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As human beings we find our supply in money, and our health in the
body. If our assimilation and elimination function according to what is
considered normal, then we believe we are healthy. We believe that life is
dependent on breathing and on the functioning of the heart, and that
intelligence is associated with the brain. What we are doing in The Infinite
Way, however, is making a transition from this material sense of life to the
Our healing work, therefore, is never attempting to correct what is
wrong in the body, the mind, or the pocketbook. "We cannot meet a problem
on the level of the problem." If we should try to do something about any
inharmonious or discordant condition, we would not succeed. First we have
to move outside the realm of the problem before harmony can be revealed.
We find our harmony in Spirit, in Consciousness. Since God is
Consciousness, and since God is supply, we find our health in God or in
Consciousness. Even the prophets of the Old Testament knew that God is the
health of our countenance. Health and supply must be found not in the body
and the pocketbook, but in Consciousness, and then the body expresses
health and the purse abundance.
We must leave the realm of the mental and material and find ourselves
elevated to Consciousness. We have to find our health, our supply, and our
intelligence in Consciousness. Even our longevity must be found in
Consciousness. If we try to perpetuate ourselves by patching up the body, the
results will be temporary. Medically, it is possible to change sickness to
health and, if that is all a person is seeking, he can find it in materia medica
because today there are not many incurable diseases.
But if we are seeking a principle of life whereby we hope to find our
immortality in the fullness of our being, then we have to leave the realm of
mind and body and find our good in Consciousness. But since the realm of
Consciousness is invisible, no proof or sign that this is true can be given in
So, we start at some particular time in our spiritual journey: It could be
today for some, and next year for others. But one day we have to make a
transition from looking to our bank account for our supply, looking to our
body for our health, or to human beings for our happiness, and realize that
wholeness and completeness in every department of our life is embodied in
the God-consciousness which is our individual consciousness.
This may seem to leave us hanging in space, as it were, but just as
Scripture says, "He...hangeth the earth upon nothing," so in making this
particular transition, we, too, have nothing to cling to because we are no
longer looking to the body, the pocketbook, Consciousness. We do not even
know what Consciousness is, yet we are putting our complete reliance and
our complete dependence on It.
God constitutes my individual consciousness; therefore, my
consciousness embodies the fullness of the Godhead. My consciousness is
the law unto my health and my supply. My consciousness embodies every
activity of intelligence, guidance, and direction.
At this point, even though we know the truth, we may still find
ourselves hanging in space because we do not know what is to come next.
We are transferring our faith to Consciousness, but we have no way of
knowing what Consciousness is. All we can do is continue to hang in space
until Consciousness comes through with a demonstration which convinces us
beyond all doubt that we are on holy ground.
God constitutes my consciousness. In the beginning God gave me
dominion, all the supply and all the health necessary, and God planted these
in my consciousness. All that the Father has is mine because God constitutes
my consciousness. My consciousness embodies the infinity of being.
There is no real limitation anywhere in the world except the limitation
we place on ourselves. Everyone on the face of the globe can experience the
allness of God because Consciousness is indivisible. So it is that any person
can have an infinity of supply, and there will still be enough left over so that
everyone else can also have an infinity of supply. God constitutes our
consciousness, and God is infinite being.
When we make this transition, our whole state of consciousness
undergoes a change because now, instead of looking to the body for health,
our vision is on Consciousness. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free." The truth is:
My life is not in man or in matter, but in God. God constitutes my life,
and therefore, my life is eternal.
God "is the health of my countenance," and God is omnipresence. The
more we live with that, the less we look to the body, and the fewer fears we
have of our aches and pains. We are never really separated from our health,
our supply, or our happiness, completeness, and perfection.
We can enjoy human relationships, certainly, but we must never be so
dependent on them that an absence of them breaks our heart. Once a person
makes the transition to a point where he finds his completeness in
Consciousness, the whole nature of his life changes. There are no vacuums in
Consciousness: there is only the going and coming of the human scene as the
fulfillment of the activity of Consciousness. When our home experience is
the activity of Consciousness unfolding, we will find a complete continuity
of harmony.
Until one is ready for it, this matter of transition, finding our allness in
Consciousness rather than in man, body, or purse, is difficult. It must be
continuously remembered:
I have my good in my consciousness. I find the harmony of being in my
consciousness, and it is the harmony of my body and of my human
relationships. My supply is God, or Consciousness. God constitutes my
consciousness, and all that the Father has is mine.
This should become a matter of hourly practice until that moment of
transition when we can say, "Whereas I was blind, now I see."
The reason that we cannot be more specific than this is that
Consciousness is not encased in our body. Our consciousness is actually
Omnipresence. Our consciousness is not confined to time or space; therefore,
the moment we are called upon for help from any part of the world and close
our eyes to realize Omnipresence, we can be certain that our patient
anywhere in the world will receive the benefit of the treatment. There is but
one Being, and God is that Being.
I and the Father are one, not two, and all that is true of the Father is true
of me. God is the Selfhood of my being, and this is universally true.
To be able to close our eyes, shut out all persons, and realize that our
good and our companionship are in Consciousness, would mean that on
opening the eyes we would find ourselves in the presence of those necessary
to our experience. But first the human experience must be blotted out. "We
cannot meet a problem on the level of the problem."
To find our good in the Consciousness which we are is to bring such a
change in individual consciousness that bit by bit over a period of time we
would find ourselves in a whole new consciousness, and would see our life
transformed and on higher ground.
I am an - the skies above, the earth beneath, the waters and all that is in
them are embodied in my consciousness because God constitutes my
consciousness. The infinite allness of God is mine. In my oneness with God,
I am all.
This realization of oneness is our assurance of completeness and
perfection, and it acts to break the human ties of dependence on person,
place, or thing. In one experience after another, we transfer our allegiance or
faith from effect back to Cause. In the realization of our Self, we will break
our dependency on "man, whose breath is in his nostrils." Since God
constitutes our consciousness, and God constitutes the consciousness of
every individual on the face of the earth, we are one with everybody.
With every appearance of discord, we lift our thought immediately in
I find my oneness in Consciousness which is Cause, not in matter or
effect. I look to Cause for my peace, my wholeness, my satisfaction, and my
joy, and these become manifest in tangible form.
This is all an activity of transition which happens at a specific moment
in our life. Every day, we make the decision to live in Consciousness, to find
our health and our supply in Consciousness, and in Consciousness alone.
After that, we drop it, and let it rest, but sometime later in the day we will
again remember that we are seeking our good in omnipresent Consciousness.
As we persist in that, we bring the day closer when the transition does take
place. Then there are no more statements or declarations: there is just the
living of it.
This cannot be explained to anyone, and moreover, we have no right to
try to explain it. This is an experience to be lived, but never talked about
because the human mind could never understand what mean by transition or

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