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Work Plan in Science 3

First Quarter (S.Y. 2022-2023)

Topics Pages

Chapter 1: Science Process Skills

Lesson 1: Measuring 2-9
Lesson 2: Communicating 10-18
Chapter 2: All About Matter
Lesson 1: Properties of Matter 19-24

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Solid, Liquid, and Gas 25-32

Lesson 3: Physical Change 33-37
Lesson 4: Chemical Change 38-46
Chapter 3: Living Things and Non-Living Things 47-48
Lesson 1: Characteristics of Living Things 49-59
Lesson 2: Heredity, Inheritance, and Variation 60-66
Lecture Notes in Science 3
First Quarter- SY. 2022-2023

Chapter 1: Science Process Skills

Lesson 1: Measuring
Measuring- is used in making observations, classifying, and comparing things.
- Used to know the length, height, weight, and temperature of an objects or
Metric System-also known as the International System of Units (SI).
Meter (m) and Centimeter (cm) - units to measure length
Meter stick and Tape measure-standard tools in measuring the length of objects like
rope, cloth, tables, and others.
Grams and Kilograms- standard units of measure for mass.
Weighing scale- used to measure the mass of objects or people.
Temperature-is the measure of coldness or hotness of an object or people.
Thermometer-used to measure temperature.
Celsius and Fahrenheit- temperature scale
Degrees (‫)ﹾ‬-unit of measure for temperature.
100 ‫ﹾ‬C or 212‫ﹾ‬F-boiling point of water
0 ‫ﹾ‬C or 32‫ﹾ‬F- freezing point of water

Lesson 2: Communicating
Communicating- is a process skill with the purpose of presenting information for a
clearer and better understanding.
Data- information gathered.
Information is presented through tables, charts, or graphs.
Table or Chart is a tabulated form of a graph.
Graphs- is a diagram that has two axes as boarders in presenting data that are easier
to understand and shows comparison.
Kinds of Graph
Line graph-present data with the used of dots that are connected to each other.
Bar graph- present data using bar which is either vertical or horizontal
Pictograph- present data using pictures or symbols.
Pie Chart- it compares parts to a whole.

Chapter 2: All about Matter

Lesson 1: Properties of Matter

Matter- is everything around that takes up space and has mass or weight.
Three States of Matter
Solid- has definite shape and volume
Liquid –has definite volume, but takes the shape of the container.
Gas- has no definite volume and shape.

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Solid, Liquid, and Gas

Solid-has definite shape and volume, particles are very close together.
Characteristics of Solid:
1. Brittleness- refers to how materials can easily be broken or cracked into pieces.
2. Hardness- refers to how materials can resist abrasion or scratching.
3. Elasticity- refers to how materials can be stretched when pressure is applied like
rubber bands.
4. Malleability- refers how materials are capable of being pressed, hammered, or
rolled into different shapes and sizes without breaking.
5. Tenacity/ Strength- refers to how strong materials can resist being moved or
broken by force like metals.

Liquid- has definite volume, but takes the shape of the container. The particles are
apart from each other.
Characteristics of Liquids
1. Liquid can expand when heated.
2. Liquids contract when cooled.
3. Some liquids are viscous.
4. Liquid can dissolve or melt some solids.

Gas- has no definite volume and shape. Particles are very far apart from each other.

Lesson 3: Physical Change

Physical Change-happens when the size, shape, or weight of matter changes but still
retains its identity.
Ways on How Matter can Change its form:
1. Evaporation- liquid turns into gas
2. Condensation-gas turns into liquid
3. Melting-solid substance changes into liquid
4. Freezing-liquid changes into solid
5. Sublimation- solid turns to gas

Lesson 4: Chemical Change

Chemical Change-happens when the appearance of matter is completely different and
a new substance is formed.
Indications of Chemical Change:
1. Rotting-happens when matter undergoes decomposition from the action of
bacteria or fungi.
2. Cooking-happens when ingredients are put together and cooked on fire.
3. Burning- happens when matter completely changes its physical appearance
when put on fire or when flame is applied to it.
4. Rusting- happens when a reddish-brown substance is formed on metals.

Unit 2: Living Things and Their Environment

Chapter 3: Lesson 1: Characteristics of Living Things
Living things- are things that are alive. They need food, water, and air to live. They
reproduce, grow and change, and respond to changes in the environment.
Characteristics of living Things:
1. Living things need food.
Go foods- energy giving foods like rice, bread and cereals.
Grow foods- sources of fruits and vegetables that keep the body healthy.
Herbivores- animals that eat plants.
Carnivores-animals that eat meat.
Omnivores – animals that eat both plants and meat.
Photosynthesis- process in which plants use sunlight to make their own food.

2. Living things move.

Internal Movement-movement happens inside the body.
External Movement- movement from one place to another.
3. Living things need air.
Oxygen-people and animals breath in.
Carbon dioxide -plants need to make food.
4. Living things excrete waste
5. Living things grow.
Physical Change- body sizes and appearance changes
Mental Change- learns how to read and write, and makes decisions.
Social change-learns how to deal with other people
Emotional change-happens hen a child can control emotions
6. Living things react to changes.
7. Living things reproduce.
Reproduction-production of offspring
Non- living things- are things that were once alive or have never been alive. Hese do
not need the basic necessities of living things.

Lesson 2: Heredity. Inheritance, and Variation

Heredity-is the passing of traits or characteristics from parents to their children.

Variation in these traits make you a unique person and look like the way you do.

Traits that offspring get from their parents:

a. Color of the eyes
b. Kind and color of the hair
c. Shape of the face
d. Skin color or complexion
e. Height
f. Cleft chin
g. Clubbed thumb
h. Curled toes

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