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“Liches. Terrifying creatures.

Spellcasters who were so desperate for their lust for knowledge

and power that they broke every natural law, bending the very forces of life to their own
whims. I can unfortunately say that I’ve met a few in my past. Every experience was bone
chilling, however, during my research on these foul monsters I found something so much
more chilling than your average lich. Often liches were once human. After all, humans are
rather short-lived in comparison to many of the other common races so it makes sense that
such a young and brash race would be so inclined to pervert their own lives in envy of the
longevity of other races. But nothing prepared me for the horror in my most recent
engagement with a lich. Small in stature, with a voice that I can only describe as a set of
chainmail being pressed against a broken whetstone. It was clear that this creature was
once a gnome in life. Now, I understand that the image of a gnome - even in the image of a
lich - feels comical as opposed to horrifying but I plead for you to heed my warning. Gnomes,
second only to the full blooded elves, live inconceivable years. They understand what it is
like to live through multiple generations of kings, they see lands change hands and watch as
kingdoms rise and fall around them. Therefore, I can only ponder what it must take for an
individual of such a race to want more. They already have felt what centuries are like, yet
such an individual still longs to see millenia pass. That kind of greed chills me to my core
and has given me nightmares ever since. This is my final piece before my retirement; my
final warning. Under no circumstances should you underestimate a lich, especially the small

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