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Aji Sucahya Hidayat, Arya Susman Fiani, Faruq Alfahrobi

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Teknik, State University of Malang

ABSTRACT: Utilization of Problem Based Learning model is done to build animations and
student learning outcomes on the ability of the regular fuel framework smks YP 1701 Lumajang
through the use of problem based learning (PBL) learning model. The information diversity
procedure in this exam utilizes perception, test learning outcomes, and documentation. Markers
of the harpability of this exam are above 75% of positive movements, below 20% of negative
actions and 75% of students achieving KKM 75. The subject of this exam is a student of SMKS
YP 1701 Lumajang. The consequences of using the Problem Based Learning model can
improve students' liveliness and learning outcomes on the skills of understanding the common
gas fuel framework. This is evident from: (1) the expansion of (exercises that help the
implementation of the measure of learning) and the decrease in regrettable (exercises that
interfere with the implementation of educational and learning measures) in each cycle. Positive
movement in cycle I by 51% and cycle II by 76%. While the negative movement in the main
cycle by 22% and the next cycle by 14%; (2) There is an increase in normal grades and
completion of student learning. Normal class on main cycle 71 and subsequent cycle 78.
Meanwhile, the peak of student learning on the main cycle is 43.75%, the next cycle is 84.37%.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning (PBL), SMKS YP 1701 Lumajang,Learning Outcomes


Professional education is an education that prepares students to have the option to master
certain abilities to become an expert workforce. This depends on the needs of the later work that
requires a certified workforce. Vocational High School (SMK) is a choice of training level that
is one level above junior high school / MTs, mostly at the vocational level expect to equip
students with certain abilities in accordance with their wishes. This is in accordance with the
smk target contained in article 3 of the Sisdiknas Law of 2003 which explains that "Professional
training is a supporting school that plans students especially to work in certain fields". Given
this target, to form a certified workforce, satisfactory ability is expected to achieve normal

Based on the results of pretest directed by students, or 6.25% who have arrived at KKM,
93.75% still have not arrived at KKM. The lack of rigor in the learning model applied allegedly
causes vocational graduates in the mechanical world to be less recognized. Therefore, there
must be improvements in realizing so that learning targets can be achieved. Efforts to build
liveliness must be possible through several things, including by utilizing learning models. There
are various learning models, one of which is a problem-based learning model. In this model
students are required to think fundamentally in dealing with problems in the real world or
around students. Similarly, this model also encourages students to cooperate in groups so that it
will foster activeness in learning and will be easy for students to remember because students
will understand and try things that exist without others. The use of problem-based learning
models to the ability of the fuel framework is considered appropriate, arguing that this learning
model uses the original material of the issue as learning material. Understanding will deal with
this problem separately or in groups so that it is required to build a learning movement.
Expanding actions allow positive effects on learning achievement.

Library Review

Understanding problem based learning model

Problem-based learning models are also commonly referred to as problem-based

learning models. According to Darmadi (2017: 117) problem-based learning is a learning
approach that presents logical problems that animate students to learn. In study rooms that
implement problem-based learning models, students work in groups to take care of genuine
problems. The things given to these students are used to interest in understanding the learned.
Problem-based learning is driven by difficulties, genuine problems, and students work in small
community meetings. Understanding is encouraged to take responsibility for their meetings and
structure the learning cycle with the help of an educator or instructor.

Each learning model has its own characteristics, this is what distinguishes one learning
model from another learning model. The characteristics of the problem based learning model
developed by Barrow (in Liu 2005: 2) are as follows:

1) Learning focuses on students

Learning interactions in the material garner learning more concentrated on
students to learn. As a result, problem-based learning is also supported by
constructivism hypotheses in which students are encouraged to have the option to
develop their own insights.
2) Authentic problems from sorting through concentration to learning
The things introduced to students are real problems so that students can easily
understand these things and be able to apply them in their professional lives later in
3) New data is obtained through self-coordinated learning
The critical thinking step allows there are still students who don't understand and
see all the important information, so students try to search through different sources.
4) Learning takes place in small meetings.
In the implementation of problem-based learning, so that logical communication
and exchange of thought occur with the ultimate goal of making up information
cooperatively, problem-based learning is conducted as a small meeting.
5) The teacher acts as a facilitator.
In the implementation of issue-based learning, the instructor acts as a facilitator.
Nevertheless, instructors should consistently monitor the improvement of student
practice and encourage students to achieve learning goals.
While Trianto (2009: 93) argues that the quality of problem-based learning
models is:
(1) there areaan or problems raised;

(2) centered on interdisciplinaryrelationships;

(3) a valid request;

(4) produce goods or karya and present them;and

(5) Collaboration

Advantages and disadvantages of problem based learning models

Kurniasih and Berlin (2015: 49-50) argue that the benefits of problem-based learning
models include: (1) Developing students' basic reasoning and imaginative abilities; (2) Can
improve students' critical thinking skills without others; (3) Increase students' inspiration in
learning; (4) Assist students in figuring out how to move information to a completely new
situation; (5) Can encourage students to have the urge to adapt freely; (6) Encourage student
innovation in uncovering the problems of the examinations they have done; (7) With this
learning model there will be significant learning; (8) This model coordinates information and
capabilities around the clock and applies it in important settings; (9) This learning model can
improve basic reasoning skills, foster student spirit at work, inspire interiors to learn, and can
fosterional volunteer relationships in group work.

While the shortcomings of the issue-based learning model according to Kurniasih and
Berlin (2015: 50-51) among others: (1) this model requires adjustment, considering that the
special implementation is confusing and students need to focus. and has a high inventive power;
(2) The preparation of the learning cycle takes quite a long time, this is because beyond what is
considered possible by many people the problems that exist now must be solved in total, so that
their significance is not eliminated; (3) students cannot truly be aware of what may be important
for them to learn, especially for individuals who have no past experience; (4) It is not
uncommon for instructors to also find it troublesome, this is because educators have problems
becoming facilitators and encourage students to ask the right questions rather than give them
arrangements. According to Hamdayama (2016: 117) also describes the shortcomings of
problem-based learning models, among others: (1) for apathetic students. This learning
objective cannot be achieved; (2) it takes a lot of time and money; (3) Not all exercises can be
applied to this model.

Learning activity
Liveliness is a condition in which an individual can be dynamic in performing certain
exercises. As indicated by Sardiman (2016: 100), learning gymnastics is physical and spiritual
gymnastics, especially acting and thinking as an inseparable setting. The quality of dynamic
pick-up according to Bonwell (in arifin and Adhi 2012: 5) includes those that accompany:

1) Emphasis of the learning cycle is not on the delivery of data by the teacher but on improving
the ability of logical intuition and the basis on the theme or issue discussed.

2) Students not only listen to the delivery of material inactively but also work according to the

3) Emphasis on quality and perspective research for the topic

4) Students are basically more needed to think, dissect and judge

5) Faster input will occur in the learning cycle.

Learning Outcomes

As indicated by Gagne and Briggs (in the book Supentanginingrum 2016: 37) learning
outcomes are capacities owned by students because of learning activities and can be seen
through the existence of students. Learning outcomes are identified with learning and learning
cycles. Learning outcomes will be strengthened when learning and learning interactions go well.
Students can be said to have achieved learning outcomes when those students have changed
behavior through the learning cycle. Changes in behavior obtained by students after completing
their learning programs through cooperation with different learning resources and learning


This research was aimed at SMKS YP 1701 Lumajang in light vehicle motor support
subjects. Judging from the pre-training exercises that have been completed show that there is a
problem, namely the low action of students during learning exercises. Information on the award
of UAS odd semester SMKS YP 1701 Lumajang on the subjects supporting light motor vehicles
shows that no students have entered KKM. Learning interactions in the classroom are generally
repetitive and one-way, as they depend on educators. So students will be exhausted effectively
and unable to follow the learning well. To address this problem, it is important to have variety
in the utilization of learning models to encourage students to take on more dynamic roles in the
classroom. The model that will be applied by scientists to overcome these problems is to use a
problem-based learning model. Accompanying will be explained about the utilization of
problem-based learning models to build movements and learning outcomes that have been

Implementation of problem based learning model

In this study the only taught topic is the ability of a regular gas fuel framework. This is
because different abilities have been instructed by the administrative instructor. The
implementation of problem-based learning models has been planned in such a way as to take
grammar into account in problem-based learning models. How to implement a problem-based
learning model is carried out by an eyewitness. Eyewitnesses pay attention to the way the
problem is conducted to compile a learning model based on perception sheets that have been
made by previous analysts. The perception sheet of the implementation of problem-based
learning models is used during exploratory interactions that last over two cycles. In cycle I the
implementation of problem-based learning models has not been implemented properly. This is
because scientists do not yet have the option to determine the exact time. So that the learning
time exceeds the time that has been arranged. Whereas in cycle II the problem-based learning
model has been implemented well on the grounds that scientists have the choice to determine
the time.

The implementation of the learning model is achieved on the grounds that before starting
the exam, analysts re-understand the means to be taken in the learning model and the allocation
of efficient learning time so that if there is an obstacle to the learning cycle, they can be
resolved immediately. In line with that, the implementation of the problem-based learning
model has been completed well.

The activeness of learning learners

Given the impact of the perception of student learning animation that has been done, it
can be well seen that there is an increase in certain exercises and a decrease in regrettable
exercises. In cycle I it is seen that the normal rate of student positive action is 51% and the
negative movement of students is 22%. This shows that the positive and negative training of
students has not met the standards of achievement that have been set before. Then exploration
continued in cycle II which showed that the normal rate of positive movement of students was
76% and the negative action of students was 14%. In cycle II there was a 25% increase in
student positive actions. While the negative movement of students decreases compared to the
primary cycle of 8%, so that negative actions in the next cycle have met the rules of
achievement that have been set before. The increase in certain movements and the regrettable
reduction of student actions have met the previously established rules of achievement. Here is a
diagram of the development of student activity in cycle I and cycle II.
% 76.00
50 %

30 22
10 % 14.00
% %
Cycle Cycle
1 2
Positiveactivity Negative
Figure 1. Learning Activity Graph
Based on the student learning exercise chart above, it is seen that there is an increase in
the movement of certain students from each cycle. In the main cycle of student positive action
by 51%, then increased in cycle II to 76%. While the negative action in the main cycle by 22%,
then reduced in cycle II to 14%. In line with this, it is seen that the utilization of problem-based
learning models on the capabilities of the customary gas fuel framework in SMKS YP 1701
Lumajang can improve the activeness of student learning. Increased student learning activity
occurs in each cycle which suggests that the utilization of problem-based learning models can
be utilized as a different option with variations in learning models to encourage students to play
an active role in learning.

1. Learning outcomes

Utilization of problem-based learning models can also improve students' learning

outcomes. This is evident from the normal grade grades and peak students who experience an
increase in each cycle.

Table 11. Improved Learning Outcomes of Learners

Aspects Pre-Action Cycle I Cycle II

Grade point average 36,25 71 78

Highest value 70,00 84 92

Lowest value 16,67 52 60

Number of 0 14 27
completed students

Number of32 18 5
unfinished learners

Percentage 0% 43,75% 84,37%

Class completion

Based on the results of research activities that have been completed at SMKS YP 1701
Lumajang on the skill of understanding ordinary gas fuel frameworks, maka very well can be
concluded as follows:

1. Utilization of issue based learning model can build animation of smks YP 1701
Lumajang member learning on the ability to understand ordinary gas fuel framework. The
increase in student learning activity can be seen from the increase in certain movements and the
regrettable decrease in actions in each cycle. In the primary cycle the positive movement by
51%, increased in cycle II to 76%. Meanwhile, negative movements in the primary cycle were
reduced by 22% in cycle II to 14%.

2. Utilization of problem-based learning models can improve student learning outcomes

at SMKS YP 1701 Lumajang on the ability to understand the gas fuel framework. The increase
in student learning outcomes is seen from the increase in normal grades of the class and the
peak of student learning on each cycle. The normal grade value on the base cycle is 71,
increasing in cycle II to 78. Then the peak of student learning in the main cycle is 43.75%,
increasing in cycle II to 84.37%.
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