese Empire
Indonesia's and the Philippine's famine and disease.
Northern Chinese
10,816,650 9,000,000 13,000,000 Famine of 1876– China 1876 1879 ENSO famine. See also: Late Victorian Holocausts
See also: Droughts and famines in Russia and the
Russian famine of
7,071,072 5,000,000[465] 10,000,000[465] 1921
Soviet Russia 1921 1922 Soviet Union and Russian Civil War with its policy of
War communism, especially prodrazvyorstka
Famine and
Disease in China
7,071,068 5,000,000 10,000,000 China 1937 1945 See World War I casualties
during Japanese
Majority of famine victims were Ukrainian. Many
Soviet famine of nations (including Ukraine) regard the famine's effect
6,928,200 6,000,000 8,000,000[466] 1932–33
Soviet Union 1932 1933
in the Ukraine as a genocide against Ukraine known
as the Holodomor.
Famine and
5,745,181 5,411,000 6,100,000 disease during Worldwide 1914 1918 See World War I casualties
World War I
Great Famine of
8,300,000[467] 6,100,000[468] 10,320,000[469] 1876–78
British India 1876 1878 ENSO famine. See also: Late Victorian Holocausts

African World Majority of those who died in war perished from

4,529,901 3,800,000 5,400,000 Africa 1998 2004
War Famine famine and disease.
Former States
Deaths caused by decrease in living conditions in
of the Soviet
4,242,641 3,000,000[470] 6,000,000[471] Decommunization 1991 2000 Russia and other former Communist States after the
Union and
fall of the Soviet Union.
Eastern Block
The Japanese conquest of Burma cut off India's main
supply of rice imports[472]
Bengal famine of
3,464,100 3,000,000 4,000,000 British India 1943 1943
1943 However, administrative policies in British India
ultimately helped cause the massive death toll.[473]

Indian famine of
1896–97, Indian
13,700,000 8,400,000[468] 19,000,000[474] famine of 1899–
British India 1896 1900 ENSO famines. See also: Late Victorian Holocausts
More than two million Igbo died from the famine
Biafran Blockade imposed deliberately through blockade throughout
2,449,490 2,000,000[475] 3,000,000[476][477] during Nigeria's Nigeria 1967 1970 the war. Lack of medicine also contributed.
Civil War Thousands of people starved to death every day as
the war progressed.
An estimated 2.4 million Indonesians starved to death
during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia. The
Japanese problem was partly caused by failures of the main
2,400,000 2,400,000[478] 2,400,000 occupation of the Indonesia 1944 1945 1944–45 rice crop, but mainly by the compulsory rice
Dutch East Indies purchasing system that the Japanese authorities put in
place to secure rice for distribution to the armed
forces and urban population.[478]
1,224,745 1,000,000 1,500,000 Post-WWII Soviet Soviet Union 1946 1946 Debated whether it was caused by war or government
Famine policy more.
Although blight ravaged potato crops throughout
Europe during the 1840s, the impact and human cost
in Ireland—where a third of the population was
Great Irish
1,060,660 750,000[479][480] 1,500,000[481] Ireland 1846 1849 significantly dependent on the Irish Lumper potato
Famine[482] for food—was exacerbated by a host of political,
social and economic factors which remain the subject
of historical debate.[483][484]
Vietnamese The Japanese occupation during World War II caused
894,427 400,000[485] 2,000,000[486] Vietnam 1944 1945
Famine of 1945 the famine in North Vietnam.[486]
An estimated 2 million Cambodians lost their lives to
murder, forced labor and famine perpetrated by the
871,780 800,000[487] 950,000[488] Cambodia 1975 1979 Khmer Rouge, of which nearly half was caused by
Holocaust Famine
forced starvation. Came to an end due to invasion by
Vietnam in 1979.
The famines that struck Ethiopia between 1961 and
1983–85 famine
632,456 400,000[489] 1,000,000[490] in Ethiopia
Ethiopia 1983 1985 1985, and in particular the one of 1983–5, were in
large part created by government policies.[489]
Famine and
disease under
336,000 336,000 336,000 Japanese Philippines 1942 1945 See World War I casualties
occupation of the
The famine stemmed from a variety of factors.
Economic mismanagement and the loss of Soviet
support caused food production and imports to
decline rapidly. A series of floods and droughts
North Korean exacerbated the crisis, but were not its direct cause.
330,000 240,000[491] 420,000[491] famine
North Korea 1994 1998
The North Korean government and its centrally-
planned system proved too inflexible to effectively
curtail the disaster. Recent research suggests the
likely number of excess deaths between 1993 and
2000 was about 330,000.[491][492]
Cuban War of
Most of dead in war perished from famine and
300,000 300,000 300,000[493][494] Independence Cuba 1895 1898
Around 200,000 people starved to death at a time
when the population of Mount Lebanon was
estimated at 400,000.[495] The Mount Lebanon
Great Famine of Lebanon,
200,000 200,000 200,000 1915 1918 famine caused the highest fatality rate by population
Mount Lebanon Ottoman
of World War I. Bodies were piled in the streets and
people were reported to be eating street animals while
some even resorted to cannibalism.[95][496]
The famine was caused almost entirely by human
70,000 70,000[497] 70,000 Sudan famine Sudan 1998 1998
rights abuse and the war in Southern Sudan.[498]
According to Saddam Hussein's government,
Starvation caused
sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security
n/a 0[499] 576,000[500] by the Sanctions Iraq 1990 1998
Council indirectly caused excess deaths of young
against Iraq
Only 20,000 Marsh Arabs were left in the region after
Starvation from the draining (out of half a million), though it is
Mesopotamian unknown whether this was caused by famine or
the Draining of
n/a 0? 275,000? Marshes, Iraq 1950s 1990s migration, except for the 80 to 120 thousand who fled
the Mesopotamian
and Iran
Marshes to Iran[437][438] And the 125,000 to 150,000
remaining in Iraq.

Riot or political unrest

Romanian Revolution
Victims Event Country City Date
200,000–2,000,000 Partition of India and Pakistan British India Punjab & Bengal 1947
200,000–300,000 La Violencia Colombia Country-wide 1948–1960
85,000–87,000 1959 Tibetan uprising Tibet (China) Lhasa 1959
30,000 Nika riots Constantinople 532
6,667–20,000 La semaine sanglante France Paris 1871
10,000–30,000 February 28 Incident Taiwan (Republic of China ) 1947
14,000–30,000 Jeju Uprising South Korea Jeju island 1948
13,000–15,500 August Uprising Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic 1924
10,000–40,000 1932 Salvadoran peasant uprising El Salvador 1932
10,000–20,000 Romanian Peasants' Revolt Romania 1907
10,000 Kronstadt rebellion Russia Kronstadt 1921
2,800–8,000 1984 anti-Sikh riots India New Delhi 1984
7,500 March 1st Movement South Korea Seoul 1919
4,179–4,354 Second Intifada Israel/Palestinian territories 2000–2005
3,800 Pitchfork Uprising Russia 1920
2,781 Iranian Revolution [501] Iran 1979
3,000–10,000 8888 Uprising Burma / Myanmar 1987–1993
2,204 First Intifada Israel/Palestinian territories 1987
47–2,000 Banana Massacre Colombia Ciénaga 1928
2,300 Santa María School massacre Chile Iquique 1907
1,104 Romanian Revolution of 1989 Romania Bucharest and major cities 1989
1,000–1,200 May 1998 riots of Indonesia Indonesia Jakarta, Medan, Surakarta 1998
132–4,000 Bloody Sunday (1905) Russia Saint Petersbur g 1905
893 2010 South Kyr gyzstan ethnic clashes Kyrgyzstan 2010
400 Iranian pilgrim riot Saudi Arabia Mecca 1987
379–1,526 Jallianwala Bagh (Amritsar) massacre British India Amritsar 1919
360+ Telangana movement (Hyderabad) India Hyderabad 1969
338 Tunisian Revolution Tunisia 2010–2011
300–3,000 Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 China Beijing 1989
285 Gordon Riots England 1780
249 1929 Palestine riots British Mandate for Palestine 1929
196 13 May incident Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 1969
187–1,500 Andijan massacre Uzbekistan Andijan 2005
139 Cartoon Riots 2006
121–797 Euromaidan Ukraine Kiev 2014
100 Napoleon 's "whiff of grapeshot " France Paris 1795
100 New York City draft riots United States New York City 1863
95 Jaffa riots British Mandate for Palestine Jaffa 1921
94 1947 Jerusalem riots Jerusalem 1947
94 July Revolt of 1927 Austria Vienna 1927
93 Bahraini uprising of 201 1 Bahrain 2011
88 2012 Rakhine State riots Myanmar 2012
84 Riot and crushing during mass arrests Thailand Narathiwat Province 2004
74 Port Said Stadium riot Egypt Port Said 2012
69 Sharpeville massacre South Africa Sharpeville 1960
53 1992 Los Angeles riots United States Los Angeles 1992
50 2013 Myanmar anti-Muslim riots Myanmar 2013
50 Champ de Mars massacre France Paris 1791
46 Boipatong massacre South Africa Boipatong 1992
45 Polish 1970 protests Poland Gdynia, Szczecin , Gdańsk, and Elbląg 1970 [502]
43 Attica Prison riot United States Attica, New York 1971
43 1967 Detroit riot United States Detroit 1967
41 2012 Afghanistan Quran burning protests Afghanistan 2012
40–200 Paris massacre of 1961 France Paris 1961
40–50 Midland Revolt England Newton, Northamptonshire 1607
39+ Tulsa race riot United States Tulsa, Oklahoma 1921
36 1964 race riots in Singapore Singapore 1964
34 Watts Riots United States Los Angeles 1965
30–300 Tlatelolco massacre Mexico Mexico City 1968
25 Palingoproer Netherlands Amsterdam 1886
25 Corpus Christi massacre Mexico Mexico City 1971
23–600 Soweto uprising South Africa Soweto 1976
22 Eureka Rebellion Australia Ballarat 1854
20 Ludlow Massacre United States Ludlow, Colorado 1914
18 Maria Hertogh riots Singapore 1950
17 6 February 1934 crisis France Paris 1934
16 Bloody Sunday (1921) Northern Ireland Belfast 1921
14 Bloody Sunday (1972) Northern Ireland Derry 1972
13 Socialist riot (1932) Switzerland Geneva 1932
13 Chinese middle schools riots Singapore 1956
13 Mendiola Street massacre Philippines 1987
12 2011 Nakba Day Israel/Palestinian territories 2011
11 Peterloo Massacre England Manchester 1819
9 1920 Nebi Musa riots British Mandate for Palestine Jerusalem 1920
9 Fusillade de Fourmies France Fourmies 1891
5 Ådalen shootings Sweden Ådalen 1931
5 2011 England riots United Kingdom 2011
5 Boston Massacre British America Boston 1770
5 Greensboro massacre United States Greensboro, North Carolina 1979
4 Kent State shootings United States Kent, Ohio 1970
4 Hock Lee bus riots Singapore 1955

Human sacrifice and ritual suicide

This section lists deaths from the systematic practice of human sacrifice or suicide. For notable
individual episodes, see Human sacrifice and mass suicide.

A tzompantli, or skull rack, as shown in the post-Conquest

Ramirez Codex.
mean Lowest Highest
Event Group Location From To Notes
[1] estimate estimate
sacrifice in 14th
316,228 20,000[503] 5,000,000[504] Aztec Aztecs Mexico
1521 Skull racks: 60,000[505] to 136,000[506]
Human Shang
13,000 13,000[507] 13,000 sacrifice dynasty
China 1300 BC 1050 BC Last 250 years of rule

12,284 12,284 12,284[508] during the
insurgency Iraq 2003 2011
Iraq War
7,941 7,941[509] 7,941
Sati India 1815 1828

Kamikaze Imperial
suicide Japan Pacific
3,912 3,912 3,912 pilots, see 1944 1945
navy and theatre
note[510] army
Jonestown of The
murder- November November
913 913 913 Peoples Jonestown
[511] 18, 1978 19, 1978
suicide Temple
motivated Judean Spring 73
967 967 967 Masada
religious rebels CE
Palestinian Israel and July 6, April 18,
804 804 804 suicide May only include victims
militants Palestine 1989 2016

Anthropogenic floods, drownings and landslides

Note: These are floods and landslides that have been partially caused by humans, for example by failure of dams, levees, seawalls or retaining walls.

Rank Death toll Event Location Date

1. 2,500,000–3,700,000[512] 1931 China floods China 1931
2. 900,000–2,000,000 1887 Yellow River (Huang He) flood China 1887
3. 500,000–700,000 1938 Yellow River (Huang He) flood China 1938
Gulf of Thailand and
4. 200,000–560,000[360][428] Flight of the Boat People
Pacific Ocean

The failure of 62 dams in Zhumadian Prefecture, Henan, the

5. 26,000[513]-230,000[514] largest of which was Banqiao Dam, caused by Typhoon Nina.
China August 1975

6. 145,000 1935 Yangtze river flood China 1935

7. more than 100,000 St. Felix's Flood, storm surge Netherlands 1530
8. 100,000 Hanoi and Red River Delta flood North Vietnam 1971
9. 100,000 1911 Yangtze river flood China 1911
10. 50,000–80,000 St. Lucia's flood, storm surge Netherlands, England 1287
11. 10,000–50,000 Vargas Tragedy, landslide Venezuela 1999
Netherlands, Scotland,
12. 2,400 North Sea flood, storm surge 31 January 1953
England, Belgium
12. 2,209 Johnstown Flood Pennsylvania 31 May 1889

a. Spanish Empire, Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas , Native American disease and epidemics. These death toll estimates vary due to lack of consensus
as to the demographic size of the native population pre-Columbus, which some say might never be accurately determined. Modern scholarship tend to side with the higher
estimates, but there is still variance based on calculation methods used. Even using conservative populations estimates, however, "one dreadful conclusion is inescapable: the
150 years after Columbus's arrival brought a toll on human life in this hemisphere comparable to all of the world's losses duringorldW War II."[15] "Against the alien agents of
disease, the indigenous people never had a chance. Their immune systems were unprepared to fight smallpox and measles, malaria and yellow fever . The epidemics that
resulted have been well documented."[16] A small industry of researchers in recent years have focused their attention on Native American population size in 1492, and the
subsequent decimation of the population after contact with Europeans. [17] They say their findings in no way diminish the "dreadful impact Old W orld diseases had on the
people of the New World. But it suggests thatthe New World was hardly a healthful Eden." For example, they note that as the previously thriving indigenous peoples became
more urbanized and less mobile, they succumbed to the same declining sanitation and health conditions of other urban cultures, including tuberculosis. The researchers stress,
however, that "their findings in no way mitigated the responsibility of Europeans as bearersof disease devastating to native societies."[16]
b. The Casement estimate is used by Ascherson in his bookThe King Incorporated, although he notes that it is "almost certainly an underestimate". [290]

c. The Casement estimate is used by Ascherson in his bookThe King Incorporated, although he notes that it is "almost certainly an underestimate". [290]
See also
Other lists organized by death toll

List of accidents and disasters by death toll

List of battles and other violent events by death toll
List of events named massacres
List of genocides by death toll
List of murderers by number of victims
List of natural disasters by death toll
List of ongoing conflicts
List of disasters in Antarctica by death toll
List of disasters in Australia by death toll
List of disasters in Canada by death toll
List of disasters in Croatia by death toll
List of disasters in Great Britain and Ireland by death toll
List of disasters in New Zealand by death toll
List of disasters in Poland by death toll
List of disasters in the United States by death toll

Other lists with similar topics

List of unusual deaths

List of accidents and incidents involving commercial aircraft
List of battles
List of disasters
Lists of earthquakes
List of famines
List of historic fires
List of invasions
List of massacres
List of notable tropical cyclones
List of riots
List of terrorist incidents
List of wars
Lists of rail accidents

Topics dealing with similar them es

Casualties of the Iraq War

Genocide in history
Infectious disease
Mass killings under Communist regimes
Mass murder
Most lethal battles in world history
United States casualties of war

i. While there are many estimates for civilian deaths, with some even going well over a million for the war
, modern historians generally place the death toll between 200,000 and
250,000; see "Casualties".

1. Pinto, Carla M. A.; Lopes, A. Mendes; Machado, J. A. eTnreiro (2014), Ferreira, 10. Graziella Caselli (2005).Demography – Analysis and Synthesis: A T reatise in
Nuno Miguel Fonseca; Machado, José António eTnreiro, eds., "Casualties Population. Academic Press. ISBN 012765660X.
Distribution in Human and Natural Hazards",Mathematical Methods in 11. The Cambridge History of China: Alien regimes and border states, 907–1368,
Engineering, Springer Netherlands: 173–180,ISBN 978-94-007-7182-6, 1994, p.622, cited byWhite ( uan)
doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7183-3_16( 12. Matthew White (2012). The Great Big Book of Horrible Things: The Definitive
-3_16) Chronicle of History's 100 Worst Atrocities. W. W. Norton. pp. 529–530.
2. "WWII: The Casualties"( ISBN 978-0-393-08192-3. Archived from the original (http:// 13. Pre-Columbian Population( 25 December 2010. 67803/Pre-Columbian%20population.pdf)
3. David Wallechinsky (1996-09-01).David Wallechinskys 20th Century: History 14. American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present; Erin McKenna, Scott
With the Boring Parts Left Out. Little Brown. ISBN 978-0-316-92056-8. L. Pratt; Bloomsbury; 2015; Page 375; "It is also apparent that the shared history
4. Fink, George (2010-11-25). Stress of War, Conflict and Disaster( of the hemisphere is one framed by the dual tragedies of genocide and slavery ,,+Geor ge:+Stress+of+War,+Conflic both of which are part of the legacy of the European invasions of the past 500
t+and+Disaster&source=gbs_navlinks_s). Academic Press. years. Indigenous people north and south were displaced, died of disease, and
ISBN 9780123813824. were killed by Europeans through slavery , rape and war. In 1491, about 145
5. "Taiping Rebellion – Britannica Concise"( million people lived in the western hemisphere. By 1691, the population of
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Gingles page 259 Times. 29 October 2002.
9. Robert B. Marks (2011). China: Its Environment and History (World Social
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18. Alan Macfarlane (1997-05-28).The Savage Wars of Peace: England, Japan and 50. "Update on Iraqi Casualty Data"(
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23. Michael Lynch (2010). The Chinese Civil War 1945–49. Osprey Publishing. (1954). "Review of The Final Solution". Jewish Social Studies 16 (2): 186–9.
ISBN 978-1-84176-671-3. JSTOR 4465231 ( See also a review by
24. "Russian Civil War" ( Hyamson, Albert M. (1953). "Review of The Final Solution". International Af fairs Archived 29 (4): 494–5. JSTOR 2606046 (
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28. Bethany Lacina and Nils Petter Gleditsch,"Monitoring Trends in Global Combat: (archived 5 May 2006)
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34. "Death Tolls for the Major Wars and Atrocities of the Twentieth Century" (http://n out on behalf of the authorities of independent Ukraine, provides the figure of 3.9 Retrieved million dead. The truth is probably in between these numbers, where most of the
September 24, 2012. estimates of respectable scholars can be found. It seems reasonable to propose a
35. John Shertzer Hittell, "A Brief History of Culture" (1874) p.137:In " the two figure of approximately 3.3 million deaths by starvation and hunger -related
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New Estimate," Population and Development Review , December 1995. unmakes-itself
38. Shenon, Philip (23 April 1995)."20 Years After Victory, Vietnamese Communists 63. Sharp, Bruce (April 1, 2005)."Counting Hell: The Death Toll of the Khmer Rouge
Ponder How to Celebrate"( Regime in Cambodia"( Retrieved
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Life of Li Ssu, 280? – 208 BC, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1967, p STATISTICS OF DEMOCIDE.
5-6. Who calculated from
42. Chris Peers estimates that 1,500,000 were killed before the last campaign in 230– McCarthy, Justin (1983). MUSLIMS AND MINORITIES: THE POPULA TION OF
221 BC, Warlords of China, 700 BC to AD 1662, London: Arms and Armour, OTTOMAN ANATOLIA AND THE END OF THE EMPIRE. New York University
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43. Lacina, Bethany; Gleditsch, Nils Petter (2005)."Monitoring Trends in Global 69. Czaplicka, M.A. (1918).THE TURKS OF CENTRAL ASIA IN HISTORY AND AT
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45. Buchenau, Jürgen (2005). Mexico otherwise: modern Mexico in the eyes of for eign At The Clarendon Press. pp. 16–17.
observers ( A146). UNM link:
Press. p. 285. ISBN 0-8263-2313-8. 70. Prucha. Great Father. p. 241. note 58
46. Horne, Alistair. A Savage War of Peace. p. 538. ISBN 0-670-61964-7. 71. Ehle. Trail of Tears. pp. 390–92.
47. Jurg Meister, Francisco Solano López Nationalheld oder Kriegsverbrecher?, 72. Thompson, Russel & Anderson (Editor). "Demography of the rail T of Tears". Trail
Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag, 1987. 345, 355, 454–5 of Tears. pp. 75–93.
48. Another estimate is that from the pre-war population of 1,337,437, the population 73. Carter (III), Samuel (1976).Cherokee sunset: A Nation Betrayed: A Narrative of
fell to 221,709 (28,746 men, 106,254 women, 86,079 children) by the end of the Travail and Triumph, Persecution and exile. New York: Doubleday. p. 232.
war (War and the Breed, David Starr Jordan, p. 164. Boston, 1915; Applied 74. Curtis, Nancy C. (1996).Black Heritage Sites(
Genetics, Paul Popenoe, The Macmillan Company , New York, 1918) =Rk7NPRm_nB0C). United States: ALA Editions. p. 543.ISBN 0-8389-0643-5.
75. Osborn, William M. (2001). The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During The American- 106. 897,000 Circassians were deported and killed in an event similar in time period
Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee. Garden City, NY: Random and method to this one and of those about 45% died."Caucasus
( Report: July 15,
House. ISBN 978-0-375-50374-0. 2005" ( Radio Free Europe.) if
76. Madley 2016, p.11, p.351 this is applied to the median of the followingrough estimates and then rounded up
77. Report on Indians taxed and Indians not taxed in the United States (except Alaska) (Since this a very rough estimate anyway) you will end up with a veryrough
( A637). U.S. estimate of 390,000 killed.
Government Printing Office. 1994 [1894]. p. 637.
78. Namely the 83% of the "fully identified" 42,275 civilians killed by human rights following estimates:
violations during the Guatemalan Civil W ar. See CEH 1999, p. 17, and "Press
conference by members of the Guatemala Historical Clarification Commission" (h low estimate In 1893 the Hazaras of Afghanistan were massacred and displaced to
ttp:// . United a point in which they lost over 60% of their population. The number of living
Nations website. 1 March 1999. Retrieved June 2016. Check date values in: Hazaras at the time is unknown but their population in 2014 was 2,864,056.
|access-date= (help) 2,864,056 population out of a 2014 world population of 7,200,000,000 making
79. Applying the same proportion as for the fully identified victims to the estimated Hazaras in Afghanistan approximately 0.04% of the world's population.
total amount of person killed or disappeared during the Guatemalan civil war (at ‫ اﻧﺘﺸﺎرات اﻣﯿﺮی‬:‫ ﮐﺎﺑﻞ‬.‫ ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺎﻧﯽ ﻫﺰاره ﻫﺎ‬.(2014) ‫ ﻋﺒﺎس‬,‫دﻟﺠﻮ‬.
least 200.000). See CEH 1999, p. 17. ISBN 9936801504.
80. Robins & Jones 2009, p. 50.
"Afghanistan: 31,822,848 (July 2014 est.) @ 9% (2014)"(
81. White, Matthew. "Secondary Wars and Atrocities of the Twentieth Century –
ary/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html) . The World Factbook. Central
Brazil" ( . Necrometrics.
Intelligence Agency. Retrieved July 17, 2015.
82. Carlos A. Floria and César A. García Belsunce, 1971.Historia de los Argentinos I
and II; ISBN 84-599-5081-6. sheet/data-sheet.aspx
83. Chapman 2010, p. 544. World population estimates#Before 1950
84. Gardini, Walter (1984). "Restoring the Honour of an Indian Tribe-Rescate de una The population of the world in 1892–93 is unknown but there are estimates for
tribu". Anthropos. Bd. 79, H. 4./6.: 645–47. years that are close to these: In 1875, the world population was estimated to be
85. Kiernan, Ben. Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination 1,325,000,000. If the Hazara proportion is applied to this population there were
from Sparta to Darfur( roughly 530,000 Hazaras at the time. Since the Hazaras have already lost 60% of
4#v=snippet&q=374&f=false). p. 374. their population is likely 250% of this or 1,325,000. 60% of 1,325,000 is 795,000.
86. D'Costa, Bina (2011). Nationbuilding, Genderand War Crimes in South Asia.
Routledge. p. 53. ISBN 9780415565660. high estimate In 1893 the Hazaras of Afghanistan were massacred to a point in
87. Sikand, Yoginder (2004). Muslims in India Since 1947: Islamic Perspectives on which they lost over 60% of their population. The number of living
Hazaras at the
Inter-Faith Relations. Routledge. p. 5.ISBN 9781134378258. time is unknown but their population in 2014 was 2,864,056. 2,864,056 population
88. Butalia, Urvashi (2000). The Other Side of Silence: oVices From the Partition of out of a 2014 world population of 7,200,000,000 making Hazara's inAfghanistan
India. Duke University Press. approximately 0.04% of the world's population.
89. White, Matthew. "Albigensian Crusade"( ‫ اﻧﺘﺸﺎرات اﻣﯿﺮی‬:‫ ﮐﺎﺑﻞ‬.‫ ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺎﻧﯽ ﻫﺰاره ﻫﺎ‬.(2014) ‫ ﻋﺒﺎس‬,‫دﻟﺠﻮ‬.
Albigensian). necrometrics. ISBN 9936801504.
90. Raphael Lemkin (2012). Steven Leonard Jacobs, ed.Lemkin on Genocide(https://
"Afghanistan: 31,822,848 (July 2014 est.) @ 9% (2014)"( A71). Lexington Books. p. 71.
ary/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html) . The World Factbook. Central
ISBN 978-0-7391-4526-5. Retrieved 14 February 2016.
Intelligence Agency. Retrieved July 17, 2015.
91. "Alleged atrocities by the Pakistan Army (paragraph 33)"(http://www.bangla200 sheet/data-sheet.aspx
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m) 2.Ben Kiernan, paragraph 3. Mekong. "Selected Death Tolls for Wars, Massacres and Atrocities Before the 20th
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489. de Waal, Alex (2002) [1997].Famine Crimes: Politics & the Disaster Relief 510. This toll is only for the number of Japanese pilots killed in Kamikaze suicide
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8 November 2014. Fate of China's Yangtze River and Its People(
493. Sheina, Robert L., Latin America's Wars: The Age of the Caudillo, 1791–1899 RfP-mtQC&pg=PA36). M.E. Sharpe. p. 36.ISBN 978-0-7656-0206-0.
(2003) 514. 230,000 is the highest of a range of unofficial estimates, including also deaths of
494. COWP: Correlates of War Project, University of Michigan ensuing epidemics and famine, inYi 1998

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