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When you go on hajj or umrah, there will be many sacred and religious places visited in
Mecca and Medina. Destinations in Mecca and Medina is not part of this series of hajj obligation, but
often visited by pilgrims because they want to feel how the lives of Muslims and the prophets in the

Medina is very synonymous with the residence of the Prophet, while Makkah with the
existence of Ka'bah in its territory. Due to these differences, making activities carried out in this place
also became different. But these two places remain the best means to worship truly, in addition it is
also a destination that Islam also recalled and knowing the history of the Islamic religion. We can
meet all Islamic congregations that come from all parts of the world. A place that is the main purpose
of the hajj is in the city center of Mecca. Grand Mosque is a holy place for Muslims because of the
presence of Kaaba in it, which is also a Qibla Muslims during worship. At the Grand Mosque, the
people who worship the Hajj will do tawaf and sa'i who became a series of worship.



(1) Muzdalifah became a place of congregation collecting stones and gravel for the
implementation of the lepar is a later morning.
(2) Rituals in the series of hajj or Umrah pilgrimage, carried out or a small run in Mount
Shofa and Marwa
(3) Ritus, which was carried out in Mecca and his surroundings have to regard the
obligations of the servant to his Creator. Come with approval, then carry out the
laughter, sai, and wuscribing in Arafah, mabit in Muzdalifan and Mina, and finally
ejection in the morning
(4) Pilgrims to the tomb of the Prophet, Abubakar and Umar, as well as a number of other
friends in the tomb of Al-Baqi, and a number of other nights such as on Mount Uhud.


(1) In the city center of Madina we can pray at the Prophet's mosque which is very
famous as a place to live by the prophet named Masjid Nabawi.
(2) We can pray in Raudhoh, the prayer will be more mustajab, which is the place where
the Prophet accepts the revelation.

Mecca and Madina are both places of prayer that can be carried out by more khusyu, because
this city is holy and then the similarity is in this city we can perform a pilgrimage to the tomb
of rasullullah and the friends of the Prophet

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