Variant 3

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Module 2 Term 2 Variant 3

Level I
I Underline the best possible variant
1. Their wifes are playing chess.
2. Could you close the door please.
3. My granny had many sheep.
4. Do you think the people are happy with the government?
5. A light comes from the sun.

II Correct the mistakes

1. These are John’s pet mice.
2. It’s very difficult to find a work at the moment.
3. Last year I visited Mexico and the United States.
4. My sister has just got a job at a bank in Manchester.
5. The oldest couple are moving to the coast.
6. Where is my scissors?

III Choose the best possible answer

1. Two miles b) are not a long way to walk to school.
a) is b) are с) been d) being
2. Many people graze a) a sheep there.
a) a sheep b) sheep с) sheeps d) the sheeps
3. He lives within a a) radii of two miles from the town.
a) radii b) radiuses с) radius d) radium
4. Did you invite anybody for b) - lunch yesterday.
a) the b) - с) a d) an
5. с) A supper she gave us was well-cooked.
a) The b) - с) A d) An

Level II
IV Open the brackets
1. The stairs is too steep for me to climb.
2. Five pounds was quite a lot of money to lose.
3. How much cost a good pair of trousers.
4. The police was interested in this case.
5. The statistics in this report is inaccurate.
6. The advice she gave me was very helpful.

V Fill in a, an or the where necessary

1. The Duchess of York opened a new hospital in the centre of London.
2. He went on an expensive holiday tour to the Bahamas.
3. The Statue of Liberty is in - New York.
4. The National Park was opened the last week by a mayor.
5. An expedition to the South Pole needs a lot of careful planning.
6. The Odeon cinema is in - Appleton Street just past the library.
Level III
VI Translate the following sentences
1. Його апартаменти розкішні. – Але ж і гроші це великі.
His apartments are luxurious. But it’s a big money.
2. Економіка складна для людей з поганими математичними здібностями.
Economics is difficult to people with a poor math skills.
3. Новини приголомшливі! – Дякую, що радієш разом зі мною.
The news is amazing! – Thank you for rejoicing with me.
4. Свинка – розповсюджене захворювання серед маленьких дітей.
Mumps – is a common disease among children.
5. Де мої окуляри? – Я не бачила їх. Подивись в комоді.
Where is my glasses? – I haven’t seen them. Look in the dresser.
6. Німецьку мову дуже складно вчити.
German is very difficult to learn.
7. Джим сказав, що вона бувало грала на піаніно вечорами.
Jim said, she played the piano in the evening.
8. Вибач, Джейн, я не зможу прийти. Я граю в футбол завтра.
I’m sorry, Jane, I can’t come. I’m playing football tomorrow.
9. Математика – це улюблений урок Емми.
Math – is Emma’s favorite lesson.
10. Цей одяг – це останній писк моди. Тобі треба його купити.
These clothers – are the latest rush of fashion. You need to buy it.

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