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ENA NENS 04—2006


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ENA NENS 04—2006
This document refers to various standards, guidelines, calculations, legal
requirements, technical details and other information.
Over time, changes in Australian Standards, industry standards and legislative
requirements, as well as technological advances and other factors relevant to the
information contained in this document, may affect the accuracy of the information
contained in this document. Accordingly, caution should be exercised in relation to
the use of the information in this document.
The Energy Networks Association (ENA) accepts no responsibility for the accuracy
of any information contained in this document or the consequences of any person
relying on such information.
Correspondence should be addressed to the CEO, Energy Networks Association,
Level 3, 40 Blackall Street, Barton, ACT 2600.
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First published as ESAA NENS 04—2003.

Redesignated as ENA NENS 04—2006.


© Energy Networks Association 2006

All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the Association.

Published by Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001 for the Energy Networks Association,
Level 3, 40 Blackall Street, Barton, ACT 2600.

ISBN: 0 7337 7519 5

1 ENA NENS 04—2006


1 PREFACE ................................................................................................................. 2
2 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 3
3 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................... 3
4 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................... 4
5 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................... 5
6 SAFE APPROACH DISTANCES............................................................................. 9

A BASE ASSUMPTIONS FOR FLASHOVER DERIVATIONS ............................... 19
AUTHORISED PERSONS ..................................................................................... 21
WORK ON OR NEAR ELECTRICAL APPARATUS............................................ 30
E REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .............................................................................. 32
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ENA NENS 04—2006 2

Energy Networks Association

National guidelines for safe approach distances to electrical and
mechanical apparatus

This Guideline is identical to the publication previously issued by the Electricity Supply
Association of Australia (ESAA) as ESAA NENS 04—2003 and has been redesignated and
reissued by Energy Networks Association (ENA) as ENA NENS 04—2006. A number of
other ESAA documents have been reissued by the Energy Networks Association.
Restructuring of the electricity supply industry throughout Australia and New Zealand has
removed traditional geographical boundaries and greatly increased the likelihood that
employees and service providers move between organisations, States and Countries.
The Electricity Supply Association of Australia (ESAA) has produced a National Electricity
Network Safety Code as the peak hierarchical document on electricity industry safety in
Australia with the objectives to:
• promote safety as a priority for customers, the public and industry workers;
• promote nationally consistent practices;

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promote economic efficiencies through standardisation; and

• simplify the interpretation of regulatory requirements.
These Guidelines were developed jointly by representatives of the Australian generation,
transmission and distribution electricity supply industry and the Electricity Supply
Association of Australia to support the objectives of the National Electricity Network
Safety Code and fit into the following framework.

Acts and


Standards and

Policies, Practices
and Approved

These Guidelines have been produced to assist in the development and application of
standards for Safe Approach Distances to apparatus in the electricity supply industry.

3 ENA NENS 04—2006

Safety will be further enhanced by nationally consistent safe approach guidelines, as

increasing network contestability results in Network Operator staff and contractors
regularly crossing State and network boundaries in the course of their work. It is
recommended that the Safe Approach Distances within these Guidelines are not altered on a
local basis without consideration of the desirability of achieving uniformity across the
electricity supply Industry.
These Guidelines set out minimum industry standards. These Guidelines are advisory only
and do not substitute for, or override, any legislation, regulation or safety rules
implemented by jurisdictional Regulators or Network Operators.
These Guidelines include terminology that could appear unfamiliar to some sectors of the
electricity supply industry, however, the terms adopted have been selected on their general
usage and acceptability.
The Guidelines include mandatory and advisory provisions and are formulated in such a
way that, depending on statutory requirements, sections that use the word ‘shall’ provide
mandatory provisions and sections that use the word ‘should’ provide advisory or
discretionary provisions.
The use of italics indicates the word or words are as defined in these Guidelines.

These Guidelines are intended to—
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(a) Support the Electricity Supply Industry in ensuring the safety of electrical and other
workers and the general public by the development of appropriate Safe Approach
Distances to electrical apparatus for various classes of persons, and mobile plant and
(b) Provide the basic technical material necessary for Network Operators to develop
work practice, and related training and awareness programs.
(c) Provide recommendations for appropriate Safe Approach Distances for members of
the general public.
(d) Provide the Electricity Supply Industry with a sound basis for controlling activities,
where possible, of the general public near network assets.

These Guidelines apply to all work on or near electrical apparatus managed by Network
Operators, but excluding:
(a) high voltage live work;
(b) work on electrical apparatus which is isolated and earthed and covered by a Network
Operator’s Access Authority;
(c) work on electrical installations complying with AS/NZS 3000; and
(d) extra low voltage work.
These Guidelines should be applied in the context that—
(i) Appropriate workplace hazard and risk assessments are carried out as required.
(ii) The Safe Approach Distances used are appropriate for the type of person, training and
work to be performed.
(iii) Other Guidelines applicable to particular work processes such as vegetation
management are to be used.

ENA NENS 04—2006 4

‘Access Authority’ means any form of authorisation which allows access to, work on or
near, or testing of electrical apparatus.
‘Approved’ means having appropriate organisation endorsement in writing for a specific
‘Authorised Person’ means a person with technical knowledge or sufficient experience who
has been approved, or has the delegated authority to act on behalf of the Network Operator,
to perform the duty concerned.
‘Cable’ means an insulated conductor or two or more such conductors laid together,
whether with or without fillings, reinforcements or protective coverings.
‘Competent’ means having the skills, knowledge and attributes a person needs to complete
a task.
‘Conductor’ means a wire, cable or form of metal designed for carrying electric current.
‘De-energised’ means not connected to any source of electrical supply but not necessarily
‘Earthed’ means directly electrically connected to the general mass of earth so as to ensure
and maintain the effective dissipation of electrical energy.
‘Electrical apparatus’ means any electrical equipment, including overhead lines and
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underground cables, the conductors of which are live or can be made live.
‘Electricity network’ means transmission and distribution systems consisting of electrical
apparatus which are used to convey or control the conveyance of electricity between
generators’ points of connection and customers’ points of connection.
‘Energised’ means connected to a source of electrical supply.
‘Extra low voltage’ or ‘ELV’ means a nominal voltage not exceeding 50 V a.c. or 120 V
‘High voltage’ or ‘HV’ means a nominal voltage exceeding 1000 V a.c. or exceeding
1500 V d.c.
‘Instructed Person’ means a person adequately advised or supervised by an Authorised
Person to enable them to avoid the dangers which electricity may create.
‘Insulated’ means separated from adjoining conducting material by a non-conducting
substance which provides resistance to the passage of current, or to disruptive discharges
through or over the surface of the substance at the operating voltage, to mitigate the danger
of shock or injurious leakage of current.
‘Isolated’ means disconnected from all possible sources of electricity supply by means that
prevent unintentional energisation of the apparatus and that are assessed as a suitable step
in the process of making safe for access purposes.
‘Live’ means energised or subject to hazardous induced or capacitive voltages.
‘Live work’ means all work performed on components of electrical apparatus not isolated,
proved de-energised and earthed.
‘Low voltage’ or ‘LV’ means a nominal voltage exceeding 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c., but not
exceeding 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c.
‘Mobile plant’ means cranes, elevating work platforms, tip trucks or similar plant, any
equipment fitted with a jib or boom and any device capable of raising or lowering a load.
‘Near’ means a situation where there is a reasonable possibility of a person, either directly
or through any conducting medium, coming within the relevant Safe Approach Distances.

5 ENA NENS 04—2006

‘Network Operator’ means the owner, controller or operator of an electricity network.

‘Nominal voltage (U)’ means the a.c. (phase to phase r.m.s.) or d.c. voltage by which a
system of supply is designated.
‘Ordinary Person’ means a person without sufficient training or experience to enable them
to avoid the dangers which electrical apparatus may create.
‘Safe’ means not posing an unacceptable risk to life, health or property.
‘Safe Approach Distance (SAD)’ means the minimum separation in air from an exposed
conductor that shall be maintained by a person, or any object (other than insulated objects
designed for contact with live conductors) held by or in contact with that person.
‘Safe Approach Distance for Ordinary Persons’ means the minimum distance that shall be
maintained by an Ordinary Person from electrical apparatus. This Safe Approach Distance
is not associated with performing electrical work on an electricity network.
‘Safe Approach Distance for Mobile Plant Operated by Ordinary Persons’ means the
minimum distance that shall be maintained between mobile plant (including its load,
controlling ropes and any other accessories) and electrical apparatus, when such plant is
operated by an Ordinary Person. This Safe Approach Distance is not associated with
performing electrical work on an electricity network.
‘Safe Approach Distance for Instructed or Authorised Persons’ means the minimum
distance that shall be maintained by an Instructed Person or an Authorised Person when
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performing work that requires that person to approach electrical apparatus. An appropriate
hazard and risk assessment shall be completed for work at these approach distances.
‘Safe Approach Distance for Mobile Plant Operated by Instructed or Authorised Persons’
means the minimum distance that shall be maintained between mobile plant (including its
load, controlling ropes and any other accessories) and electrical apparatus, when such plant
is operated by an Instructed or Authorised Person. An appropriate hazard and risk
assessment shall be completed for work at these approach distances.
‘Safe Approach Distance – Special Limit for Authorised Persons Only’ means the
minimum distance that shall be maintained by an Authorised Person when performing work
that requires that person to approach electrical apparatus at a distance less than the Safe
Approach Distance for Instructed or Authorised Persons defined above.
‘Safety Observer’ means a person competent for the task and specifically assigned the duty
of observing and warning against unsafe approach to electrical apparatus, or other unsafe
‘Shall’ - is to be interpreted as ‘mandatory’.
‘Should’ - is to be interpreted as ‘advisory or discretionary’.
‘Vehicle’ means a truck (non tipping), car, utility, or other general purpose conveyance
used for the carriage of persons or goods.
‘Voltage’ means a potential difference between conductors or between conductors and

5.1 General
In determining the Safe Approach Distances within these Guidelines, it has been assumed
that these distances are only one element of an integrated safety management system. As
such, these Safe Approach Distances must be adopted in conjunction with appropriate
training and workplace risk assessment and management systems.

ENA NENS 04—2006 6

The high voltage Safe Approach Distances for Instructed or Authorised Persons in these
Guidelines have been derived by:
(a) considering the behaviour of electrical power systems under steady state and transient
(b) determining the distances in air necessary to avoid electrical flashover under these
different conditions;
(c) providing additional allowance for inadvertent movement of the person or mobile
plant relative to a part of electrical apparatus and/or the movement of the electrical
apparatus relative to the person or mobile plant. These allowances for inadvertent
movement are selected differently for steady state and transient overvoltage cases, in
order to provide a broadly similar level of risk reduction and to recognise the very
infrequent nature of the higher magnitude transient overvoltages; and
(d) rounding off, and grouping of distances for some voltages, to provide a workable set
of practical distances.
In determining an appropriate set of Safe Approach Distances, it is necessary to consider a
range of electrical and other risk factors. These factors include the electrical behaviour of
air gaps under normal 50 Hz conditions and under transient overvoltage conditions, the
nature of work being undertaken, atmospheric conditions and the range and effectiveness of
other risk control mechanisms that apply.
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Two electrical risks have been identified that can dictate Safe Approach Distances under
different system conditions or for different system voltages.
The first of these is the risk of contact or close approach to an energised conductor causing
power frequency (50 Hz) flashover. The second electrical risk consideration relates to
switching surges.
These Guidelines have been derived on the basis of independently considering power
frequency and switching surge safety distances for each system voltage, and selecting the
greater of the two as the figure applied for that voltage. Lightning risks have not been
considered (refer Section 5.5).
Details on the assumptions used for the derivation of power frequency and switching surge
flashover distances are given in Annex A. The derived withstand distances and selection of
the Safe Approach Distance for Instructed or Authorised Persons for each system voltage
are summarised in Annex B. A detailed example of switching surge and power frequency
withstand calculations is provided in Annex C.
Allowances for inadvertent movement with respect to the Safe Approach Distances for
Instructed or Authorised Persons have been determined based on reasonably foreseeable
events occurring in work over prolonged periods by trained persons.
When determining the Safe Approach Distances for application to Ordinary Persons and for
mobile plant greater allowances for inadvertent movement have been allowed.
In all cases, no allowance has been made for the gross movement of persons and/or mobile
plant relative to the electrical apparatus arising from factors such as the failure of
structural supports, the electrical apparatus or of elevating platforms.
As an outcome from the approach of assigning different allowances for inadvertent
movement for power frequency and switching surge conditions, the risk of causing power
frequency flashover dictates Safe Approach Distance requirements at distribution voltages
(typically, up to and including 66 kV). At transmission voltages, and for mobile plant
clearances, consideration of switching surges determines the necessary distances to be

7 ENA NENS 04—2006

5.2 Authorised Persons, Instructed Persons and Ordinary Persons

Safe Approach Distances in these Guidelines are provided for Authorised Persons,
Instructed Persons and Ordinary Persons.
In order to ensure the appropriate application of the distances to classes of person, guidance
is provided in Annex D as to the knowledge, skills and competencies these classes of
persons would typically have. This list of typical attributes can be used as a guide in
determining the appropriate classification of people, and hence the selection of appropriate
minimum Safe Approach Distances.
Authorised Persons and Instructed Persons shall have sufficient knowledge and experience
to ensure control of body and plant movements to maintain Safe Approach Distances.
5.3 Power frequency
The distance to ensure power frequency safety has been determined for each system voltage
by calculating a power frequency flashover distance and then adding an allowance for
inadvertent movement of 600 mm for personal approach.
An example of Safe Approach Distance determination applicable to a 22 kV distribution
system is shown in Figure 1.
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5.4 Switching surge

Due to the nature of the generation of system transients there is no specific level of system
overvoltage that defines the maximum switching surge level. Switching surges are
characterised by a range of overvoltage amplitudes with a likelihood of occurrence.
It is normal practice when designing for switching surges to consider the magnitude of
voltage that represents a severe overvoltage condition that probabilistically has very little
likelihood of occurring. This practice has been adopted in these Guidelines.
With respect to switching surge behaviour, the second primary consideration is that air gaps
do not break down uniformly under the same overvoltage conditions. This variable
withstand characteristic of air is also considered in deriving appropriate Safe Approach

ENA NENS 04—2006 8

The combination of the above factors means that at various distances from an energised
conductor it is only possible, for switching surges, to derive flashover risk contours.
The selection of a distance at which the risk of flashover is reduced to as low as reasonably
practicable (ALARP) levels is considered an appropriate methodology in determining
electrical withstand distances.
It should be noted that, due to the nature of transient flashover risk contours, encroachment
within the selected switching surge withstand distance does not necessarily lead to
flashover but only an increased probability of such an event. This is unlike power frequency
flashover, where encroachment within the power frequency withstand envelope around a
conductor leads to almost certain flashover.
For this reason, greater allowance for inadvertent movement is provided for when
determining Safe Approach Distances for power frequency flashover than is added to the
selected switching surge flashover risk contour for a similar overall level of risk.
An allowance for inadvertent movement in relation to switching surges of 300 mm for
personal approach (except at low voltage) and 1000 mm for mobile plant has been used in
these Guidelines.
An example of flashover risk contours and the Safe Approach Distance determination
applicable to a 500 kV transmission system is shown in Figure 2:
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5.5 Risks excluded

Lightning transients are not considered in the derivation of Safe Approach Distances.
When lightning is nearby, further consideration needs to be given as to whether the work
should continue or cease.
Other rare scenarios such as ferroresonance and restriking of circuit-breakers have not been
considered and should be managed by operational or other controls rather than by Safe
Approach Distances.

9 ENA NENS 04—2006


The guidance provided in this Section should be used in conjunction with the information in
Sections 5 and 7.
These distances apply to bare, covered and insulated conductors.
The Safe Approach Distances in these Guidelines are based on an ‘exclusion zone’
principle. This principle defines an area around the electrical apparatus into which no part
of the person, mobile plant or object (other than approved insulated objects) may encroach.
It should be noted that the Safe Approach Distances in this Section apply to electrical
apparatus energised at system voltages. Safe Approach Distances for testing of electrical
apparatus shall be based on the characteristics of the applied waveform and the
consequences of failure under test. (Also refer to Section 7 and Annex A of this document.)
It is recognised that this principle is different to that which has historically been applied for
approach by persons in some jurisdictions. Some distances were derived on the basis that
the position of the person’s body would be such as to allow for the full extension of an arm
and the additional length of a tool.
The application of dual principles has led to different numerical values, however the
practical result is that ‘working clearances’ to electrical apparatus are in fact similar.
It is recognised that Ordinary Persons may not be able to distinguish between high voltage
and low voltage conductors. Consultation is required to determine the operating voltage of
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the apparatus so that an Ordinary Person can be advised of the appropriate Safe Approach
For approach closer than these distances, an Ordinary Person shall become an Instructed
Person as described in Section 6.2.
6.1 Safe Approach Distance for Ordinary Persons
Table 1 provides Safe Approach Distances for Ordinary Persons and is broadly based on
HB C(b)1 – 1999, ‘Guidelines for Design and Maintenance of Overhead Distribution and
Transmission Lines’, Page 34 Table 8.1 ‘Clearances from Structures.’
At system voltages up to 33 kV, the HB C(b)1 – 1999 figures have been modified to
provide more practical and useful distances for this application and to include HVDC.
Safe Approach Distances in Table 1 are for Ordinary Persons who carry out any activity
(including work and recreation) near overhead power lines.

ENA NENS 04—2006 10

Nominal Phase to Phase a.c. Safe Approach Distance for
Voltage (kV) Ordinary Persons (mm)
Up to and including 33 with 3000
no consultation with the
Network Operator
LV after consultation with 1000
Network Operator
Above LV and up to and 2000
including 33 after consultation
with Network Operator
Above 33, up to and including 3000

220 4500
275 5000
330 6000
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400 6000
500 6000
Nominal Pole to Earth d.c. Safe Approach Distance for
Voltage (kv) Ordinary Persons (mm)
Up to +/- 150 3000
+/- 270 4500
+/- 350 5000
+/- 400 6000
NOTE: The figures given in Table 1 labelled ‘after consultation with
Network Operator’ are recommended as the minimum Safe Approach
Distance that shall be advised to the public following review of the
activity including risk assessment.

6.2 Safe Approach Distances for Instructed or Authorised Persons

Table 2 provides recommended Safe Approach Distances for Instructed or Authorised
Persons and is applicable to electrical apparatus except where an earthed metallic screen is

11 ENA NENS 04—2006

Nominal Phase to Phase Safe Approach Distance
a.c. Voltage (kV) (mm)
Instructed Person –
no contact
Low voltage
Authorised Person –
insulated contact only
11 700
22 700
33 700
50 750
66 1000
110 1000
132 1200
220 1800
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275 2300
330 3000
400 3300
500 3900
Nominal Pole to Earth Safe Approach Distance
d.c. Voltage (kV) (mm)
+/- 25 700
+/- 85 1000
+/- 150 1200
+/- 270 1800
+/- 350 2500
+/- 400 2900

6.3 Safe Approach Distance—Special Limit of Approach for Authorised Persons Only
Instructed Persons and Ordinary Persons shall not work to special limits of approach.
The Safe Approach Distance – Special Limit for Authorised Persons Only is to be
determined by a detailed study and a specific risk assessment for the task being considered.
Information relevant to this consideration is included in Section 7.
A Safety Observer shall be used unless the risk assessment determines appropriate controls
are in place which prevent unsafe approach to electrical apparatus.
6.4 Safe Approach Distances for Mobile Plant Operated by Ordinary Persons
Table 3 provides the minimum Safe Approach Distances for Mobile Plant Operated by
Ordinary Persons near electrical apparatus.

ENA NENS 04—2006 12

For approach closer than these distances, an Ordinary Person shall become an Instructed
Person as described in Section 6.5, in accordance with Network Operator’s procedures.


Nominal Phase to Phase a.c. Safe Approach Distance

Voltage (mm)
Up to and including 132 3000
Above 132, up to and 6000
including 330
500 8000

Nominal Pole to Earth Safe Approach Distance

d.c. Voltage (mm)
Up to and including +/- 150 3000
Above +/- 150 and up to and 6000
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including +/- 400

6.5 Safe Approach Distances for Mobile Plant Operated by Instructed or Authorised
Table 4 provides recommended Safe Approach Distances for Mobile Plant Operated by
Instructed or Authorised Persons. It is based upon the use of a Safety Observer, withstand
for maximum switching surges plus an allowance of 1 metre for inadvertent movement.
These Safe Approach Distances shall only be applied by the Network Operator following
review of the activity including a risk assessment as described in Sections 5 and 7.
Table 4 provides minimum Safe Approach Distances for Mobile Plant Operated by
Instructed or Authorised Persons. For application to both Instructed Persons and
Authorised Persons, the same competency standard shall apply for both classes of person
for the particular task. Refer to Section 7 for details.
The Safe Approach Distance for un-insulated portions of mobile plant is based on the
personal Safe Approach Distances in Table 2.

13 ENA NENS 04—2006

Safe Approach Safe Approach
Nominal Phase to Phase a.c. Voltage Distance for Distance for
(kV) un-insulated portions insulated
(mm) portions (mm)
Low Voltage 1000 Contact allowable
Above LV, up to and including 33 1200 700
50 1300 750
66 1400 1000
Above 66, up to and including 132 1800 -
Above 132, up to and including 220 2400 -
275 3000 -
330 3700 -
400 4000 -
500 4600 -
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Nominal Pole to Earth Safe Approach Safe Approach

d.c. Voltage Distance for Distance for
(kV) un-insulated portions insulated
(mm) portions (mm)
+/- 25 1200 700
+/- 85 1800 1000
+/- 150 1800 -
+/- 270 2400 -
+/- 350 3200 -
+/- 400 3600 -

A special limit of approach may be required for specific tasks, where the distance to
electrical apparatus is lower than the Safe Approach Distance for Mobile Plant operated by
Instructed or Authorised Persons shown in Table 4. Review and risk assessments particular
to the specific work process shall be carried out in accordance with Sections 5 and 7.
Direct contact with live conductors shall only be acceptable under approved live working
procedures. Whenever a special limit of approach is applied, the maximum practicable
clearance from conductors shall be maintained.
6.6 Safe Approach Distances for Vehicles Operated by Ordinary Persons
Table 5 provides recommended Safe Approach Distances for vehicles operated by Ordinary
Persons. It is based upon:
(a) for high voltage, a distance of 4600 mm (the height of the tallest legal height vehicle
considered) from line construction clearances found in Table 7.1, and the risk
analysis in Appendix G, of HB C(b)1 – 1999, ‘Guidelines for Design and
Maintenance of Overhead Distribution and Transmission Lines’; and
(b) for low voltage, a Safe Approach Distance of 600 mm.

ENA NENS 04—2006 14


Nominal Phase to Phase a.c. Safe Approach Distance

Voltage For Ordinary Persons
(kV) (mm)
Low voltage 600
Above LV, up to and including 33 900
50, 66, 110 2100
132 2100
220 2900
275 2900
330 3400
400 4400
500 4400

Nominal Pole to Earth Safe Approach Distance

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d.c. Voltage For Ordinary Persons

(kV) (mm)
+/- 25 900
Above +/- 25, up to +/- 150 2100
Above +/-150, up to +/- 350 2900
+/- 400 3400

6.7 Safe Approach Distances for Vehicles Operated by Instructed or Authorised

Table 6 provides recommended Safe Approach Distances for vehicles operated by
Instructed Persons or Authorised Persons. It is based upon:
(a) for low voltage, a Safe Approach Distance of 600 mm; and
(b) for high voltage the distances are chosen as equal to the Safe Approach Distances
contained in Table 2 of this document.

15 ENA NENS 04—2006


Nominal Phase to Phase a.c. Safe Approach Distance for

Voltage Instructed or Authorised
(kV) Persons (mm)
Low voltage 600
Above LV, up to and including 33 700
50 750
66, 110 1000
132 1200
220 1800
275 2300
330 3000
400 3300
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500 3900
Nominal Pole to Earth Safe Approach Distance for
d.c. Voltage Instructed or Authorised
(kV) Persons (mm)
+/- 25 700
+/- 85 1000
+/- 150 1200
+/- 270 1800
+/- 350 2500
+/- 400 2900

6.8 Scaffolding
If there is a possibility of the Safe Approach Distance for Ordinary Persons being breached
during the erection or dismantling of scaffolding near electrical apparatus, the Network
Operator shall be contacted to carry out a technical assessment and ensure that adequate
precautions are used.
Clearances to erected scaffolding shall be maintained as per HB C(b)1 – 1999, ‘Guidelines
for Design and Maintenance of Overhead Distribution and Transmission Lines’, Table 8.1
‘Clearances from Structures’.


Network Operators may, in certain circumstances, increase or decrease the Safe Approach
Distances to electrical apparatus indicated in Tables 1-5 in Section 6 of these Guidelines.
However, if Safe Approach Distances are to be reduced, stringent controls under instruction
or authorisation shall be introduced to the work practices to ensure that electrical safety is

ENA NENS 04—2006 16

The ESAA Safety Assurance Guidelines should be read in conjunction with this section for
a more complete understanding of risk management and its application for this purpose.
7.1 Increases to Safe Approach Distances
It is recognised that industry standards and practice in some states maintain greater
distances than given in Section 5 of these Guidelines. For certain types of work or classes
of authorisation and competency a greater distance than the above may be appropriate.
Network Operators should determine the applicability of the figures in Section 6 for
particular work circumstances, and may specify greater distances.
In particular, consideration needs to be given to errors in estimating distances at higher
voltages due to such factors as the larger Safe Approach Distances involved and parallax
errors. In these circumstances, it may be necessary to either increase distances or provide
methods for more accurate estimation of working distances.
7.2 Decreases to Safe Approach Distances—Determination of Special Limits for
Authorised Persons Only
A special limit of approach may be required for specific tasks where the distance to
electrical apparatus is less than the Safe Approach Distance for Instructed or Authorised
Persons shown in Table 2 of Section 6 of these Guidelines.
In order to undertake work using a Safe Approach Distance— Special Limits for Authorised
Persons Only, an appropriate risk assessment shall be undertaken. This risk assessment
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shall be undertaken in advance of the work and shall NOT be undertaken by the work team
on site.
Special limits of approach require tighter control over inadvertent movement. This may be
achieved by one or more of the following methods:
(a) installing appropriate temporary insulating barriers or fixed barriers to prevent
movement into the switching surge or power frequency flashover zone; or
(b) use of insulated mobile plant and equipment manufactured, installed, tested and
maintained to appropriate safety standards; or
(c) performing short duration tasks with controlled, deliberate body movements; or
(d) use of Safety Observers; or
(e) control of the movement of any apparatus.
An Authorised Person may perform a special work process or task that includes, but is not
limited to, some types of:
(i) operating work;
(ii) installation of earthing equipment;
(iii) testing;
(iv) approved rescue procedures;
(v) visual inspection;
(vi) installation of approved temporary insulating barriers manufactured, installed, tested
and maintained to appropriate safety standards;
(vii) insulator cleaning and maintenance;
(viii) vegetation management;
(ix) work within specific substation installations;
(x) use of hoists and scaffolds; and

17 ENA NENS 04—2006

(xi) excavation near Underground Cables.

Details of relevant factors to consider in determining an appropriate Safe Approach
Distance are given in the following sections.
7.2.2 Risk Assessments for Developing Safe Approach Distances—Special Limit for
Authorised Persons Only
All work processes and tasks are to be completed by persons who have received appropriate
training such that the work or task is performed in accordance with approved procedures.
The Safe Approach Distance—Special Limit for Authorised Persons Only is, in each case,
specific to the particular task or process being carried out. This will be highlighted in the
risk analysis and the personnel concerned will be specially trained and authorised. The
work process will be designed to minimise the duration and distance of incursion within the
Safe Approach Distance for Instructed or Authorised Persons.
The risk assessment and authorisation may apply to either a standard procedure or specific
instructions for an individual job.
Before performing work using a Safe Approach Distance—Special Limit for Authorised
Persons Only, a risk assessment shall be completed and may include the consideration of,
but is not limited to:
(a) taking the electrical apparatus out of service while working near it;
(b) the use of live working techniques and procedures;
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(c) the equipment being used, specifically where mobile plant is involved;
(d) the use of suitable personal protective equipment;
(e) allowance for conductor movement;
(f) provision of a Safety Observer;
(g) environmental factors, including EMF;
(h) the duration of incursion within the Safe Approach Distance for Instructed or
Authorised Persons;
(i) the use of special insulated operating or testing apparatus;
(j) restrictions on access and egress from the work site; and
(k) the possibility of unexpected movements of the worker relative to the electrical
7.2.3 Safety Observers
A Safety Observer shall:
(a) be specifically instructed in the workplace hazards applicable;
(b) ensure that all persons remain outside the specified minimum Safe Approach Distance
unless performing a rescue in accordance with approved procedures;
(c) not perform any other work while acting as a Safety Observer, which includes the
passing of tools directly to the person performing the work ; and
(d) be positioned at a suitable location to effectively observe and be able to immediately
communicate with workers performing the work.
7.2.4 Mobile plant
When considering special limits for mobile plant such as elevating work platforms, cranes,
hoists and borer-erectors, the following shall be considered in addition to the requirements
given in Sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2:

ENA NENS 04—2006 18

(a) site assessment and safe operation (stability issues and the like);
(b) whether the mobile plant is insulated or un-insulated;
(c) the nature of the task being undertaken, including the type of load being lifted;
(d) the vicinity of all conductors and other electrical apparatus at the work site;
(e) weather conditions; and
(f) use of additional Safety Observer(s).
7.3 Variation of calculated electrical withstand distance
Safe Approach Distances may also be varied by performing appropriate assessments of the
electrical withstand characteristics applicable to the particular system or work site. This is
most likely to be undertaken on transmission systems, typically 132 kV and above.
To vary these distances, the following shall be assessed:
7.3.1 Maximum overvoltage
(a) Mathematical modelling, studies, laboratory tests or system tests are required to
establish the maximum continuous overvoltage and the maximum switching surge
transient overvoltage.
(b) A lower maximum overvoltage can be used for the calculation if auto-reclose is
disabled and appropriate measures taken so that the circuit-breaker is not manually
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reclosed while work is being carried out.

(c) Where the maximum transient is controlled by spark gaps or surge arrestors fitted
adjacent to the work site, a lower maximum overvoltage can be used for the
calculation. For spark gaps refer to IEEE Standard 516 - 1995, Annex B for working
distance calculations.
7.3.2 Weather conditions
The voltage used for the calculation may be adjusted by a factor appropriate to the altitude
and weather conditions appropriate for the work.

19 ENA NENS 04—2006


The voltage withstand characteristics of air are dependent on a number of factors, including
the rise time of the voltage waveform. Consequently, different formulae are used to
calculate air gaps for continuous d.c., power frequency a.c. and switching surges.


The air gap required to withstand the power frequency voltage is calculated based on
CIGRE SC 22 WG 06 documents. The power frequency air gap calculated is a withstand
distance with approximately a 1 in 1000 chance of flashover.
The assumptions used in the power frequency air-gap calculations are as follows:
(a) Maximum operating voltage of 10% above nominal.
(b) Calculations are valid from sea level to 900 m above sea level.
(c) A gap factor of 1.25 has been assumed to take into account electrode geometry. This
gap factor is for conductor to plane geometry that is the most severe geometry
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applicable to this.
(d) An allowance for inadvertent movement of 600 mm for power frequency voltages has
been included. This allowance is a practical figure that is in accordance with North
American practice (refer IEEE Standard 516 - 1995) and which has been used
effectively within Australia for a number of years.


The air gap required to withstand a switching surge is calculated based on
IEEE Standard 516 - 1995. The switching surge air gap calculated is a withstand distance
with approximately a 1 in 1000 chance of flashover for the conditions assumed. For the
usual combination of conditions at typical work sites, the probability of flashover is in
practice in the order of 1 in 1,000,000.
The assumptions used in the switching surge air gap calculations are as follows:
(a) Maximum operating voltage of 10% above nominal.
(b) Transient overvoltage factor in per unit applied to maximum operating voltage:
3.0 pu less than 362 kV
2.7 pu 380 to 440 kV
2.4 pu 500 to 550 kV
2.0 pu 700 to 800 kV
(c) These factors assume that reclosing of circuits (either manually or by auto-reclose)
may occur.
(d) The above overvoltage levels have an approximate probability of 2% of being
exceeded on most systems.
(e) Relative air density is assumed to be 0.95 to allow for some reduced air withstand
capability due to humidity, temperature and pressure.
(f) Calculations are valid from sea level to 900 m above sea level.

ENA NENS 04—2006 20

(g) A gap factor to allow for tools in the air gap has been used. Allowance for inadvertent
movement of 300 mm has been included.


(a) HVDC air gap calculations are based on IEEE Standard 516 - 1995 for switching
surges and on EPRI’s HVDC Transmission Line Reference Book for continuous d.c.
(b) Transient overvoltage levels assumed for switching surge calculation were 2.0 pu for
all d.c. voltages.
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21 ENA NENS 04—2006


The following table gives the derivation of power frequency and switching surge flashover
distances, application of inadvertent movement allowance and rounding off to produce final
clearances contained in Table 2 of Section 6.2 (Safe Approach Distances for Instructed or
Authorised Persons).

Nominal Power Frequency Switching Surge
Phase to Distance (mm) Distance (mm) Selected
Phase a.c. Distance
Voltage 2 3 4 5 6 7 (mm)8
Electrical Ergonomic Total Electrical Ergonomic Total
11 35 600 635 66 300 366 700
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22 69 600 669 132 300 432 700

33 104 600 704 199 300 499 700
50 157 600 757 301 300 601 750
66 207 600 807 397 300 697 1000
110 345 600 945 662 300 962 1000
132 414 600 1014 794 300 1094 1200
220 691 600 1291 1324 300 1624 1800
275 863 600 1463 2017 300 2317 2300
330 1061 600 1661 2645 300 2945 2900
400 1462 600 2062 3020 300 3320 3300
500 2120 600 2720 3553 300 3853 3900

Nominal Continuous d.c. Switching Surge
Pole to Earth Distance (mm) Distance (mm) Selected
d.c. Distance
Voltage 2 3 4 5 6 7 (mm)
Electrical Ergonomic Total Electrical Ergonomic Total
+/- 25 72 600 672 123 300 423 700
+/- 85 243 600 843 418 300 718 1000
+/- 150 429 600 1029 737 300 1037 1200
+/- 270 772 600 1372 1326 300 1626 1800
+/- 350 1001 600 1601 2134 300 2434 2500
+/- 400 1144 600 1744 2604 300 2904 2900

ENA NENS 04—2006 22

NOTES: Applicable to Tables B1 and B2:

1 Column 1 is the nominal power system voltage.
2 Column 2 is the calculated power frequency electrical withstand distance based on the
assumptions in Annex A Section A2.
3 Column 3 is the allowance for inadvertent movement for power frequency.
4 Column 4 is the total distance required for power frequency withstand and includes the
electrical distance plus the allowance for inadvertent movement.
5 Column 5 is the calculated switching surge electrical withstand distance based on the
assumptions in Annex A Section A3.
6 Column 6 is the allowance for inadvertent movement for switching surge.
7 Column 7 is the total distance required for switching surge withstand and includes the
electrical distance plus the allowance for inadvertent movement.
8 Column 8 is the greater distance from columns 4 and 7 which is then rounded. The greater
distance from columns 4 and 7 is shown in bold face.
The electrical distances in the above table have been calculated with a combination of
conservative assumptions. This has allowed the minor rounding down of the calculated
distances for 275 kV, 330 kV and 400 kV a.c. and +/- 400 kV d.c. when selecting the
practical safety clearances to be observed (column 8 in the above tables), without concern
of any reduction in safety outcomes.

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The following table gives the switching surge flashover distances, application of
inadvertent movement allowance and rounding off to produce final Safe Approach
Distances for un-insulated parts of mobile plant contained in Table 4 of Section 6.5 (Safe
Approach Distances for Mobile Plant Operated by Instructed or Authorised Persons).


Nominal Phase Switching Surge

Distance (mm) Selected
to Phase a.c.
Voltage 5
1 2 3 4 (mm)
(kV) Electrical Ergonomic Total

LV No contact 1000 1000 1000

LV to 33 199 1000 1199 1200
50 286 1000 1286 1300
66 397 1000 1397 1400
110 662 1000 1662 1800
132 794 1000 1794 1800
220 1324 1000 2324 2400
275 2017 1000 3017 3000
330 2645 1000 3645 3700
400 3020 1000 4020 4000
500 3553 1000 4553 4600

23 ENA NENS 04—2006

Nominal Pole Switching Surge
to Earth d.c. Distance (mm)
Voltage 5
1 2
Electrical Ergonomic
4 (mm)
+/-25 123 1000 1123 1200
+/-85 418 1000 1418 1800
+/-150 737 1000 1737 1800
+/-270 1326 1000 2326 2400
+/-350 2134 1000 3134 3200
+/-400 2604 1000 3604 3600
NOTES: Applicable to Tables B3 and B4:
1 Column 1 is the nominal power system voltage.
2 Column 2 is the calculated switching surge electrical withstand distance based on the
assumptions in Annex A Section A3.
3 Column 3 is the allowance for inadvertent movement for mobile plant.
4 Column 4 is the total distance required for switching surge withstand and includes the
electrical distance plus the allowance for inadvertent movement.
5 Column 5 is the recommended distance.
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The electrical distances in the above table have been calculated with a combination of
conservative assumptions. This has allowed the minor rounding down of the calculated
distance for 275 kV and 400 kV a.c. and +/- 400 kV d.c. when selecting the practical safety
clearances to be observed (column 5 in Tables B3 and B4), without concern of any
reduction in safety outcomes.

ENA NENS 04—2006 24

In general, at the lower voltages, power frequency Safe Approach Distances apply. For the
higher voltages, switching surge dominates the Safe Approach Distance. The following
examples are indicative. A 22 kV power frequency calculation, a 500 kV a.c. switching
surge calculation, a +/-400 kV continuous d.c. calculation and a +/-400 kV d.c. switching
surge calculation are given.
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25 ENA NENS 04—2006


The following calculates the power frequency withstand clearance, as per CIGRE SC 22 WG 06 document, 22
- July 94 (WG06)03, a study by F. Kiessling on Tower Top Geometry. Equation comes from document 11
(Sec)48 of IEC TC 11. It is applicable to 50 and 60 Hz waveforms.
kV ≡ 10 ⋅ volt metres ≡ m Define kV unit

h ≡ 900 Height above sea level in metres

xA := ( 1 − 0.0001h
⋅ ) Correction factor for altitude

m0 ≡ 350⋅ kV Used to calculate M, the function coefficient

aA ≡ 0.88 Takes care of the envisaged exclusion limit. The value aA will
be 0.88 for 10% exclusion limit and 6% COV.

k ≡ 1.25 k=1.25 for conductor-plane

k=1.40 for conductor-roofs, small objects
k=1.65 for conductor-conductor
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For conductors to towers, k=1.25 should be assumed.

N ≡ 0.6 N=1 for H less than or equal to 1 metre

N=0.6 for H greater than 1 metre.

Um ≡ 22⋅ 1.1⋅ kV Um is the maximum operating phase to phase voltage (1.1pu)

363kV max. oper. for 330kV nominal
303kV for 275kV
145kV for 132kV
121kV for 110kV

erg ≡ 600⋅ mm Ergonomic distance to allow for inadvertent movement. Typically 600mm.
M := m0⋅ aA ⋅ xA Function Coefficient in kV

M = 280kV

 Um 
H :=   ⋅ metres Required 50Hz electrical clearance in air. If H is greater than 1, then set N=0.6.
 M⋅ k  If H is less than or equal to 1, then N=1.

H = 12mm
SAD := H + erg Calculated safe approach distance based on electrical plus mechanical distance

SAD = 612mm


SAD := 700⋅ mm Final power frequency safe approach distance after rounding

ENA NENS 04—2006 26


The following calculates switching surge air insulation distance based on IEEE 516 - 1995.


IEEE 516 Formula Constants

C1 ≡ 0.01 Constant for IEEE 516 formula. 0.01

C2 ≡ 1.1 Constant for IEEE 516 formula. 1.1 for tools in air gap, 1.0 for no tools in gap.

σ ≡ 0.05 Standard deviation for air insulation against a switching surge. (0.05)

T ≡ 2.4 Switching surge crest factor. Peak switching surge to nominal φ -G

peak. Up to 330 kV - 2 pu with autoreclose off, 3 pu with A/R on..

ovf ≡ 1.1 Overvoltage factor. Ratio of system operating voltage to nominal.

Vφφ ≡ 500⋅ kV Nominal RMS phase to phase voltage

Derg ≡ 300⋅ mm Ergonomic distance to be added to IEEE Std 516 electrical

distance. ( 0.3 m for hand work )

RAD ≡ 0.95 Relative air density. 0.95 for adverse weather.

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Vφφoper := Vφφ⋅ ovf RMS phase to phase voltage at system actual operating voltage

Vφφoper = 550kV

Vφφ⋅ ovf
Vφg := RMS phase to ground voltage at system actual operating voltage

Vφg = 317.543kV

Vφgss := Vφg⋅ T RMS phase to ground voltage of switching surge

Vφgss = 762.102kV

Vcrest := Vφgss⋅ 2 Peak phase to ground voltage of switching surge

Vcrest = 1078kV

27 ENA NENS 04—2006

IEEE Std 516 Air Insulation Distance

− 640⋅ kV
a := Air insulation saturation factor for > 640 kV

a = 0.00353
T⋅ Vφg
D1 := ( C1⋅ C2 + a) ⋅ ⋅ ft Air insulation φ -g distance for > 640 kV
D1 = 3.553m

Vφgss 0.3⋅ m
D2 := ⋅ Air insulation φ -g distance for < 640 kV. 100 kV / ft .
RAD 100⋅ kV
D2 = 2.407m

 Vcrest 
Dφg := if < 640⋅ kV, D2 , D1  Choose appropriate distance
 RAD 
Dφg = 3.553m IEEE Std 516 air insulation φ -g distance. 97.72 % probability of
withstand ( ie. 2.28 % probability of flashover).

Dφgerg := Dφg + Derg IEEE Std 516 air insulation φ -g distance plus ergonomic distance.

Dφgerg = 3.853m
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Dφgerg := 3900⋅ mm Final switching surge safe approach distance after rounding

ENA NENS 04—2006 28

The following calculates air insulation distances for continuous DC and also for switching surge on DC.
Continuous DC air gap calculation is based on EPRI's HVDC transmission Line Reference Book.
Switching surge air gap calculation is based on IEEE standard 516 - 1995.


Derg ≡ 300⋅ mm Ergonomic distance

RAD ≡ 0.95 Relative air density

Electrical - Voltage

C1 ≡ 0.01 Constant for IEEE 516 formula. 0.01

C2 ≡ 1.1 Constant for IEEE 516 formula. 1.1 for tools in air gap, 1.0 for no tools in gap.

σ ss ≡ 5⋅ % Standard deviation for switching surge

Vnom ≡ 400⋅ kV Nominal DC conductor to earth voltage

OVcont ≡ 1.1 Maximum continuous steady DC voltage. 1.0 to 1.1 pu V

OVsw ≡ 2.0 Maximum switching surge voltage. For DC systems usually 1.7 to 2pu
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Vsteady := Vnom⋅ OVcont Maximum continuous steady DC voltage

Vsteady = 440kV

Steady DC
Vdcwith := Vsteady ⋅ Required DC withstand voltage corrected to standard
RAD pressure and humidity

Vdcwith = 463.2kV

Ddc50 := 2.1⋅ mm⋅ kV ⋅ Vdcwith Air distance for 50% probability of flash over for positive
polarity from EPRI red book P. 146, Fig 10.4
Ddc50 = 973mm
Ddcwith := Steady DC withstand air distance. > 98 % probability of
1 − 3⋅ 0.05 withstand.

Ddcwith = 1144mm

Ddcwith := 1200⋅ mm Steady DC withstand air distance after rounding.

Switching Surge
Vss := Vsteady ⋅ OVsw ⋅ Peak switching surge phase to ground voltage for one air gap
RAD corrected to standard pressure and humidity
Vss = 926kV

29 ENA NENS 04—2006

IEEE Std 516 Air Insulation Distance

Vss − 640⋅ kV
a := Air insulation saturation factor for > 640 kV

a = 2.045 × 10
D1 := C1⋅ C2 + a ⋅ ) ⋅ ft Air insulation φ -g distance for > 640 kV
2⋅ kV
D1 = 2604mm

Vss 0.3⋅ m
D2 := ⋅ Air insulation φ -g distance for < 640 kV. 100 kV / ft .
2 100⋅ kV
D2 = 1965mm

DIEEE:= if Vss < 640⋅ kV, D2 , D1 ) Choose appropriate distance

DIEEE = 2604mm IEEE Std 516 air insulation φ -g distance. 97.72 % probability of

DIEEEerg := DIEEE + Derg IEEE Std 516 air insulation φ -g distance plus ergonomic distance.

DIEEEerg = 2904mm
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DIEEEerg := 2900⋅ mm Final switching surge safe approach distance after rounding

ENA NENS 04—2006 30

Overall knowledge, skill, & May be limited but
attitude to enable that person to X adequately advised to avoid 
avoid danger danger
Electricity work experience Limited Work Experience 
Ability to identify & determine Limited ability to identify 
operating voltages X voltages
Ability to perform the work Limited ability to perform 
unsupervised X the work unsupervised
Knowledge of consequences of Limited knowledge of 
any physical tasks performed X consequences of any
physical tasks performed
Able to control mobile plant Sufficient if a 
movements X X trained plant
Electricity safety assessment 
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analysis ability
Working knowledge 
of safety rules X X
Ability to supervise others 
Knowledge of relevant
organisational procedures X X 
Training & knowledge of
emergency and rescue X X 
Basic understanding of
electrical theory, system X X 
elements, and electrical
Ability to apply for access
authorities & prepare work X X 
method statements
Ability to prepare the worksite
for safe access X X 
Ability to identify the hazards
associated with work on or near X X 
live electrical apparatus.
Ability to identify, inspect and
test specialised safety X X 
X Without sufficient training or experience
 Trained and assessed for competency to perform the duty
NOTE: Not all attributes are necessarily required for all classes of persons.

31 ENA NENS 04—2006

Examples of Instructed and Authorised Persons

Instructed Persons
• A person required to enter an HV Switchyard and/or Enclosure accompanied
and supervised by an Authorised Person. (e.g External visitors inspecting or a
contract surveyor measuring)
• A person required to enter an HV Switchyard and/or Enclosure advised by an
Authorised Person to avoid the dangers which electricity may create. (e.g Own
Electricity Company employees inspecting or working at ground level)
• A crane driver, with crane, contracted by the Electricity Company advised
and/or supervised by an Authorised Person.
• Any other mobile plant driver (ie with a vehicle) contracted by the Electricity
Company advised and/or supervised by an Authorised Person.
• A contractor performing water quality tests at various substations advised by an
Authorised Person to avoid the dangers which electricity may create.
• A person (who is not an Authorised Person) signing on an appropriate Access
Authority is an Instructed Person as that person has been advised by an
Authorised Person to avoid the dangers which electricity may create.
Authorised Persons
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• Electrical (Switching) Operator (HV Switching, Earthing,

Tagging/Signs/Barriers, Issue of Access Authorities)
• Live Linesperson
• Network Controllers
• Electrical Testers
• Safety Observer

ENA NENS 04—2006 32

The following documents are referenced within this ESAA publication:
ESAA NENS 01 – 2001 National Electricity Network Safety Code
ESAA NENS 02 – 2001 National Electricity Network Operator and Safety Assurance
AS/NZS 3000:2000 Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring
HB C(b)1 – 1999 Guidelines for Design and Maintenance of Overhead Distribution and
Transmission Lines
IEEE Standard 516 – 1995 IEEE Guide for Maintenance Methods on Energized Power
CIGRE Technical Brochure 48– 1995 Tower Top Geometry
IEC TC 11 Document 11 Recommendations for calculations of safe electrical distances
of high-voltage lines
Downloaded by Brian Lester on 19 Feb 2007. For internal use within SAI Group only. See conditions of use for details.

HVDC Transmission Line Reference Book

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ENA NENS 04—2006



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ISBN 0 7337 7519 5

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